

"Hmm. So, a normal person from our wold finds himself in the body of a boy who did not have a quirk in a certain world he knows. Oh, forgot to tell you, but he also has a watch that did not shows him time." https://www.buymeacoffee.com/boboiboyfan

Boboiboyfan01 · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs



"You are useless and unworthy to carry my name, Tatsuya." A red-haired man said to a white-haired child who has red eyes who just look down to the floor.

"Even your other sibling has quirks, but you, are quirkless. You embarrassed me." The man continued as the child glares at him as the man grab his hair roughly.

"Glare me all you want, you useless child, you cannot do anything to me anywhere as you did not have the power to do it." The man then pushes away the child to the floor as the man walks out from the dojo leaving the child alone.

"That fucking bastard. I know his character is bad, but not to this extent." The child mutters as he grips his right fist.

His name is Tatsuya Todoroki, the twin brother of Shoto Todoroki. But in truth, he is Daniel Ryden, the one who reincarnated into this world as the son of the Number 2 Hero, Endeavour, the flaming hero and a really bad father who did not give a damn about him as today, his father finds out I am a quirkless.

In a world 80% of the population have quirks, or everyone calls it the superpower, only 20% are quirkless.

When you live in a world where quirks exist, and people who did not have quirks are scored by people who have quirks, many quirkless people commit suicide due to the stress of being mock my the people who have quirks.

But it becomes worse when I, the son of the Number 2 Hero, Endeavour is a quirkless. The doctor expression is priceless seeing me, the son of a well-known hero did not even have a damn quirk.

And my father meanwhile is fuming in anger which is why I just get treated like that meanwhile my twin younger brother, Shoto Todoroki who born five minutes later than I have a quirk which he inherited or get from my mother, Rei Todoroki who has an ice quirk and my damn father, a fire quirk.

Which result his hair to have 2 colours on it where half of it is white symbolising him has an ice quirk and the other half is a red hair symbolising him he has a fire quirk.

"Probably right now, he is tending to Shoto right now because of his quirk, no his strong quirk right now." I punch the floor due to my getting angry knowing my fate now is like that damn nerd, Deku who is quirkless.

But he will be getting One For All, a quirk belongs to All Might, the number 1 hero, who my father greatly want to surpass.

"Should I just do like many other reincarnated people do, getting One For All with doing the same stunt as Izuku does?" I thought in my head but I decided to hold off that plan first.

My relationship with this family is not that great due to my personality who has that loner aura and not to mention, because of my appearance who scares people so much.

My appearance is a white-haired boy with red eyes and always has a serious expression on my face or sometimes angry mainly due to how my father treats me.

All I know is Touya is currently going to his path to becoming Dabi, Natsuo, my other big brother who rarely interact with me, Fuyumi, who only talk to me when she calls me when it is time to eat.

My mother, Rei Todoroki is the same as she is slightly scared seeing me based on my appearance, with my expression is a lot like Endeavour, making her to not be uncomfortable with me.

Yeah, what a great family I had right now.

"And to think I used to like this family. Well, now I know what is the difference between reading and living inside this world, experiencing the sensation of living in a fictional world where now it becomes real. I can say this world is a fucked up world.

" Damn it. Where are my cheat and what did she mean by I am not worthy yet to use it. Just give me my cheat already." I am now walking to my room until I bump into someone that makes me glares at him.

Touya Todoroki, the eldest child of Enji and Rei Todoroki, the soon gonna be villain who will go by the name, Dabi in the future. His quirk is Cremation, a fire type quirk but he is a blue fire which may be hotter than Hellfire, the quirk of our father.

"Tatsuya." He calls my name as I can see the hate, sadness and regret expression on his face when he looks at me.

Tch. What does this failure brother want with me?

"What?" I replied with an icy tone that makes him flinch.

"W-where is father?" He asks me while trying not to look at me.

"Like the hell, I know," I replied as I stand up and walk past him.

"He probably is currently looking for Shoto due to his strong quirk, unlike me who is quirkless," I said and goes into the library in this house that no one bothers to read them.

I approached the History book and start to grab the notebook that I place under the sofa.

"If I am not strong then I must be smart." I thought in my head knowing my life now is going to the hardest one knowing the harsh life I am going to experience with me being a quirkless child.

I am now 5 years old which mean I got only decade for the cannon to start.

"I need to learn how to make money already. No way I am going to live in this house that no one rarely interacts with me." I thought in my head as I start to read the history books and start to indulge the knowledge into my head.

Time passes as it is now 1 p.m with no one calls me for lunch, I mean did we even have lunch. Hmmp. If we do have lunch, no one will call me except Fuyumi who probably has a hard time finding me in the library as no one will believe a 5 years old kid will spend all his time in the library trying to read many books as he can for the entire day.

I go to the kitchen only to see my mother, Natsuo, Fuyumi and Touya who just finish eating with them flinch seeing me.

No sight of Shoto and that bastard, probably already bring him to his agency to test out Shoto's quirks.

"Tatsuya. Where are you? I search you and did not find you in your bedroom."Fuyumi said to me.

" Library," I mutter in a monotone tone as I see there are only one roasted fish and no rice.

Great. I want to eat fried chicken damn it.

That makes me lose my interest in eating seeing all their scared and uncomfortable expression seeing me.

I then decide to walk away.

"Wait, Tatsuya, eat your lunch." My mother, Rei said to me as I stop.

"Not interested," I replied as I walk toward the library and start to do my daily routine of learning many knowledge in this world.

Now it is an evening where I am currently eating bread with a jam that I found as no one serves me food.

"Tch. What a horrible family I have. I know my appearance is scary but did they have to be that scared and uncomfortable when I am around." I then put back the jam toward the cupboard as I get we from the house spotting Natsuo, Touya and Fuyumi are currently playing tag with Rei is watching them.

My mother noticed me as I quickly averted my eyes not wanting to see them as I approached a tree and decide to climb it.

"Tatsuya! Do not climb the tree." My mother shouted at me but I ignored her as I then slip and fell on my butt to the ground.

"Damn it," I said as I felt hurt.

"Tatsuya, are you okay?" My mother asked me as she holds out her hand toward though I can see her hand is shaking.

"Yes. I am fine." I said and stand up though I wince in pain.

Natsuo tries to support me but I smack his hand away.

"I do not need your help," I said and then walk back into the house.

"Tsk. Even climbing on a tree is hard for me. I need to build up my endurance." I take a bath and start to formulate many plans to train this weak body of mine.

A week passes as I am now in the dojo with Shoto as we both are homeschooled. Shoto is not that close to me, mostly thanks to my bastard father influence.

"Now children, I want you to draw out your family and colour them okay?" Mrs Hina, our teacher said to us as I rolled my eyes hearing that as she gives a white paper with a pencil, eraser, ruler and crayon toward us.

Shoto proceeds to do it but for me, I did not give a glance at the paper and did not do anything.

Mrs Hina notice my action and start to approach me.

"Tatsuya-kun, why are you not drawing your family?" She asks me as I look at her with a blank glance.

"No. I do not want to." I replied as Shoto glance at me hearing my reply.

"Why?" She asks me.

"I did not like my family," I replied bluntly as she widens her eyes hearing that.

"That is not a good thing to say, Tatsuya-kun You cannot say that." She said to me as I sigh and proceed to draw a single figure, which is me.

She releases a defeated sigh as she then tend Shoto.

Our class ended with Shoto draws out all of my family members, even me and coloured them perfectly making Mrs Hina praises him but I only get scold by her as I only draw myself.

She goes back to her home as Shoto decided to show this to her mother and as for me, I crumpled the paper just in time Touya sees me.

"Tatsuya, what paper did you just crumple?" He asks me but I throw it to the dustbin.

"Nothing that is not so important," I replied and walk pass through him.


Touya then grabbed the crumpled paper and unfolded the paper revealing the picture.

"Tatsuya." He said in a sad tone seeing only a single figure which is Tatsuya with no colour added toward the picture.

He then goes toward the room of his mother and opens the door only to see his younger siblings and his mother who now is looking at Shoto's drawing.

"Touya, what is that paper you are holding?" Fuyumi asks him.

"This belongs to Tatsuya," Touya replies as he handed the paper toward his mother who looks at it.

"Why did he only draws himself?" His mother asks.

"He said that he did not like us, his family, "Shoto replied.

" Did he said that Shoto?"His mother asks Shoto.

"Yup," Shoto replied as his mother look down in shame and sadness.

"Touya, can you call Tatsuya and ask him to come here?" His mother asks Touya.

"Okay, Mum," Touya replied as he searches for his younger brother and did not find him at his bedroom.

"That is weird. Where is him?" Touya wonders km his head as then he remembers his younger brother spends most of his time at the library.

He goes to the library and to his surprise did not see him in the library.

Touya then returns toward his mother room.

"Touya, where is Tatsuya?" His mother asks him.

"I am unable to find him, Mum," Touya replied.

"Have you searched for him at the library?" She asks him.

"Yes, but there is no sight of him." He replied making her worried about his son.

"Natsuo, Fuyumi, can you help your elder brother to find Tatsuya?"

"Yes, we can," Fuyumi replied.

"I am going to search for him at the outside," Natsuo said as all the 3 children of the Number 2 Hero searches for their younger sibling.

Natsuo now is looking for his younger brother at outside as he approaches the tree as then he heard movement from the top. He looks up only to see Tatsuya who now is lying his body at the brunch of the tree.

"Oi Tatsuya, get down here. It's dangerous you know." He calls Tatsuya who seems only stares back at Natsuo with his red eyes seems to stare directly into your souls.

"Fine." Tatsuya then climbs down and look at hid elder brother.

"Come on, Mum want to see you," Natsuo tell to his younger brother who follows him to meet their mother.


"Tatsuya, can you tell me what do you mean by you did not like your family?" Mother asks me.

I just stare at her and then look at my other older siblings.

"It is as you said, I did not like this family at all. Especially that damn father." I replied in a blank tone.

She seems sad hearing that as the others are the same.

"T-Tatsuya, I know we did not spend--" I cut her off knowing the incoming words which will make me feel guilty and you know, get us close.

Sadly, I am not going be a move by her guilty words or whatsoever, after all my mindset is set to leave this damn house at the age of 14 or 15.

So yeah, I will make Endeavour disown me and I will get my own life.

"Sorry Mum, but you guys did not act that good as a family toward me. I mean, you guys did not talk to me during breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am not blind, I know you guys are scared because of my appearance, and my expression that resembles that bastard father of us. So yeah, it is only a matter of a time before I leave this place." I said what is in my mind.

Mum take that greatly in her heart as she starts to sob as Fuyumi and Shoto start to console her.

Touya meanwhile grabs my shoulder and make me look at him.

"Tatsuya. Apologise to Mum." He said to me.

"Okay. I am sorry Mum but those are my honest words from my heart." I apologise to her and that makes me to roughly be grabbed by Natsuo.

"You just make her sadder." He said to me but I bite his hand making freed me.

"Tsk. This is the truth right. I mean, I am a freak toward you guys." I said toward them.

"Tatsuya. We never did it mean that way." Touya said to me making me glares at him.

"You already a failure of an older brother," I said to him as he frowns in anger hearing that.

"Tatsuya. That is enough. Do not antagonise your elder brother." Fuyumi said to me as I then walk out from that room only to greet by the sight of Endeavour which makes all of us tense except me.

"So you useless child call me a bastard huh?" He asks.

"Yes. You are not a great father." I said and I get smack on my head by him.

"Enji!" Mum shout at him.

"Stay out of this woman. I am going to properly dispose of this ungrateful child." Enji Todoroki said to me as I glare at him.

"Do your worst you failure," I said to him and he backhands me to the wall beside me.

"I have given you a place to live, sleep and eat and this is how you repay me. Not only you are quirkless, ungrateful and useless, but you are also showing disrespect me, your father." He said to me in anger but I stared at him.

"Father? Hmm. Do not joke with me. A man like you is not disqualified to be a father." I said to him and he grabs my hair roughly. He then makes me look at him.

"Say that again you useless child." He said to me but I just spit on his face and the throw me back to the floor.

Just before he strikes, a pair of arms hold him back.

"Let me go Rei." He said toward Mum who now is crying.

"P-please forgive him. He just has a bad day Enji." Mum plead to him.

"Hmmp. This disgraceful child is not worth to become my child. Enji said as I mutter something.

" Own....me."

"What did you say, child?" Enji ask me as I look at him.

"I said, disown me then. I mean I am just your useless child and not worthy to be your child right? Then disown me. That will solve your problem, right?" I said to him as Mum widen her eyes hearing with my father is the same.

Bet they never hear this from their child, not to mention from a 5 years old kid.

"Tatsuya! What did you just say? We cannot do that." Mum shout at me.

"Why don't you? I mean no one ever treats me well in this damn house. Just disown me. Then Endeavour, the Number 2 Hero will not be embarrassed for having a quirkless child. I am sure by his influence he can treat me like a child that did not exist in this family." I said to them both.

"Are you sure?" Enji, my bastard father ask me.

"Yes," I replied.

"Enji!Please, do not disown him." Rei beg to him.

Endeavour meanwhile now seems too hesitant making me snort.

"Hmm. Now he feels guilty. Whatever, I am not the character who forgive someone easily especially you beat me up seconds ago."

"You seems hesitant. Then let's have a bet father and mother." I said to them.

"A bet? What is the wage?" My father asks me.

"Simple.5 years from now on, I will take the exam for middle school and I will ace all the test without any help from teacher or anyone. How about it? If I did not ace all the test, I will stay in this house but if I aced all the test, you will disown me." I said toward him.

"No, I did not agree," Mum said to me as my father seems to be quiet. Urghh, no need to be an emo big guy, just decide already. No need to be sentimental right now.

"Come on Father. Do not tell me the Number 2 Hero, the flaming hero Endeavour, is scared to make bet with a 5 years old kid? Or are you too coward? Or maybe you are afraid to lose against me? Hah. What can I say, you always a loser? I mean look at you, always lose to All Might in term of popularity and strength." I decided to mock him to make him agreed to my bet.

And my mocking is successful seeing him get furious about me saying he always lose to All Might.

"Fine, you brat. If that is what you want. And I want to let you know, the moment I disown you, you will not receive a single cent from me, you will live your own life alone in the street without anyone to cherish you." He said to me, trying to intimidate me.

Yeah, sadly for him, I already know what to do after he disowns me.

"Deal. Now, goodbye Dad, Mum, I had a lot of subject need to be studied. " I excuse myself leaving a crying Mum and a stunning father who for the first time, is a loss at words and did not know to anything.

Hahaha. I decided to slightly change Todoroki's family a little bit. Besides. I low this kind of story so I think why not?

So if you want to know how my MC appearance is, simple his appearance is like Albedo from Ben 10 series.

And some of you guys already know what his cheat is.

This story resembles a lot like the story that has been deleted if I remember, the one who received Sunshine as his quirk, as he also is the brother to Todoroki Shoto.

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