
Chapter 48: U.A Sports Festival

Soon, the U.A. sports festival arrived. Izuku has spent the last two weeks improving teamwork and tactical cooperation with his quirk.

Since Usagi is a new addition to his family and has deep hatred for Catnap, Izuku has been attempting to reach an agreement that will allow the two to work together. Resulting in weeks of miscommunication and trouble.

The two eventually agreed for a temporary truce. Learning to put their differences aside when the situation needs them to be.

Izuku recalls these past stressful weeks. Mentally exhuested by the process of improving the murder cat and the tomboyish rabbits teamwork.

" Tap "

" !? "

" Yo Izuku you coming? "

" Hmmm.... yeah I'm - YAWN - coming.... "

" Dude you look like shit, did you even sleep? "

" Uh well a little I guess.... I think I've spent the whole night worrying about something but.... think I kinda forgot.... "

" You sure you can handle yourself back there. It's already the sports festival and I heard there some real tough one's at the arena "

" Yeah I think so.... I'll catch up to you guys I still need to change "

" Well if you say so.... Good luck "

" Hmm.... "

Izuku sluggishly waved goodbye to Kirishima. Rubbing his tired eyes before looking back at the locker to change. He tried to stay awake, as he started to regret not sleeping early yesterday.

It took some time but after fastening his blue pants and fixing his P.E's short sleeved shirt he finally gets to leave the waiting room. Usagi, Catnap and Dogday were waiting for him outside. Sitting on a white bench near the waiting room's exit as Catnap looked at Izuku and said to him " Finally!! Took you long enough. "

" Y-yeah sorry that you all have to wait "

" Well this shouldn't have happened if you just listen to me. How many times that I have to tell you to calm the fuck down and sleep "

" Eh hehe yeah I'll try to keep that in mind "

" Welp since your here I'll be heading out now PEACE!!! "

Usagi shouted as she jump's out of the bench and run towards the hall. " Wait don't just- " Dogday couldn't finish his sentence as Usagi was slowly dissapearing out of view. He turns to Catnap, asking him for a lift as a tail grab's his waist and lift him up to Izuku's shoulder. Catnap lifted himself to land on his other shoulder as Izuku use his remaining adrenaline to chase her.

She was fast. Too fast for Izuku to catch up as the three tried to shout at her to stop. Usagi who still got some time left turn's her head at them before jumping back. Shouting " Come on slow poke's! this sports festivals ain't gonna win by itself! "

" Huff wait! Slow down! "

" What I can't hear you! You know what I'll just head out first. Don't worry I'll wait for you guys " Before jumping back to the hall as she saw the exit of the hall

The light shown brightly at the exit. Shining her eyes as she quicken her paste until she finally left the hall. The blue sky and the brightness of the sun felt amazing, shifting as her gaze landed on a field's stadium.

She landed, feeling the dirt on the ground as she stared at everything in awe. The stadium was ginormous, housing thousands upon thousands of audience, camera's at avery corner and some news reporter's on the scene.

Different freshmen year classes were present, waiting for the others to arrive while trying to ignore the absurd grandiose of audience.

Usagi was dumbfounded for second. Confused as to why the entire world were all hyped up to watch a bunch of teenager's doing sports. " Huh.... Never thought that this could be a big deal "

" Huff.... There you are! "

Izuku finally caught up to Usagi. Placing his hands to her shoulder's really hard while he catch his breath.

" Huff Usagi....- Inhale - don't just leave us like that! "

" Well what do you expect I was bored on that bench. Besides it's a good exercise to warm your tired ass up "

" Huff.... but can you at least warn me!? "

" Eh what's the fun in that and look! Your don't look tired anymore so that's a plus "

" You just want an excuse to run outside the sports festival.... "

" Stay out of this Catnap it's not about you "

" Wow your so social! Who are you to tell someone to shut up to a conversation, I was just pointing out your mistakes "

" My mistake!? You said that as if you didn't made a single mistake! What you think your perfect! You think that this broccoli ass! um no offense bitch who forgive you now makes you think that your a saint!? "

" Why do you keep bringing that up! I just want- you know what Fuck you!! I'm glad that you died because I don't want to see your reek maggot filled body to ever lay on my eyes and noise, heck I'm not even surprise that my mini critters didn't eat your sorry ass because your nothing but a disgusting pile of shi- "





Catnap and Usagi quickly change the topic. Shouting at each in the middle of an important event. Dogday just look at this with a straight face. Sighing before murmuring himself " 15 years and they're still fucking kids "

" Uh Dogday should I- "

" Just find your class and move on "

" O-okay... "

Izuku followed Dogday's suggestion. Walking around the arena filled with different U.A classes while ignoring Catnap and Usagi's constant banter.

Other students from the different freshman classes noticed Izuku and his quirk's. Weirded out by seeing two adorable plushies screaming and cursing at each other to death.

Izuku noticed the students wide gaze. Feeling like the whole world was judging him from every side. He felt anxious and dizzy. Unabling to handle the students judgemental stare as he tries to hide his face and quickly apologize's to everyone.

He didn't really want to bother Catnap and Usagi so he just focus on finding his class.

Unfortunately he didn't manage to find them just in time as the excited scream's from the audience erupt's. Izuku to flinch from the audience cheer's as he noticed that someone was walking at the front stage.

The U.A sports festival has officially began as a silhouette with an odd attractive allure that cause everyone to lay their eyes on her. She wrap's her arms around her neck, her plump breast bounce slightly on her tall curvaceous figure while she fix her long hair before slightly looking at the audience. Quickly catching their attention as Midnight the R-rated heroine smirked before flashing her whip to the ground.

Echoeing loudly through the stadium as she snatch the mic, reach her fluffy feathered fan to the audience and shouted. " Is everyone ready for a good show!! "

" YEAH!!!! "

" GREAT!! Now that I have your attention~ I'm the R-rated heroine Midnight and I'll be this year's chief referee. Yes I know some of your are aching for the preliminaries to start but first let's have a few words for U.A's student representative, Midoria Izuku! "

She waved her fan over Izuku at a distance. Switching everyone's focus at the broccoli bean on the corner of the field. Usagi and Catnap stopped screaming mid way. Hearing Izuku's name as the two instictively turn around and noticed that everyone is looking at them.

Everyone's gaze felt like they can see through Izuku's soul, watching him. Their pressence felt like a thousand ginormous eyes on the sky that can pierce through his skin. Izuku wasn't used to being watched by a large crowd. Not to mention that this is live and is watched throughout the entire world. As the thought of that made him felt that theirs now millions of invisible eyes watching him, judging him, criticizing him from afar.

There was only silence at the stadium, as Izuku was way too anxious to even leave his spot. Dogday noticed Izuku's anxiety attack. So he tapped Izuku by the shoulder, letting him switch his gaze to Dogday as he whispered softly " Izuku repeat after me. Close your eyes and breathe in, breathe out.... Forget everything around you and calm down. "

" O-okay "

Izuku followed Dogday's instructions. Slowly closing his eyes as he started to take deep breathe's. Taking in Dogday's words. Forget everything around him. As the thought's and vivid imagination over the crowd slowly dissapear.

He felt a bit in peace, taking his time to calm down before opening his eye's.

" You feel good? "

" Yeah.... Thanks "

" Um Midoria Izuku please take the stage! "

" Y-yes! "

Izuku shouted. Still having a hint of anxiousness in his words. He walks towards the stage. Trying to not think about everyone's gaze as he focus on what he was about to say.

He wasn't prepared for this. Heck he didn't even know that he was supposed to say a pledge for the entire sports festival. He did try to come up with a few words that he could say but he quickly forgets them as soon as he was infront of the stage.

Midnight hand him the microphone. Stepping aside to let Izuku take the spotlight.

Everyone was watching him. From the U.A students down to the average joe watching this at the comfort at their own home.

" U-um..... "

" Psst should we help him? "

" How? We didn't even get the time to prepare a speech "

" Shit we are so screwed.... "

Dogday and Catnap whisper at each other. Feeling hopeless as they try to come up with a good speech for Izuku however, before they could wreck their brains Izuku has gathered a slight bit of courage. Breathing in before looking at the crowd with a new found confidence and said " I don't have much to say here. I'm not really strong on my own and I haven't really prepared a pledge but.... I acknowledge that making mistake and losing is a part of life, no matter who wins or who losses that doesn't matter, what matter's is our experience that serves as an opportunity for us to learn what we lack and to grow from who we are.

To not make the same mistake twice and to strive for the better, so we can be heroes. A hero who pulls people out of despair and bring hope to their lives! "

Izuku stopped. His throut shaking as he stared at everyone. Silence drowned the stadium, no fuss, no noise just dead silent.

Izuku, Catnap, Dogday and Usagi felt nervous as the silent felt deafening. His anxiety quickly strike him. Controlling his thoughts as it felt difficult to breath.

' Did I said something wrong? Was it too cliche. '

' Shit I should have said something else but what is there to say? Oh my god their going to laugh at me, maybe they already are but they are just secretly laughing in there minds while thinking bad at me. Fuck I just wanted to crawl under hole this is so- '

" Clap! "

Before he gets an aneurysm from his inner thought's he heared a clap coming from the stadium. The sound of one soft clap echoe'd through the audience hearts as they follow the clap, creating a chain reaction as the whole audience clap and cheered for Izuku.

Izuku just stared at the audience. Their genuine cheers felt like a ray of sunshine to the anxious broccoli bean as he couldn't help but to shed a tear.

" Wait woah woah! Izuku let's not get dramatic here at least cry when no one's looking "

" Sniff y-your right.... your right "

Dogday sighed, relieved that he saved his face as he lay down comfortably on Izuku's shoulder.

Catnap, Dogday and Usagi couldn't help but to be relieved that Izuku manage to pull off a pledge. Content for the positive outcome as Usagi look up at him and said " Phew thank god that wasn't a complete mess "

" Yeah good job kid. Never thought you had it in you to pull that off"

" Sniff heh thanks. I guess it's thanks to all of you that I manage to find the courage to speak "

Midnight clap's for Izuku's successful pledge as she wait's for him to hand over the mic. Izuku did as he bow down to midnight before asking where is his class located. She pointed out his class in which Izuku thank Midnight before leaving the stage.

Izuku walk towards class-1A relieve and content as his classmates rub elbows on him. Congratulating him for making a good pledge.

" Hey good job! Damn you were emotional out there "

" Yeah! Though I almost forgot that you got the highest score on the entrance exam that pledge was really inspiring, how long did it took for you to make that up "

" Um well just now "

" Wait you made that one out at the spot!? You joking with me? "

" N-no it's the truth I really made that one up at the spot! "

" Well whether you prepared it or not it's still worth of praise! "

Tenya said, asserting his voice in praise before switching it up to command everyone to fall back in line.

Everyone settled down. Letting their cheers and praise to slowly fade as Midnight took the stage. " Thank you Midoria Izuku for such an inspiring pledge, Now let's with that out of the way let's move on to the preliminaries! "

Midnight pushed the buttons of a remote control as a large screen moved vertically infront of the students. Stopping as it showed different images of environment's and obstacle. In every angle and perspective as Midnight explained that the preliminaries would be a 4 kilometer obstacle race around the stadium. Showing them two entrance, making it obvious that whoever pass through the other side will move on to the next round.

The U.A freshman's eyes shown determination and selfishness. As their focus gaze look at the entrance with only the sheer desire to win.