

The main character, Jack, is a young man who has always been fascinated by the concept of reincarnation. He becomes increasingly convinced that he has lived past lives, and begins to have vivid memories and dreams of his past selves. Jack starts to research reincarnation and meets a group of people who are also interested in the topic. Together, they begin to explore the idea that the soul can be reborn into different bodies over time. As Jack delves deeper into his past lives, he begins to uncover unsettling secrets and tragedies. He becomes determined to right the wrongs of his past selves and set things right in the present. Along the way, Jack faces many challenges and makes new friends and enemies. He also grapples with the ethical implications of interfering with the course of history. In the end, Jack is able to find peace and resolution by coming to terms with the lessons he has learned from his past lives and finding a way to make amends for his past mistakes.

TrustedKnight · ファンタジー
4 Chs


Jack sat at his desk, staring at the stack of books in front of him. He had always been fascinated by the concept of reincarnation, and over the years he had amassed a large collection of books on the subject. He had always been drawn to the idea that the soul could be reborn into different bodies, living multiple lives and experiencing the world in different ways.

But today, something felt different. As he looked at the books, he was overwhelmed with a sense of déjà vu. It was as if he had read them all before, and yet he knew that was impossible. He had always been a voracious reader, but he had never been able to read so many books on the same subject in such a short period of time.

He shook his head, trying to clear the strange feeling. But it persisted, and before he knew it, he was having vivid memories of past lives.

He saw himself in ancient Egypt, working as a scribe in the courts of the Pharaohs. He saw himself in medieval Europe, living as a knight and serving a lord. And he saw himself in the American West, living as a cowboy and roaming the vast wilderness.

As the memories flooded his mind, Jack couldn't help but wonder: was it all just his imagination, or was he really experiencing the memories of his past selves? He had always been a skeptical person, but the memories felt too real to be dismissed as mere hallucinations.

He stood up from his desk, feeling a sense of determination wash over him. He was going to find out the truth, no matter what it took.

He spent the next few days immersing himself in his research, reading every book he could get his hands on and scouring the internet for any information that might help him understand what was happening to him. He consulted with experts in the field of reincarnation, and even traveled to India to visit ashrams and learn from spiritual leaders.

As he delved deeper into his past lives, he began to uncover unsettling secrets and tragedies. He saw himself as a soldier in various wars, and witnessed the horrors of violence and death. He saw himself as a wealthy merchant, using his power and influence to exploit and oppress others. He saw himself as a lover, causing heartbreak and betrayal.

Why was Jack having the visions? What were causing him to see himself in these characters of the past. Was he to immersed in his readings that caused him to put himself in these characters shoes? These were the questions that were going through Jacks head, but these visions or day dreams felt so real.

His heart thumps with adrenaline every time he would come out of his what seems to be day dreams. Jack wanted answers, but how does he begin?