
MHA┃Bow & Arrow.

"I was always good with the bow. It was something I had to learn if I wanted to eat. After all, my father was the greatest huntsman known to man..."

5king · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter 1.

Floating within an endless expansion of darkness was a boy. The boy was about... sixteen in age, making him almost a young adult. The boys hair was locked up, the sides cut while his locks were tied up in a bun on the top of his head.

The bleached locks fell sloppily downwards as his body laid still. Completely unmoving.

This continued on as his body floated for what felt like hours but in reality was only a couple minutes.

"Ugh..." The boy groaned, his greyish black eyes opening groggily. His left hand went for his head while he let out a sigh. It seems like what happened before he awakened had settled in.

He sat up, his gaze holding that of curiosity as well as fear of the unknown. It's a reasonable feeling, so the being watching him didn't find it too surprising.

"I.. I died. Just like that... Everything I put my time into, just... POOF... Haaaah." The boy muttered before letting out a sigh, his very being radiating disappointment. It was so prominent you could practically see it...

His life before his death wasn't anything special. An only child molded into the 'perfect' child... Or that's what his parents tried to do. His father was the best archer known to mankind, and he made a living off of it.

Hunting any kind of animal he challenged with only a bow and a few arrows. Most would think its impossible but when every shot you land is a kill shot... Anything's possible.

His fathers achievements were amazing, so amazing in fact he felt like he had the need to catch up and surpass him... And what's better than starting at a young age? The first time he picked up a bow, he felt... At peace, he felt like it was an extension of himself, almost like it was the missing piece to his life.

His father and mother supported the idea, but along with their support came their ideals.

The boy wanted to hunt and become the best Archer to impress his father at first, but after becoming so familiar with it. He did it because he wanted to become the best for himself. If something so foreign was so comfortable to him... It must mean it's meant to be... Right?

His thinking wasnt too far off, but his talent with the bow was... Scary to say the least. He soaked up the knowledge needed for it like a sponge, and he progressed at the speed of light when it came to technique and finesse.

He was a natural born pro.

Unlike his father, who had absolutely no talent for it, the boy easily started to soar the ranks of the known hunters in the world and by time he was sixteen, he was already the second best. Coming close to surpassing his father.

But the one in the lead didn't like that. Even if it was his son.

Why should some prodigy who barely spent a quarter of his time practicing get to surpass him? Become better than him? The one who busted his ass, blood sweat and tears to become the best and then some magical little shit whose amazingly good at archery was born... His own son was about to surpass him and he didn't feel a shred bit of pride.

Just fear and annoyance. Anger even.

And well... The kid died not to long later... Kinda obvious what happened isn't it?

"Hello There." The being that had been sitting in the darkness of the realm, watching the boy had finally come out. Startled, the boy jumped a bit and faced the being.

Long, healthy white hair flowing down his back to the floor. A beard so amazing even the beard heads on earth would pale in comparison. Skin so white it looked like milk... The boy was stunned.

'Who is this?' He questioned himself. The man, however, smiled.

"I am God. And I'm here to grant you another life."

He didn't know which one was trippier. Having someone read your mind or meeting God himself... The boy didn't even consider the reincarnation part.

"G-God? As in, the all knowing, all powerful God? Like the one the Christians believe in?" He questioned. He himself isn't a Christian but his mother was, so he had an idea of what their God looked like.

The God just shook his head.

"No, nothing of the sort. While I would love to talk about my origins, we don't have time for that. So we will begin with the main course immediately. Though, I will throw in my deepest condolences, being killed by your own father must be something terrible..." The God said. His head lowering a bit in a nod.

The boy just chuckled solemnly before sighing.

"It is what it is... Can't really say I didn't see it coming." The boy responded, his voice tired. The God studied the boy a little more, intrigued with the response.

"Haha, I see... Alright, it seems you are ready to move on and be granted a new life. So, I will explain the rules. Five wishes. All will be granted but the world you go to will be of one you don't know. Knowing the future is boring, trust me." The God added, chuckling.

The boy just nodded absentmindedly. Was he really about to be granted such things? Things that only the weebiest of weebs dream and imagine all the time?

"I - Umm... Can I have a minute to think of what I want?" He questioned. Receiving a nod in response.

"Sure, I have all the time in the world!" The God joked... Though he was serious.



Time flew by like a bullet, the boy still lost in his thoughts while The God was laying on a bed of clouds, snoring away.

"Okay, I'm ready!" The boy exclaimed, clearly excited about his new life thats about to begin. The God was startled awake, he was so spooked he almost flopped off the cloud.

"Ahem." Clearing his throat, he slowly floated down from his bed and fixed his hair subtly. The boy was too lost in his fantasies to notice this though.

"So? What are they?" The God asked, a small smile on his face. The boy took in a deep breath to calm himself, steeling his nerves so he doesn't jumble up his words.

"First wish, I want boosted talent in everything. Like, make my talent three times more than it was before." The God only nodded, it was a simple wish, something he's heard countless times before.

"Continue." He spoke.

Nodding, the boy listened.

"Second, I want four times learning speed." A smile on his face as he spoke, the boy looked at the God almost smugly.

Confused, the Gods eyes squinted, but they immediately widened when he realized what the boy did. Boosting his talent is something that would only give him a natural affinity for anything he wanted to put his mind too.

It basically meant he was a natural born prodigy at anything he did. But, that didn't boost his learning speed, or how much time it took for him to fully grasp something.

So asking for his second wish, he basically boosted his already alarming learning rate to another level, giving him something closer to instant comprehension than anything. It was smart. The God wouldn't grant something as cheat like as instant comprehension, so a boot legged version is something he will accept.

"Smart of you... I never thought of it that way. Continue." The God spoke, his smile no where to be seen. His face was now that of intrigue as he waited for the boys next three wishes, he already had an idea of one, maybe two.

The boy smiled with a nod.

"Third, I want an unbreakable bow, but have the design be more modern like. I don't really like the fantasy ones or the ones from way back when." The boy explained, finishing with a exhale of air. The God just nodded, signaling the boy to continue.

"Fourth, deadshot and observation Haki. Deadshot will make it to where I can hit anything with 100% accuracy, while you should already know what observation Haki does, right?" The boy questioned, receiving a grunt in response.

Chuckling, the boy stated his last wish.

"Last, I want the perfect super soldier serum."

"I understand... Your wishes have been granted, are you ready to go? Any requests or appearance changes?" The God asked, he knew some mortals want their appearances to be changed so they would be more attractive, hell some even just copied directly from another person.

The boy though about it for a big, his eyes focused on the bleached lock that dangled in front of his face.

"Um, can you have it to where my hair locs up naturally? And like, perfectly too? I find it to be quite a hassle to keep going back all the time to get my hair done. I can go fro regular hair cuts for the sides and back, but the locs take too much time to grow out and relock." The boy requested, it was reasonable. I'm sure anyone with locs would want this too.

Chuckling, the God agreed.

"Alright young man... Your time has come. I know your other life hasn't been fair to you, and I don't know how fair this next one will be. But I hope you live your life as you see fit, follow the rules you set for yourself and live happily... Until next time."




Took me a whole night bruh... Im something else...

Anyway, first chapter.


Until next time.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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