
32: Hosu Incident (III)


Once the staff landed on the building, Akira immediately said with a cold voice, "Explode."


The explosion revealed the fog's metal part and also knocked the laughing man off the building, his right side riddled with burns.


As Shigaraki was falling, he looks to where the pole came from and saw a flying teenager.

"That costume... You...! It's you, brat!" he shouted while falling.

"I'm gonna kill...!" he continues but was swallowed by a purple fog.


"Oi oi oi oi Kurogiri. Why did you bring us back here! I was going to kill that brat! He was coming right to me!!! Bring me back!!!" he shouts coming towards Kurogiri, but the fog was silent.

"Tomura, calm down. You have done what you came to do. You'll get your chance to kill them later. Remember what I said. Have patience and take all the time you need." said a deep voice from a karaoke machine.

"I-... Yes, sensei..."


Meanwhile, back at Hosu...

Akira arrives at the top of the building...

"They... got away... Those slimy Villains..." he tells no one.

"Shigaraki... The League of Villains... I'm going to come for you..." he declares with a cold, indifferent face.


After the failed confrontation, Akira blasts back to Responder to help her get the civilians to the evacuation center.

After making sure they got there safely, he then blasts around the City, helping some Pro Heroes defeat the Nomus.


As he was flying around, he spots Endeavor chasing a flying Nomu.

When he was about to help him, he suddenly got a text. It was a location from Midoriya.

He sighs and goes to the location. On his way there, he kept stopping to help the other civilians who were badly injured.


As he was approaching the alley, he saw some green flashes from it, which were followed by a light from a fire.


{Midoriya POV}

"I want to take Iida and the two Pro Heroes and evacuate, but he won't give us an opening to..." says Todoroki-kun.

He then adds, "Until the Pros arrive, I think avoiding close quarters with him and holding out it the best we can do."

"I agree. But you're losing too much blood. I'll draw his attention, so support me from the back." I reply to him.

"Now it's a real two versus one..." Stain remarks.


After dodging some lethal attacks from Stain, Iida suddenly says,

"Please... stop... T-this..."

"If you want us to stop, then get up!!!" Todoroki replies.

I was about to punch Stain but he licks his blood and I was stopped in my tracks!!!

He was heading towards Todoroki with the intent to kill!



As Stain was about to cut Todoroki's hand with his sword, Iida suddenly stood up and kicked his sword while someone else jumped on Stain's back, making a cracking sound!

"Paralyze, Sleep," he says.


Wait... It's Takumi-kun!?

"Sigh. Why are you fighting the Hero Killer when you're supposed to be in your internships, idiots," he tells us which made me laugh sheepishly...


"It's my fault, Takumi-kun! I made them come here!" Iida-kun tells Takumi-kun, who just sighed.

"It's not like I was going to punish you... Sigh. Just... come. Let's get you guys patched up." Akira replies in a rough voice, with a straight face, and turns around.

But... Something feels different with Takumi-kun... I'm not sure, but he seems... angry?


{General POV}

As the group was coming out of the alley, they could spot a bleeding, flying Nomu, which made them tense, while Akira had a cold look.

It spots them and swoops in. It grabs Akira, which made them panic, but not even a meter away, the Nomu burst to bits.

Silence filled the group, as they felt a mix of emotions, from fear, disgust to awe, and amazement.

Moments later, Endeavor arrives with a flaming spear in his hand.

What greets him was the Hero Killer tied in a rope, two Pro Heroes, one knocked out, one carrying a boy, and a teenager covered in blood, trying to clean himself.

He quickly approaches them and breaks the silence by asking,

"What happened here, Shoto?"


A few seconds later, a group of Pro Heroes stumbles across the group.

"What are you doing here, boy!!!" shouted an old man as he jets towards Midoriya's face.

"I told you to stay, didn't I!? Che, I don't know what happened but for the time being, I'm glad you're alright."


"Hey, they've got some injuries...! Call the ambulance!" says a Pro Hero.

"Yeah!... But hey, isn't that the Hero Killer!?"

As Endeavor was about to say something,

A raspy voice suddenly buts in,

"You fakes... You're all phonies who've overrun the society... and criminals who aimlessly sprinkle around their "power"." a thin man says, as he shakily tries to get up but fails.

"You're all my targets... All for the good of this world...!"

"Shut up, you scum." Endeavor says as he tries to knock Stain out.

"...Endeavor..." Stain says, releasing a huge amount of bloodlust, making everyone flinch.

Stain then tries to get up.

"You're the worst of them all!!! Just another phony... The fakes must die... they must be rectified. The word 'Hero' must be restored! Alright, come you bastard, just try me, you pretenders!!!"

"But... The only one who's allowed to kill me is the true hero... All Might!!!" he shouts, now on his knees, eyes rolled back.

"H-he's lost consciousness!" commented a Pro Hero.


What did you think of the chapter?

Also what if,

The Antagonist is a Reincarnator and is connected to the Protagonist. Although the Antagonist is a Reincarnator, he doesn't remember or know anything about his past life. The only ones who know, or at least have a hunch, that the Antagonist is a Reincarnator are the readers. Even the Protagonist just thinks of him as a regular Antagonist. Thoughts?