
MHA: Izuku The Villain

In one life, Izuku Midorya went on to become the greatest hero the world had ever seen. But what if, through a simple twist of fate, the quirkless child went on to become the most feared villain in all of hero society? **** Like it? then add it to your library and give a 5 star review and send power stone. Discord:- https://discord. gg/qxvX7Tvpqp (without space) **** I do not own anything all goes to its respective owner. fanfic owner:-'soundestguitar' link:- https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4224167/soundestguitar

Toji_Fushigoro · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

Chapter 37


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"I...Izuku...?" Yubi managed to speak, only to receive an unrestrained kick to the face. The smash of pain was enough to make the long-fingered boy start blubbering on the ground.

"You know that's not my name anymore..." The young villain reached down and grabbed Yubi by his collar.

He lifted the boy, forcing him to bring his tear-soaked face to his freckled, ferocious one. "It's Deku."

The rabbit-eared boy took a moment to enjoy the sight of Bakugo's old tailcoat rider whimpering and bleeding, before throwing him back to the ground and walking away, leaving his old bullies in a puddle of their own blood and tears.

As Deku strolled down the ally, he put his mask, goggles and hood back on, but couldn't remove the smile from his face if he wanted to.

Catching up with Yubi and Maki felt good...real good. It was a shame Tsubasa wasn't around anymore, moving away with his family when they were six.

He would have loved to pay back the winged brat for all the times he and Bakugo liked to play 'bombs away' with him...!

Oh, well. Hopefully, karma has caught up with him up to now.

Besides, that pudgy, flying numbskull was nothing compared to his main target. And as good as it was to pay back Yubi and Maki after all this time... It was going to feel positively heavenly when he caught up with Bakugo!

Now, all he had to do was get the rest of what he needed...and his smile faded away when he remembered where he had to go...


It was the dead of night as Deku picked the lock of a certain apartment building on the outskirts of Musutafu.

With gentle hands and careful technique, he opened the front door to his old home with a quiet 'click'.

Cautiously stepping inside and closing the door behind him, he surveyed the place he once called home.

Remembering which of the floorboards creaked, he snuck his way down the hall, until he passed his old room.

He frowned at the All Might nameplate hung up on his door, before refocusing and heading toward the lounge and dining room.

The place was strewn with about in a mess, much to Deku's surprise. Usually, the house was spotless.

He couldn't understand why his mother would let things go when he wasn't around anymore. Surely, her life would have become easier without him?

He put the questions to the back of his head. He had to focus on why he was here.

Steeling himself and swallowing a nervous lump in his throat, he arrived at his destination; his mom's room.

With steady, yet shaking hands, Deku opened the door and slid it open.

A large mound rose and fell gently underneath a thick duvet on the bed. It took everything Deku had to not break down in tears at seeing his mother again.

Izuku wanted nothing more than to wake her up, tell her he was home and that he was sorry for everything...

But Deku knew better. He made his choice, and now he had to live with it.

Besides, he'd bring nothing but trouble to his mother again, and worse now that he was a villain.

There was no going back, not after what he's done..and what he planned to do...

Speaking of which, he turned his gaze toward her bedroom closet. He circled the bed, carefully open the wardrobe and rifle through his mother's endless supply of clothes.

After digging through a mound of shirts and cardigans, he found what he was looking for. A box with the words 'precious memories' written on the top.

Opening the box, he saw several photo albums and VHS tapes stored inside.

He fished through the pile until he found the few tapes he needed. He placed the rest back inside, and closed the closet up once more, making it seem like he was never here.

As he stood back up, he took one last look at his sleeping mother's face.

Deep in peaceful sleep, he noticed the deep, dark bags under her eyes. A clear sign that she had recently been crying. What would she be crying about?

Surely it wouldn't be...over him...?


There's no way. Not after having to deal with a Quirkless handful like him for so long.

It must be something else. Maybe she got into another argument over the phone with Dad. The boy's face turned sour. Wonder what he thought of him running away?

He shook himself out of it. He didn't have time to deal with this. He had to leave, now. Giving his mother one last wistful look, he silently snuck out of her room and closed the door behind him.

By the time Inko would awake the next morning, her son would be long gone, leaving nothing behind in his visit.


Deku shook himself out of his melancholy for the umpteenth time. There was no point in wishing for what could have been anymore.

He was a villain now. And once he put his plan into action, everyone would know it. And they'd know exactly why he became a villain in the first place!

...At least one part of the reason.

The young villain was so caught up in his inner argument, he failed to see where he was going and bumped into someone.

Whoever it was dropped the serving of nachos and soda in their hand. The Quirkless boy quickly shot down to the ground to save what was left of the meal. "Oh, gosh! I'm so sorry!"

"Not to worry, young man!"

The green hooded boy's blood froze...

He'd recognize that voice anywhere...

After giving his video of saving an entire planes' worth of people about half of its over million views, watching every interview he ever took part in, being his lifelong fan since he was a child, and remembering his soul-crushing words on that fateful day, it would be too difficult not to.

The Quirkless child looked up from the mess on the floor, and into the sunken, dark eyes of the shrivelled form of his former hero.

Toshinori, also known as the symbol of peace, All Might, smiled down at the boy. "What's wrong, lad? You look like you've seen a ghost!"


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