
Starting Line 1

"Heads up Shota, we got called in, location Renitsu Hospital."

Shota Aizawa, a lanky teenager wearing an all black loose shirt and joggers, wraps of gray adorning his shoulders, eyes that gave dead fish eyes a whole new look, and long shaggy black hair spoke with clear annoyance.

"A villain attack at this hour, and a hospital no less? What did I expect from lowlifes..."

At the moment, the homeless looking hero was perched on the ledge of a two story café, droves of people shuffling like ants below as they went about their night lives with varying levels of eagerness and paranoia.

Next to him, garbed in standard gray military gear with a long red scarf, was an older man known as Silver Eye. He was an underground hero and Aizawa's mentor for his second year internship.

"Stop with the negativity Shota, it's not good to always have a fixed perspective." Silver Eye stifled a yawn and glanced up at the full moon. "Anyways, apparently some kid awakened their quirk while coming back from a trip out of town, causing his Father to wreck. The accident put both parents in critical condition and are being worked on right now while a quirk specialist is overseeing their son. Problem is, his quirk is going crazy and they need you."

Aizawa grimaced, knowing full and well why they had called Silver Eye, since he was conveniently mentoring someone who has a quirk that could solve the issue. Aizawa was always playing clean up for quirk accidents as of lately, and any thoughts of refusing them were stuffed down by his annoying sense of justice.

"How irrational, can I even say no to that? Can't they use quirk suppressing cuffs?"

Silver Eye frowned as he ran a hand through his gray hair, "Nope, who would want to be put a kid in cuffs, four years old at that. It's not all bad though, we can use this as an opportunity, and if you just so happen to beat me there I will call off this night's patrol."

The older hero turned to Aizawa, chuckling softly as he saw the glint in his pupil's eye, "No streets however, only back alley's and roofs."

Aizawa somewhat deflated, "Understood."

No more words were spoken, Silver Eye blinking both eyelids before he simply disappeared, his quirk [Blink] very aptly named. An ability that allowed him to teleport to the spot he was looking at by closing both eyes simultaneously.

A very useful ability, especially when it came to traversal.

Aizawa should have realized his mentor would not hold back, and he could only grit his teeth and blame the long patrols at midnight that were starting to cloud his judgment.

"Whatever, let's get this over with."

The Eraser hero grabbed and flicked the cloth on his shoulders, the woven carbon fiber straps deftly catching a lamppost and allowing him to swing forward to the next roof.

Ten minutes later, and slightly out of breath, Aizawa stood at the hospital entrance next to Silver Eye. The older hero had a smug look as he wiggled his eyebrows, clearly to his pupils' dismay.

"Should have known better, Shota. Anyways, game faces on and be alert, apparently the kid's quirk activates upon sight so be ready."

The silver haired hero entered through sliding doors, Aizawa following closely behind.

"Any more information, I can barely work off that?"

Silver Eye nodded, "Good, ask questions when needed. The kid causes blindness upon gazing at someone."


"Yeah, thank God too, or he would have had to be sedated immediately. They need to do more tests and calm him down, but once again it is going haywire and he doesn't know how to turn it off."

Aizawa nodded as he flashed the security guard who just walked up to them with his hero license, "How many are affected?"

Silver eye spoke calmly to the guard before turning back to answer Aizawa, "One person, but he switches targets every few seconds so they can't get a real idea or any hard rules, hence they need you."

"Bothersome." Aizawa sighed as they were led by the security guard down a hallway.

"Part of the job," Silver Eye countered as they stopped at a metal door.

Silver Eye didn't hesitate to open the door and step in, Aizawa close behind since he wanted nothing more than to get this over with as quickly as possible. Upon stepping inside however, their ears were immediately assaulted by the familiar cry of a young child.

The two decided to shelve the sound to focus on the two people standing side by side. One was clearly in the medical field, lab coat and clipboard, while the other was a middle aged police officer. Both of the men turned back with weary smiles, eyebrows strained and even dried tears on both of their faces. A glance at their posture could show they were having a rough time being hit by the kid's quirk.

They were currently in a barren room that had once clearly had medical equipment, and as the crying went up an octave everyone's focus was drawn to a boy who was practically screaming bloody murder while he was curled up into a ball.

"EraserHead, please use your-" The doctor started but stopped soon after he saw Aizawa's focused gaze.

His hair started floating, red eyes locked on the child and roaming nowhere else. Silver Eye nodded at Aizawa, sauntering forward and patting the police officer's back who had stayed silent since the beginning.

"We got it from here."

The officer nodded and moved out of the way, the old hero continuing to walk forward while deciding to take a good look at the crux of their current problem.

Long locks of white hair, a small stature most kids his age had, currently covered in a purple blanket he gripped on for dear life, and a few toys laying about that had clearly been used to try and calm him down. Despite the effort, he was still crying, and only after the next few words did the child finally stop.

"Hey." Silver Eye crouched down and smiled, "No need to cry kid, A hero's here now."

Slowly, sniffling every now and then, the kid sat up and turned. Although his eyes were closed, tear lines clearly visible along with redness staining his pale skin.

"A- A hero?"

A quiet voice, one trembling with uneasiness.

Silver Eye chuckled, "Yep, a bit old but still kickin butt and catching villains."

The child ever so slightly smiled, though he still refused to open his eyes, "D-did you catch the villain who caused Daddy to crash?"

Silver Eye frowned, furrowing his brow only for a second before speaking again, "Course I did, in the slammer right now. Now, more importantly, what's your name?"

"K-Kuraka sir, but mommy said that people who are close can call me Kenshi. Since your a-a hero and all sir... you can call me that if you want."

Silver Eye clapped his hands and smiled brightly, "Yeah of course Kenshi. Although, I have to ask you something, why do you have your eyes closed?"

Kenshi's lips trembled as he took in a sharp breath, "I can't see."


"I- um, when I open my eyes I can't see, and apparently others can't see either. Is this my quirk, am I hurting people?"

The room was silent for a moment, all four adults frowning and exchanging glances as they digested the news he was also affected.

"Nope." Silver Eye said. "We turned off your quirk so you can see just fine alright? Don't be afraid."

Kenshi cocked his head, "Turned off my quirk? Is that possible?"

"Yeah it is, now open up those eyelids Kenshi."

Slowly, the boy revealed the world to himself. Blue ocean eyes shining with happiness as they drank every ounce of the surrounding area like it was their first time.

"I can see! Mister hero I can see!"

Aizawa smiled, though sneakily kept it hidden behind his scarf.

The same smiling hero turned to the quirk specialist, "Now doctor, care to elaborate more on any findings?"

The balding man pushed his glasses up and cleared his throat, "With the little we could get from the previous tests, we have concluded that he can cause blindness to a single person he chooses, but apparently..."

"It causes him to go blind as well." Aizawa finished.

Silver Eye overheard the conversation but continued to keep his focus on Kenshi, "So, who's your favorite hero?"

Kenshi gripped his blanket and his smile grew even wider, "Endeavor!"

"Ah, good choice, though I'm surprised you like him."

Kenshi twiddled his thumbs and looked away in embarrassment, "He is so cool."

His eyes suddenly lit up, and a light bulb would have appeared over his head if it was possible.

"Could I be a hero just like Endeavor? My quirk is...weird, but can I do it mister hero?"

Silver Eye opened his mouth to speak but no words came out, his hands clenching into fist as he struggled with the question.

Thankfully, Aizawa stepped in, "Of course you can."

Kenshi started to emit an aura of happiness that threatened to eclipse the sun, the previous tension in the room gone with his excited voice.

"Thank you, I want to be the number one hero someday."

Silver Eye's once tense features softened and turned to his student. "Thanks for the save Shota, owe you one."

"Like calling off our patrol?" He asked.

The old man laughed and stood up to pat Aizawa's back, "The opposite, seeing such a bright kid makes me want to put in some more hard work."

Aizawa sighed, only able to watch as his mentor turned and practically sprinted out of the room, damned be his age.

Although, for a brief moment, Aizawa turned back to Kenshi. The kid was already looking at him, eyes wide in curiosity as their gazes met.

"Are you a hero too?" Kenshi asked.

Aizawa furrowed his brows at the question, "Hopefully."

"Oh um... okay. My name is Kenshi Kuraka."

"Nice to meet you Kuraka-kun, I am Eraser Head. Now, I have to go so farewell. Oh, by the way I stopped erasing your quirk earlier so I hope you can control it now, if not, the doctor will do his best to help you. Alright?"

"Okay... bye hero-san, be safe."

Aizawa noted that Kenshi was very polite, but underneath that same note was a sense of pity. A quirk that blinds a targeted person but also themselves, how annoying and tedious. It would be extremely hard to find a repeatable application of the quirk which is needed in hero work. Using his quirk would be like stabbing an enemy while at the same time yourself. A double edged sword, one that was not worth it, at least in Aizawa's eyes.

However, he was sure Kenshi would try, just like Aizawa's old classmates had tried before. Willing to crawl for any progress as they spent hours to gain an ounce of improvement, but without the right quirk, it was pointless.

It was just the brutal truth.

Although, as Aizawa turned to leave, in a whisper that no one but he could hear, he gave the kid the benefit of the doubt.

"Good luck."

How do you like the introduction? Hopefully it's good, also do not worry Kenshi's quirk is a lot more versatile than you may think, it's just that quirks get stronger with age so it's fairly weak upon manifesting.

Any guesses how it grows, would love to hear them.

Mr_Forgefirecreators' thoughts