
Wild Wild Pussy (Pixie Bob and Mandalay x Izuku)

Pixie Bob and Mandalay are both ovulating and Pixie Bob is having a much rougher time of it between the two. Mandalay finds herself agreeing to a challenge to see who of the two aging heroes can better seduce the cute Deku, but neither quite realizes what that entails. (Creampie, Impregnation, Huge Cock, Bush, Seduction)


"Mrow~" Pixie Bob vocalised pathetically as she batted the air wistfully. Sprawled out on her friend Shino's couch as her friend made tea.

"What's wrong?" Mandalay asked as she brought her their tea. It wasn't like her friend and partner, Pixie-Bob to be so dour.

"Spending time with all those cute boys has me all worked up…" Pixie Bob sighed before taking a sip of her tea.

"Don't you think you're a little old for chasing boys?" Mandalay asked.

"Shut up! I'm forever 17!" Pixie Bob hissed.

"I thought it was that you were 18 at heart?"

"Shut up! Pixie-Bob doesn't age!" Pixie Bob stubbornly insisted.

Mandalay rolled her eyes and sat her tea aside, "Well, that aside, I agree that Deku boy is quite cute."

"I know right!!! God, he gets my motor purring~"

"Jeez, you really are horny…" she chided.

"I'm just a wittle kitten in heat!" Pixie Bob replied.

"More like a queen…" Mandalay corrected.

"What's that?"

"It's an adult female cat, usually already a mother." She informed.

"Ugh, you suck!" Pixie Bob hissed.

"Oh, you're just moody cause you're ovulating."

"Mrow, you think little Deku could help me with that?"

"Well, I think it'd be unethical for one. Though that reminds me I still need to repay him for helping Kota…." the brunette mumbled.

"Like he'd get it on with an old hag like you…" The blonde mumbled back.

"What was that?! You and I are the same age!" Mandalay yelled.

"I'm forever 17, yo~"

"God, you can be a catty bitch sometimes." Mandalay chastised.

"Just face it, no boy wants to get it on with an older woman. You're Christmas cake."

"And you're delusional, we're the same age!"

"I'm forever seve-"

"You're 31!" Mandalay yelled.

"You just don't want to admit that I could have Deku wrapped around my wittle finger. Unlike you."

"I could too!"

"Wanna bet?" Pixie Bob asked with a raised eyebrow, a cat-like smirk on her face.

"You're on!"

Though Mandalay hadn't told Pixie Bob, she was quite worked up herself, ovulating, or in heat as Pixie Bob preferred to call it. Despite her misgivings, it didn't take long for her to devise a plan to settle their argument and she sent an e-mail to Deku, explaining the need for them to train him against a special type of villain. She figured that would get his attention and she was proven correct by his response barely a minute later. They scheduled for him to come by the next day while Kota would be out, and teach him how to deal with that most dastardly of villain, the femme fatale. Deku arrived early, as expected, and they quickly seated him opposite their coach.

"Deku, as a hero you're going to have to fight a wide variety of villains. It's one thing to adapt to a situation and a quirk and react, but there are other natural…'gifts' that you'll encounter that have caught many good heroes off guard." Mandalay started.

"What kind of 'gifts', Miss Mandalay?' Deku asked, a tad puzzled.

"Well, er, there are certain endowments that a female villain, er, villainess could, uh, tempt you wi-"

"She means tits, Deku." Pixie Bob interrupted

"A-Ah I see!" Deku yelped, his face turning bright red immediately and his fingers digging into his knees.

Just when Mandalay was having second thoughts that bright red face relieved her of all doubts. He was such a cute and earnest boy, not to mention obvious virgin, and he deserved some thanks for helping Kota after all.

"Yes it's as Pixie-Bob, says." Mandalay began, believing Deku would be more comfortable with their Hero names, "Villains are truly unscrupulous, they will take any advantage to get the better of you, and yes this sometimes includes….seduction."

Deku was suddenly having a hard time looking at the two heroes, and he simply nodded as he stared at the floor.

"You need to prepare for these tactics Deku, lest you be taken in by their feminine wiles." Pixie Bob continued.

Deku nodded his head again, his face still red.

"Deku!" Mandalay snapped.

"YESMA'AM" He blurted out, his face snapping forward to face her.

"This could be a matter of life or death for you one day, I expect it to be taken seriously."


Mandalay turned to face Pixie Bob and nodded. Pixie Bob gave a smirk and got up to approach Deku.

"Let's roleplay, and see how you react." Mandalay explained.

Before Deku could get a word out Pixie Bob was already starting.

"Oh Mr. Hero I'll do anything for you to let me go~" Pixie Bob purred, placing a hand on Deku's leg, purposefully pressing her hand firmly against his rapidly hardening cock.

Deku merely gave a whimper of a response.

"And I do mean anything Mr. Hero~" Pixie Bob moved her chest close to Deku's face, who was straining to not look at her perky bust.

Tiring of the chaste boy's reluctance, Pixie Bob grabbed a hand and pressed it to her chest, "How about my kitty titties Mr. Hero? What if I let you put your paws all over me~?"

Deku's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head and his cock looked like it was liable to burst from his shorts. Mandalay could see this was bad, at this rate Pixie Bob would easily win their little competition and she absolutely could not let her win.

"That's enough Pixie Bob." Pixie Bob shot her a poisonous glare, as if she knew her game, but backed off as instructed, though she didn't return to the couch.

"Deku, that was...well it was pitiful to be quite honest." Mandalay started.

"S-Sorry…" Deku apologized, hanging his head down again.

"Let's try that again, this time I'll be the villain." Mandalay said moving toward Deku, "We'll start when you're ready."

After a moment of hesitation Deku nodded, "I'm ready this time." he said confidently, looking up at Mandalay.

Mandalay wasted no time hiking her sweater up to reveal her lack of bra and causing Deku's eyes to once again shoot out of their sockets and cock to once again bulge in his pants.

Mandalay pressed Deku's hand to her bare titty, "See aren't these much better than Pixie Bob's tiny things?"

"Hey no fair! Deku baby these are much better than those saggers, right???" Pixie Bob cried, hurriedly stripping of her shirt and presenting her breasts for Deku.

Deku's hands groped and rubbed at Mandalay's easily accessed tits, lost in the euphoria of not only seeing real boobs but getting to feel them too. For the moment, Pixie Bob didn't exist, so enraptured was Deku with his first bare boobies. Not one to be outdone or ignored Pixie Bob took matters into her own hands. She grabbed Deku's shorts by the waistband and practically ripped them off along with his boxers. She was not prepared for what Deku was hiding. It was by far the biggest cock she'd ever seen, at least 10 inches long and with a girth that was frankly unbelievable and she worried whether or not the thing would split her in half.

Mandalay was similarly stunned shocked silent as Deku continued to play with her titties completely unaware of his lack of shorts. Snapping back to her senses, Pixie Bob remembered their competition and needed to take back the lead after Mandalay's brief headstart so she grabbed hold of Deku's cock and prepared to steal his heart along with his penis.

"Oh, Deku baby~"

Deku and Mandalay looked down between his legs and were greeted by Pixie Bob, idly slapping that meaty cock against her cheek. She was sporting a sultry grin all the while with one hand on the girthy member, and another rubbing at her chest.

"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" Pixie Bob asked, no longer slapping herself with the dick and instead stroking the obscene thing.

Deku was now well and truly paralyzed. He had no prior experience with any of this and had no idea what was expected of him, or what he should do. For all he knew this was still a part of the lesson though that was looking less and less likely. Still, as long as he wasn't being reprimanded he was going to go with the flow and see where it took him, and it looked like it was going to take him to a handjob by one of the Wild Wild Pussycats. This really was beyond his wildest dreams, and his excitement was made more than evident by the way his dick bulged and leaked with pre.

Mandalay sat there with her mouth agape. Watching Pixie Bob slowly stroke that amazing penis was setting her hormones into overdrive. Pixie Bob ran her tongue up the side, before licking up that delicious pre-cum Deku had been gracious enough to provide her. Even if she wasn't already in heat, just being in Deku's presence at this point would push her to it Pixie Bob figured, rubbing her face and tongue all over that beast and showing off how much more desirable she was than her good friend Mandalay, who she figured must be ready to turn in the towel by now. After all, unlike Pixie Bob, Mandalay had little experience with good dick, she was out of her element now. As if confirming this Deku's hands left Mandalay's rack, instead, finding themselves behind Pixie Bob's head pressing her even closer to his cock where she caught a good whiff of his virile musk.

Pixie Bob was about ready to ask Mandalay to throw in the towel when she heard her friend pipe up from behind her.

"Deku honey~ Come get this pussy's pussy~"

Pixie Bob and Deku's attentions were immediately stolen, finding Mandalay completely nude. She slowly spread her legs, revealing her cunt practically dripping wet and a fertile looking bush of darkish red hair. Deku rose from his seat, holding his cock, and wasted no time moving towards Mandalay as if in a trance.

"N-No, no, wait for Deku. Don't go for that hag, sh-she didn't even shave for ya!" Pixie Bob protested, desperately trying to tear the rest of her clothes off to steal the boy back.

Deku, however, was not listening whatsoever, he was working on instinct now, and they were telling him that when a mature woman was presenting her nude form for him, he had to fuck her like there's no tomorrow. He wasted no time taking his place on the couch between her legs, pulling them further aside to make more room for him and rested his cock on her crotch. At this point under normal circumstances, Mandalay would start having second thoughts seeing that monster resting on her, but she was now finally understanding what Pixie Bob meant by Heat, she just needed cock, and the bigger the better.

Deku pulled his hips back, allowing his cock to fall and line up with Mandalay's waiting pussy, and slammed them back forward completely hilting himself in her in one thrust. Pixie Bob rushed to Deku's side, finally fully nude. She watched as her friend was wrecked, well and truly ruined by Deku's massive One for All powered cock. His muscular hips humped as hard as they could as he buried his face into her chest, kissing sucking and licking at her tits in his horny frenzy. For a woman lacking in heaps of sexual experience, Deku's cock was mind-numbing, plunging into completely unexplored depths of Mandalay's pussy and stimulating her in ways she'd never before been stimulated.

Pixie Bob was taken aback by Deku's ferocity and her feelings of disappointment that Mandalay was getting dicked first were only matched by her desire to be fucked by him afterward. Her fingers furiously rubbed at her clit, trying to satiate herself or at the very least keep herself from going too crazy before Deku took her. She fell to her knees, fingers working wildly as she watched Deku's massive cock enter and exit Mandalay, who's tits bounced about in front of Deku's face with each thrust. She stared at Deku's balls, slapping against Mandalay's rear, as a young man he was now at his most fertile, and having clearly never had a sexual experience before… Pixie Bob shuddered to think of the massive load Mandalay was due to receive, and worst of all, that it wasn't going inside of her instead.

Deku's rod forced in and out of the older woman's pussy, filling her to the brim with each forward thrust and only granting her reprieve as his hips pulled back preparing to inevitably thrust back in. She had already cum several times by now, her pussy having been left without attention since she had to start taking care of Kota, and not having had much attention even beforehand. Now depths she didn't even know she had were being explored by that wonderful piece of meat Deku called a penis, and the feeling was too much. All Mandalay could do after the third orgasm was close her legs around the boy's waist and hold him tight, making sure he could never exit her. She was all instinct at this point, her body only trying to ensure insemination by any means possible.

After the minutes of non-stop pumping Deku finally gave a grunt of enervation as his cock erupted inside of his partner. Mandalay's body shuddered in another immodest orgasm as she felt hot cum pour into her for the first time ever. Deku's cock reached so deep that a mere drop would likely have guaranteed pregnancy, but he was positively drowning her ovaries at this point, and all the better to ensure she got what she didn't know she needed. Pixie Bob watched in amazement as excess cum dribbled out of Mandalay even with Deku's cock inside to plug her, she could only imagine that the amount he had flooded her with was so that even his spectacular cock was unable to keep it all inside. Her fingers continued their work and she sat in stunned silence as Deku pulled himself out of his domination.

Mandalay's legs were much too weak to keep him in as he pulled out, her body exhausted by that massive load. Deku's seed spilled from her like an uncorked bottle of wine, but Pixie Bob knew that that was but a fraction of what Mandalay had inside of her. Deku panted hard with enervation, but as he turned his attention to his side, Pixie Bob knew to grab her chance. She fell to her back and spread for him, giving him a complete view of her toned frame and the thick, muscled thighs the Wild Wild Pussycats were known for. Deku continued panting and gave a quick glance to Mandalay's ruined form before turning back to Pixie Bob's presenting form.

If he was truly exhausted he gave no sign in his spirited movements. He rushed to Pixie Bob, turning her over onto her hands and knees before she could react and thrusting into her immediately. Pixie Bob gave a high moan of surprise as her wet sensitive pussy gave absolutely no resistant even to that humongous dick. Her thighs shuddered with pleasure and she immediately fell forward, unable to support herself on her hands. Deku used her like a toy, as she was unable to do anything for herself, literally filled beyond any reasonable capacity, all she could do now was offer her pussy to be used. Deku's hands gripped onto her hips, most definitely leaving marks, as he went balls deep inside of her.

Having just cum, Deku would not be able to last near as long as he had for Mandalay, but he tried his damndest. Holding in that cum as long as possible, Deku gave one final hard thrust before bottoming out and blowing his spunk inside of her. Pixie Bob's toes curled as she felt that wave of warm semen shoot into her, but otherwise, she could barely move. She had come almost as much as Mandalay and was delighted that Deku lived up to what she had just seen. Or, at least, she would've been if she was capable of quite that level of thought, her mind being driven blank already until the only thought in her mind was that beloved cock emptying inside of her.

Deku did not quite realize the destruction he'd wrought until some time later. For the next hour and a half, he moved between the two women, who were delighted to be filled again and used to Deku's desire. Once his breeding madness had passed he found two women positively covered in and leaking his baby batter, they were long since passed out having endured so much pleasure they were unable to remain conscious. By the time the two women came to their senses poor Deku had left, probably confused and worried, but they were neither. They had forgotten their contest completely and were now more concerned about getting Deku back as soon as possible, and possibly sandwiching the cute boy between them. Mandalay lazily fingered her cunt, content in the knowledge there was no possible way she had taken this much cum and not gotten pregnant with Pixie Bob reaching much the same conclusion.

There were worse things than being Deku's babymomma, much worse things~