

Everything's on fire

From building, street seems is in medieval era, but it's all on fire, building collapse, on the street countless bodies of death soldiers all over the place, blood like

a small of water after heavy rain

A Lot of figure appear walking slowly toward castle in middle of this chaos city, those figure is inhuman, 4 arms, split mouth, 6 eyes and more They are demons

Sky in blood as well as below it, at final war which lead to castle inside it are woman, children, old folks pray to gods, outside are last defense for them, knights, mages are put their lives on last defense, middle of those brave warriors is a woman who's in her 25, wearing white blue coat, her hands holding gold staff with float purple magic stone around but all covered in blood from fighting those sea of demons.

From the view it's like the picture from 300 warriors of sparta hold off an invading persian army which is more than 20 times as large but this view is even bigger as a demon from sky and land, at normal human eyes is doomsday ahead.

But even so, those knights, mages as well saint herself, they're all showing eyes of hope and fearless In sea of demon there's a demon tall about 5 meters which is wearing red armor with cerberus head in right shoulder in flame, 2 black wings with veins

The wings covered in fire, holding a big blade long around 3 meters, seems he's ready to command those horrifying demons to attack. The demon general points his sword at brave human warriors but extremely exhausted.

The moment demons start charging from sky and ground at saint and her brave warriors.

"HINAMI" [flame wave]

As that word spoke, a giant fire from the sky fall down but surprisingly didn't hit any of humans but fall as "L" shape charge at those charging demons, moment later before saint eyes the fire melt and fried almost all of charging demons leaves only mountain of demons behind the demon general Last line of humans defense leave in shock and full of surprise, include saint herself

The moment her eye tired eyes blink slowly, a figure in black coat with red flame around the coat, seems little torn apart, black hair eyes are full red like raging fire

Saying with fearless and full of rage

"Until it's done, you can have me dead if you could pull it off!

But for now

Party Time!"