

The next morning, Gao Ming, led by a person sent by Gao Bo, headed to the Esper Training Camp.

Gao City was located on the banks of the Yellow River, backed by the Little You Mountain. This fertile floodplain made it a coveted location, resulting in frequent disputes among the clans. There were several small clans in the vicinity, engaging in continuous conflicts. Fortunately, there were no significantly powerful clans around, or else the living space of the Gao Clan would be greatly diminished.

The Esper Training Camp was not situated within the city but was built in a massive valley ten miles away from Gao City. Gao Ming traveled there by horse-drawn carriage, and on the broad road, green fields stretched as far as the eye could see. Countless figures were busy in the fields.

A mountain ridge appeared in the distance. Although the terrain wasn't high, the appearance of such a mountain ridge on the plains added a touch of grandeur. There was a wide road from Gao City to the training camp. Once inside the mountain ridge, steep cliffs rose on both sides of the road, creating a feeling of smallness for those traveling beneath.

Finally arriving at the valley where the training camp was located, the valley was exceptionally large, with most of its area appearing to be artificially developed. If such a project were considered significant in the world of the past, it was relatively straightforward in this Esper-powered world. This was due to Earth Esper users, particularly those with Terrakinesis abilities.

At the entrance of the valley, several stone houses were provided for the resting place of the attendants.

The carriage stopped at the valley entrance, and someone led Gao Ming into the valley.

Inside the valley, a new and impressive sight unfolded before Gao Ming. A massive metal fortress stood in the valley, made of dark-colored metal, occupying most of the valley's area. The entire fortress seemed like a unified structure, cast from a mysterious metallic material.

This colossal metal fortress could only be constructed with the efforts of Esper users, especially those with abilities related to metal manipulation.

Entering the fortress, Gao Ming was guided to a room where he met his Esper teacher.

Every Esper awakener must undergo a certain period of study to become a true Esper. The usual study duration is three years, which consists of repeating cycles of learning. During these three years, new batches of Esper awakeners might appear. Of course, some naturally awakened Esper users might join during this period, like Gao Ming, who had undergone the Awakening Ritual a little over a month ago.

The study of Esper abilities in this world was different from traditional schools in the past. Here, each Esper user was mentored individually. Gao Ming's Esper mentor was named Gao Cai, a female Fire Esper user in her thirties. Although she was quite attractive, her temperament was rather fiery and straightforward. As soon as Gao Ming arrived, she unceremoniously presented him with ten prohibitions and five physical punishments. Her tone left no room for questioning, making it clear that Gao Ming had encountered a strict and no-nonsense instructor.

Gao Ming hesitated for a moment before Gao Cai glared at him sharply, making his scalp tingle.

The study room was empty and echoed with a cold atmosphere. The six walls were made of dark metallic material, creating a dull ambiance. Only two metal pads were placed on the floor, and both individuals sat on them. Without much ado, Gao Cai started Gao Ming's first lesson on Esper abilities.

"Gao Ming, do you know how Esper abilities are formed?"

Although Gao Cai had a delicate face, her serious expression left Gao Ming with no mood to appreciate it.

Small talk? If I knew, why would I come here to learn? Gao Ming sneered inwardly.

Nevertheless, he still honestly answered that he didn't know. Offending his Esper instructor was not going to yield any favorable results. If she missed any details while explaining, he would be the one at a disadvantage.

Gao Cai pursed her rosy lips and explained, "Before learning about Esper abilities, you must understand the factors that lead to their formation. The foundation of all Esper abilities is the Esper Sea."

"Esper Sea?"

Gao Ming had read novels related to Esper abilities in his past life but had never come across this term.

"That's right, the Esper Sea. In fact, every living being with a soul has an Esper Sea, which is the foundation for the emergence of Esper abilities. Let me ask you a question: What do you think about the human self-consciousness?"

Gao Ming furrowed his brows slightly, not understanding Gao Cai's intention. He shook his head.

"Hehe, human self-consciousness is, in fact, an Esper ability, a unique racial ability possessed by humans."

A faint smile appeared on Gao Cai's face, and her initially stern expression vanished with this smile. Gao Ming couldn't help but sigh; it turned out his Esper teacher was still pleasant to look at.

"Ah~" Gao Ming exclaimed. The notion that human self-consciousness was an Esper ability completely overturned his perspective. "How is that possible?"

Gao Cai glanced at him and said with a smile, "Why is it impossible? The explanation of Esper abilities is that it is an ability different from the norm. Human self-consciousness, self-awareness, the ability to think, and possessing wisdom are unique to humans. Can't this fact explain it?"

Although reluctant to admit it, what Gao Cai said was indeed true. Despite the vast variety of species in the world, humans were merely a drop in the ocean. However, only humans possessed self-consciousness, the ability to think, and self-recognition, allowing them to surpass all other creatures and become the rightful rulers of their domain.

Self-consciousness was indeed an Esper ability, a unique racial ability possessed by humans.

Even though Gao Ming didn't want to admit it, what Gao Cai said was a fact. Humans had a unique racial ability, self-consciousness, which allowed them to think, reason, and utilize tools, giving them a superior position over all other beings.

Seeing that Gao Ming seemed to accept this explanation, Gao Cai continued, "Since self-consciousness is also a type of Esper ability, it naturally exists within the Esper Sea. So, colloquially speaking, the Esper Sea we often mention is what we commonly refer to as the consciousness sea. However, this term is not comprehensive because most people only possess the racial Esper ability of self-consciousness. Therefore, using the term 'consciousness sea' to describe the Esper Sea is not entirely accurate. The consciousness sea is just a part of the Esper Sea, or more precisely, the part occupied by self-consciousness."

Gao Ming nodded, carefully contemplating every word spoken by Gao Cai.

She paused for a moment and continued, "With the appearance of each Esper ability, a section with a specific frequency of fluctuation is opened in the Esper Sea. If the Esper Sea is the foundation of Esper abilities, then spiritual power is the process through which Esper abilities are formed. It is produced by the soul. As long as a creature has a soul, it possesses spiritual power, differing only in strength. The stronger the soul, the more powerful the spiritual power. The spiritual power passes through a specific region in the Esper Sea before being released externally, connecting with the attributeless energy in the world, transforming into the corresponding attribute energy of the Esper. By controlling the consciousness to manipulate spiritual power, one can perform various Esper arts."

"Teacher, what is this attributeless energy you mentioned?"

Gao Ming interrupted Gao Cai's words and began asking questions.

Gao Cai looked displeased, but she still answered Gao Ming's question, "Our world is filled with attributeless energy that nobody can sense, including Esper abilities. What we can see and sense now are various transformed attribute energies, such as fire, sunlight, heat, cold, and so on. It can be said that attributeless energy is the only invisible energy, forming the basic structure of this world. The attribute energies and tangible matter in the world are all formed by the transformation of attributeless energy. Uh, and when I'm speaking, you are not allowed to interrupt. If you have any questions, wait until I finish speaking. Don't forget the ten prohibitions and five penalties I told you about."