
MHA: THE MONSTER HEROE- It’s Time to conduct Necessary evil -

They say monster are mindless, who only kill and devour, who are needed to put down like animals. But not all are like this In a world we’re heroes and villains fight each other like little kids in a playground. Raguel, rejected by both sides of the coin he’s realize that heroes and villains is jut a game of pretend, there is no one who is a true hero anymore. But there was only one who was able to achieve that title but that is not enough Trough out his life he’s seen the good and the worst of those sides were both kill each each other because of their difference’s but they all have one thing in common……”selfishness”. We’re all the people who has power’s only care for if they are stronger than the other. But now thanks to those sides that show him their true colors. He has come to realize that the “that the world doesn’t need a Hero or a Villain. The world needs a MONSTER. Good? Evil? No none of that”. he will unite these two sides trough real fear eliminating those who see for their own benefit and their own egotistical ideas. It doesn’t matter if they are a HERO or a VILLAIN They will know true fear that will make them run For their lives and make them work together Or they will perish {I do not own the image in the cover. All images are use with respect an to make any references.} {Please forgive my grammatical errors. Sometimes is hard since i speak a second language.}

c_fanficsCSM · アニメ&漫画
21 Chs

Chapter 7

Walking down the streets of the heavy populated mosutafu.

Raguel was in search for a store, people walking down talking to each other as they walk some laughing and some serious.

He was never fond of going for a walk with many people.

He never even enjoyed it.

he would rather be in solitude or a place that is quiet and not so heavily populated. He never took off his hood from his head, from day to night 24 hours every day making only his horns to stand up while his face was cover

The only place he would take it off at any moment was at naito's place. To Raguel, Naito was the only one who had given him a roof over his head when he was little taking him off the streets before he had die from starvation, naito even teaching basic education on money, food, and hygiene just like any other kid to Raguel.

But as the years pass he only felt as if he was a weight in naito's shoes, since naito grew old has the years pass but he is still strong as always to keep going.

Raguel had to follow his own path leaving the house he had spend the years with naito since being a child.

Naito understand as well. But that didn't mean that Raguel was going to leave forever, every day he comes to visit naito helping him in his restaurant and even spend the night at his house to talk, and drink beer.

"Aaah Naito you Damn dog what the hell have you done to get that thug piss off, hope you are doing well now old man". Raguel knew that naito was in some shady stuff like covering for some thugs or even deliver the greens to the people that are send to pick it up.

The old man had some financial problems with the bank, making him almost sell his restaurant a few years back when Raguel was still a kid.

Raguel repay his debt from being under his care when he was at the age of 15

How he repay his debt?

He had slaughtered those same ones who naito was working for since they were small groups of gang members with quirks who were all over him

intimidating those weaker such as naito because and those who had inferior quirks than them.

After getting rid of those gangs, in other words eradicated he took their cash and gave it to naito as well as others who were victims of their constant attacks and abuse.

They were low life's who run around getting threatening those who didn't have any means of protecting themselves either be quirkless or those who own quirks were useless when it comes to defend themselves.

It is what it is.

Those who are quirkless and are nothing more than play things for those who have a strong quirks, that they can take advantage, even those with lesser quirks were targeted.

All of them rule under someone who is higher than the rest pulling the strings, manipulating, and eliminating any one who is a obstacle or a nuisance .

"The strong rule the weak".

Isn't that how we are living in our daily life. Fake propaganda, fake heroism, and hypocrisy among the numbers of people.

'We are all singing all dancing crap of the world'

Raguel now stop in front of a store and approach the door.


Inside the store lines and rows of hanging clothes were in display for people to search and take why they like.

Going to the section of men in one of the lines of clothes he search for something large to wear that can cover his legs since using shorts have started making him go cold each time he runs on top of buildings.

"There seem to be an alteration close to train tracks bridge. As it seem to be a out of control criminal with gigantism quirk. The place is been clear out not letting civilians cross any further. The heroes are trying their best to keep the crowd under control as they wait for the professional heroes to arrive"

It was one of the tv's from the store that broadcast the news for the public.

As everyone around pay attention to the news looking up to the tv's

"Good luck to them, hope they catch that criminal " spoke a woman who had scales on her body

"He's going to get what he deserves coming tours him" spoke a men who had bull horns, a few feet away

"Hmmrg" he let out a small grunt.

'This people can't they just shut the fuck up for now and get their shit and leave?! Besides of complimenting them'

He breath in and tried to calm himself from exploding in rage. Not looking much at the Tv he started to search the section of sweatpants for running, various sizes and we're hanging there some were huge and big for those with quirks that make them gigantic

30 minutes of searching had pass

Raguel now had a black color sweatpants laying on his right forearm as well as a black leather jacket with a detachable hood

Waiting in line is a pain the ass for him, he could just run out the store with the clothes or even jump into the shadows and end up getting away easily.

But he doesn't want to call the attention of any authorities or hero's around this place since it seems that héroes will stop anyone who steals.

Even someone that is dire need of food, clothing, or even money.

And They call themselves "HEROES"

Bunch a bologne

He now walk to the counter as he lay the clothes he needed to buy.

Quickly as he came to the counter and lay the two items, he quickly leave the store with a big plastic bag on his left hand

"Fuck those prizes, that shit got raise up again" he said as he He crunch the recipe and throw it to the ground.

He now headed to naito has he got out from recovery from the attack that had happened three days ago.

After walking for a good minute he was now getting close to naito's place but there was a problem.

In front there seem to be 4 folks talking to wat look to be a tall female, but it seem that it wasn't a sweet talk but rather a rough talk

But what kind of rough talk involves a knife and a bunch of guys surrounding a woman and closing in. We'll not his problem he already cause enough trouble in the past few day.

'Sorry lady but it looks like you are on your own'

He now cross the street to the other side of the walkway.

"COME ON HAND IT OVER!!" One of them yell

"Nice and easy lady" spoke the creep licking his lips" we don't want to hurt anyone so come on"

The tall woman was now shaking with fear as the creeps keep on closing in tours her.

" S-some one please h-help"

"Hey! We're here to help aren't we boys!" Spoke the one with the blade on his hand, the rest nodded their head in approval.

"So come on don't make it harder you monster mutated bitch"

Raguel stop he was a good few feet away from them but he could hear them talk because of how loud and confident they act, preying on someone that is vulnerable

He turn his head back looking to the group of idiots

'Mutated monster uh . . . . . . Alright Fuck it'

"Don't play hard to get come on" he play with the blade moving it up and down

"YEAH COME ON STICK THEM OU—" before the creep could say another word his body was thrown to the one with the knife making them fly away a few centimeters away from the tall woman

The other two were looking to the new guy that had flung their boss back it was none other than Raguel him self standing in front of them while the lady was behind him separating them.

"Who the fuck are you?! You don't know who your dealing with punk!"

His right hand became the shape of a hammer that was thrown to Raguel face

Side stepping to the the left avoiding the hammer going tours his head he responded with a left hook to the face his fist impacting square to the jaw

Knocking him to the wall behind him

And for the last one it stood there paralyzed, With out taking a risk Raguel move swiftly.

His body bend forward proportion by a fist connected to solar plexus. Knocking out the wind out of him

He fell to the to the ground brusquely hitting his head on the asphalt.

The one with the knife at hand, was now standing away from him a few centimeters away from him

"FUCKER you don't know who you dealing with don't you uh?"

"Yeah I know who I am dealing with" speak Raguel in a relax voice as if it was a normal situation he was in

"Good then yo-" he was immediately cut short before he finish what he was about to say

"Am dealing with Four wannabe gangster idiots who at the sight of a gun would run like pussy's"

"WHY YOU BASTARD!!" His left hand was quickly up,

his index finger became the shape of a gun barrel pointed tours Raguel

Raguel now was on full alert as he bend his knees getting lower to the ground.

"Well not so tough after you fucker uh!" Screamed the mobster "come on act like the hero kid! Isn't that what you teens want to do so badly uh!"

Raguel now was getting into a kneeling position as his hands were place into the pavement each side of him.

"I will enjoy blowing you brains out as I will enjoy having my way with that bitch behind you!"

*Sqeak* it was small a sound that the lady behind him could make as a sign of fear

But what the fucker wouldn't notice was that Raguel wasn't kneeling. He was in a ready position to tackle him, small detail the mobster miss by his cockiness of using his weapon quirk.

"Tell me did you have any stomach aches recently?" It was A question Raguel ask.

"What? What the fuck are you talking abou-" but he went quiet as his eyes widened. Raguel top of the head had connected to his stomach.

Pain was all he can feel as he fell to his back hitting the asphalt.

Raguel now was standing over him as the punk try to get up but fell back down as pain took over

"Now you'll have one". Raguel Walk back tours the lady who was standing there in shock, as he did he pick up a light orange hand bag that seem to be made for some one who is tall

As he approach her he noticed that she was cover in short light blue hair all over her body as for her forearms were cover in white. She was wearing a white T shirt with a v neck, and large grey jeans with what seem to be boots for her size

She seem to have pale blonde hair running down to her shoulders, on the top of her head there were two fox ears that were now were down and her face resembled that Of a fox but her eyes were a bit big

'She has an animal quirk mutation'

"Hey your bag" he stretch his left hand up holding the bag

She quickly noticed Raguel holding her bag

"T-thank you *squeak*" she said in a soft voice

For someone who was tall he expected her to have a almost deep voice but instead her voice sounded soft

"Lady next Time you walk around these part of the city I recommend you you carry a knife or either a gun, folks around here tend to be violent" Raguel speak with a normal tone.

"And now if you excuse me" he said as he turn around walking tours the bags were he had leave them "I'll take my leave"

"Wait please" she spoke in a nervous tone

Raguel turn around to pay attention only giving her a serious stare making her a bit afraid, but she push through it as for what she was going to say

"Thank you for saving me" she said "And is there anyway that I could repay you? *squeak* Please is the least thing that I can do to show you my gratitude"

Raguel wanted to just walk away and have nothing to do with what had just happened, he had already cause enough commotion as it is and he didn't wanted to bother the fox lady or cause any trouble


She did say she would repay him with anything.


"You say you would repay me with anything didn't cha" Raguel said with an eyebrow slightly raise

She nodded confirming what she had previously said

A smug slowly started to show on his face.











"You really love food do you?"

Both of them were now sitting down on a table facing each other inside a restaurant.

"Hmm" it was all Raguel could reply as his mouth was stuffed with Tempura at the same time chowing down the delicious fried shrimp, only the tails were left out.

He swallowed what was on his mouth before he could speak.

"It's the only thing that makes me happy from my boring and pathetic life as it is." with his right hand he reach tours a glass of iced tea and took a large sip Washing down the food

"Hey don't say that about yourself" she said "I am pretty sure life will have something big waiting for you just around the corner" she said as she clasped her hands together giving a happy face to Raguel to cheer him up.

"Hmmm maybe. . . . . . maybe" He look to his left bandage hand. He starred at his claw hand with a neutral expression.

' Monsters don't have aspirations and they will never have one. Their just there for either a hero or villain to use them as a stepping stool another step to reach their own goal, nothing more and nothing less than just a tool. While for the monster. . . . . . He's just there to die, to be put down like a damn dog'

Raguel himself was never the kind of person to run about showing his emotions to anyone, no one was there for him. Only naito since he was a father figure to him he was there for him, no one else apart from him took care of him when he was on the dirty streets, he took care of him even to the point were he almost loose his shop. There was no words for him to be grateful or in any way to repay him back.

But he needed to walk on his own path and so he walk on his own path.

A path were his goal is become the embodiment of fear itself. Fear that knocks at the door of those who call themselves evil, and those who take advantage of those who are to weak to fend for themselves

'I will show them what they lack when it comes into eliminating the filth that roams in this city. I don't care if they view me as a threat.

If they view as such then so be it I will show them what a monster is capable of'






"H-Hey your hand"

He was bring back from his thoughts.

He look at his left hand as it was clenched in a fist, his claws digging in his palm making blood flow freely from his palm.

"Let me get something to stop the bleeding" she quickly reach into her bag.

"Hey it's not neces-" before he could finish his hand was grab and stretch out

She hold his hand as she press on his bleeding palm a small white towel. Raguel had the urge to move his hand of the way.

But it would be rude of him if he did so he let her due what she was doing. After she stop the bleeding from his hand she took a orange bandanna from her bag and wrapped it around his palm holding the small towel down preventing any bleeding.

"There good as new" she said as she let go of his hand. Raguel look at the orange bandanna that was wrapped on his left hand.

"Thank you" Raguel said quietly. Seeing this lady instantly.

She nodded in response

He rest his hand on the table.

"Is everything ok? You seem to be troubled with something" she said in worried tone .

"Y-Yeah everything is fine" he said " just don't worried about it, it's nothing to get all work up for."

he look back to his plate with a neutral expression

Using his right hand he pick up the tempura and put it in his mouth, chewing it.

"Mm tell me *CRUNCH* what is your name" he said at the same time he chew his food.

"Oh, sorry for not introducing myself" she clear her throat " My name is Ippan Josei"

"R" he said as he shove another tempura into his mouth. " just call me R and nice meeting you Lady Ippan".

"Eeeeeeh W-Well Thank y-you, but p-please don't call me l-lady " she stutter as she look away with a small blush on her cheeks.

He raise one of is eye brown's up

"I-I may look tall and a-all but am currently In my twenties" she said in a timid tone.

Raguel let out a chuckle.

"C-Come on don't be like that you little. . . . tease!" She pouted.

"Je je je" he laugh.

That neutral and serious tone was no longer there on his face as it was replaced one with a small smile on his face.

Ippan had noticed it too as that grumpy face was now replaced with a small smile. She was happy that the grumpy face turned into a small smile.

She at least made happy to someone for at least a moment. She wasn't a hero after all but she did what any other hero could and that his to help put a smile on others, to cheer them up.

But why spend kindness to someone who is a monster

A couple of hours have pass by, as Raguel and ippan Were now outside of the restaurant, it was still bright outside with a clear blue sky.

"It was fun talking with you R" she said.

He nodded "It was fun as well Ippan".

She began to walk as did Raguel who walk next to her, both were now heading tours a bus stop in the corner of the street

He accompany her to the buss stop, as to make sure she doesn't get kill or either hurt in many different ways by the thugs or any sick fuck.

"Hey R you heard the news about the UA'S practical entrance exam?" She ask

"Yes I did" said Raguel in a neutral voice "why you ask?" Said Raguel as he look up to her

"Well it seems that all of the teens are going there to be future heroes" she said as she kept on walking

"And you could go there and become a hero yourself Ooooh it will be really great see you saving people as they cheer you on!" She said with a happy exited voice.

They now stop as they were now at the bus stop. Raguel grab his bags that had his new clothes with his right hand.

"Yeah it sounds 'fun'" replied Raguel with a sarcastic tone. She look at him a bit confused but listen to what he was about to say.

"Look there is a difference on responsibility and easy cash money job" said Raguel "and it looks as the heroes from today seem to be more competition on who gets more money " he said in a neutral voice

She had a sad expression on her face

"Sadly the majority who become heroes ended up for the money rather than help people out there that need help. Is sad to see that there are few who represent what a hero means" she spoke with a sad tone.

At this Raguel was now quiet not trying to say a word as he listen to her.

"Sometimes I wish there could be more people that have them at Sense of duty you have R, people that can protect anyone who cry out for help, doesn't matter who they were and what they are, but what they are willing to do to save a life".

". . . . ." Raguel stood there as he look at her

"That is why I hope the future heroes can do better than what some of today's heroes" she said her eyes were mixed with emotions of sadness and hope.

They stood there in silence for a couple of seconds but Raguel broke it.

"Someday a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets" he said. "And that day might come sooner or later.." he move his head tours his right

"It seems it's your time to go home" spoke Raguel as the bus was coming to a stop.

She turn around seeing as the bus was already here. But as she turn to Raguel he was walking away carrying his bag of clothes.

Raguel now was headed to naito as too visit him and to forget a sensation that started to grow in his chest.

'Hm this is really annoying' thought Raguel as he tried to drown that feeling. It was the same feeling as the first time she met that blond little girl

"Hey R!" he stop and turn around as he see her running tours him stopping a few inches from him.

"Here take this" she said as she held out a small piece of paper Weill that had a written a phone number

"It's my phone number." She said if you ever feel that you need to talk with someone or share something with someone than you can call me"

Raguel took the small piece of paper and stare at it before he spoke. "Why are you doing this?" He ask her in a neutral voice.

"It's because you seem to be a kind hearted person she said but what was follow next will leave Raguel shocked

"And because you are a friend" her voice got soft as she said those words. He stood there unable to speak as he had heard what she said. She head pated him on the head with her right hand

She turn around to take the bus until she heard him speak

"Thank you"

She turn her head seeing Raguel who's expression was that of surprise given by how his orange yes were slightly open.

She gave him tender smile. A smile that made Raguel remember Miss Yui the person who took care of him as she made him feel welcome when he was in the orphanage.

As she took a seat in the bus she look through the window as the bus started to move she waved as she departed, in response he waved back.

'Maybe monsters can feel something in their hearts'


'Maybe they do'

He walked to Naito's home at the same time that feeling he had was now stronger.

But he reminded himself of what he had promised himself as a kid. He had made is vow when he was but a child.

A vow that he had remember it when he grow up

To show them

'No more villains . No more so called heroes

This world doesn't need heroes and villains. No more a corrupt system

What it needs is a monster

Only through fear they will know. Only through fear'

And what a way to star his plan rather than paying a 'nice little visit' to the future heroes of tomorrow.

'Let's see what these new heroes of tomorrow have to offer.'


Necessary evil plan has now begun

Raguel could not tell nor show his plans to anyone not naito and definitely not Ippan

But he can think of one individual well two.

they are not experts nor they are famous but their influence can grow high if he can reach out to them

He rubbed his chin "What were their names?hmmmmmmm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I got it!"

"Gentle criminal and her companion la brava" he smile as the idea click on his head. "It will be a great pleasure to meet them."

They can be a key to show the whole world the ignorance of the heroes as well as the villains


To show them a new kind of threat for both sides of the coin.

It is time to conduct necessary evil.


{Hey author here, I hope you enjoyed reading this fic. The reason I take a long time to upload the chapter's is because I have so work to do but other than that please leave comments and any ideas or suggestions you may have that will help a lot :~)

And i have an idea

would You guys want me to create a fanfic of Denji from CHAINSAW MAN is teleported in the world of BNHA

If so please comment }

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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