
Strange Dream

Gao Ming's body trembled slightly. His pupils, which had originally lost focus, gradually contracted, finally revealing a glimmer of light. He blinked his eyes, and with Li Qing's recent scolding, he finally came to his senses. He smiled bitterly, surprised at the fragility of his will. It seemed that the lack of ability awakening almost caused his mental breakdown, making him lose the desire to continue living.

Coming from a technologically advanced civilization, having been influenced by culture for more than twenty years, was it true that without abilities, he couldn't survive in this barbaric world?

Perhaps he shouldn't have sunk into such despair. Gao Ming reluctantly turned his gaze towards Li Qing, who looked sorrowful. His heart ached even more. Although he had only been in this world for a few days and had no real connection with this delicate woman, he couldn't help but feel an indescribable emotion towards her.

Gao Ming tried to force a smile. Although he had managed to compose himself a bit, he hadn't fully recovered. "Mother, don't worry. I'll be strong."

A slight relief appeared on Li Qing's face. Despite Gao Ming's current despondency, the overwhelming sense of hopelessness that troubled her earlier seemed to have dissipated. After all, a child under the age of ten would need some time to emerge from the disappointment.

"Gao Ming, are you hungry? Mother will cook some porridge for you."

After saying this, Li Qing released Gao Ming and revealed a trace of a gentle smile. She tidied up her somewhat disheveled clothes, then turned and gracefully walked out of the room.

Watching Li Qing disappear behind the door curtain, Gao Ming's young face finally revealed a bitter smile. His eyes gradually moistened, and it seemed like a certain string in his heart had been unexpectedly struck.

He withdrew his gaze, subconsciously wiping his eyes with his sleeves. Leaning back on the old, mottled brass bed, he looked up at the whitened mosquito net canopy. His mind was flooded with thoughts. The mysterious sleep during the baptism ceremony left him confused. Before the ceremony began, he had prepared himself mentally and shouldn't have fallen asleep so easily. According to Li Qing's account, he was the only one who dozed off in the entire baptism arena, making quite a spectacle of himself.

Furthermore, during his slumber, he had a strange dream that he still vividly remembered. Of course, it wasn't a romantic dream. It was rather bizarre and surreal. He recalled that shortly after falling into a drowsy state, his consciousness inexplicably entered a peculiar world. This world was chaotic, hazy, without sky, land, flora, fauna—just an endless expanse of gray mist.

Gao Ming initially thought he had arrived in a prehistoric chaotic world before the creation of heaven and earth, as depicted in mythological stories.

However, since it was a dream, it was quite normal. People dream about strange and surreal things. After he fell into a deep sleep for an unknown duration, his consciousness suddenly entered a very strange world. This world was chaotic, murky, without sky, land, or any sign of life; only an endless expanse of gray mist.

Gao Ming initially thought he had arrived in a chaotic world before the creation of heaven and earth, as depicted in mythological stories.

However, since it was a dream, it was quite normal. People dream about strange and surreal things. He couldn't help but recall the dream he had in his previous life. At that time, he also dreamed about having extraordinary abilities. However, the current dream seemed more realistic than the ones he had before. There was a feeling of being present in that strange world.

Gao Ming mused inwardly. Now that it was a chaotic world without life, to open up heaven and earth, there must be a life concept with the responsibility of opening up heaven and earth.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he had this idea, the originally calm and turbulent chaotic world suddenly surged. A vast concept emerged in the chaos. Gao Ming couldn't help but be amazed. Could this be Pangu opening up heaven and earth?

Next, the process of opening up heaven and earth naturally followed. Gao Ming couldn't help but be excited. Unlike the dreams he had before, he always felt that the scene was hindered by something, making it difficult to proceed smoothly. It was an agonizing experience that could make him spit blood.

However, Gao Ming didn't see the appearance of the Pangu Axe. There wasn't even a congenital magic treasure in sight. This surprised him a bit. It seemed that this dream was somewhat flawed. It couldn't completely restore the plot from the supernatural novels.

In the chaos, that concept waved its hands, and the chaotic qi separated into clear and turbid parts. Could this be the separation of clear and turbid qi? Gao Ming understood it this way.

The sinking turbid qi, under the drive of that concept, transformed into a thick and continuous earth. Rivers and seas, flowing rivers, volcanic magma, metal ores, flowers, trees—all emerged. The rising clear qi turned into raging winds, storms, lightning, thunder, clouds, mists, and snow. Darkness and light alternated and spread across this newly formed world. Then, land animals and crawling creatures appeared on the thriving earth, while birds and insects soared in the vast and boundless sky, and fish swam freely in the surging rivers and seas.

In a daze, it was unknown how much time passed. A brand-new world appeared before Gao Ming, leaving him bewildered, with a hazy sense of being unable to distinguish between dreams and reality.

More subtle changes continued to brew and unfold in this newborn world, making it increasingly perfect and entering a positive cycle of autonomous development.

As time passed, the world underwent transformations, and Gao Ming seemed like a spectator who didn't belong to this world, quietly observing the natural changes.

Everything evolved and developed according to the laws of nature. However, there was one peculiar thing that puzzled Gao Ming. Throughout the creation of this world, besides the Pangu-like concept, there was no appearance of any intelligent life. Given the world's reproduction and the presence of animals and plants, the absence of intelligent beings seemed somewhat inexplicable.

Questions lingered, but answers were elusive, especially in this illusory dream that couldn't be treated as reality.

As the dream progressed to this point, it naturally came to an end. The next moment, Gao Ming woke up, but the vivid scenes from the dream lingered on.

Strange, he thought. No awakening of abilities, just a chaotic dream.

Lost in thought, Gao Ming was interrupted as Li Qing entered with a bowl of steaming rice porridge, carrying a faint aroma. "What are you thinking about? Gao Ming, get up and have some porridge to fill your stomach."

Gao Ming withdrew his wandering thoughts and focused his gaze on Li Qing. He sat up at the edge of the bed, and Li Qing placed the porridge bowl on a small stool nearby. She straightened Gao Ming's wrinkled clothes with one hand and then picked up the bowl with the other, ready to feed Gao Ming spoon by spoon. Her expression and movements were gentle to the extreme, with a faint smile on her face and a maternal glow in her soft eyes.

Feeling a warmth in his heart, Gao Ming said softly, "Mother, I can do it myself."

Li Qing smiled sweetly and placed the small spoon in the bowl. She reached out to gently stroke Gao Ming's head. "It seems like my Gao Ming has grown up. Giggle!"

Taking the porridge bowl, Gao Ming, enticed by the rich aroma of the porridge, felt his appetite surge. He quickly grabbed the spoon and began to enjoy the meal.

Seeing Gao Ming's eager expression, Li Qing shook her head, chuckling, "Take your time, don't burn yourself."

Gao Ming was truly hungry. He finished the bowl of rice porridge in no time, licking his lips and savoring the taste. "Delicious, Mother, is there any more?"

"No, there isn't."

Li Qing replied calmly, but the smile in her eyes betrayed her.

"You're lying, Mother. There must be more. I'm so hungry!"

Gao Ming unexpectedly started acting cute, but as soon as he said it, he stopped himself, furrowing his brows involuntarily. A man in his twenties was acting cute? A shiver ran down his spine at the thought.

Seeing the change in Gao Ming's expression, as if he was holding back something, Li Qing thought he might be genuinely upset. She quickly said with a cheerful tone, "Be good, Mother will go get you another bowl."

"Hehe, Mother, I'll go with you!"

Gao Ming said, then hopped off the bed, swiftly carrying the bowl as he ran out of the room, leaving Li Qing shaking her head and laughing heartily.