
The sludge attack

Middle school past by fast, it feels just like yesterday it was my first day. Many things have happened since then. First, I perfected my Almighty push attack to where I can do it on instinct alone, and I'm now close to perfecting the "Universal Pull". I have also been working on how much gravity I could out put and have increased it. Before I could use increase or decrease gravity by 15, but now I can do it up to 20. Upgrading it in that short amount of time was no easy feat. I trained rigorously and it payed off. Not only have I been working on my quirk and improving it, but I have also mastered swordsmanship and am trying to master the bow staff. I also trained My body to a super human level.

—————————————End of improvements over the time skip——————————-

It almost the end of the day, and the teacher is talking about what we want to be and where we want to go to high school. *swoosh* as the teacher threw up the papers scattering them everywhere , he said " I know you all want to be heroes". Due to the teacher saying this every kid in my class except me, Bakugo, and Izuku were using their quirks and shouting at the top of their lungs. "Now, now class settle down, we don't allow quirk usage at school. We have three kids who want to go to U.A, Bakugo Katsuki, Izuku Midoriya, Tanaka Tatsuya" said teacher. The class started whispering amongst themselves until one of the students said "I understand Tanaka, and Bakugo as they're both the number one and two of the whole school, but Midoriya is quirkless". After hearing this Bakugo was furious. Since we all were good friends, we all respected each other. Not only that Bakugo knew Izuku was strong since Izuku can best him in a fight. "Izuku could probably beat everyone of you in a fight" exclaimed Bakugo with a annoyed expression.

"You guys haven't seen Izuku fight Bakugo have you" I said while chuckling a little bit. Everyone was confused at this statement until I had to make it clear and say " Both Bakugo and Izuku are almost equal in power and that's a lot to say since he is the number 'two'".

Everyone was shocked and started asking Izuku if it was true. " Yeah, although he does have quirk I can match him in a fight" said Izuku while blushing a little bit.

As class ended we all separated and agreed to meet each other at Takoba beach to train for the next ten months.

(Izuku POV)

We all departed and I was walking home. I wanted to get home fast so I took a short cut, I went threw an alleyway. As I was walking I walked over the sewer and suddenly a monster attacked me.

"I didn't know he was here kid, lend me your body would ya" said the hideous green sludge monster. As the monster started clinging on me I couldn't do anything, my physical attacks didn't harm it at all. 'Shit, it's starting to suffocate me and trying to take over my body. Fuck, fuck what should I do' I thought while trying to get loose and run. I wasn't able to get loose and was slowly starting to feel sleepy. I knew I was close to suffocating to death but then I heard "HAVE NO FEAR, I AM HERE" said a familiar voice! 'Is that All Might' I thought with a glimmer of hope. As I was able to see a glimpse of who it was I noticed it was All Might, "SMASH" All Might said! As the sludge let me loose and was splattered all over the wall, I was finally able to breathe."Are you okay kid" said All Might with his usual bright smile. "Y-yes A-All Might" I said nervously. As I was about to ask for a auto graph I noticed he already signed my shirt. 'How did he do that ' I thought but I left it at that, since I didn't want to bother him while he was picking up the sludge. Something came across me and I wanted to ask a question, so as he was about to jump off I grabbed on his leg. It took a while for him to notice me but when he did, he landed on a near by building. " what are you doing kid" he asked but he suddenly started shrinking down. I was about to ask if it was the real a All Might but he then explained it due to a injury.

I asked my question "Can I be a hero without a quirk".

"Sorry kid but you can't, you can be something else like a cop or a firefighter" All Might said.

Having my idol say that was heart breaking. ' My mom didn't believe in me and now my idol doesn't' I thought to myself, well what did I expect, I just wanna go home now. As I left and was on my way home I heard explosions. 'Might as well check it out'. As I walked to the explosions I saw Kacchan(Bakugo), whats happening. I watched as the sludge villain was attacking him ,'It's my fault if I didn't grab on this wouldn't have happened' I thought to myself. I hardened my resolve and rushed in, I threw my bag at his eyes and was able to pull him out a bit. This gave him time to catch his breathe until the villain started suffocating him again. I tried to claw it off him but it didn't work, "Detroit Smash" I heard All Might scream. The sludge villain was defeated and the reporters bombarded All Might and Kacchan asking what his quirk was and how strong he was to survive that long. As I was being chewed out for trying to help him, I started to feel annoyed so I left. As I was walking home All Might approached me saying he "was impressed and that you can be a hero". As he said that he also explained how his quirk could be passed down and how he wanted me to be his successor. I obviously accepted and asked him what his quirk was previously, and he said he was quirkless.

"So the All Might was quirkless and when a quirkless kid asked him if he could be a hero he said no. That's hypocritical, but I'll gladly accept the quirk". I said with a happy yet annoyed face.

" Good young midoriya meet me at Takoba beach tomorrow at 5 am" he said with his buffed up form smiling as usual.

Let the 10 months of training begin!

Hey guys , I had sometime and I decided to upload another chapter today. I hope you guys will enjoy it and if you didn't tell me what you think I should fix in the future. If you guys like when I focus on other characters POV's let me know and ill have more of them in the future.

Damzcreators' thoughts