
MHA: Werewolf in the academy

After Dante Spain died, he met the God of Reincarnation. Dante was told that he would reincarnate into a world at random and gain a power never seen there before. Born in a world where 80% of the population is born with a strange power, known as quirks, Dante must try to survive in his new reality with the threat of Heroes and Villains around every corner.

sonicpanda1_2507 · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Quirk Examination

It's been around three years since I was born. I was born to a new family, just a mother and father, no brothers or sisters to speak of. Well, I don't know anymore, they abandoned me after all they could feed me was meat and milk.

I guess buying excessive amounts of meat every week was too much on their bank accounts, so they gave me up to an orphanage. I don't blame them, I don't know what I can eat either. If I eat something that I can't eat I vomit straight away, it feels like a group of knives stab me in the stomach.

This orphanage has been like a torture chamber for the past two years. I keep trying to tell them that I can only eat meat, but they don't believe me. Even when they see me vomiting what they feed me they think I do it on purpose just to get the meat. I guess it must be expensive, but I don't know what else I can eat.

Fruit is a no go, vegetables, aside from potatoes, are also off the table. I don't know why I can eat potatoes but they are the only vegetable I can eat. I can also eat the rice that they serve. Anything else and it is practically asking for unbearable pain.

When we go get our quirks assessed I hope that the caretakers see that I wasn't joking that I could only eat meat and a select few other foods. I already know what my quirk is, but I need to act oblivious because it hasn't manifested yet.

When I was born my parents were kind enough to keep my first name the same, but my last name changed to Saras. I guess my parents must have been foreigners, because it isn't a Japanese sounding name. Well, not like I care, they gave me up so now I go by Dante Lycan.

Pretty on the nose but I don't care. I don't want any connection between us that they can exploit when I make it big in the world.

Standing in front of the mirror, I realized that I am pretty good looking for someone my age. I have platinum blonde hair and topaz colored eyes. I still have a bit of baby fat but that will vanish in a few years. When I start working out then I can make this body a magnet for ladies everywhere.

I turn four in a few weeks and that should be when my quirk manifests. I'll finally be able to start training controlling my power. If I can get a head start on everyone then no one will be able to threaten my safety.

Though, it feels as if something is missing. I know I can't remember anyone of significance from my past life, which I think is a good thing. Keeps me from getting emotional over a random look alike. But there is something else. Whenever I look at someone, be they a caretaker or another orphan, I start salivating at the smell that penetrates my nose.

So far no one has noticed and I've been able to keep myself in control, but eventually I'm afraid that I won't be able to control myself. They smell like a freshly baked turkey on thanksgiving, just waiting to be devoured by me.

If I turn I know I won't be able to control myself, so once my quirk manifests I am going to make a run for it. Not because I have any connection to the people here, but because if they find out that I am the monster that ate people I will go straight to Tartarus, never to see the light of day again.

I'll try to find a place where I can't hurt anyone and hunt for my own food when I need it. We're in an urban area so there should be plenty of rats and the like. Who knows maybe I could even become a bounty hunter and work for Giran in a few years.

I doubt he would care about a few things such as eating people, as long as he gets paid. But that's all in the future, for now I need to focus on finding a way out of here before the full moon after my quirk manifests.


I turned four about two weeks ago, and my quirk has finally manifested. The other orphans have also started to manifest a bit earlier than I did, so today we are finally going to go get our quirks assessed.

I asked one of the caretakers how soon till then next full moon and they said that it would happen next week to the day. That leaves me with about six total days to get out of here. I won't be able to practice my quirk tonight because we'll be stuck at the hospital that examines the quirks, but I am hoping that won't be too detrimental to my growth.

The people have started smelling more delicious ever since my quirk manifested, but I realized that everyone has a unique smell. I haven't tested the limits to my sense of smell but it is very precise when I'm close to people. I need to test this as soon as I can, but to do that I will need to get someone's help. If something bad happens at my quirk assessment then no one will want to help me test my limits.

"Kid's, lets all get onto the bus!" One of the caretakers, Mrs. Yoshida, the person taking us to the hospital called for us to line up. We were all assigned buddies to not get lost and the person I got assigned to is smelling like a pot roast. It's taking all my willpower to resist this delicious smell.

"Come on Dante, it's our turn to get on the bus." My partner, named Mia Subaru, called for me. It appeared that I was spacing out while trying to ignore her smell.

"Sorry Mia, coming." I sat next to her. She seems to be playing with her quirk that manifested a few days before mine. She has the ability to create electricity between her fingers, a strong quirk to be sure.

"Dante, I can't wait to find out all about my quirk. I wonder what yours will be? Do you have any idea?" Mia is getting all up in my business now and it's really annoying. I haven't told anyone the full details about my quirk, just that my senses became more precise.

"Probably nothing great. I can smell and see better, but that's about it." I don't plan on telling anyone about the full capabilities of my quirk unless it is absolutely necessary. If there are any incidents in the future then no one will be able to connect them back to me.

"Oh come on, I'm sure that your quirk is super duper cool!" Mia is such a positive person and it gets on my nerve. Maybe that's why she smell so damn good.

"Hehe, yeah I hope so too." I really hate this. Why is she so damn happy? Is it because of her quirk? She knows that it will be super useful so she's really happy, but does she always have to be this happy?

Mia chatted up a storm during the bus ride to the hospital, while I only answered with short replies. Does she not see that I am trying to ignore her or does she just not care? Whatever it is, I only need to last for a few more hours then I can get to the real work.

Once we got off the bus we were greeted by a doctor. He said his name was Dr. Takahashi and he would be the one performing the quirk assessment. He led us to a room with a large machine covered in wires and tubes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this here is the quirk assessor. All we need to do is attach a few of these pads to your skin and we will get a read on what your quirk is and how it functions. If you have any questions feel free to ask them now."

No one raised their hands at Dr. Takahashi's question as they were all too excited to learn what their quirk could do.

"Brilliant. Now who would like to go first?" At this question everyone put their hand up, except me. I guess he found that weird because he ended up calling me up first. "Young man without your hand up, lets have you go first shall we."

I nodded my head, there wasn't any reason not to go first I just couldn't be bothered to raise my hand. Walking forward I saw Mia give me a thumbs up. She seems happy that I was chosen first, though I'm not sure why.

I took off my shirt and let Dr. Takahashi to attach the wires to my skin. They were cold, but apart from that I felt nothing when they touched my skin.

"Now young man, don't worry, it won't hurt. Just stand still and let the machine scan you. It should be over in just a second." Dr. Takahashi spoke to me from the computer. He pushed a button and started the process of assessing my quirk.

"ARGH!!!!!" When he pushed the button, a shrill, piercing noise attacked my ears. I screamed from the pain that the noise was causing me, scaring everyone else in the room besides Dr. Takahashi.

Blood started slowly oozing out from my ear, dripping onto the floor. The hair on my arms and legs started growing at an incredible rate and started turning white. My legs started deforming and reshaping themselves, my face began restructuring itself, growing longer into a snout. From the snout came teeth, sharp enough to tear through steel easily.

"AHHHHH!!!!!" The children all screamed as they saw me transform for the first time, only Dr. Takahashi appeared to be calm at the horrifying scene unfolding in front of him.

"Interesting, you have a beast transformation quirk. That could be quite powerful if you are allowed to train it to its fullest ability." He studied the quirk to the best of his abilities and its potential based on what he had seen.

"Dr. Takahashi, do something!" The orphanage caretaker called the Dr. out of his daze, causing him to push a button on the computer, lowering a glass cage, trapping Dante inside.

"Don't worry ma'am, this is just his quirk activating in response to the machine. It appears that he is capable of transforming into this beast when he is in trouble or severe pain." Dr. Takahashi explained the cause of Dante's transformation, but there was one part that stood out to the caretaker.

"Why is he in pain? You said that there wouldn't be any pain when you started the test." The woman couldn't take her eyes off of Dante and his monstrous form clawing at the ground.

"It appears that his quirk enhances his senses. This machine uses ultra high frequency soundwaves to identify any changes in the body. Regular people usually can't hear them, but his hearing seems to have been altered allowing him to hear it." Dr. Takahashi explained all of this in a still calm voice. He didn't seem at all worried about the monster currently clawing at the glass chamber trying to get out.

"Will this happen to any of the other kids?"

"Unless any of the other kids have an extremely similar quirk, which is highly unlikely, then no this will not happen to any of them." Reassured Dr. Takahashi. "We just need to wait for him to run out of energy then we can continue examining the remaining quirks of the other children."

When he said those words the kids took a step back. They had just seen a child transform into a monster because of the machine, and they were expected to still use it. They were scared out of their minds, why would they care about their quirks right now when they just wanted to get out of the room.

"Now, now kids, you aren't going to turn into a monster. This is just his quirk reacting to the machine, there is nothing to be scared of." Dr. Takahashi looked at the children's faces and one of them stood out to him.

It was the girl standing next to Dante when they entered the room and the one who gave him a thumbs up. Mia was looking at Dante's quirk and instead of being afraid like the other children she was... Amazed.