

"Hmm. So, a normal person from our wold finds himself in the body of a boy who did not have a quirk in a certain world he knows. Oh, forgot to tell you, but he also has a watch that did not shows him time." https://www.buymeacoffee.com/boboiboyfan

Boboiboyfan01 · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs



"So, how many clothes you need to buy, Fuyumi-nee?" I ask my older sister who just look at me.

"A lot. Besides, I need to check all the clothes. I mean, these are for you to Tatsuya." She said to me.

"Besides, I did not want my little brother to spend his entire life wearing a red jacket with a black shirt underneath it with jeans for his entire life, no rather every day. You need to change your kind of daily clothing too." She said to me as I sigh hearing that.

She makes a point there as I just accept my fate following my older sister surveying every cloth store.

"So, I heard you met father and Shoto?" She suddenly said to me as she stares directly at me.

"Yeah. The other day. Both of them quite dislike me. Especially Shoto who calls me a coward." I grip my fist remembering that knowing he will get a beatdown that he will remember for his entire life.

"J-just do no be angry with them okay? Especially your twin. H-he just is not like you and is dissatisfied with what is going on for his entire life."

"Yeah, living under the glory of Number 2 Hero while I live alone watching news telling the hero ranking which adds to my pleasure seeing him is still the Forever Number 2," I told her as she smiles wryly hearing that.

"A day after tomorrow is your UA exam. Are prepared to take the exam with that weird watch of yours?" She asks me.

"It is called Omnitrix and it is not a weird watch okay. It is a cool one." I tell her.

"And yet it still did not tell time." She responded making me quiet.

"Shoto already being admitted to UA as he passed the recommendation entrance exam test." She informs me.

"Oh. Good for him." I said.

"Look. Just do not treat him too harsh okay? He is still a family." She told me.

"Fine but after I beat him up bad and shows father how his glorious son loses against the disgraced son of him," I tell Fuyumi who just shakes her head.

Today is supposed to hang out the day of me, Fuyumi and Natsuo but he needs to take a rest after a whole week of studying for his important exam.

"So are you confident to pass the entrance exam Tatsuya?" Fuyumi-nee ask me.

"Yes. I am very confident. Who knows, maybe I will shatter the record of All Might which will anger flaming hero." I chuckled evilly making Fuyumi stare blankly at me.

"You liked to reel him up," Fuyumi said to me as I look around while taking notice of how this shopping mall is crowded with me had to watch out in case some bastard try to rob us secretly without us noticing.


"That hit the spot," I said while munching spicy fried chicken after I devoured 3 huge bowls of black bean noodles and 15 dumplings.

"Are you sure you did not have a problem or sickness in your stomach? I mean, the amount of food you devoured slightly makes me worried." Fuyumi-nee told me as I scoff hearing that.

"The more you eat, the more energy you can have. I mean, look at all those main characters in the shounen anime, they eat a lot of foods that makes them super strong like I do. " I said to her as she just sighs in exasperated, not trying to ask more about my eating behaviour and the number of foods for me to feel full.

"Say, Tatsuya, do you thin--" Fuyumi-nee is unable to finish her word as she was in horror when she looks behind me as I turn my head only to see a figure of a man, who has a really big body who just throw a random cop heading toward us.

Acting quickly, I push my sister down as the cop land on our table.

"Are you alright, Nee-san?" I ask her as she nodded her head like many other customers start to scream frantically with them now try to run away from the villain amok.

"Come on. We to need to bail away from here." She told me as I take a look at the villain who is laughing while keeping beating all the cops and flip over 2 police cars.

"Muscular." I thought in my head remembering the villain who has a quirk that makes him produce muscle fibres at a valid rate to increase his speed, durability and strength.

"Hahaha! Come on you weaklings. I am going to kill you!" He shouted with him just smash a cop head to the ground, with blood splatter on the ground as people who sees this pule seeing this gore scene but for me, I hold it as Fuyumi-nee look away while holding herself from vomiting.

"H-hurry. C-call the heroes." A citizen mutter as Muscular laugh loudly hearing that.

"You want to call the heroes? Good." He said as he suddenly grabs a piece of huge debris and his smirk become cruel.

"Here is your reward." He throws it to the man as my body moves to push the man who is a few feet away from me to the ground as it misses making the man has another day and a chance to live another day.

"Well well, look what we got here. A teenager who is trying to become a hero. Nice reaction but let's see if you can dodge this." Grabbing the bench, he throws it toward me as Fuyumi scream to me to avoid it as other people scream in fear of seeing this.

That will hurt me a lot or not, but I did not want my dear sister to worry about me get injured so I did the only thing to assure her about my safety.

My hand touches the faceplate of my watch as I rotate the dial of the red Omnitrix as it popped up with my palm hit it back down as a red flash engulfs me.

"Tatsuya." Fuyumi Todoroki mutter seeing her younger brother who probably has changes into another alien.

This brings back a memory of him transforming into an alien for the first time in front of her.



"So, this watch of yours let you turn into an alien?" Fuyumi asks Tatsuya while taking a look at the red Omnitrix.

"Yeah. Want to see me transform into an alien?" Tatsuya asks Fuyumi who nods her head as Tatsuya touch his Omnitrix, is what he called the watch is, the one who let him turn into an alien.

A red flash occurs as I shield my eyes with my right hand.

Removing my hand, I see in front of me is a being or should I say an alien who is a red skin one, who is right with him having four arms and four eyes. He also wears a black sleeveless shirt with the Omnitrix is at the centre of his body.

"Let me guess, you call this one Four Arms right?" I ask him who is stunned hearing my questions making me sigh knowing my little brother has a habit of calling his alien name in unique ways.

"Yeah. This guy is super strong and can leap over a building if I want to." Tatsuya said while lifting his sofa with only one hand as I had to admit, this alien is pretty strong.

"Does anyone know about this?" I ask him.

"Just you, Natsuo-nii and Mum." He replied but notices how he avert his gaze from me knowing there are at least more people he did not want to tell me.

"Fine. But promise me you will use this Omnitrix for good." I tell him as he nods his head.


My body right now is covered in an emerald diamond as I grow taller with 2 spikes grow on my back. The pattern shirt is donned by Four Arms is on my body with the Omnitrix this time is on my chest.

"Diamondhead!" I announced as the bench hit my body as I did not feel anything.

Fuyumi sigh in relief seeing me did not suffer any injury as I glare at Muscular who now is laughing loudly seeing my current appearance.

"Hahahahaha! You have a mutant quirk. A humanoid diamond. I wonder how much I will get when I wreck your body to many shards." He rushes to me, ignoring 2 Pro Heroes that are holding injuries, making me know they are Kouta's parent who is supposed to be killed by these villains.

I punch the ground creating a wall that holds Muscular as he punches and tries to rip it from the ground but the wall did not budge as he then jumps over it as he brings both of his bulging arms down toward me.


I jump backwards as I had to avoid a swing from a right hand as a kick landed on my stomach that makes me be moved slightly backwards.

"DIE!" He throws a straight punch toward me as I make my right palm bigger than him and stop his palm even though my body gets forcefully move backwards.

I then grip his fist with me pull him toward me with my enhanced strength and deliver a haymaker that slightly fazed him with following a knee on his jaw that makes him grunt.

He then holds both of his hand up and tries to smash me but I jump backwards with me quickly to make a diamond spike impaled his right knee from the ground.

The spike makes him laugh in glee as he tries to rip off but I already make 3 spikes to stab his thigh and calf making him roar in pain.

"Rarghh!You did not show any mercy toward me in a fight? Then why should I give you mercy too huh?!" In a spurt of seconds, his body grows bigger as his body now has become bigger than before with him then punches the ground making the surrounding shake as I lose my balance.

A giant hand grab my face and slam it to the ground as another fist hit my face and chest many times.

I did not feel hurt at first but with him constantly keep punching me any time, it will make me feel hurt and to assure my family did not have to worry about my safety and health, I need to go offensive rather being defensive right now.

As if on cue, I make my hand become a blade.

"Oh no, you don't." Muscular grab my hand who has shifted into a blade. He then presses it toward the ground as he now is smiling broadly seeing I now have been pinned to the ground with no way out.

"Do not worry. After this, you will become diamond scraps for me to sell and make a chain to hang around my neck. Gahahaha." He then starts to pummel me again as I grin seeing this.

"What is with that grin on your face diamond boy? Already accept your fate to die by my hand. Do not worry, I will at least send some of your diamond scraps to your family. Maybe they will use it to gain more money." He said and that is when I frown as my eyes grow cold hearing his statement.

I can see Fuyumi-nee already moves to attempt to rescue me but with me shaking my head toward her.

"I got this." That is what my eyes telling her as I close my eyes and focus on my other hand who then abruptly grows bigger creating a huge blade that only stabs Muscular left shoulder a little deeper and making him stop his attacks as I kick him with both of my leg using my enchanted strength to make him get away from me.

Retracing back my fist with me take my fighting stance, I snarl and rush to him as Muscular dash forward and use his advantage which is his huge body to ram me but I already know what to do.

Putting both my hand together, I morphed my hand into a large blade matching the size of Rex Generator's Blade.

I make a dive forward to Muscular who already halt his movement and dodge my attempt to stab him as I already swing my big sword toward him as the villain trying to catch it but that makes his palm bleed.

He grips my blade tightly, obviously tries to crush my blade but I separate my hand as I made a slashing motion that only slashes the. villain's palm as his blood fell to the floor.

What comes next is the sound of his laughter in agony as he looks at his palm.

"You injured me and the best part is, you make me bleed. Gahahahaha. Now, this is a fight." His right arm which I take notice of now has increased in size as he delivered a punch toward me as I crossed my arm.

My body gets thrown to the air as I see he has jumped above me with his body now a bit like when he met Deku but a bit smaller as he smacks me down toward the ground making me gasp in pain due to sensation on my stomach.

"Like the heck, I will let you land on my back." I thought in my head as I see tears already fell off from my sister's eyes as I decide


I turn my body as I smack my hand on the ground with many diamond spikes sprouted from the ground has stabbed Muscular without mercy as the villains have his stomach pierced by a single spike through his body.

My heart did not feel disgusted or cold as I know this villain, should just stay dead. His way of killing people made me sick of him.

All because he want to feel glee when he sees the person he fight died.

I can see the villain now has blood drip down from his mouth as he now did not has his smile as he stares at me.

"Y-you r-really are m-merciless." He said as I make all the diamond disappear as he dropped down with me delivers a hammer punch toward him as his stomach land on the ground with my large diamond fist making the ground crack as he coughs out blood from his mouth.

"Tell that toward your victims, you shitty villain," I said in a cold tone as I knock him out with a kick on his face that sends his tooth to fly out from his mouth.

I sigh in relief and exasperation seeing I already defeated a villain that the MC of this world, Izuku Midoriya may or may not engage fight in the future.

Whatever that wimpy green bean nerd can do whatever he wanted in his journey. All I want is to prove I am the strongest in this damn universe.

But I forget one thing that my fight with Muscular attract a lot of attention which is why when I turn my back, I see many Pro Heroes and cops that are now staring at me.

"Oh, man. This is going to be a long day for me." I groan in my mind mentally prepared of what is going to happen to me next.

I will make the chapter longer in the next chapter.

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