

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). A path towards the beyond has come and gone. Thus replacing the path from beyond closes with another path opening to reveal the path of glory and honor. This path opens to a world of superpowered individuals following their paths of heroes, vigilantes, or villains. Danger is constant always filled with those in power doing as they please. Changes he once thought canon was reality now take a curve differently than the intended path. How will the blank soul named Ren Yuki handle this new world with no personal memories of his other life other than general knowledge handle this his new world being this world GAMER filled with people with superpowers? "Time to go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!"

Jovami6729 · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

Chapter 30: USJ Aftermath

Chapter 30: USJ Aftermath

~Third POV~

[U.A. High School, USJ, Japan]

With what happened at UA today dozens of police squad cars came to the scene being notified of a villain attack. When the Pro Heroes entered the fray, the students had to be evacuated away from the scene.

They were soon protected by the likes of the nearby local Heroes hearing the news and backup for the large number of E-Rank Villains captured inside the USJ. Ren even managed to catch a few glimpses of the local pro heroes including Kamui Woods, Mt. Lady, Death Arms, and a few others.

Of course, when those 3 saw him making them freeze, he remained neutral, sighing out loud in relief as the police detective Naomasa Tsukauchi looked over the scene in a neutral tone, "16… 17… 18… they're all here and accounted for. Looks like they're all unharmed."

With the villains captured, Detective Naomasa soon greeted a familiar figure in a friendly tone, "Oh! Ren, how is my favorite vigilante doing today?"

Ren, rubbing the back of his head, replied in a sheepish tone, being called out, "Nice seeing too, Detective Naomasa. Pleasure seeing a familiar face."

He stifled a small laugh as the class looked on with interest as he greeted Toga in a friendly tone, "Glad to see you, Miss Toga. I see that our favorite vigilante is trying to be a good boy under your guidance?"

Ren merely pouted as Toga cheekily grinned, confirming the Detective's words in an upbeat tone, "Yup! Someone had to make sure he doesn't go on a wild adventure, nearly getting himself killed."

Detective Naomasa chuckled lightly, seeing that Ren was keeping himself out of trouble. But that was when he asked in a calm tone for him alone, whispering in his ear, "Good. But you'll probably know who those people are. When you return, go straight to the principal to explain what you learned."

Ren nodded, understanding the situation returned to his classmates. He looked at the scene, seeing the villains leave, being evacuated by the police and local pro heroes, having a stern expression shifting to his clenched fist, 'I need to get stronger and fast... either that or find a really good Quirk for me to copy. Searching for them is going to be difficult, though...'

Noticing the frown on his face and stern expression Ochaco leaned over tapping her hands over his shoulder jolting him up as she asked in a concerned tone, "Is everything alright, Ren-kun? You seemed tensed."

Hearing her words, he sighed out loud, crossing his arms as he replied in a calm tone, showing mental exhaustion, "Yeah, everything fine, Ochaco-san. I was just mentally exhausted from the ordeal, that is all. A pretty scary experience, huh?"

He tried to pass it off as a joke causing Ochaco to laugh lightly at his bad attempt in a kind-hearted tone, "Haha… I suppose so. But you looked so calm throughout the whole thing I never figured you'd be scared."

Shrugging his shoulders he admitted the fact to her in a nonchalant tone subduing his own worries, "Meh. I guess I probably work better under pressure. But at least I got something good out of it."


Showing off the black mist from his hand a comforting grin plastered over his face as he explained in an excited tone, "Now with that villain [Warp Gate] I can teleport around now. I gotta still work on it though but would be great for rescue missions in the future."

Ochcao nodded her head, agreeing as Mina grinned easily, seeing a ship being formed in front of her eyes. She soon appeared with a teasing smile, asking in a curious tone, "Oh ho? What's this, I see? Are you two flirting over here while everyone is distracted?"

Ochcao froze blushing covering her face with her hands as Ren looked at Mina bluntly responding in a neutral tone, "Nah. We're just talking about what happened to the UA teachers to inform them of our accounts. I have to say good teamwork Mina."

Mina eyed Ochcao who followed his words eyes narrowing but with a cheeky grin on her face said casually, "Hmm… you escaped for now mister. But I'm keeping my eyes on you two…"

She slowly tread back being overdramatic seeing her ship form in front of her. She wasn't the only one as the class eyed the two. But the girls all had a critical glance at the duo for their reasons…

But that was when they heard Naomasa Tsukauchi speak out loud getting the class's attention in a neutral tone, "We're gonna get you kids back to the classroom for now. This is no time to take your statements."

That was when Tsuyu asked about their teacher asking in a concerned tone, "Detective. What about Aizawa-sensei?"

Hearing this Tsukauchi explained to the students with a relieved smile on his face answering her question, "No worries your sensei is merely exhausted and has been sent over to Recovery Girl's healing. He'll recover soon enough. Now get along kids and get going."

They followed as they were told leaving the area to the pros and police to handle the ongoing situation. They soon took a bus ride back to UA…


[UA High School, Bus, Japan]

Every one of the students soon returned to the bus however there was tension in the air. Ren, sensing the tension, decided to break the ice in a calm tone, "Okay… what's with the dead silence all of a sudden?"

Being the one to break the silence, the first to ask was surprisingly Kendo as she said in a curious tone, clasping her hands together, "Since no one is gonna be the one to ask, I'll be the one then. Ren-san, how were you able to react and give command level head during the villain attack?"

All eyes being drawn to him, he seemed to realize what they wanted to hear. He saw their expression as he bluntly said with crossed arms, "Oh? Well… I suppose if I had to say, I guess I was coached by a former pro hero."

Hearing that, the next to speak was Kinoko, who was sitting next to him on his left with a light blush on her face, "Really…? That's so cool. I bet he taught you some lessons he passed down, right?"

Listening to Kinoko's kind words, he laughed nervously as he rubbed his head, recalling the lessons that Knuckleduster gave to him in a neutral tone, "Sort of Kinoko-san. But if there was one that that old geezer did teach me, he taught me how to fight, react, and strategize on the fly of the scenario."

Genuinely honest, Ren recalled asking for Knuckleduster assistance about Hero or strategizing before attending UA. Kendo soon spoke, with an understanding tone, "I see. So you had some former experience, huh? But still…"

Kendo blushed a bit, recalling how commanding Ren was during the USJ, admiring that part of him being serious in an embarrassed tone, "The way you commanded everyone. That was really cool how you protected everyone from the warp villain…"

Kinoko shivered at the thought as she spoke, responding to her savior her thanks in a frightened tone, "I-I don't even want to think about that… if it wasn't for Ren-san, we don't know what would've happened to us. Would we make it out alright or-r…"

No words were needed to be said of Kinoko's words as they understood that if he didn't react to stop the villain, they wouldn't know what happened to them. They weren't sure if they would live if the villain captured them or, worse, killed them if the mist were able to make contact with them.


Almost all of the students shivered at the thought. Despite being heroes in training, they were still kids at the end of the day, having that doubt in the back of their heads.

Mina, breaking the depression, soon spoke in an enthusiastic tone, raising her arms into the air, "Sure, but come on, Kinoko-chan! We're all fine at the end of the day, and it was still thanks to our fearless leader!"

Toga, sitting next to Mina, bobbed her head as she smiled, agreeing in a happy tone, raising her hand into the air, "You say it, Mina-chan! Ren-san is everyone's hero!! Cheers for our fearless leader!!! Bonzai!!"

Momo nodded her head, chiming her words in a thankful tone to Ren with a pleasant smile on her face, "Regardless of how it happened, we're all safe in the end. And you have our thanks for that, Ren-san. Truly, you are our hero today."

Ren, for his part, merely smiled as he exclaimed of everyone's contribution in a lighthearted tone, praising his classmates so as not to feel left out, "Please, I don't deserve all the credit. Each of you did what was best suited at the time. Besides, I think everyone should deserve the credit if I'm being honest. Everyone played their roles well, securing everyone's safety. I think what matters most is that everyone is all right at the end of the day, right?"

Genuinely being humble, Kinoko blushed, sitting next to him on the left, along with Toru on his right being of the presence of a literal prince charming thought, 'Ah! How dreamy and noble!!'

Many of the students of Class 1-A felt relieved that Ren Yuki was their Class Rep and a capable leader in dire times. Despite being the first in the entrance exams, he gained their respect, showing what it meant to be a hero.

Of the boys in Class 1-A, most of them, except for Shoto and Bakugo, agreed with the girl's words. They all had a taste of what was to come, but eventually, returning to school, Ren would find himself within the Principal's Office…


[Later, U.A. High School, Principal Office, Japan]

Several hours after the USJ Incident concluded Ren found himself summoned by Principal Nezu in the principal office. Also intending them was All Might as Ren asked in a confused tone showing a nervous expression, "Hello All Might. And Nezu. Can I ask why I was called here after the incident…?"

Nezu, seeing this, first responded in his usual playful tone when he talked to people, explaining the purpose of the meeting, "You have nothing to fear, young Yuki-san. First and foremost, I wanted to commend you for your quick responses during the USJ Incident. Not only did you de-escalate the situation, but you also assisted in taking down the villains of their Nomu with your quick thinking. We're not even through the first week of classes, and you're already well on your way to becoming an exceptional hero."

Having an embarrassed smile about Nezu's praise, but that was when All Might bowed slightly, shocking him as he exclaimed in a grateful tone, "I, too, would like to say a few words! Please forgive me, my student! And thank you for ensuring no one was seriously injured during today's incident!!!"

Ren was at a loss for words being thanked like this was entirely new to him. He rubbed the back of his head as he responded in a sheepish tone, "Uh… wow. I don't know what to say, but thanks, I guess…?"

Nezu burst out laughing, startling Ren as the principal, asking in a curious tone, eyed him carefully, "Hahahaha! You're something not used to being praised, young man. But we are going off-topic. Were you able to ascertain the identities and Quirks of the Villains who attacked USJ? We hope to create a profile on them before conducting the official interrogation."

Hearing this, Ren smiled as he began to explain what he knew to All Might and Nezu of the information provided. Listening to their bodies and expressions, tensed hearing familiar words they thought they wouldn't get to hear.

One of All Might's former mentors is a child, and Nezu, a former student in UA who tragically lost his life in the line of duty to be reanimated as a Nomu. This only brought more pressure for them to hear the dire news and the Nomu project from what Ren informed of the two, as well as the traitor in Class 1-A making the gasp.

Listening to this vital pieces of information, Nezu contemplated for a bit before finally responding seriously, gaining his attention, "This is quite the dilemma, young man. I see you went ahead copying Kurorgiri's Quirk. [Warp Gate] correct?"

Ren nodded his head, asking in a curious tone, sensing something amiss from the conversation, "Yeah, I managed to copy it. But I get the sense there's something more to this than a simple report."

Nezu smiled, nodding his head as he explained in a neutral tone the other purpose coming to his office, "Why, of course, Ren Yuki. Alas, that wasn't the only reason we called you here. I came to confirm with you that UA is willing to assist you in anything you need regarding Quirks for you to copy."

Turning his attention towards Nezu, he soon, with a twinkle in his eyes, spoke in an intrigued tone, "Since you can copy ANY quirks and refine them we hope to assist you with all we have, Ren-san. I'll use my connections to provide you the samples needed if at all possible of course."

Realizing this offer, he soon turned to Nezu, asking him with a raised eyebrow in a concerned tone, "Nezu… is it safe to assume there's something more than handing me Quirks for me to copy? Because it sounds way too good to be true. I've learned my life lesson that not every free lunch is a free meal. What's the catch?"

Catching on to what Nezu was talking about, he smirked with All Might, explaining, getting his eyes widened in a neutral tone, "In light of recent events, the villains are growing as our students. And someone as exceptional as you must have noticed. Times are changing thus I would like to make this offer again. But before that, we must discuss the origin of [One for All]."

There was a sense of tension in the air with Ren resolutely saying, "I'm listening."

Nodding All Might went on to reveal the origin of his Quirk, [One for All], the fate of the wielders, and the responsibility thrust upon them. They had been engaged in a more than 100-year struggle to defeat a man who referred to himself as All for One, the [Symbol of Evil].

Explaining that All for One had the power to steal the Quirks of people he touched, utilizing or transplanting them into others, becoming the Demon Lord of the underworld, becoming its shadow ruler of the world. Every One for All wielders he encountered until All Might's generation had been slain by him alone.

Listening to All Might's past, Ren felt his body become tense. He knew everything in the story, but being told the grim reality of the situation certainly put things into perspective for him and put pressure on his shoulders.

Meeting Ren's gaze, All Might began to turn into Small Might as he said in a serious tone his offer, "I'm telling you this because considering recent events the evidence that my nemesis, All for One may still be alive. If not, a person with similar power. Thus, if you are to inherit my power in the future becoming the Ninth Successor of One for All, you must be prepared for the possibility of facing off against the greatest evil this world has ever known… can you stare into the abyss of evil without flinching?"

Overwhelmed by the intensity of All Might's words, he is unable to find a response for himself. But a sly grin spread across his face, staring back to All Might in a resolute tone, "It should be the abyss that should be worrying about flinching when I stare at them. The [Symbol of Evil] better be ready for The Gamer is here to play. This is one game I'm not losing."

With a resolute grin, All Might smiled at Ren's response, though it took a little longer than he would've liked. However, he also knew that Ren had a copy of [One for All] and had been practicing for nearly a year gaining a different type of mastery than him.

From All Might's perspective of Ren's training in that light, one could say this was a blessing in disguise. One where Ren figured out how to utilize his copy of [OFA] differently, being able to draw out its power.

Seeing the determination in Ren's eyes, All Might plucked one of the luminous golden hairs from his head, grinning madly as he said in the most hyped and proud tone, "Now if you've prepared yourself, eat this!"

Handing a single strand of his hair Ren was left momentarily stunned…

However, he placed it into his mouth, seemingly to have eaten the strand of hair into his body, but unaware to the two that it was safely hidden within his [Sub-Space]. With that everything has been sent into motion for Ren to be the next successor as they agreed to wait till he returned to class again the next day to see the results.

When he left through the doors of the Principal's Office, a smile spread across his face in a confident tone, he thought, 'Now that I have certain Quirks needed, this will be a lot easier for me to get [OFA] power in full. And a way to get rid of the annoying parasites living in that singularity in one fell swoop.'