

[Issue1: Because of the feedback I got about the whole ‚who is doing what action with the bod', I am going to be saying Zoro/Ryoto did XY action, clearly telling the who is in control. Also, don't be shocked when one action is done by the other so suddenly - they have a mental connection and communicate faster than normal talking.--Issue2: As I said, Zoro awakened another Quirk that both can use. Ryoto won't know about the powers unless Zoro uses it for the first time. Zoro's Quirk will be his abilities from the Anime, but nerfed in some aspects (no super strength or fire creating or stuff like that) you will se what I mean once it reaches that point]


-Friday: Day 11-

"I know you'd want me to use my Katana, but if I were to even land a lucky slash somewhere with my Quirk multiplying its sharpness, it would cut you up, butcher style," Ryoto warned Bakugo before their sparring session.

It took another late-night-dance to buy a dull Katana that would have the same sharpness of a dull kitchen knife when Ryoto used his Quirk to enhance its base-sharpness.

Bakugo saw his suggestion as disrespectful, but his common sense told him that it wasn't worth losing a limb and risking his future. So, he didn't answer and had Ryoto pull out his dull Katana out on his own.

"Any rules," Ryoto asked.

"Just common sparring courtesy. You should know," Bakugo teased with the last part, hinting at Ryoto's previous shy, scared and unexperienced behavior.

It took Zoro 4 days to restore the blade back into its former glory, he even tasked Ryoto to do it for a couple of hours as well. After the blade was done, the handle, the sheath and the tsuba(cross guard) was cut out from simple, brown wood. After the Katana was finally ready, the time they both used to restore the blade was then dedicated into swinging it. For hours on end with Zoro inside his head, yelling to get it done right. Zoro didn't stand by, of course. A whole week without a sword, a nightmare for the likes of him. Zoro was even kind enough to take on the job of implementing muscle memory into Ryoto's inexperienced body.

In a whole week, the body's fat-mass decreased, muscle-mass increased and its metabolism got used to the new diet.

Pulling out the dull Katana, Ryoto took on a basic defensive stance Zoro taught him. 'If you are unsure about your opponent, use this stance.'

Ryoto saw a new set of images on the night of Thursday. He saw a girl with short, dark-blue hair that always carried a bamboo sword. Ryoto believed that they were sparring, but in reality, they were fighting each other as equal opponents. But that wasn't the whole ordeal. He never saw how Zoro defeated the girl, just her defeating Zoro.

The whole 'I can see you past life' topic was never mentioned to Zoro. Ryoto just hid the information for whatever reason.

"Ready yet," Bakugo asked/

"You bet!"

With a series of fast and powerful explosions, Bakugo manoeuvred right at Ryoto. Bakugo has a powerful Quirk, that's for sure, but even he was yet to experience a swordsman fighting him.

'Approaching a swordsman head on,' both Ryoto and Zoro questioned Bakugo's intelligence.

Ryoto swung the sword from his lower left to his upper right, activating his Quirk and thinking that he multiplied its sharpness by 10 - now, the sharpness was multiplied by 10.25. Only a week's training had strengthened his Quirk that much.

"HIAGH," Ryoto yelled as the slash was about to reach Bakugo's chest, but with a mid-air manoeuvre, he was able to dodge the slash fairly easy.

Now having seen the speed of Ryoto's slash, Bakugo gained confidence, believing that he was so strong enough to go toe-to-toe with Ryoto without his air manoeuvres.

Like a boxer, Bakugo punched at Ryoto's sword with an open palm, activating his Quirk just as he was about to reach the blade's edge and pushing it away with the air pressure that shot out because of his explosion.

For an observer, the fight would remind them of firecrackers being thrown at a kid's face. Weird comparison, but that's exactly how it looked.

Each blast from Bakugo's Quirk sent a shockwave down Ryoto's still-weak arms and break his guard multiple times. Exactly as Bakugo had predicted, his strikes eventually landed right on Ryoto's chest ripping apart his shirt bit by bit.

Ryoto jumped backwards, but Bakugo followed with ease. Ryoto tried to sweep him, Bakugo jumped up with his explosion. Everything Ryoto did with his blade was overwhelmed with just the use of Bakugo's Quirk.

'It's tough, but that's how it should be. Think of something, I know you are smart,' Zoro encouraged and believed in Ryoto. But deep down, he wished for him to fail and brake.

"GAH," Ryoto was blasted away.

Bakugo didn't follow up, he enjoyed this spar and wanted to continue as long as possible.

At the ground, bruised, hurt and having difficulty hearing, Ryoto came up with a plan that may or may not require a certain sacrifice.

"Standing up, huh?! You remind me of Deku! GAH," Bakugo yelled as he dashed towards the recovering Ryoto.


Ryoto swung his Katana, hoping that Bakugo would counter it as he did before. And as he wished, exactly that happened. Bakugo used his Quirk to repel the blade and attack with a stronger explosion, but instead of breaking Ryoto's guard, he saw the sword flying away and Ryoto dashing at him with one arm aiming at his throat and the other aiming at his right arm.

Ryoto intended to use his Quirk without the help of a tool, and unlike the multiplier that strengthened a tool's sharpness, his body had its own sharpness that would get stronger the more he trained. Before training, Ryoto barely managed to cut human skin, but now, he was able to slide across it, creating a deep cut that would create an unlethal, bloody mess.


'Nice one, I give you that,' Zoro praised.

Ryoto's mind just woke up inside the place where he saw Zoro for the first time after being knocked out by his classmate.

'What happened,' he yelled out at the green-haired swordsman.

'He has feet, Ryoto. Did you forget that he could just kick you if he wanted to? You seem to have focused too much at his arms,' Zoro clarified.

'I was knocked out...'

'Not before cutting open his left shin. Shallow cut, but that must've scared him off just a tiny bit.'

Seeing the dim lights of the place the spar was conducted in, Ryoto grabbed his bruised chin and massaged it.

"Did you really think I would surprised," Bakugo asked with a calmer and more respecting tone than before.

"Good workout, see you next week," Zoro said, still laying on the ground and watching Bakugo limping away.

And from then on, Bakugo and Ryoto would spar every Friday until the day of the U.A entrance exam.

And so, February the 28th came around, the day of the entrance exam.

Events in the timeskip like Quirk progression etc. Will be talked about when it is needed.

Thank you for reading so far, I hope you like it.

sargencreators' thoughts