
Call from overseas

After the party was over, Neito woke up the next day in his bed, covered with presents all around him.

" There were so many last night? I was so pre occupied with Tenya and Momo I didn't even catch all this. "

His eyes rolled around and he took in the view of the entire room, but he still wasn't interested in moving.

His body was fine but he was lazy and wanted to lie down for a while longer, he was after all relaxed.

That was because High Spec had done it, he was no longer forgetting, him not remembering the huge problems looming upon the world would have been bad news.

" I should really get the quirk Shadow Butler, why do I have to get dressed by myself. "

Clicking his tongue Neito lazed around some more, after a year of living this insanely rich life style, he was used to getting things delivered to his mouth.

But he knew he couldn't really get wasted like that, it was the entire reason be didn't keep any servants around, he had to take care of himself if he ever wanted to achieve his dreams.

The dream of immortality.

" Immortality, no quirk exists which can give me that, at least not yet.. but I am Neito Monoma, Copy can manufacture such a quirk into existence. "

Neito already had a rough idea, he could take doctor Garaki's quirk ' Life Force ' , add it to One For All and stockpile it to oblivion.

This would increase the potency of Life Force to degrees that shouldn't be possible.

" All I have to do is create a quirk singularity effect with it, if I keep adding energy to One For All, I will reach the tipping point sooner or later. "

Quirk singularity was deadly for quirk's that had any attack potential, but Life Force was a passive quirk, it achieving singularity was totally feasible.

Top that with Super Regeneration to keep himself from dying of wounds, High spec to keep his mind from getting degraded with time and Neito would have himself an immortality quirk.

" I can add High Spec, Super Regeneration and if I get my hands on it, Life Force to my copy of One For All, it will stockpile them until they are all tipped to singularity point. "

Neito rubbed his chin and pondered, he had a quirk that can effectively manufacture new quirks as long as he combined them correctly.

He had the basic equation of immortality in hand, but it was just an idea, he could do all that and much more with less actually.

" All I need in reality is New Order, I want to know what happens if I stockpile it, what happens when New Order achives singularity. "

This idea wasn't new, Neito had it for a while now, but something was stopping him from that, it was how he should get his hands on it.

He had spoken with Nezu, and the best course of action they had come up with was taking it upfront, and for that he had to make a trip overseas.

It's user was a tricky one, her quirk even worked on itself, who knows if she had any orders set up so New Order cannot be copied.

" Haah, I'll think about it later, for now, it's time to get dressed and start my daily training. "

Getting up Neito finally started his day, he had to increase his actual quirk's potency if he wanted to do any of this.

He had to get rid of the time limit on his temporary quirk slots, increase the number of slots he had and make them permanent one by one.

" I have a lot to do, I can't let loose, I am born in a bad era, I will have to fight a war before turning 18. "

All For One was a looming threat to everyone not only One For All, sure, Neito had enough confidence he would be unbeatable after a decade or so.

But All For One didn't work alone, he had a whole worldwide network and background plans in place, no one person can stop this doomsday from coming.

Neito can't, All Might can't and Midoria had already shown what he can and cannot do.

" I suppose there is no use worrying about it now, future might even change for all I know, I am definitely snagging Twice from them, that would bolster my strength a lot. "

Twice, the man was a subordinate worth having, he was loyal friend and his quirk was ludicrous, all Neito had to do was get him out of trouble and into his group.

Giving him a good old fashioned counciling should be enough to fix his mental issues, with his and Nezu's high spec it would be a breeze to do this.

" I am just about done too, let's get going, can't keep sensei waiting for long. "

Getting out of his room after freshening up, Neito made his way towards the training area again.

" I am here Nezu sensei! "

And so his life was back on track once again and this was the life he would have kept on living-

-If Nezu didn't drop some news that was crucial to him, after a few years of peace following his fifth birthday, Neito had to make a choice once more.

A choice that might seperate him from his family and stagnate all of his current plans, but the pros of this decision was enough for him to risk this.

" Neito, my boy, are you ready? Nezu isn't forcing you right? "

Shibasaki who looked a few years older asked Neito, his son who had grown up quite a bit in the last few years.

" No dad, I think it's worth it, All Might went overseas as well during his student era, I think I can manage. "

A stable voice echoed in the room, the owner of said voice was Nieto, who looked much more mature than he used to.

Sipping his cup of tea, a habit he had picked up from Nezu a few years ago, Neito gave a large smile.

" I'll leave after I finish one last job here, it's been pending for a while now. "

Neito's calmness finally convinced his dad, his mom wasn't here because she had a fight with her son on this issue.

But it seems like Neito had already decided, he will do his best go convince his wife, for Neito was no longer who he used to be.

Shibasaki was certain no less than a handful of people can even scatch Neito any longer, he was ready to trust Neito on this, hopefully he doesn't regret his decision.