
Chapter 43

TITLE: Special moves

The next day, class 1A begins their school life anew as they head towards class. On Sora's way to the class, he was bombarded by questions from Kaminari

"Yo dude, what happened during the incident?"

"How did you and Hana get together?"

"Did you watch the all might's fight? It was so cool"

"Have you guys kissed yet?"

But Sora ignored him completely, no wanting to bother himself with answering the questions. He couldn't walk together with Hana to class because all of the 1A girls surrounded her as they bombarded her questions, mostly about their relationship. He could only sigh as he took air pods and began listening to music.

Soon they arrive at class, each took a seat before Aizawa stepped into the class and spoke

"Since we've resumed, your first objective will be getting your provisional hero licenses, this will grant you the ability to directly intervene when people's lives are in danger. In the provisional license exam, the success rate is less than 5% so to prepare for the exam; y'all will have to create at least two super moves"

Immediately Cementos, Ectoplasm and Midnight stepped into the class as they said

"Your ultimate move defines you as a hero"

"Think of it as a move that when you use, you're able to overcome any hurdle"

"Suit up and come to training ground Gamma"

Aizawa said before heading out while the students got ready to change.


"Oh Darling, did you change gloves?"

"Yeah, am surprised you noticed"

"Of course I will, I know everything about you"

Hana said with a smile but this just sent shivers down Sora's spine as he thought 'is she a yandere?'

Sora had changed his gloves from normal ones to boxing gloves, they were black in color and still small in size, he was also thinking of changing his costume but that was for the future, he didn't want something flashy now.

Arriving at the gym, Cementos turned to them as he explained

"This gym was created by me, and using my quirk I can alter the terrain to suit every students need"

"Sir, what's the need of ultimate moves?" Iida asked. To this Aizawa answered

"The license exam is designed to test student's aptitudes such as; information gathering, judgment, mobility and so on in various situations but the aptitude that's most prevalent is fighting ability"

"The ability to bring stability to a situation is true prove of someone's fighting ability" Cementos continued

"But you must understand not all ultimate moves are offensive, take Iida's recipro burst, it might not be offensive but it's worth being called an ultimate move as it allows him to move at blistering speeds within a short amount of time which gives him the upper hand in many fights" Ectoplasm explained

Hearing this, the 1A students begin to get an understanding of ultimate moves, moves meant to give them an upper hand in battle.

Midnight moves on to call out Kamui woods: Lacquered chain which allows him to suppress his opponents before they can do anything.

"The training camp's purpose was to help develop your ultimate moves but since it was interrupted, we'll use the remaining 10 days before summer break to help you develop your ultimate move. Also, consider upgrading your costume during this time so as to help creating these moves"

After this, Cementos prepared the field while Ectoplasm began creating clones of himself to spar against the students and with that, the training began.

Sora stood looking at the Ectoplasm clone and began thinking

'Ultimate moves huh? Well my GAW can be considered that, heck even heaven's spear is an ultimate move but they're telling me to create something else… hmmm, what will it be?'

He didn't want to bother thinking too much so he looked through his memories and soon a smile formed on his face as he thought

'Sorry Naruto'

Immediately he began gathering wind within his hand as he shaped it to look like a four pointed shuriken, and as he succeeded in doing that, he made the shuriken spin as air gathered around him and with a wicked smile he looked at Ectoplasm and said "prepare for impact" before he shouted while throwing the shuriken

"Wind style: Rasen-shuriken"

Seeing the shuriken, Ectoplasm got ready as the shuriken spun into the air until it finally hit him and as soon as it did

Swooooshhhh…. Booooommmmmm!!

A loud explosion rang out startling everyone present, as they turned their attention to the direction of the explosion and what met their sight was a large crater while Sora stood a few feet away.

"Sorry about that"

Sora said a nonchalant expression, Aizawa seeing this sighed as he thought

'That kid is a monster'


Later that day,

Training was over and the students were heading to their dorms, Sora was currently walking back together with Hana as he asked

"Hey Hana, what happened to your quirk"

"Oh right"

Since the training began, Sora noticed her new ability as she caused various ectoplasm clones explode and it seemed she had some kind of aura around her.

"Yeah, I got some new abilities lately, the first is something I call 'blood aura', using a small amount of blood I can surround myself with some an aura which makes me at least 2x better than when I simply use blood rush. The second ability is called exploding bomb, I can transform my blood into an explosion, so a drop of my blood is like a bomb but the damage isn't that great. The last ability is what I call, blood thread, using my blood I can create threads as strong as steel, and as sharp as a blade. I don't really have an understanding of these new abilities but with time, I think I'll get the hang of it but…" Hana paused, causing Sora to frown as he said


"The amount of time I can use the quirk has greatly reduced, if before my highest was 2 hours, now, it has decreased to barely 30 seconds. So that's a big disadvantage"

"Hmm… can you think any solution to the problem?"

"Well with the change of my quirk, I think I've become more like a vampire so some blood might solve it"

"Okay I'll ask dad for some"

Sora said immediately, this was the advantage of having a doctor as father, he could get anything medicine related easily

"No! Only your blood will do"

"Huh… say what now?"

Sora asked completely shocked by Hana's statement, what did she mean by that?

"Well only fresh blood will satisfy me and make me stronger"

Hana said slightly embarrassed, Sora hearing this was perplexed, what was she saying? But soon he understood it as he thought of vampires

'She's just some psycho'

Sora finally came to a conclusion considering who he was dealing with; he could only sigh as he said

"Okay but not every time"


Hana screamed in joy upon hearing Sora's answer but his expression soon turned serious as he said

"But only my blood"

"Of course, darling"

Hana said seductively upon seeing his cold eyes which made her shiver in excitement but Sora shifted his gaze forward as he continued moving, Hana ran and as soon as she reached him, she held his arm as they walked together, Sora had a small smile on his face.


3 days later,

"Yo Aizawa"

Aizawa turned his attention to the one calling him and his gaze landed on all might, seeing the former symbol of peace Aizawa greets.

While this was happening, Katsuki was training his special move: AP shot and as he released the compressed explosion, it destroyed the bolder that stood before him but part was headed for all might, alerting everyone present. Looking at the bolder headed to him, all might could only stare blankly but before it could get closer to the ground, Izuku appeared out of nowhere and kicked it, completely destroying the bolder before the youth landed to the ground

'OFA Full Cowling: shoot style'

Seeing this scene, Sora nodded in approval as he thought

'That was pretty cool'

The days went by in a flash and it was finally the day of the provisional hero license exam.

Remind me of any errors in this chapter didn't have time to read through it

ImAGhostcreators' thoughts