

Truck-Kun killed me, in the old Japanese light novels, they refer to God of Death, as a cheater, who likes to kill people, to send them to the other world. He loves to drive big trucks to kill people, in a tragic and violent way. I intervened in the final fate of my ex-girlfriend. Then I died for her instead.

When I saved my ex-girlfriend from dying, I was headed to the field, I had gotten up early today, to buy some New Bitballs, which are the main equipment to become a Bittamer. Due to destiny we were invaded by creatures of the Digital plane, but thanks to the forging scientist: Franklin Bill Jobs. He managed to find a way to contain and capture these creatures that started the digital apocalypse.

Thanks to the efforts of Ing. Franklin Bill Jobs, the new era of Bitbeast began, where a lucrative business was started that benefits the environment and humans.

However, I had to work and study hard, for a long time, in all kinds of jobs to save and obtain the licenses, the basic digital creature capture equipment or Bitmon.

However, it was not among my plans, to be bitten by the hero's worm and die without more. I just hope my ex appreciates my actions.

It was a horrible and very painful death; I just don't want to remember that.

Now I was in nowhere, I was looking in any direction, and it seemed that I was inside a cloud since everything was white and cloudy as far as it could be seen. My body had no matter so inside this place I floated like a golden colored smoke, when suddenly a door appeared in front of me.

Inside it you could see a common room, painted in friendly colors, which invited you to relax, the curtains were blue, and it had several old wooden furniture.

Near the door there was a pastel green woman with emerald hair, she wore a long-sleeved, semi-transparent black blouse, covered by a red tunic, like that of Buddhist monks, but when it fell from her waist to the floor, it was black party dress.

Behind her you could see two more people, one looked like Charli Chaplin and the other like Ali Berry. Charli's skin was golden, and he had a crown on her head of this color, wearing a business suit, with a golden tie. While Ali Berry had eyes red like lava, I personally like her when she has her hair short, ib a black color, but I have to admit that the long red hair also suits her very well, she was wearing a full-length purple dress.

When she saw me, she smiled at me with a mouth full of little fangs

"Shit, Kitsune!" I thought, and hoped I wasn't her next victim. These can be beings or spirit, with the power to change shape, where it is usually a fox or a woman. Although they can also be men. These are very intelligent, in addition to possessing magic that increases with age. Depending on the way in which they evolved during their years of life, these can be come, malicious or good, or combination of the above as it suits them. The Benign ones try to help humanity, the evil ones try to eat humanity and the neutral ones their goals are not clear.

The woman in green said my name, so I focused my attention on her and saw that in front of her there was a window that floated in front of her, where you could see a very beautiful woman with blue hair. She introduced me to Goddess Emiony, from the other side of the window.

I greeted her by waving my hand, I felt very happy to meet a Goddess, when she saw me it seemed that she had seen the devil. So, she turned around and I could see myself. But then I touched my head, with which I realized that I had long hair while my reflection had a hairstyle like the Prince of Rap from 1990.

It was strange I could see Emiony's lips and the green woman moving, but I couldn't understand anything, but I knew they were arguing, and I knew it from the gestures they made between them.

The green woman who I will assume was the Green Goddess placed shackles on my feet and hands. When the handcuffs were placed, they became bracelets like those of a medieval armor that went from the middle of the elbow to where the fist began. While shackling my legs, it became a buzzer for a medieval armor or gebra, which was a piece that protected or covered the leg from the knee to the base of the foot. Which made me feel terribly uncomfortable and confused. To finish putting the cherry on the cake, my clothes that were completely white were stained with black stripes, which went from side to side. Which made me think, that I had become a prison.

"What the hell!" screamed in my mind.

Then the Green Goddess pulled me by the chains and approached the Kitsune.

"No no no!" I screamed, but my lips didn't move, I tried to resist, but my body wasn't mine.

She and Charli stood up, and Ali received my chains. With a smile in her eyes that said:

"I'll eat you, I'll eat you, I'll eat you!"

Charli smiled sadistically.

"It can't be, no way my chastity!" I thought.

"I'll see you soon!" Charli said as he looked at the Prince of rap. I sighed as I realized that my ass wasn't the one in trouble. However, I reconsidered this as they walked with me to the balcony while in front of them a portal opened, where the outer space could be seen on the other side.


Space the final frontier, with which all men once dreamed of exploring, where I never dreamed of reaching. If any man hopes to get here, he knew that he would need a spacesuit, so as not to die from the emptiness or the cold of this place, however, Charli flew by means of huge golden wings, like those of an falcon, where he could see the immenseness of this place, as if it were natural that man could breathe in space, while carrying Ali in his arms.

Which was ironic since she carried me like I was a piñata on a chain.

Even though I didn't need oxygen, I just prayed to Ali not to let me go. With what I could see sparks of white jump from my body, climbing up the chain towards Ali's body and from her falling red sparks, which looked like fairy dust, to be able to fly. Something I didn't want to try.

We entered a wormhole that was like making a surf tube, where you could see the stars, planets and all kinds of celestial bodies that seemed to be more stain in the sky.

Some time after traveling at the speed of light, I saw that things around me seemed clearer as if we were slowing down.

The first thing I saw some huge rocks of all sizes floating in space, while around the bottom you could see countless stars floating. From time to time in the distance and even in front of us comets could pass. That when it passed very close to us it became space dust, since when it collided with us it crashed into a force field.

Then we arrived at a planetary system similar to that of my home planet, which was the one in the third orbit of the sun after Planet Mars. However, this was not earth, since it was not blue, it was rather purple or so it seemed to the naked eye, but when I looked closely, its clouds were purple, turning a wine color, while in some areas, you could see wooded green areas, and red rocky sectors.

We stopped in the orbit of this planet, she released me, and I started screaming. But to my surprise something hard received me, was something hard and cold, however when I looked under me there was nothing.

She smiled at me jumping out of Charli's arms and said:

"My name is Paulina and I am your God!"

I already suspected that was so, but her name was quite common. However, I was afraid that she might read my thoughts, as the God of the Christian religion in my world, so I did a Dogeza, which some qualify as the quintessential reverence of repentance.

"Excellent I like this attitude! Get up!" With which I got up off the ground, but keeping my body inclined at 25 degrees in Esahku's position, as a sign of respect, although it meant: sorry, it was my mistake.

"Enough of the formalities and look at me!" I stood firm as if I were a soldier, with which I realized that Charli was standing behind Paulina laughing, so I kept my poker face, because the most likely thing was that he was another God and who knows if it was like the gods of Olympus. So, I stood firm like a military man waiting for my orders.

She sat in nowhere, however I was able to see the shadow of a throne with the background lights of the Universe. Then she said:

"Sometimes it's so boring to be a God! I have brought you from the other world to be my champion, so the only thing I offer you is power so that you can defeat all monsters that inhabit my world! Therefore, if you pray sincerely and work hard. It is possible that I come down and give you my Blessing or send you a small gift!"

She got up and with a glass of wine in her hand, she approached and putting her hand on my chest, she pushed me, which made me lose my posture and fall. backward.

However, when I fell to the ground, this time I felt that my body was being pulled by a force, which was quickly pulling me away, from Paulina.