
Team battle

Kaminari? The real life pikachu?

I stared at him intensely, he stared back which caught me by surprise, then he smirked.

The motherfucker thought I was checking him out.

Kaminari, his quirk is pretty powerful but after one use he gets stupid as fuck and is more a liability than anything.

Luckily, our opponents are non-combat quirk users, Mineta and Momo.

Mineta uses weird sticky and bouncy balls to fight while Momo can make whatever she wants, luckily she's not allowed to use explosives or firearms otherwise we'd be dead.

We are fighting in the building C, and we're the heroes this time. Supposed to touch the weapon the other team has, and they're supposed to stop us. Seems easy enough.

But they're on the defensive, so it's a bit harder to touch the weapon. I think I'll use Kaminari as a distraction while I make a run for it.

For now, me an Kaminari are climbing the stairs, Mineta and Momo should be nearby on this floor...

Huh...? I can't move my leg...

Huh? What? There's a purple ball here, when did it-

No time to react, I take my shoe off and start running, a bit more annoying since the concrete is scraping against my feet but atleast I have my stockings on.

I turn around the corner and I see Mineta there, I grab Kaminari by his collar and pull him back.

As soon as I did that, multiple balls went flying in the direction of Kaminari who just barely managed to evade them.

"Why... are you going straight in? Can't we atleast talk about a plan, you idiot???" I spoke, Kaminari looked at me, and nodded.

I used my quirk, illusion, and made myself invisible.

The effect only lasts for a minute or two since I'm bad at controlling my quirk but it should be enough.

I go and quietly grab the unsuspecting Mineta and drop kick him in his nose, knocking him out cold.

Normally I would feel bad for doing something like this, but for some reason, I just don't. In fact, it was very satisfying.

My illusion wears off and I signal Kaminari to come out, but just as I signalled him my leg gets pulled up to the ceiling...

A trap? Did Momo set this up?

Damn, she probably knew I could make myself invisible... so she prepared for it?

But what's more important right now is that...

Being hanged upside down let's Kaminari see... my...

Why did my outfit have to have a skirt...?

Kaminari gets flustered and falls on the ground, tripping on a string which traps him as well, although in a much better position than I'm in. Wanna trade?

And with that, the battle is over, and Momo didn't even show her face. I think she got a good score on the written exam? She's really clever in a battle, it's almost scary.

The rest of the battles were... so much cooler than mine, I feel stupid.