
USJ (4) Oki vs the three knights

The dark saber was so beautiful that Tristy eyes glittered and made her admire one of the dangerous weapons in the world for a second, but it was only for a second as she got her focus back and started lunging at Oki.

Oki used his precise muscle control to the finest he can and started dodging Tristy's shield bashes and piercings.

"Why is Oki not going offensive?" Kirishima asks as he was looking at Oki, who dodged all Tristy's attacks by sidestepping and tilting his body at the time it was needed.

"That bastard is analysing that bitches moves." Bakugo scowled.

Todoroki was looking at the fight with keen eyes.'Can Oki go against three of them?'

Midoriya was also analysing the enemies quirks. 'The orange armoured man seems to summon blades out of the ground, the other one hasn't spoken much, but according to his body built and armour, he must be focusing on speed. The woman named Tristy hasn't shown anything...'

For the onlookers, it looked like Oki was taming his dog.

"FIGHT LIKE A KNIGHT, FIGHT LIKE A MAN!!!" Tristy yelled, and her attacks got more... beastly.

"Why should I? I am no knight." Oki continued his dodging spree, but Tristy was getting angry and exhausted. Oki finally saw an opening,

Oki went for a stab.

The sudden offence got Tristy off guard, but she smirked. This change was something Oki didn't expect and thought of stopping his attack, but... his instincts were keen enough to warn him if he needed to do so, and so he didn't stop.

"He is a fool," Degore said under his breath.

"That he is, and he has no train-"

The other man's words were stuck in his throat and didn't complete his sentence.

Degore was looking at Tristy with wide eyes. 'He is... quirkless?!'


Tristy was sure that the attack won't do anything to her. Her quirk 'Return Twice' returns anything she got back by twice in everything (Damage ). She was also called the strongest shield in the Round Table due to her quirk, and the shield matched her perfectly.

But, there were limits or weaknesses that every quirk had, and so does Tristy.

Her quirk would return any physical or energy attack back only if performed by a person with a quirk.

But a quirkless bypasses her quirk.

And Oki was one such person.


Oki's Dark Saber passes through Tristy's liver.

"NOO!!!" Degore cries out loud, and the concrete under Oki becomes sand and binds him. 'Damn it, it was too fast!' Oki wasn't able to react even though he knew the incoming attack.

Degore had tears flowing out of his eyes.

'Ligh Step, full power!' Oki tried to get away from the bind, but he couldn't.

Degore rushes at the bound Oki and slashes his greatsword. The attack was so strong that Oki was propelled back, dragging the earth with him for 20 meters!

Tristy had the left side of her belly missing, it wasn't bleeding, but the smell of dried blood was around her. "Gaheris!" Degore yelled.

The thin physique man walked slowly towards Tristy and kneeled near her. A bright light flashed from him after he kneeled, so bright that everyone in USJ was blinded for seconds.

When everyone got their visibility back, they saw something that could be called a miracle.

"You got skills, kid." Tristian, who almost stepped in the realm of death, was back on her feet. "Never would have thought I would be injured by a kid."

Oki, who was embedded into the concrete, tried to get back on his feet, but he couldn't.

"Let me help you," Degore says.

The concrete near Oki turns into sand and lifts Oki in a crucified manner for a second before a giant hand made from sand caught Oki's legs and threw him into trees. Oki was out of the concrete, but there was another problem now, he had to fight two more enemies.

"I am taking him on." The thinly built man named Gaheris said.

Gaheris disappeared from his position and came back clutching Oki's neck. "He is already down?"

Oki acted on the chance and kicked Degore's chin and slashed his Darksaber at Gaheris. Gaheris and the other two disappeared from their positions, and in seconds they were 20 meters away from Oki.

"I am impressed, grandson of Takemikazuchi," Degore said. "Despite being quirkless, you fought Tristy equally and head-on, you stand unharmed even after taking direct hits from me, you are still standing as well as if they were nothing! You have potential but, you are nothing but a jade yet to be picked up and polished. Come with us, and we shall unite the 13 weapons back and bring balance."

"I have no clue about the 13 weapons or the 4th sword." Oki, who always overwhelmed others, was being overwhelmed now. He wanted to end this as quickly as possible as he had wasted a lot of stamina during his dodging session with Nomu. "But, you guys will be taken to Tartarus, that's for sure, and also a side note. I was never a jade, to begin with."

"Big words coming from a kid who has everythin-" Gaheris didn't complete his sentence as he dodged an attack from Oki.

"Shut your trap!" Oki was not angry in the least. At best, he was annoyed by these 3 wanna be Knights.

'Light Step!' Oki disappeared from his position and faced Degore head-on. Both of them exchanged many blows in a matter of seconds. But, in front of proper control and precision, Degore was nothing, and his massive size only gave him an easy target for Oki's slashes. In seconds Oki started overwhelming the giant.


"Shouldn't we be helping him?" Midoriya asks Aizawa, who was about to use his quirk buy a blade made of sand pops out of the ground, which Aizawa dodged at the last second.

"Oki had realised this earlier?" Iida asks Aizawa, and Aizawa looks at Nezu, and he just saw Oki, who just got thrown into trees.


Degore's sword skills were rough and harsh, but he supplemented skill with his quirk.

From time to time, Oki had to dodge spears and blades made of sand.

Degore's armour had many holes and slash marks on it, and on top of the fact, they were so clean that one would say that the armour had this from the start if they had not witnessed the exchange of blows.

Gaheris appeared near Oki from time to time and hurled energy beams that were deflected by Oki in such a way that Tristy was forced to tank them.

Degore couldn't take on hits and started using his sand to form a thick shield which was slashed open by Oki. The sand stood no chance against the heat of the Darksaber.

Degore saw that he was getting pushed back.

Sands near Oki turned into sharp blades, and they were shot at Oki, like homing missiles. They didn't end their advance towards Oki any matter what. Oki was now dodging, deflecting and also slashing at the same time.

The three knights were astounded by Oki's skill, and Gaheris knew he was wrong for what he had spoken before.


All of a sudden, there were 10 more Oki. Which were just illusions yet they seemed so natural that even shadow was under them and the three knights started become vary of this, and they were running towards Degore. 'does he have a quirk?' Degore asked himself.

Everyone in the Round Table knew that Tristy reflected every single damage she had got, back twice of everything. But, only attacks from quirkless people would not be reflected back. She was invincible as long as she fights a quirk user.

'But, the kid manages to bypass her quirk; thus, he is quirkless, but also can make clones? No, this doesn't make sense!'

Degore slashes his sword in the air, and the concrete below all the clones turn into sand and spike up in spears, and the clones dissipate. Oki appears behind Gaheris and slashes at him.

Gaheris was nowhere there, after Oki finished his slash.

Oki scouted and found that Gaheris was near Tristy. 'This is getting me annoyed.'

'Light Step!' Oki vanishes from his place and again targets Degore. But, as soon as he reached behind Degore.

A punch was driven straight to Oki's solar plexus.

Oki was propelled back and stabilised himself after sliding a few meters. Then Oki felt that the stadium was a little bright, and with instincts ringing bells, Oki light stepped towards his left, and the place where he was a few seconds ago was a crater as hundreds of energy beams were bombarded in few seconds.

Oki took this battle more seriously and took another hilt, and ignited his orange lightsaber.

"Just that you have two weapons doesn't make you strong!" Degore yelled, but something was not right, and Oki could feel that.

Balls of light started gathering around Gaheris. Many brightly lit spears of light were aimed at Oki. The numbers reached hundreds.


They were so closely packed that Oki thought of using the one last move he has been saving. But he decided not to. Oki's precision locked on the trajectories of the spears and started dodging exquisitely. With instinct and precision combo, Oki dodged and deflected the attacks that almost none thought of impossible.

The three knights were amazed by the skills shown by Oki. Oki deflected and dodged light spears for nearly 15 seconds before light stepping towards Degore.

But, Oki felt something was off and stopped in front of Degore a few meters away. His instincts were telling him something, but he couldn't get a hold of it.

'What is going on here?... didn't Gaheris heal the whore? How does he teleport and send beams of laser and spears of laser? Is his quirk that versatile?'

Oki looks at Degore and also the oddness his instincts told him. 'He has grown stronger physically! But I thought his quirk was sand manipulation?'

Oki looked at Tristy and saw a purple barrier around her. 'I don't think that was her quirk. If that was her quirk, she could have blocked my attack or at least would have tried. Was it to show that they have a healer? That makes no sense...'

'Don't tell me... these guys have more than one quirk!'


(A/N)- Hope you enjoyed the chapter. How was the fight- Was it good or average or bad. (Honest opinion, please.)

Next Chapter- USJ (5) (Overdrive!)


Yes, then:

1111power stones for an extra chapter.

Currently (864/1111)