
The Start

Finally we are back to when Chu Feng appeared hand and hand with Chu Yue as he knocked over everyone that stood in his way. While looking at Su Rou until he finally said "Fine in this life I'll marry you again, but would let the same thing happen to you or your sister." (Same with Xue Ji and that shitty cat he would skin alive.)


"Who is that guy?" Someone asked curiously.

"Who cares instead look at Elder Su Rou what do you think she'll give?" Said another hopeless Vrigin.

"Maybe Elder Su Rou is giving away her body?" Some were even shitty and shameless with open lewd thoughts said as he creepily licked his lips as he looked at Su Rou body.

Although Su Rou was an elder, she was only 20 years old. Compared to the old used up goods that were drying up. She was far more appealing as they lusted after her body like if that were all she was good for. Quickly forgetting she could easily kill them all if she wanted. Yet as she was so easy going and close to their age none gave her the respect she deserved. Instead only thought how they could get her into their bed even if they needed to rape her.

However no one dared to speak nor look at Chu Yue as they saw her standing Chu Feng remembering what he had done to those that disrespected her...Too horrifying while no one seem to do anything to him, it was as if the Elder were too chicken shit to say anything after they saw how he killed those men. As for the woman they loved him for men seemed to be going more easy on them since Chu Feng appeared.

After all men in these land paid no mind to what woman thought nor felt. Only seeing them as tools to vent their lust, using them only to throw them away when they were done. Thus when a pretty woman with some power step before them they didn't care. Never learning to hold back until death was before them and it became too late to regret.

Su Rou knew what they thought but was powerless to do anything about it besides train. So acting as if she saw nothing she smiled charmingly in response to the disgraceful the crowd, thinking maybe she would die alone if she could if this was how all men would be. And raised five slim fingers, and said, "Five Saint Spirit Grasses."

Finally after the crowd settled down and were really to listen no longer as much lust as before when looking at her.

Su Rou nodded with satisfaction as she saw the disciples not being as creepy as before. Then, she waved her hand.

Behind her, rumbling noises came. The gate that was dozens of feet tall slowly opened.

"What are you waiting for? Don't want to pass the exam?" Su Rou smiled beautifully as she looked at the disciples who were staring blankly with lust still burning deep within their eyes.


At that moment, endless cheers resonated and the tens of thousands outer court disciples were like wild horses who got rid of its reins as they all rushed towards the huge gate. Screaming they would make Su Rou theirs.


Chu Feng went along with the flow while holding Chu Yue, While the Elders wanted to say something they pissed their pants as they saw Chu Feng and choose to say nothing..

The cave was very vast but it was very dark in there. The field of vision was extremely low and people knew the danger of traps that could be triggered at any moment.

*whoosh whoosh whoosh*

But after going ahead for a hundred meters, whooshing sounds came in front and endless amounts of silver needles were shot out from the wall, and they shot towards the crowds as if it was rain.



In an instant, all sorts of cries echoed. The disciples that rushed in front were caught off guard and over half of them fell. But if you notice you would see it was all the guys that were looking at Su Rou with lustful eyes.

Although the silver needle were not meant to be that strong, it killed all of them, after all who were they to look at Chu Feng future wife.

As for Chu Feng he always stood before them while carrying Chu Yue like a princess. As for the pussy shit of not standing out he didn't care he'll kill anyone that stood before him. That so called low key shit all these MC always did never worked it only made more trouble. As everyone saw them as push overs for never showing how strong they were.

Secondly, his situation was prefect show to show some of his true strength. After all how else would his girls fall for him? He wasn't going to rape them like many of the other Shitty MC always did to "save their life" as they called it.

As for those two loud mouths Duan Yuxuan and Yang Tian Yu he didn't care he would kill them if they tried anything funny. After all they were weak and the so called talent they had was shit only being in the 4th level of the Spirit realm. Both of them never even saw Chu Feng for how fast he was going while flirting and kissing Chu Yue.

As he ran with flying speed, Chu Feng finally left the mechanism stage, exited the dark cave, and arrived in the middle of a wide hall never once leaving Chu Yue lips as Ash became jealous of all the love and kisses Chu Yue was receiving. Tho if you looked closely you would see one of Chu Feng was grabbing Ash soft rear end making her moan softly....

She was too embarrassed to say anything yet liked to feel Chu Feng hand and said nothing.

At the end of the hall, there was a tall platform made out of stone. On top of the stone, there were several items. It was the rank 4 martial skill book and the five Spirit Saint Grasses.

Seeing those things, Chu Feng said "You want them Chu Yue?"

Chu Yue: But they are yours I did nothing. You used them instead they'll help you more

Chu Feng: Look you are my Girlfriend now and there some stuff you need to know. One those things are worthless to me for I got far better things. Two I'll give you better stuff later not this weak shit. And third they just souvenirs so you can remember this by.

Chu Yue wanted to continue speaking but saw the look in Chu Feng and decided to trust him. Feeling sweet inside for how much he cared about her. Still unaware of how strong her man was.


Within a mysterious stone room in the underground palace, an old elder was staring at a disordered stone and astonishment filled his gaze.

"Elder Su Rou look, this is too astonishing."

Looking at it, the entire stone was disordered. Which only meant one thing. Someone already passed the mechanism stage.

The fastest person to clear the mechanism stage took two hours from the past examinations. But currently, only 10mins had passed.

This change grabbed everyone's attention. The dozen or so elders in the stone room all gathered around and they were all very startled.

"Could it be that mons....I mean young men?"

Su Rou also gathered over, and as she looked at the disordered stone, she nodded thinking could he be like the rest....after all she did hear about his good looks but with all the guys int he crowd being so gross she didn't get to see Chu Feng.

Thinking of testing him she said "Since it's like this, we can't let him pass so easily. Let me make it more interesting."

Suddenly, she smiled strangely, and hit three stones with three bangs.


Seeing that, all of the elders agreed for they wanted to know if the rumors were real.

As for it releasing all the imprisoned Fierce Beasts at the same time. No one cared nor said anything after all they wanted to see what the young man was made of.

As for tens of thousands of disciples in the underground palace being slaughtered by the Fierce Beasts, how could they know the silver needles were far more deadly killing all the perverts. However someone finally did remind Su Rou what she had just done after seeing no one saying anything about it thinking they had forgotten too.

"Why did you not remind me earlier?"

At that time, Su Rou's face also changed greatly. Her body rose and became the wind. When the stone doors opened, she already disappeared.

"Elder Li, what should we do?" Everyone's gazes landed on this aged elder.

"What else can we do? We'll do nothing and say we knew nothing!" Elder Li bellowed angrily clearly he was too lazy to help.


*bang* Suddenly, a heavy noise resounded and the stone doors that locked the Fierce Beasts started to open.

*bang bang bang bang bang…* Quickly after, the 40 stone doors at the side of the main hall all opened.

That completely stunned Chu Yue but bored Chu Feng. That was far they were too weak not even ants to him.

Chu Yue became worry but as she say how clam her boyfriend weasand heard him say he'll protect her. She smiled and kissed him unaware of how pissed off Ash became.

Soon some creatures which were similar to tigers but double their sizes showed up.

Their entire body was jet-black and you could see their blade-like claws and ivory, as well as their pairs of blood-red eyes.

There were a total of 40 little kittens, faking a rawr as they meow. He came even more bored and said without using his Bloodline nor taking out a sword.

"Scatter Senbonzakura let all these that stand before me die."

And just like that all the poor little kittens became hamburger meat, For Chu Feng lunch later.

Chu Yue saw all this and didn't saying "Wow my man is strong" As Ash heard she was ready to pull Chu Yue from her hair to get off Chu Feng. After all she most hated when Weak useless girl got too close to HER MAN.

After looking around with his eyes, Chu Feng leaped on the tall platform. Without even looking at them, he took the martial skill book and the Saint Spirit Grasses.

After doing that, Chu Feng opened the huge closed door. And went towards it while holding Chu Yue hand and having Ash on his back biting his ear saying "He's mine" over and over again.

As the door was fully open a dozen or so shadows walked out. With Su Rou leading them in person. At that moment, whether it be Su Rou or the aged elders, their expression were very strange.

They only saw a very handsome man Chu Feng continuously kissing Chu Yue as he barbecued the already dead rank 4 Fierce Beasts.

But to think that so many strong Fierce Beasts were only killed by one youth, it was unimaginable.

"Elder Li, who is that child?" Su Rou inquired yet even though she saw him while a girl already his couldn't help but feel jealous as if that were her man.....Like she knew him yet she was sure she never saw him in her life before after all how would she forget a face like his.

Elder Li did not respond. He looked at the other elders behind him, but all the elders shook their head.

"You don't know what the name of such a good looking I mean outstanding disciple?" Su Rou's brows wrinkled, showing some displeasement yet unsure why she couldn't help but get him stuck in her head.

"He's the Monster we were talking about…..as for the girl I think it's his Girlfriend" Elder Li's face was full of helplessness.

"Whatever. Hurry up and find out about his background then tell me."

"Also...see what see is to him....and if he really likes her" Su Rou instructed unable to hide any longer how pissed off she was he was with another girl, Unsure of why she saw him as his.

"As you wish." Elder Li and the others respond respectfully. While facing this inner court elder, they didn't dare to be unrespectful....nor speak about the last thing she said...or how she was acting. After all they could see how Handsome he was.

Su Rou looked deeply and meaningfully yet angry and pissed of at the direction in which Chu Feng left in holding another woman, and only then did she enter the stone room while contemplating....what she could be feeling...Did she really want him for herself? But why when she didn't know him.