
Metal Storage Box

Spell_Check · 都市
5 Chs

Chapter 2

When I woke up, I was in pitch black darkness with a clock "That kinda looks like the digital clocks in the middle of the hallway at my school. But it was a countdown?" I thought to myself. I got up and looked at the clock and it said " 26 days, 29 min, 43 sec" then I realized what happened. I've been kidnapped. I accepted my fate. I sat on the ground and watched the seconds go by on the countdown clock. And I started counting the seconds down with the clock "12…11…10…9…" all the way to 0, when it changed to '26 days, 28 min, 59 sec'. I layed on the cold damp ground. Minutes went by and somehow I fell asleep. Once I wake up the clock said "23 days 47 min, 12 sec" "How long have I been asleep?" I questioned myself. Then I heard a noise that sounded very rusty and old like something on an old 'Metal Cargo Containers'

"Heyy… kido" a man said, his voice sounded ruff like he has been eating crack for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I snickered at my remark.

"What the hell is so funny" He asked

"Nothing" I say

. But I stayed where I was and didn't move. He turned on the light with a key and I finally got to face my captor. He looked like one of those models you would see on tv. He just threw a soggy wet pancake at me left and locked the door. He didn't even turn the light off. Since I was starving, I went to the pancake and ate it. It tasted good but it was soggy. As soon as I finished I laid down and instantly fell asleep. I woke up to the clatter of the metal door, I was back in pitch black darkness.

"I have been in captivity for 6 days now. They haven't found me, and I'm starting to lose hope. I don't think anything will get better" I thought to myself. Until i hear the door to the Metal Cargo Containers he keeps me in open.