
Father and Son

Hours had passed since the group left South Africa, the sun was rising on Washington DC. David was bandaged but driving to Miller's house, his mind was preparing himself to ask Kaz about everything, about his father, about his past and about his life. He didn't bother resting as he couldn't even sleep on the plane, he eventually pulled up to Miller's house and got out of his car. David marched his way to Kaz's house and banged on the door, a minute passed before Kaz tiredly opened the door. He saw David's bruised and bandaged body and immediately got worried,

"David?! What happened to you-"

"You lied to me…" growled David, Kaz looked into his eyes and was confused at first but then realized what he meant,

"So…you know-"

"Why?! Why did you lie to me?! My entire life you knew about who my father was and yet you hid it from me!"

"David, calm down son-"

"You don't get to call me that! After everything you did, you don't get to call me that anymore!" David shouted back,

"You need to understand-"

"Understand that you lied to me just so I didn't know!" Shouted David,

"I WAS TRYING TO PROTECT YOU, GODDAMNIT!" Kaz shouted back, David's anger slowly died down, Kaz sighed and led David inside the house, he closed the door and waited for David to sit down before he could begin,

"I knew Jack for a long time, I worked with him in the Outer Heaven Army when he was starting out."

"You were a part of that cult?!" asked David worriedly,

"Just listen, it wasn't meant to be what it became. We were doing the right thing but Jack was broken, every mission was just bringing out the worst over time until he went too far. So much desolation, devastation, what a mess we made when it all went wrong…I never wanted to be a part of what he turned the army to so I left. Your mother knew you were in the foster care system so she told me to adopt you, raise you like my own. I know what it was like growing up without a dad and I knew what Jack wanted to do with you, so I tried to keep you away, I wasn't the best at it and even when you went in, I wasn't supportive of you, David." explained Kaz, David frowned and lowered his head, wanting to cry. Kaz got up and went upstairs for a few minutes then came down with something in his hand. He sat beside David and tapped his shoulder,

"I figured a day like this would come, when you found out, I was dreading it but I had to accept it because it's already done." Kaz showed him an old dark green and bluish bandana,

"This belonged to a legendary hero, one who wanted to have peace in the world. When you're out there, I know you won't end up like Jack, you'll be better, carry this with you and never forget what you're fighting for, David. Promise me that, promise me you'll never lose yourself." Kaz said to him, David looked up and nodded. David took the bandana and held Kaz tightly, hugging him and refusing to let go. Kaz hugged him back, he had faith in David not ending up like his dad but the decision is up to David himself, he just hoped David goes on to help the world, not destroy it. A few weeks passed since the Outer Heaven Uprising, David was back in Eagle Eye's plane only this time with Fox, Viper and the Eagles. FOXHOUND was awarded by the President for ending Big Boss and received new leadership with Colonel Campbell. David was smoking as Gray Fox was standing up to brief the team,

"Alright listen up, we have a very delicate hostage situation. We have to move in and out quietly, no kills, prepare to jump in 60 seconds, guys." Fox said, David put out his cigarette and took out the bandana Miller gave it to him, he admired it and despite the pain he felt before, he could feel hope in this bandana. As the hatch doors to the plane opened, David put the bandana on and walked to the doors, feeling the breeze blow against him, he took a deep breath and got himself ready to jump, he only had one thing left to say before jumping,

"It's showtime."