
Saving Lives: Midnight

Midnight was tragically killed during the Paranormal Liberation War. But in another reality things turn out differently and this heroic woman gets to live on...as Toga's pet. Trapped in bondage and used as a toy, this brings about a disturbing question: Would she have been better off dead?

(bondage, watersports, mind break)


Midnight was sure she was dead. The debris thrown by Mr. Compress should've killed her, or at least wounded her so completely she wouldn't walk again. But just as the rubble was ready to crush her something happened. She was floating alone in a nebulous void surrounded by darkness.

Nemuri Kayama reached for the walls. There were none. She swung her long legs wildly for the floor. Empty space. She screamed for help, but no sound came out. Drifting through pitch black emptiness, she gripped herself for security. An endless isolation tank, void of touch and sound.

Had she been in here for an hour? A week? It felt like a month.

So, when the world came flooding back to her, it was nearly impossible to get her bearings. She collapsed on the floor. Her hands rubbed against the gritty concrete, and she pressed her face against it to feel something again.

"How unusual, groveling at my feet was not the first response I was expecting from such a lauded and audacious heroine." A theatrical voice boomed above her. Midnight blinked in the bright lights around her. The air was thick and stagnant here, but it was something. She came face to face with two long legs in black pants standing before her. Slowly, she followed them upwards, squinting. He was still dressed in that stupid black waist coat and tall balaclava. His white mask, adorned with a grin, leered down at her menacingly.

"Compress." Midnight pushed herself up into a kneeling position. Grabbing the already torn sleeve of her ultra-thin white body suit. She'd need to put him to sleep fast before he had the chance to shrink her into a marble again.

"Admirable." His long leg shot out beneath him, connecting with her chin. She flew backwards, colliding against the floor. Her breasts snapping back and slapping her own face. Eyes twitching, she watched as the villain stepped in front of the fluorescent light hanging above her, his hat blocking out anything else. "Is that any way to treat your veritable guardian angel?"

"You're no angel." Midnight coughed, too weak to get up.

"You may be right, but I'm not Mr. Compress either." A thick gray fluid began dripping down his mask, "He was arrested along with the rest of the Meta Liberation Army. So, you just get me instead." Midnight's eyes grew as the rest of the mud-like mixture melted off in sheets. Beneath Compress's face, no, showing her true face was Himiko Toga.

"I know you…" Midnight whispered.

"And who doesn't know you, Midnight?" Toga crouched down, jabbing her pointed nail into the senior hero's thigh. "And who hasn't seen all of you? Rated-R hero is right, you're just flopping all around." The slime slipping away, Toga touched her flat chest, "Do you think if I drink your blood, mine will grow too?" Midnight didn't get a chance to answer as Toga pulled her fist back and bashed the hero across the face. Midnight saw stars and then nothing.

Once again, she was in the dark. They'd blindfolded her, bound her tight, and stuffed a gag into her mouth. She tried to push it out with her tongue, but tape held it in place. It felt like the opposite of before. All wrapped up, she felt everything pressing in on her. And there was something else. Something unusual, something cold on her scalp. She shook her head from side to side, wondering what was missing. Flipping her head up and down, it dawned on her. Her hair was gone.

She struggled against her bonds, screaming into the gag. They shaved her head. What kind of sick depraved monster would do that? Midnight writhed against her bonds but nothing broke. She wasn't strong like the other heroes, relying on her wits and cunning instead. Both were useless in this situation.

"Hey, I think she woke up." Toga's voice said to her left.

"Good, let's roast her." A gravelly voice responded.

"You said I could have her!"

The voice sighed. "Well, if you're gonna cry about it…"

"Thanks Dabi!"

Dabi. Another villain, this one more sadistic than the rest. Dabi was well known for leaving charred corpses in his wake. Midnight struggled even more, howling into her gag.

"You gonna knock her out again?" Dabi asked.

"She can scream all she wants. Nobody will hear her." Toga said, and Midnight heard the sound of her shoes clicking as she skipped toward her. "Hold on a sec, I need to get my undies." The tape was ripped off Midnight's face and the gag ripped out. She still couldn't see anything but hear the rustle of clothing.

"For fucks sake, you are a little freak." Dabi muttered.

"What? I like 'em warm."

"You better not lose her, or the boss won't be happy."

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that. When I'm through with her she won't be able to run anywhere."

At that, Midnight began screaming for help. She yelled out every name she knew, her fellow faculty members and heroes. Even her students and passing acquaintances. Only when her throat was raw, and her lungs were empty did she stop long enough to hear Toga's snickering.

"Your face is really red."

"What did you do to me?" Midnight wriggled, trying to free even one finger from her full body binding. The material felt thin but constricting, like a second skin. After all her screaming she could feel beads of sweat trapped between it.

"Toga needs someone new to play with after your pal Hawks killed a friend of ours." Dabi said. "What kind of hero would do that?" A fist connected with her stomach and she gasped as the wind was knocked from her. She heaved, scrunching her eyes closed at the sudden and horrible pain.

"Don't break my toys, Dabi!" Toga cried.

"Fine. Do whatever you want to her." He spat and Midnight felt something wet spatter against her bald head. "I'm gonna get a beer."

There was silence. Midnight, still breathing heavily, hated how quiet it had gotten. She'd given up struggling but wasn't ready to quit just yet. Toga wanted her alive, she could use that. Bend the girl to her will and escape.

"I'm sorry for what-"

"Don't say another word." Toga's voice was cold, deadpan. "I should kill you. Twice was my brother, and you took him from me." Her voice wavered, struggling to hold back tears. "But he always liked you. Said you weren't like the rest. Instead of hiding who you were, like he did, you showed yourself to the world. You were his All Might." She sniffed, "But what does that matter? He's gone."


"Despite us being on different sides, we still respected heroes. Then you started killing us. We only fought back. So, this is what's going to happen. You're going to work your way back to being a hero. Being worthy of Twice. And when I think you've earned it, I'll let you go. Deal?"

So, she wasn't going to kill her. It meant she just needed to hold out until being rescued. They'd find her. Aizawa would find her.

"Deal." Midnight said.

"Good." Toga was back to being cheerful. "Now I just need to take everything away from you."

A week had passed and Midnight still hadn't been rescued. If anything, she was more confined than ever. Because her quirk worked by expelling knockout gas through her skin, they made certain to cover every bit of her up. She was strapped into a ivory latex neck entry cat suit, it hugged every curve and tucked into every crevice. They covered her hands in thin latex gloves and her feet with thigh high stiletto boots. A white hood covered her bald head, cutting out her vision of the outside world except for a milky white. Only her mouth was left uncovered by a ring gag that Toga would pour porridge and water into twice a day. Until then, Midnight was essentially back in the void.

For days at a time, Midnight would concoct various escape attempts. There was little else she could do in her prison but plan her way out of it. And she had rebelled in the beginning, spitting the food back up and grunting around the ring gag when they wanted her quiet. She was quickly discouraged from doing so with a swift kick in the stomach from Dabi. Which meant all her rebellious spirit could do was stew in her suit and wait for them to slip up. She was a proud pro hero; nothing would stop her.

A loud yawn came from the corner of the room. Midnight perked up, wriggling inside the confining suit. A sheen of sweat coated the inside of it, and she hoped she'd been good enough to earn a bath. Not only that, but she'd been holding in her piss for what felt like an eternity. The way she was tied down she couldn't even cross her legs. It took every well-toned muscle in her body to keep from messing her cat suit.

"Morning Dolly," Toga muttered. Her footsteps pattered off her bed and Midnight felt the girl 's presence beside her. After being in the dark so long, she could just sense her now. "Were you good tonight?"

So, it was morning. She had no way of knowing anymore. For the past week her life revolved around Toga's. When she slept, when she ate, when she went to the bathroom. Toga's schedule was her schedule.

"Well, I'm going to go pee. See you soon."

The problem was Toga seemed to forget that her Dolly had needs too. Midnight moaned into her gag, trying her best to construe her dilemma before Toga left for the morning.

"What is it?" Toga asked. "Does Dolly need to pee too?"

Midnight shook her head yes.

"But then I'd have to hold it." Toga sighed. "You know what, you earned your bath today anyway. Just mess yourself like a good Dolly and I'll clean you up."

What? She couldn't be serious. Midnight, a pro-hero, was not about to sit in her own sweat and piss. She yelled into the ring gag, but Toga quickly shoved what Midnight easily recognized as her dirty panties into her mouth. "Now, now, Dolly. You don't want to miss bath time again for a whole week, would you? Sitting in your own pee all that time? Dabi would kill you."

Nemuri shuddered. But she stayed quiet.

"Good. Now hold this in there so they can be nice and warm when I get back." She booped the panties in Midnight's mouth and skipped away.

Midnight knocked her head against the floor. This rehabilitation made no sense. Toga said before she could be a hero, she'd need to work up to being a human. But it was quickly becoming clear Toga was bored and needed something to preoccupy herself. Which meant Nemuri had to pray she wouldn't get bored of her. Which meant doing as she said.

For an hour she'd been tensing her muscles so tight she'd forgotten how to let go. Cramps had begun developing in her groin and the pain had gone from dull to agonizing. After all that it hurt even more to relax those same muscles. She grunted and squealed, the shame of what she was about to do burning through her. She scrunched her eyes shut and let go.

The sound was right in her ears. The hissing stream of liquid rattling against the latex prison. Midnight felt the hot piss pooling into her legs and boots. Her tight ass cheeks filled with the warmth and ran along her back and up her neck. She smelled the salty, pungent liquid ballooning her suit and knew for a fact she hadn't been getting enough water. And still her bladder was only half empty.

The piss crawled up her hood and into her mask. Filling up to her neck and into her ears. Midnight struggled, terrified she'd suffocate, and tried to stop the stream. Already it was too late. The piss pooled up around her ring gag and spilled out the sides of her mouth. Those that didn't, poured past her lips. She sputtered and coughed but it didn't do any good. Eventually she opened her throat and let herself swallow it down.

Midnight sobbed into her mask. She felt like a gelatinous balloon, reeking of her own piss and body odor. She didn't feel sexy anymore. She felt broken down and worthless.

The door opened and Toga skipped in. "Dolly, you made quite a mess, didn't you?" Midnight nodded, the movement sloshing her waste around her.

"Let's get you cleaned up. I'll get your stroller." A hand petted her head and Midnight nuzzled into it. She was humiliated, ashamed, and felt disgusting. She'd scold herself later for this, but right now she needed to feel like someone cared.

Two weeks later Toga decided she'd earned the right to see. It was quite the adjustment after being in a sea of white for so long, but Midnight was thankful Toga had allowed her not only the ability to know where she was going, but also the chance to crawl there all by herself. Of course, she still couldn't talk with the ring gag. Her mouth was constantly dry from being open all the time. But Toga took care of her, stuffing panties over her tongue where they could get wadded up with spit. The flavor had taken some getting used to, in the beginning, but at least Nemuri had something to focus on other than the sweat collecting in her cat suit.

Every day, Toga would take her Dolly on a walk around the base. On her hands and knees, the older heroine enjoyed the crunch of the grass beneath her legs and the smell of the crisp mountain air. They were somewhere in the woods, that's all she knew, and she could distantly hear water running. At first Dabi admonished Toga because Midnight could give away their secrets. But there seemed to be some perverted side to him because he never pushed Toga to change her schedule, instead kicking Midnight over every chance he had. With how tight the latex was, the poor woman would topple over and struggle for a minute to right herself again. Dabi would chuckle, before stalking off to do whatever a psychopath did in his spare time.

"Poor Dolly," Toga said, but did nothing to help her pick herself up out of the dirt. "When you're a hero again, maybe he'll start respecting you."

When she's a hero again. Like she'd ever be able to live this down.

"C'mon, there's something I need to show you." Toga skipped off and Midnight had to really push herself to follow. She galloped after her, through the woods and around bushes. Whatever latex this cat suit was made of was very durable and extremely constricting. She moved like an elephant, which wasn't far off from the drool dripping out of her mouth like a trunk.

Breathing hard and consumed in hot sticky sweat, she bumbled through the bushes and into a clearing. Toga was waving to her from a small pond, reeds growing around it. Midnight waddled up to her, panting.

"Since we're not getting mirrors for a while, I thought I'd show you what you look like." Toga pulled the reeds aside, and Midnight slowly crept towards the water. Trepidation set it, she knew she looked stupid but at the same time, she was curious. She hadn't seen herself since the morning of the battle with the MLA. Peeking into the water, she saw her reflection for the first time in weeks.

A mannequin with sky blue eyes and bright red lips. That's all she saw. They were her eyes peeking out from two holes in the hood, but that's the only identifiers it was Midnight beneath there. No eyebrows, just two large eyes staring back. Her lips were puffy and extremely prominent beneath the hood. The white cotton panties Toga had stuck in there hung out of her lips like a long tongue. On top of that her best features, her breasts, were mashed beneath the suit giving her a teenage appearance. No wonder she'd had a hard time breathing. She looked demented. Like a bondage freak. Midnight staggered back, not wanting to see what she'd become.

"I think you look beautiful." Toga said. Her hands were clasped behind her skirt and her head tilted to the side, smiling. "With the progress you're making, you'll be back to Midnight in no time."

Nemuri's head drooped, there was no going back from this. Toga was deluded or stupid. But still there was a more pressing issue. She muffled into the gag.

"What's that?" Toga asked.

Midnight, face burning beneath the mask, lifted her right leg up.

"Dolly has to pee?"

Midnight nodded exuberantly. Either she was getting less inhibited, or Toga was getting better at reading her tells.

"Then c'mon, I need to pee too." It's like they'd synced their schedules together. Toga wandered back into the woods and stood by a tree. She clapped her hands together and Midnight obediently turned her ass to face her. Reaching beneath her, Toga pulled open the zipper over Midnight's crotch. The cold air flooded against her labia and rectum, making the woman gasp beneath the mask. On top of that, she felt a good amount of sweat spill on the ground and around Toga's fingers. "You can go here, Dolly. I'll be inside where people go." And then pranced up the hill.

People? Midnight lowered her head in shame. People? What was she now? Nevertheless, she scooted herself beside a tall tree and lifted her leg. The feeling of fresh air over another part of her made Midnight preen with joy, and it felt even better when the twin streams spurted from her urethra and spattered on the tree. In the beginning it had been demeaning, but now it was just daily life. She let out a long and satisfying sigh, enjoying the pressure releasing off her bladder.

The streams of urine spattered back on her suit, but the latex made sure to keep her skin clean. Toga would hose her down later tonight, she was good about taking care of her.

"The hell?"

Midnight's eyes widened as the grass behind her crunched. She wanted to turn around, but she was still in the midst of doing her business and it felt so good she couldn't stop. Instead, she froze, hoping the person would go away. "Well, well, well. I guess the weirdo really did catch herself a freak."


"When she told me she house trained you, I didn't think she meant like this." The crunch of footsteps got closer. Midnight squeezed her muscles together tighter, forcing a blast of piss out all at once. She needed to get this over and done with before he kicked her over in her own mess.

"Huh," she felt him close, and she closed her eyes waiting for him to bring his foot down. "Oh, would you look at that?" He walked around her until all she could see was his legs. "You got my boot dirty." Looking down, she could see the wetness on his leather boots. Around this time the need had subsided, and Midnight lowered her leg, immediately backing away from him.

"Now, now, we can't have you making a mess everywhere." A hand reached down and ripped the panties from her mouth. They were soaked and he threw them on the grass. "Be a good doggy and clean this up."

He didn't mean it. He couldn't. She looked up into his face, pleading, trying anything to construe how sorry she was. But instead, she only met a cold, emotionless stare on a horribly scarred face. Swallowing, she nodded and lowered her head to his boot. She stuck her tongue past the ring gag, moving it closer and closer to Dabi's shoe. Tentatively, she dragged her tongue along the wettest point and lapped herself up. She shuddered, on the verge of tears, but brought her tongue back into her mouth. She hadn't tasted her own pee since the day she'd messed herself. But it was either the dirt on his boot or she really wasn't well hrydrated. It was even more acidic than she remembered and smelled ranker than before.

The humiliation made her face burn, which made her sweat, which made the suit constrict even tighter around her. Never in her life had she felt more degraded, more like nothing. But she kept lapping obediently because that's the only thing she could think of doing.

"That's a good doggy. Maybe I'll burn some spots on you." Dabi said.

Midnight shook her head, still licking along his leather. She wasn't a doggy; she was a dolly. No, she was a hero. This wasn't right, Toga would never make her do this.

As if on cue.

"Dabi!" The sound of brush being cast aside erupted beside them. "Get away from her!"

"Hey, I was just having a bit of fun." He pulled his boot away. It was spotless.

"Your idea of fun is just mean. Go away!" Toga shouted.

"Fine, fine, just don't leave her out like this. She could run away."

"I'll have you know she had the chance earlier and she followed after me."

Oh God, she did have the chance. Toga was at the pond, she could've easily stood up and ran. She could've torn the suit off and hightailed it out of there. Anyone near her would've fallen victim to her powers. Why didn't she do that? Why didn't she escape? The thought never even occurred to her…no, it wasn't that. It was almost like she didn't want to disappoint Toga. Like the girl's opinion mattered to her more than her own. And for good reason, Toga might've just saved her life. But there was something else. Something she didn't want to admit.

Dabi had wandered off somewhere by the time Toga was back at her side.

"Are you okay?" She knelt in Midnight's own mess. Uncaring if she was getting dirty. "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

She was strong. She was a hero. She'd fought countless villains.

But she crumbled into Toga's arms, sobbing into her gag and rubbing her face into the girl's chest. She bawled unashamedly, hot tears pouring down her face and into Toga's shirt. But Toga didn't mind, Toga didn't call her a freak or disgusting. Instead, the younger girl stroked Midnight's head and shushed her, singing a nonsensical lullaby. Never had Midnight felt so safe before, wrapped in the arms of a girl half her age. Snot pooled down into the gag and stained the girl's shirt, but Toga didn't care.

"There, there. I won't leave you again. You're a good Dolly."

That's why, she admitted her dark secret to herself, I didn't escape because I'm a good Dolly.

Two months later and Midnight had been given a bounty of allowances. She could stand up on her own now. She could walk around, though she was a bow-legged. Her gag was removed and at times she was even allowed to talk. Toga insisted on feeding her still, which she didn't mind in the slightest. It made her feel special. And to top it all off she'd been given hair. Not her own hair, of course, a bright pink bob sat on her head. Sometimes it would slip off when she wasn't being careful, but Toga would quickly dust it off and place it back on her head. Midnight blushed, sometimes she'd do it on purpose just to be reminded how much Toga cared.

"Morning Dolly," Toga said, stroking Midnight's face. They slept in the same bed now. Not in a sexual way, but in a more intimate way the hero had never thought possible. She was like a teddy bear, an object to be hauled around, she was Toga's most prized possession. But more than anything she was loved.

"Mmm-hmm," Midnight nestled her head into Toga's breast, making the girl giggle. She hadn't been told she could talk yet, but after their nap together, she was feeling daring. In the beginning of their naptime, Midnight would wait around motionlessly for the girl to wake back up. But after only a few days, she'd get tired and doze off too. After that they both fell asleep and woke up at the same time. So, it was unusual for Toga to be up before Midnight was.

"I have a special surprise for you," Toga smiled. She was so beautiful when she smiled, those sharp incisors really tied her look together. It was like having a big sister who would fight tooth and nail to protect you. "But you need to come in front of the others. Okay?" Midnight nodded, thankful Toga helped her into a sitting position. "Can you walk?" She nodded again. "Good girl, follow me."

Teetering on her high heels, Midnight wandered after Toga. She followed her everywhere now; they even went to the bathroom together. Though Midnight could only use a big blue three-gallon bucket. Toilets were for people, after all. She followed Toga through the hallways of the abandoned warehouse the League of Villains had taken up as they waited for everyone to regroup. By now, Midnight had seen every face there but didn't remember any of their names. Only Toga's mattered to her. That and Dabi. She shuddered.

"Don't think about him." It's almost like she could read her mind. "I made sure to do this when he wasn't around." Midnight sighed. "And don't worry about needing to go potty, I have it all taken care of." Midnight didn't even realize she had to go until Toga said that. It was breathtaking how good this girl was at looking after her. She doubted even her own family knew her so well. It's why Toga was her favorite person.

Toga pushed open some double doors to the main room. Midnight blinked at the bright lights, but soon saw that the two dozen or so MLA members were all gathered in the room. To her, they were all faceless background characters. Only Toga mattered.

The room opened with applause. People whistled and others cheered. It must be for Toga, everyone loved her. But Midnight soon realized all eyes were on her. Midnight wrapped her arm around Toga's and the young girl patted her reassuringly.

"Okay everybody, you can quiet down now. You're scaring her." The crowd immediately went silent, much to her appreciation. They waited, and Toga began her speech. "Almost three months ago, we captured someone who was supposed to be a hero. But she was ugly, warped, and evil. In the beginning nobody had hopes for her, but I did." Midnight blushed. "I had hopes because I knew she had the promise of not being a villain or a hero, but a good person. She could be better. For us. For him. And look at her now."

Another applause, but smaller this time.

"Would someone please bring the mirror?" Toga asked.

A mirror? Midnight tilted her head, since when did they have that?

"I had it special ordered, just for you." Toga said.

From the side, someone began pushing a full-length mirror across the floor on a cart. Midnight trembled nervously, Toga called her beautiful, but what if it wasn't true? What if she was ugly? She hadn't liked herself in the pond, what if she didn't like herself now? As she fretted, Toga held her hand and she immediately felt a calm overtaking her. She felt nice and warm, not in a sweaty way, but in a loved way.

She closed her eyes as the mirror came closer. Still trembling. The scraping of wheels stopped right in front of her, but still she held firm.

"It's okay, Dolly. Look."

Midnight opened her eyes, gasping.

She was still in the body suit, still draped in a wig, but she looked entirely different. The white suit had been colored in with violet, black, and red marker. Her middle was filled in with black and a line led up to her neck. Purple led up the thigh high boots and ended just short of her buttocks. Her breasts stood out more with the black dipping beneath them to finish off what looked like a corset. But the most obvious change was the red, pointed domino mask drawn over her hood. Even her wig was dark with violet highlights.

"What do you think?" Toga asked.

"What is it?"

"It's your costume, silly." Toga booped where her nose was. "We drew it on you while you were asleep. Don't you recognize it?"

Truthfully, after so long, she didn't at first. But then she was reminded of herself preening in front of a mirror and it came flooding back. Distantly she remembered this long journey had all been about coming to this point. But now it was the last thing on her mind. Instead, her eyes drifted to Toga. Her hair in those gorgeous buns, her bright white toothy grin, her perfect schoolgirl outfit, and creamy pale skin. She looked beautiful.

"What do you say?" Toga asked.

"I-I…" she wanted to say so many things. But what came out was, "I need to pee." She'd had a lot of water before their nap and her bladder was aching something fierce.

"I know." Toga said, reaching around the mirror and pulling out her bucket. "You can do it here." She reached beneath Midnight, unzipping the now black colored waist. Midnight felt her sweat dripping down her legs and the cold air against her sex. It felt good, but Dolly's don't care about sex. Toga tapped her thigh and Midnight dutifully spread her legs apart. Toga smiled up at her, holding the bucket in place. "Whenever you're ready."

Midnight didn't hold back. In front of a room of people she let her bladder go. The bucket echoed loudly as she sprayed into it, reminding her of the sound of frying chicken. She held her hands behind the back of her head, legs crouched apart, and let her tongue loll out. Peeing felt so good these days, like all the frustrations she had from before becoming Dolly were let out of her. The poison leaving her body as she hummed happily. But she was a good girl and made sure it all ended up in her bucket. The room erupted with laughter a cheers. They were all so happy for her, and Midnight blubbered her thanks.

Then something magical happened.

"Good Dolly." Toga stroked the outside of her left thigh.

Maybe it was in combination of pissing, or the sensation of touch through the latex, or the feeling of being loved; but an orgasm shot through Midnight. The approach was subtle, but sudden. A burst of warmth in the lower region that rocketed through her in less than a second. But it was there, and it was powerful.

"Oooh gawwwd! I'm cumming!" Midnight shuddered; a strong gush of urine shot out in front of her as she bucked against nothing. Toga easily caught it in the bucket, as though expecting it. She continued stroking Midnight's thigh, shushing her lovingly.

Midnight's inner walls clenched and unclenched, milking open air as her folds spread open inviting anything to enter her. She sobbed, feeling the tingling spread up to her breasts and down to her toes. She bit her bottom lip, eyes rolling back in her head. After months of constant outward stimuli this was the first she felt inwardly. She needed to brace herself and flung her arm forward against the mirror. She shuddered, watching the droopy eyed gimp drool back at her, tongue waggling. Her own reflection made her shake, seeing the poor parody of her hero costume. It still had urine stains on it and sweat trickled out of the eyeholes like tears.

"Augghh…ohhhh….augghhhh!" After nearly three months of abstinence, Midnight's aftershock nearly toppled her back over. Legs like jelly, she nearly melted into her own bucket. But Toga braced her by the arm to keep her standing proud before a room of people. She was always there for her like nobody had ever been before.

Midnight put her hand on Toga's shoulder, her bladder finally nearing empty, looking down into the girl's eyes. They were beautiful to look at, like twinkling stars. They weren't lustful like when her old colleagues looked at her, they weren't disapproving like the hero organizations or disgusted like the parents of her students. They were genuinely happy for her. 

Toga patted her leg as the bucket passed the halfway point, but she didn't lose her grip or even wrinkle her nose at the strong smell. She continued petting Midnight's side. Cooing like the older woman was her baby. Once the stream had slowed to a trickle, Midnight shuddered as Toga used the sleeve of her sweater to pat her dry. She brushed her clit accidentally and for a minute, Midnight had a dirty thought. But it was wrong for her to do so, and she'd confess to Toga later.

"Was that nice?"

"Uh-huh." She looked down. "Sorry, I didn't mean…"

"It's okay, Dollies just can't control themselves sometimes." Toga zipped her back up, patting her sensitive pussy. Midnight shivered.

"Thank you, Mommy."

Toga dropped the bucket. Piss sloshing against Midnight's legs. The young girl staggered back; eyes wide. Midnight, realizing what she said, froze.

"What did you say?" Toga asked.

She could've backed out; said she wasn't thinking. Address how embarrassed and ashamed she was for even thinking of saying it. But instead, Midnight doubled down, "Mommy. I love you, Mommy."

Toga smiled a sharp toothed grin and wrapped her arms around her. "I thought you'd never say it, Dolly."

The crowd applauded them in joyous celebration as they held each other. Embracing for the first real time as Mommy and Dolly while the bucket of piss spilled across the floor.