
Chapter 13: Recovery

" T-thank you for visiting s-sir "

The receptionist couldn't hold her posture as she wave at a huge man of a hunk that has a recognizable flamming beard starring at her as if he can see her soul. Of course it was all in her head as she didn't expect the number two hero endeavour visiting the hospital. 

Enji didn't stand any longer as he leave walking towards the exit as the receptionist can finally catch her breathe. 

' Oh thank god! He finally left fuck this day is crazy I hope nothing gets crazier than this '

Enji pull open the exit door and walk to the left direction where his cab was waiting. He doesn't want to talk for the rest of the trip as he was still conflicted on what he did. Rei was hurting his successor his one and only mini version of himself where he will be the future number one hero. 

So what if he hospitalized her it was her fault for hurting his prize, his ticket to see his dreams be fulfilled to be the best of the best.

' There's no point in thinking this now, this is what's necessary '

He thought as he firmly believes that what he was doing was right. As the driver who got goosebumps just by enji's presence force himself to drive so that he couldn't anger the number two hero a figure was suddenly shown from his front window.


Enji noticed a figure though it was faint he feelt strange seeing this slight figure as he could tell that it looked rathar ominous. His hero extinct's felt the need to check who it was as he said to the driver.

" Stop the car "

" Y-yes sir! "

The car stop before it could even move a few meters away. Enji look back at the hospital as he saw some form of a commotion inside. 

" Wait here and don't leave "

" Sir? What's going on is there- "

But the driver emmidiently stop mid sentence as he saw enji's murder like eyes. He didn't say anything else as he shut up and wait while enji got out of the taxi car walking towards the hospital.


( A few minutes ago at the hospital )

" Phew Finally!! No more calls and no more attendance now back to my well reserved rest "

The receptionist said to herself in relieve and pride as she sat back to her chair and close her eyes to relax. As she enjoy every second of time she had she noticed a shadow blocking her light as she opened them to see a large heavily injured dog maskot like humanoid who was missing few parts of his body.

He was holding a child and another injured large like maskot humanoid as his tall cadaverous figure made her silent.

Dogday didn't hesitate to talk to her as he said to the receptionist with a frantic voice.

" Mam please! These two need help! My friend was just got shot and Izuku isn't conscious please call the doctor! "

" .... Inhale.... phew.... "

The receptionist took a deep breathe so that she could comprehend what's even going on before looking at Dogday with a shacking yet welcoming smile.

" Sure just let call the doctor kay~ "

She said before she emmidiently duck and grab the hospital phone trying to dial the call center to call the cops. She knows that the police can't handle whatever the heck is Dogday but she's willing to get the help she can get if she doesn't want to get hurt. She tried to keep her voice down so that Dogday couldn't hear her before hanging up and look back at Dogday and said.

" T-this way s-sir "

Her shacking voice doesn't matter to Dogday as he followed her to one of the doctors office. The receptionist was hoping if the nurses and doctors could at least hold Dogday off until the police or a hero arrives. 

As she lead Dogday she couldn't help but to cry in the inside as her day kept getting progressingly worse.

' Fuck I need a vacation '


( Outside of the hospital ) 

As Enji went inside the hospital he noticed that the people inside where shaken a bit but once they saw enji and recognized his face they emmidiently went towards him in a large crowd trying there best to tell them about what happened.

" Endevear finally your here!! "

" There's a villain inside this hospital please we need your help! "

" My grandpa is still here please I don't want grandpa to die! "

A large crowd were all swarming at enji. Once enji heared there's a villain in the hospital he emmidiently went serious as he looks at the hospital hall and ask.

" Tell me where's the villain? "

The crowd emmidiently pointed out towards where Dogday and the receptionist went as he pass the crowd not carrying if he bump into them as his eyes were keen on catching the villain. No villain can ever escape endeavours eyes even with or without his hero costume.

Dogday followed the receptionist as it didn't take long until they spot a doctor and a couple of nurses on the way as he felt relieved to see them. The receptionist still trying to hold her welcoming smile walk to the doctor and nurse's as they were petrified by the sight of Dogday before she told them to just play along as she called the cops.

So not wanting to let the Dogday hurt them they did what she said and put Izuku to a hospital room and Catnap to the operating room. Dogday felt the worries from his chest slowly resolved as he took a sit on the hall. Of course people who were waiting at the hall where absolutely alarmed by Dogday's pressence as they tried to make sure to move a bit further away so that they felt safe from Dogday.

Well it's not like Dogday could even care what these people are overactive about. With the receptionist by his side as well as other people sitting next to him Dogday took his time to relax as he sat on his back. He felt all his worries wash away as he took a glance at the operating room wishing for catnap to have a good recovery.

' Izuku is safe and Catnap is going to be fine.... Finally can rest a bit '

He thought as Dogday close his eyes taking his time to enjoy his rest as his ever so regenerating body started to shift. The ever so growing fabric, flesh and bone's wrap itself around Dogday covering him as his figure covered by his fabric and flesh shrank him back to his plushie version. 

The people watching this couldn't hold there shock seeing Dogday turning into a plushie. Though they could still see his missing body parts it was slowly regenerating and recovering. 

" Step! "

" Hmm? EEK! "

The receptionist hearing a single footstep saw Endeavour behind him as his ever so fiery beard where growing expeditiously hot as he look at the receptionist.

" Where's the villain? "

" T-the villain? "

She hesitated a bit as she took a glance at Dogday who was still regenerating. She couldn't know what to do as she never felt this much delema before but before she could even speak people who were sitting at the bench hall beat her and said.

" I-It's him endeavour!! "

" Yeah h-he was sitting next to us and the next thing we know he turn into that! "

Endeavour heard there please as he look at Dogday who was healing. Endeavour walk towards Dogday sit grabbing him by his fabric back and look at him. Dogday notice someone grabbing him as he was face to face with Endeavour as his eyes that showed nothing but wanting to beat up the small plushie.

" So your the villain that's been causing this ruckus "

" V-villain? "

" Tsk I expected someone strong. Guess I don't need my suit after all "

" What? "

Dogday couldn't understand what the Endeavour was saying as he was about to beat Dogday unconscious until a voice stopped him.

" Woah there Enji don't you think your going a little too overboard about this? "

Endeavour stopped as he recognized that voice. The voice he never wanted to hear again as flame's from his beard kept raising in an even more high celsius. He turned around as he faced his rival. The number one hero symbol of piece Allmight.

" What are you doing here Allmight. "

" I've noticed a commotion happening in mustufusa city so I went out to check what it was until I saw that guy in your hands "

Allmight said as he pointed his hand to Dogday. Endeavour couldn't help but to look at Allmight with frustration as he look at Dogday and said.

" This little villain was at a hospital causing chao's and yet you didn't even approhand him. I'd say is the symbol of peace getting slow? "

" Well I was going to until I noticed him holding a child "

" A child? "

" Yes I thought he was going to use him for hostage but imagine my surprise that he actually tried to save him. I even see his injured friend was also taken by the operating room "

" I see but that still didn't change the fact I'm taking him with me. This villain will pay for the chao's his causing "

Once Dogday heared Endevear his eyes emmidiently shrunken out of nervousness but Allmight walk towards Enji as he pat him at his shoulder.

" Enji I can assure you what your holding isn't a villain. He didn't do anything bad except for causing trouble I'm sure he has his ways of doing's things "

Enji look at Allmight as if his the worst person ever as he look at Dogday with a stern look before giving him to Allmight and walk away.

" Do whatever you want with him Allmight but if I ever saw him did something that endanger's the public this is the last time I'm listening to you Allmight "

" I'll keep that in mind "

Enji walk's away annoyed that he wasn't able to take Dogday to jail. Allmight look at Enji and then the glass window seeing police cars driving towards this hospital. Allmight felt relieved that he didn't gone too far this time as he look at Dogday who was shaking like a leaf by the sight of Allmight's figure. 

" Haha Now Now little one I need a few questions for you to answer so as long as you cooperate I'll let you off with a warning "

He said with a big smile on his hard face as he was trying to find out the reason why Dogday was carrying Izuku and Catnap to the hospital. Dogday felt weirded out by Allmight's hard expression but none the less decided to answer. He felt more comfortable talking to him than enji as there way of dealing with situations like this are as different as two sides of a coin.