
psychic communication

Gao Jia's charming face showed unpredictable changes. Finally, gritting her teeth, she said, "Since you've learned Fireball Technique, well then, Gao Bao, spar with him using a Level 1 supernatural ability!"

"Gao Jia, wasn't it you who wanted to spar with me? How did it become him now? Hmph, I have no intention of sparring with someone pretending to be profound right now. If it's a pretty girl like Gao Jia, I'd be quite willing."

Gao Ming exclaimed while crossing his arms and forming a circle with his hands, followed by a cheeky pout.

"Giggle, you want to spar with me? Gao Ming, you're already an adult man. Do you still want to bully me, a delicate girl?"

Gao Jia blinked her eyes mischievously, a sly look in her eyes.

"If even you are considered a delicate girl, then the world's wild women are probably extinct," Gao Ming sneered in his heart. This woman was clearly trying to distance herself, watching the show of him making a fool of himself from the sidelines.

"Hehe, since Gao Jia said this much, arguing further would make me seem shameless and despicable. Fine, let it be him then!"

Gao Ming waved his hand and chuckled twice.

Upon hearing this, Gao Jia's eyes widened. Wasn't this blatantly calling me shameless and despicable? Alright, let's see if you can still laugh later.

Now that the sparring was about to begin, the onlookers voluntarily stepped back, creating a large open space. Supernatural ability sparring wasn't something for close-quarters combat. Supernatural abilities didn't discriminate; standing too close meant being at risk of getting hit unintentionally.

Gao Ming and Gao Bao stood on the open ground, about two yards apart. This distance was considered the optimal attack range for supernatural abilities, at least for lower-level practitioners.

As they took their positions, Gao Ming had a small plan in mind. He first decided to use the seemingly useless gas mist supernatural ability. Based on his observations over the past few days, this ability had a close relationship with the Fire elemental ability. Fire energy was essentially transformed from this gas mist. Therefore, to shorten the time for the transformation and gathering of fire energy, gathering the hazy gas mist first was a very effective method.

In the silent exchange between the two, the sparring had already begun.

Gao Bao, with his fierce eyes resembling those of a leopard, stared at Gao Ming. It seemed like he feared Gao Ming would vanish. He extended one hand in front of his chest, and a faint earthy yellow glow appeared in the palm of his hand.

An Earth elemental practitioner.

Gao Ming suddenly understood. Gao Bao intended to use a Level 1 Earth elemental ability, likely Petrification!

Earth energy possessed characteristics such as solidity, gravity, penetration, adhesion, and more. Petrification utilized the solidity property of Earth energy. When a target was hit, it would form a solid petrified shell on the target's surface, restricting its movements. However, apart from limiting movement, if the target couldn't break free from the petrification effect over time, it would eventually die from suffocation.

At an advanced level, Petrification could petrify the target from the inside out, essentially sealing their fate.

Gao Bao needed subtle gestures to complete the Petrification ability, indicating that he was at the level of an Elemental Fighter.

For Advanced Elemental Practitioners, they could silently execute supernatural abilities. It was truly unpredictable.

As Gao Bao gathered Earth energy for his Petrification ability, a fiery red flame had already accumulated in the palm of Gao Ming's hand. The appearance of this flame caused an instant rise in temperature, creating a suffocating feeling in the surrounding space.

Everyone's expression changed drastically. Once again, Gao Ming delivered a deep shock to them. The rapid conversion of fire energy at such high speeds, amassing such a large amount of fire energy in the blink of an eye, was definitely something a recently awakened individual couldn't achieve. Yet, the fact was right in front of them – Gao Ming was just a newly awakened individual who hadn't even spent ten days with his supernatural abilities.

Gao Ming couldn't help but feel satisfied. This was truly the best way to surprise people. First, use the seemingly useless gas mist ability to gather a thick mist. Then, unexpectedly transform it rapidly into fire energy to execute a supernatural ability. This was undoubtedly his greatest trump card.

Preparing in advance wasn't difficult, but to do so silently, unnoticed by anyone, only Gao Ming could accomplish that. This was his capital. Surprisingly, that seemingly useless gas mist ability had a quite useful purpose. This was the first time Gao Ming had such thoughts.

Having gathered enough fire energy, Gao Ming began arranging the explosive properties of fire energy. Perhaps he was truly a natural-born comprehend-er of supernatural abilities. Under the control of his mental power, fire energy rapidly formed a somewhat unconventional sequence of explosive properties. Achieving a more standard sequence was a bit challenging. Having mental power twice as strong as an ordinary person truly had many advantages, at least in controlling fire energy. It felt like second nature.

In fact, to arrange the sequence of elemental energy properties, mental power was one aspect, and having a good sense of the overall situation was another. Using mental power to control fire energy was like a general commanding soldiers in an army. To command effectively on the battlefield and make correct judgments at all times, one needed a strong sense of the overall situation.

The arrangement of energy characteristics is the same; it not only requires a specific part to be arranged according to its characteristics but also demands an overall understanding. Many beginners often focus on one aspect while neglecting the other, resulting in the inability to complete the supernatural ability. It can be said that those naturally gifted with the comprehension of supernatural abilities are like born commanders of the grand scheme.

Given Gao Ming's formidable soul strength, it was normal for him to be naturally gifted in comprehending supernatural abilities. After all, throughout history, every natural-born comprehend-er of supernatural abilities was an individual with extraordinary potential. However, compared to Gao Ming, that level of extraordinariness was relatively mild.

Although the process seemed lengthy, it actually took just one or two seconds. Gao Ming had already completed the Fireball Technique, waiting only for its release.

At this moment, Gao Bao also seemed to have completed Petrification. If we consider that Gao Ming had just completed his first supernatural ability, Gao Bao's time for completing Petrification was somewhat slow. However, it wasn't actually slow; completing a supernatural ability within one or two seconds was already impressive. Supernatural abilities weren't like machine guns, allowing rapid and chaotic firing.

Both individuals simultaneously released their supernatural abilities and moved their bodies to the side, avoiding standing as targets. Standing like sitting ducks wasn't the act of someone with high intelligence.

Onlookers had their eyes widened. Gao Ming's completion of the Fireball Technique was too fast. As an awakened individual who had just learned supernatural abilities, the time he took to complete the Fireball Technique was certainly no slower than that of Gao Bao, an experienced Elemental Fighter.

Shockwave after shockwave left everyone speechless.

Yuanxiao, in particular, experienced the most intense internal turmoil. The shock from Gao Ming was too overwhelming. The appearance of such a supernaturally talented individual in the Gao Clan was fortunate for the clan, but for him, it was unfortunate.


A loud noise resounded as the fireball released by Gao Ming collided with Gao Bao's petrification light sphere. The explosion was triggered by the fireball's powerful bursting property. Simultaneously, the petrification light sphere also showcased its petrifying and solidifying characteristics. Upon contact with other elemental energies, the sequence of characteristics collapsed, completing the petrification transformation in an instant.

However, as the fireball exploded, the petrified stone transformed by the petrification light sphere shattered under the tremendous force. Shattered stones flew in all directions, even hitting nearby awakened individuals. In an instant, the area within a few yards was filled with shattered stones.

Gao Ming agilely dodged the flying debris, and at the same time, the second Fireball Technique was already complete. With a swing of his hand, a fist-sized fireball rushed towards Gao Bao with a howling sound.