
Chapter 9

TITLE: Imposter

Oishii Cuisine was a restaurant that appeared in Musutafu 2 years ago. It was a relatively small restaurant but in just 2 years of its establishment, it became one of Musutafu's greatest attractions. Everyone that entered here left while saying "I met perfection." The reason was unknown but one thing was sure anyone who entered here left satisfied.

Their menu comprised of Sushi, Ramen, Tempura, Gyoza, rice with miso soup, and all sorts of Japanese dishes, it also had some Philippines food, which made it a place many had to visit.


In one of the many tables of Oishii restaurant, sat two boys. These were Sora and Kito. Previously, Sora promised to take Kito for sushi so he brought him here claiming it was the best restaurant around.

Sora had a satisfied smile on his face as he thought 'haha, got you Kito. You think you're going to make me waste my money so easily, dream on. This is my mom's restaurant, she created it because she loved cooking. I gave her some of my Philippine cuisines to make it more popular meaning more money. Now that I've brought Kito here, I don't have to waste 1500 yen like that, aren't I smart'

Kito looked at his friend and couldn't help but sigh as he thought 'you think I don't know what you're doing? Taking me to your mom's shop so you can get a discount, how can you be so stingy? Welp, I don't really care as long as I have a good meal'

A maid soon came to their table as she took their orders. After she had left, they decided to discuss as the food will take some time to be ready.

Sora said, "so Kito, you didn't apply for U.A or any school for that matter, why is that?"

"Well, school sounds like a pain so I decided not to do high school"

"Seriously bro? Your parents ain't complaining?"

"Huh, they didn't really care as I told them I'll do it later"

"*sigh* later huh, not surprising to hear that from you"

"Hey you talking about me but why did you join U.A? I know you have a cool quirk and all but you are really lazy, can you be a hero?"

"Of course, I can. What do you take me for?"

"A stingy, lazy guy who completely changes when it comes to sleep, money, and food" Kito answered with a blank look

"Hey, I'm not stingy, I just don't like wasting money"

"Yeah right. Anyway, shut up, the food is here"

The maid arrived a while later with their food. They looked at it and said "thanks for the food" before digging in.


Soon, the two were leaving the restaurant. Sora had casual clothes on while Kito was still in uniform.

"Damn it, why did you bring me to your mom's restaurant, just so you could rub it in?" Kito asked clearly pissed by Sora's attire

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sora said while looking away.

'Tch, stingy bastard' Kito clicked his tongue.

They talked about various animes as Sora walked Kito home when suddenly, Sora began running. 'Shit' he cursed before saying to Kito "sorry Kito, something came up" as he took off.

Kito looked at his vanishing figure and said "weirdo" before he continued walking home.


On the streets, Sora could be seen running. His destination was unknown but one thing was certain, someone was in danger. He tried thinking of what may have happened but then his body came to a stop.

He was a little surprised. This meant, the person could no longer be saved or had already been saved, though this wasn't the first time, it was a rare occurrence. He sighed as he asked himself 'should I keep going or just head home?' He choose the former as he kept walking forward but soon stopped when he noticed the multitude of people around a T.V.

He decided to take a peek and what he saw made everything clear. 'Katsuki got attacked by the sludge villain, Izuku tried saving him and then all might appeared and saved them all. I wonder if I saved Izuku would I have gotten OFA.' But he decided not to think about it as he walked towards Izuku's house, his reason unknown.


While this was happening, Izuku Midoriya could be seen walking back home, he had finally been freed from the hero's scolding.

A while ago, he had a conversation with all might. He asked his idol if he could become a hero even without a quirk and he was told he couldn't. It was hard for him but he decided to accept his fate but then was met with a dilemma. The villain all might had apprehended was free and he knew it was because of him and he blamed himself. But then he noticed the hostage was his childhood friend, Katsuki, and at that instant, his body moved on its own as he rushed towards the villain, ignoring the risk of his actions.

Why did he put himself in danger just to save someone who didn't care about him? His answer to this question was "Kacchan, I couldn't just stand there and watch you die" that simple statement caused a miracle. All might who was standing by was moved by this as he pushed past his limitations and rescued the two while also changing the weather.

As Izuku kept walking, he was stopped by Katsuki. Who shouted at him saying he didn't need help, he could do it by himself, I don't owe you anything and what not. Izuku looked at his departing figure with a wry smile on his face as he thought 'that bitch, can't he be humble for once?'

Wait, who's this? Is this Izuku Midoriya? Ahem, getting back on track. As Izuku was about to continue his walk home, all might appeared with his favorite pickup line "I'M HERE"

Izuku was surprised by his appearance as he asked how he was here and how did he get away from the reporters. His answer doesn't matter but know this before he finished answering he reverted to his normal self.

All might move on to thank Izuku for his words as that's what gave him the power to do something. Izuku said sarcastically "oh really? I never knew a quirk-less like me could move the great all might"

What was happening was unexpected for all might but he ignored it as he said: "there are stories of many great heroes how they became great. Most have one thing in common, their body moved without giving them the chance to think, almost on its own. Young man, you too can become a hero"

Izuku blinked a few times before he said "are you trying to mock? Just a sec ago you said I can't become a hero now you're saying I can become one, seriously?"

All might said "you're the one worthy to receive my power" Izuku had a dumbfounded look on his face as he stared at all might, which caused the man to laugh as he continued:

"I'm talking about my quirk kid. It's just a 'suggestion' for now kid. It's a simple matter of whether or not you'll try your best to absorb my quirk. Many times, the media approached me asking about my quirk, I always dodge the question so it was assumed it is a physical enhancement quirk. This helps people believe the 'symbol of peace' is a natural-born hero but that's not true. My quirk is a power like the sacred touch, one cultivates it and passes it to the next who does the same. It's the power to transfer power, it is ONE FOR ALL and I've chosen you, Izuku Midoriya as the next successor. Among that multitude of people, you the quirk-less little boy rushed to the scene while the so-called heroes watched. But it's still your decision to make, so what do you say?"

Izuku had a sick smile on his face as he thought 'damn it, I'd like to refuse after all he said to me but damn, even bugs which to become eagles, how can I refuse power?' He looked at all might with a smile as he said "okay old man, I'll accept your power."

All might was a little surprised he was called an old man but the most shocked was the boy standing behind them. This was Sora as he thought 'who the fuck is this? Izuku will never call all might, old man. Did someone reincarnate and control Izuku's body?'

Unable to hold back his curiosity he shouted "hey who the fuck are you and why are you pretending to be Izuku?"

---- Author note

Hah, didn't see that coming did ya? Of course, it's my story, Izuku can be a pussy but hey I have to vent out my anger here.

What all might did was just rude. Do you think so too?