
I-island (6) (I-island Tasks)

"Hey isn't that the kid everyone's talking about?"

"Yeah he is, or at least I hope so, my daughter was given to build one of the components of a particle accelerator."



"Oki looks like you are the talk of the wind these days?"

"Yeah yeah Melissa I am and it seems that many hate me, and I dunno why."

"Let it aside for now, lets hurry up and get your machinery and other items."

"Yeah, I have all the time in the world Melissa, I am practically am the only one."

"Yeah, says the kid who builds a big stabilizer and the main core part of a nuclear reactor."

"I have already completed 7/23 of the Stabilizer."


"It is in the basement if you want me to show it, and besides didn't uncle tell you that?"

"H-he didn't" Melissa looks at Oki with stary eyes. 'I see that's why papa has been so free lately, thankyou lil bro.'

"Also I am gonna increase your training," Oki says with a stern face 'how to teach a breathing technique damn it and Mello as always being useless only irritates me.'

"I am not a maniac who's gonna train almost all day!" Melissa imagines her training routine.

'Well, you have some progress in 'Light Step'.'

Soon the duo reaches a big factory-looking building.

"Welcome sir, do you have any materials shipping in today for you?"

"Oh! Yes, I do. They are under the name of Oki."

"Give me a minute please." The man checks his computer. "Yes, sir all the machinery and items have arrived, and could you give us your I-island ID please."

"Sure" Oki gives the man a blue semi-transparent card.

"All done sir. Everything will be delivered in three hours."

"Good to know, thank you."

Oki and Melissa took their compressed hopper and headed back to Oki's house.

After 3 hours-

Oki, with the help of the delivery people, arranged his gigantic rooms and basement according to him.

"Yosh, let's get with it."

When Oki said that, Melissa looks towards Oki, who was holding a pretty large blueprint. She got curious as to what it is and sneaks behind Oki, which Oki noticed.

"So, what is it?"

"This something I have in mind for a training suit."

"A trainin- what?"

"A suit only used for training." Oki has a smug look on his face.

"Wh-why why do you even need a training suit?" Melo knew idiocracy, but according to her, this was the biggest of 'em all.

"Well unlike the hero course students in I-island I don't have a hero suit so I made a training suit and also, I am gonna start making my hero suit's blueprint." Oki folds his blueprints and takes out a web fluid. "Hey! Melissa if you decode this, I won't train for a month. Up for a challenge?"

Melissa- Why does his face say that even papa or I can't decode that clear liquid?

"Sure, and any other conditions?"

Oki- Why does her face say that she is gonna win no matter what.

There is a reason why Oki challenged Melissa. Recently Melissa started toying with Oki, she would use Oki as a lab rat for designing, haircutting, and many more, and Oki is relieved that no one other than him and her know about this.

Melissa treated Oki as her brother and as a sister. She wanted Oki to be handsome, and which Oki practically is, but she wanted it to be at the 'Plus Ultra' level all the time. Though Oki didn't deny her requests at the start but only at the start as Melissa found a new hobby other than studying and learning, it was making Oki either handsome or experiment with Oki for her style. This brought denying more often, and Melissa always respected Oki's determination to train, so she didn't disturb Oki.

Oki at first didn't know why Melissa didn't bother him when he trains or training her, but Oki wasn't just a kid. Well, he practically is, but he was above things when it related to calculations and brain department so, Oki found out about this.

So Oki increased his training from his every day 3 hours to a whopping 6 hours. This well Melissa didn't like it, and Oki didn't want his life to become like Kaguya-sama love is war anime and of course here instead of love, it was... you get the point, right?

So, why 'Web Fluid'?

There is a reason, and the reason was... Web fluid, when exposed to air, turns into webs. The web fluid reacts with practically any gas, but the result would be almost the same. Since Oki saw Melissa using him as an evil, he also wanted to be evil, and so he gave Melissa the web fluid, which, unless you study under a vacuum, you can't decode.

Oki did try to enhance the web fluid, but he couldn't. The only reason Oki knew how to make a web fluid was that Mello suggesting Oki buy a book saying 'How to make your own web fluid- Peter Pork (2099).'

"Speaking of conditions, you can only get a vial of that serum or liquid only 3 times a week so be careful." Oki gives a warm smile but the actual meaning being - 'Haha now let's see how you gonna win when I have already won!'

"Sure I will get right to it." Melissa brings out her hopper and starts hopping her way to the door.

"Hey! No hoppers inside the house, warning number 1 Melissa!"


*Sigh* "Well now I can focus back." Oki looks at the reassembled lightsaber and walks towards it.

Oki takes out a beautiful orange and purple crystal and inserts them inside.

*zing* Oki switches his orange lightsaber with a black core on and starts practising a martial art called 'Star Strike'. It is a move where you attack your opponent three times while it looked like you only did once. If the opponent or anyone has keen eyes and observes the person who mastered this art's attack, it would be like three swords coming at a person from different angles at the same time.

After 3 hours of training, Oki gets back to building the stabilizer. David and Sam join Oki and help him, but it was only occasionally as Oki rejects most of their help, and the reason behind it was that Oki didn't want Sam to learn the blueprint. Oki remembers Sam fooling David in the two heroes movie, and he unknowingly teams up with AFO, and he didn't want the eyeless freak to know how to make his reactor.

The time flows smoothly with no obstacles, and 4 months pass by.


"Melo open up the I-island Tasks will you."

[ I-island Task-

Main Task-

Complete the A.R.Z- 10 Million T.P

Get acknowledged by 30% Scientists- 1 Million T.P

(Current Acknowledement%- 5%)

Experiment and build 3 new things- 10 Million T.P

Completion Rewards

- Choose 1 Tony Stark's suit and a blueprint from the model XL series.

Sub Task-

(None) ]

'I still have 3 more years. Need to get things done by then.'

"I have some ideas if you want" Melo tries to be enticing like Marvel's Salene, but Oki had no eyes on her.

"I don't need any from you. Though due to you becoming a system you can do probability and calculations at a higher rate than anything in this world and that goes only so far and making plans and giving advice and suggestion isn't one. I better ask Melissa for these types of things."

"Hey, that's rude you meanie."

"I am 11 and very soon to become 12 in 2 months and you want me to look at a woman of 26 years?"

"I-.I... Hey well, need anything else? WAIT!!! You are practically 33!"


"Can't speak that now I have a sol-"

"That's just mental age, though I still behave like a child or a teen even so I am 33 mentally. Wait! was your point for me to ogle your body?"

"Nah, I was playing with you. Looks like you really don't have a dirty mind."



"You are the worst aunt."


"I also need to buy few kyber crystals, so send me to the shopping district. I want to speak to those robots for a different type of Kyber crystals."

"Oh! What is it?"

"Synthetic Kyber Crystals"


(A/N)- How is the chapter development? Any advice and suggestion, please mention them in the comments. I hope you like the chapter.

I hope you look forward to the following chapters, and I ask you to please tell me the areas where I have to change things. I am a newbie, and I wouldn't like to be one.

Next Chapter- Prototype Suit


Yes, then:

888 power stones for an extra chapter.

Currently (408/888)