
Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Waking in a strange yet familiar room the main character now will rise to the top of one most dangerous worlds of fiction with his new cheat. P*TREON:(without spaces) patreon . com / Evans269

EvansKannon · アニメ·コミックス
81 Chs

Extra: The Interview (Part 3)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This story has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"His name was Jason... and today, is his birthday."

-Friday the 13th, the movie





This chapter contains Eidolon talking about gender.

And seeing how many of you are offended when he talked about real world issues. He is the warning.

You know, you guys would be right if is another setting. I would not bring social politic issues ina pokemon fanfic. But this is Marvel.

Marvel itself talks about this issue. Ignore it all sound a little... wrong maybe.

I don't plan to talk about it in a normal chapter, but well.. This is an extra.

Well, I can also predict people that will think that I'm a misogynist or something because the things said here. But just to your information, is not everyone that cares about men's right an Andrew Tate fan.

I don't even care about the guy beyond his GTA P.O.V memes.

You guys must know the documentary "The Red Pill" of a woman feminist that discovered that men also deserve rights, oh the surprise.

So, why I'm giving importance to this issue?

Two reasons.

The first is more light. During my vacation I was forced to watch She-hulk. Yeah... So I thought "I will watch without bias, let's see how this goes. Maybe I can use something in my fanfic...".

And was bad as people claimed.

But my biggest issue with that thing is not the twerking, or the not-funny jokes, or the horrible cgi...

Is the portrait of men. All men are either violent, dumb, perverts or all of it at the same time.

Even the Hulk, the calm and mature guy of the universe. Becomes petty and childish. And I'm not even talking about her quote about heroes "...are for narcissits and orphans." Ugh.

So I thought,. "This is bad. Seripsly Disney, give me 15 MCchickens and I would write something better.

But then came to the idea of Eidolon being the opposite of these characters that has been spoiled by this agenda against men.

What is said below has no intention to attack women.

Wait, some women read it? Whatever...

The other reason touches a little close to home.

I know a guy, a friend of a friend. He was a funny guy. If you want to be mean he is the "clown of the group", if want to be nice he is comic relief. He was always happy, being nice with people, making jokes and including even then most shy ones(like me) in the conversation.

And then he was accused of harassment...

Bam. His life is over. He received death threats, and lost his job... Even after being proven that he is innocent, the stigma remained.

The guy nowadays is a shell of his former self. He doesn't interact with strangers, rarely says something and even gets out of his home.

And the woman? That falsely accused him? Nothing happened to her... Even to this day people still think that he is guilty, that his family bribed the woman to buy her silence and to remove the accusations.

As a man, there's no way that I won't feel empathy for this guy. Because this can happen with anyone at any moment. How do you defend yourself against it? Carrying a camera with you all the time?

Is hard.

Whatever, read the chapter and say what you think.

I hope that can help some of you.


"You talked before about my possible future children being 'mini-Eidolon', Steve. The interesting topic that I meant is my worry and how to treat kid metas or recently awakened metas with low age." Eidolon starts

"By the way, what is the normal age that someone awakens their powers? Sorry to interrupt." Steve asks

"No problem. In the case of natural metas(Term that I'm still not sure that I will make official) or mutants, is common to awaken their powers during puberty, pre-adolescence... Between 8 and 13 years old. Obviously can happen earlier or more late in their lives, especially if some external factor is involved." Eidolon explains

"When did you awaken yours, Eidolon?"

"With six years old..." The hero says evenly

"Really? And how was it? Did you go to school? What your parent's thoughts?... Sorry if I'm asking something too personal..." Steves asks surprised before calming down a little, remembering of Eidolon's parents

"Relax... Was normal. I went to school normally, lived normally... Well, in the limits of what was possible."

"Just normally?"

"What? Haha. Do you think I used my powers to stomp the other schools in sports? Be popular? Haha. That would be unfair Just average school life..." Eidolon laughs "In truth, I was bullied in school." Eidolon reveals holding a smirk

"..." Steve's mouth falls "You have been bullied? You?"

"Yep. Heh."

"And you did nothing??"

"Do what? Fight back? Break their Arms and legs? Throw them in the sun? I just avoided conflict..."

"But you never get angry?"

"Hm~ I was never the type of getting angry easily, so no. And I never suffered anything too heavy either. But this is another example that you shouldn't be a jerk to other people." Eidolon points at the camera "If I was a little more immature... You all get my meaning."

"Yes, will do. Now you are talking early about the awakenings and..." Steve goes to bring back the topic.

"Yes, I was saying that normally the awakenings happen at an early age. By the way, maybe I neglected in my explanation about metas to talk about the awakenings..." Eidolon thinks a little before continuing

"Just from you all to know... Beyond what is obvious and what I talked before. Is possible to happen a double awakening."

"A double?"

"Yes. A re-awakening that can upgrade your powers qualitatively or quantitatively. It's rare, but it happens."

"How? And why?" Steve asks

"Sometimes people awaken too early or artificially, so they're not ready. So a future double awakening can normalize the Thing, instead of the power growing progressively. Artificial means can also influence... Like, if a meta be affected by that cosmic radiation that gave powers to the Fantastic Four. 50% chance of a double awakening and 50% of dying." Eidolon shrugs his shoulders

"Sometimes the second awakening can give a totally different ability too."


"Yes, like awakening the power from the meta-genealogic tree of the Father when the child inherited only from the mother till now." Eidolon explains "Now, back to the main topic... Kids with powers."

Eidolon reclines himself on his chair and starts "One of my biggest concerns is this, you know? Awakenings are very arbitrary and can happen with anyone with the metagene. And if a destructive power is put together with the immaturity and clumsiness of a kid, the consequences could be catastrophic."

"I'm not blind to this. And can understand all of your worries about children of mine with an absurd level of power..." At this moment Steve interrupts Eidolon

"Eidolon, sorry... My question wan not mean to offend you. I just asked for asking..." But this time Eidolon raises his hand to stop him.

"It's okay, Steve. Is a genuine concern. For my part, I will do my best tu properly educate my children about the responsabilities of holding superpowers. But this would be the exception of the rule, right?"

"Again, I know that many people are simply scared that one day they will receive the news that their kids have been hurt in the school because a kid meta awakened their powers and he/she can't control it."

"Imagine that a 10-year-old kid one day Simply awakens his powers that makes his Arms like flame throwers. And he can't turn it off..." Eidolon speaks darkly "It hasn't happened... But is a possibility. Andi s okay to be worried."

"From my part, I can guarantee that I'm very alert about this situation and I can act very fast to avoid some tragedy." Eidolon affirms with determination "I hope that you all understand that the kid would be as scared of any of his friends that could be hurt. Can you imagine how must be? The fear, helplessness, guilty... Just a child." Eidolon sigh darkly

"BUT..." He suddenly says a little more in good Spirits "I already started working on a solution." He raised his index finger.

"Really? And can you tell us? O ris one of these things that is better as a secret?" Steve asks

"Well..." The hero thinks a little "There's no problem in telling... I have a side Project. I'm working in a sérum." Eidolon says getting closer of the host

"A serum? Like the Super Soldier serum?"

"Something like that. But better..." Eidolon affirms

"Better? How?"

"What is the most glaring issue of the metas that I talked about in this interview?" The hero asks

Steve straightens up to think "Hm... You talked a lot... There's the Whole conspiracy thing... But are you talking about how many metas suffer from their powers?" He Guesses

"Exactly. I said that this is a problem o four bodies not being ready... But can't we make our bodies ready without the need to wait for Generation and generations? We can improve our bodies. We already have a good example living and fresh out the ice..."

"Captain America? His sérum can help the metas?"

"Not it alone, but I only use the overall idea. You must know that many enhanced of the present used serums based on the original formula of Dr. Erskine "And then came the idea of creating the E-serum or Meta-serum if you prefer"

"And his sérum would make your guys more resistant?"

"Yes and much more. First of all, the serum would make the body to its peak-adapted form to the corresponding power or a standard peak condition. Would help with control, allowing the emta to turn on/off the power and even receding the appearance to it pre-awakening when the meta wants." Eidolon says to Steve raising eyebrows of surprise

"And talking about kids..." he continues "I'm trying to make that this serum would pass to the descendants and forcefully awaken the child's power at the age of 4 or 5 years old." Eidolon punctuates.

"Wait... And this would be good? I'm confused..."

"Steve, most of the powers are like muscles. You train them, they Grow stronger. They can atrophy if you don't use them. So what would happen if a child in development discover his dormant muscle? When is still weak?" Eidolon asks

"...The power would be more or less inoffensive." The host deduces and starts to ponder about the implications

"Yes. Not only the standard age would smooth our work in preparation for any accidents, the power would be much weaker and the kid could Grow together with it. Getting used to it, and the body would adapt better too." Eidolon exclaims happy with himself


Kitty Pryde P.O.V.

'Damn, that's nice.' I hear the host comment on the TV.

And yes, it is. Looking Around I can see the eyes of everyone shining a little. Rogue's the most, she is not even blinking while Looking at the TV.

"This would be revolutionary" I hear Dr. McCoy comments "In truth, I'm disappointed with myself for not thinking about it. Even the Super Soldier serum that can bring a human being to their peak condition would help many mutants in coping with their powers much better. But how he will make it influence the power?" He grumbles to himself

"Is possible?" Scott asks

"In theory, yes. But even if someone became a super Soldier doesn't means that the power would be affected... His claims of control of powers and appearances look a little far-fetched." The doctor answers " Is not that easy to manipulate our powers. I tried many things." The doctor gesticulates to his furry body

He really must have tried a lot.

"But Eidolon wouldn't make a baseless affirmation." Jean comments

"Then he knows something that I don't." Dr. McCoy says "And seeing that he knows so many things that are unknown for me, one more wouldn't be a surprise. I'm Looking forward to it..." The doctor smiles

'And when these miraculous things become available?" the host asks half-joking

'Heh. I'm still working on it. In some years, maybe...' Eidolon answers

'You're the one making it?' Steve asks surprised making Eidolon looks at him frowning a lillte

'Yeah... Why, do you think I'm stupid? Seriously, what is my image on your heads?' Eidolon jokes and sighs

'I don't know, I thought that you would have a team of scientists to work within your organization while you save the world." The host shrugs

'*Hah* Yo all think that I'm some sort of brute, right?' Eidolon sighs exaggeratedly

'Not at all. You look very smart. You talked and explained well... Anyone can see it. But... You don't look... scientist smart. If you understand what I mean.'

'Tsk. Judging people by appearance... Tsk tsk' Eidolon shakes his head in fake disappointment 'Just to you know, I wouldn't lose to these many geniuses in the intelligence department.' He comments and I remember how smart Rogue become at that time. Thinking faster, coming up with solutions and answers instantly.

Is this guy perfect?

After some more banter, Steve asks something that I was curious too

'But Eidolon, there's no problem in you revealing about your Project? There would not be people trying to steal it or disturb your plans'

'Oho~ Growing paranoid already? Nice, that is the way to go.' Eidolon raises an eyebrow 'But relax, I have my means. And seriously, if more people try to create serums that can improve people's lives... Much better."

He continues 'But I understand your concern, normally people would use something like that as a weapon. But they already doing it anyway... They never stopped after the success with Captain America, talking about my plans changed nothing. And they can't replicate what I'm doing. Is simply impossible.'

Eidolon's comments make everyone perk up. Why is impossible?

Luckily for us, the host asked. 'Why?'

'They don't have the main... ingredient...' He says slowly

Main ingredient?

'Main ingredient? I mean, sorry to ask, must be a secret.' The host correct himself

'Huhu. Not at all. It doesn't matter if I tell...' Eidolon looks mysteriously at the host, waiting for him to Guess, maybe. '...Steve, I'm a Trump...' Eidolon points at himself and tilts his head.

? What he mea- Ah... Aaah...

"It's him. His own metagene is the key!" Jean exclaims

"A super stable Omega-level Trump metagene... That can stabilize and improve all others. Maybe his power goes beyond simply copying, stealing or creating powers... Or maybe he goes Around accumulating powers to make his body adapt first and then create some sort of 'immunity formula' to distribute later... Or maybe..." Dr. McCoy goes on and on and about all possibilities of what Eidolon is doing and how he does it.

'I'm not going into details, but let's say that I'm a little special... I can't say for certain, because everything happened very fast and I was so Young. But I think that I have a double awakening. Like, awakening... Bam! Another one instantly.'

"Damn, the guy surely is something else." Jubilee comments

"Must be a very traumatic experience..." Jean says a little wistfully.

[To the BNHA world maybe]


Third Person P.O.V.

After Eidolon and Steve talk a little more about precautions needed to be taken and how the world is unprepared for them. The topic is changed again.

"So Eidolon... Some more questions." Steve looks at his cards "Let's see, let's see..." The host searched in his cards before asking "How do you do your hero work? Many people praise you for your efficiency."

"Well. I trained for that." Eidolon answers easily


"Yes. Must appear weird to say that. Like... Trained where? There's a superhero school out there? Heh. But I trained myself. Well, I had some help, but is mostly myself..."

Eidolon changes position a little on his chair and continues "I already talked about the difficulty in having powers. And I'm strong." Many nods at him "So to that I don't hurt anyone I need training and control. Is easy for me to hurt people, even unintentionally... Look"

Eidolon points to his feet on the ground, raises his tiptoe a little, and taps on the ground casually.


His little action makes everything shake, the force reverberates on the whole studio. Some things get out of place and even some people almost fall down.

"Sorry. Just illustrating it" He then points to his feet again and repeats the exact three taps. His feet moved exactly the same but there was no strength behind them.

"See... Control." Eidolon says "Humans are highly adaptable creatures. With time, someone who gained super strength could control himself to not crush everything he touches. But I have many powers, so I need to go beyond... I never neglected training, in truth, I still train every day. And that was half of the reason that I'm so efficient." He says

"Then, I practiced. With simulations, many and many times till it became easy. "


"Yeah, I didn't acquire my powers, put on my suit, and went around saving lives. I trained and studied every possible situation to know what is the better response. If someone is going to be run over by a truck... What is the best I can do?" He asks and answers himself

"Take the people out of the way? But I'm close or far? If I go too fast, I will hurt them?" He looks around and continues

"Should I stop the truck? But is the driver wearing a seatbelt? The truck malfunctioned or the driver fell asleep? Can I stop the truck without damaging it? Should I stop the truck telekinetically?"

"You see what I'm talking about?" Eidolon asks the host


"And this example is the easy one. What if two people are in danger in different directions? Far from each other... One is going to get stabbed and the other is falling from a building? Who I choose? What is the best decision to take? Milliseconds can be the difference between someone's life and death. I'm not playing the hero here, Steve. I see many people talking about how I'm an untrained unaffiliated civilian and etc." He rolls his eyes "I can assure you that I am better prepared than most of the cops that carry guns Around. And damn, some are really unprepared..."

"Unfortunately is true."

"I trained and trained to think fast and act while thinking. I trained my powers to the limit so that I can use them the best. If my control is lacking, maybe I will need to hurt the criminal who is going to stab the person. If I was a little slower, maybe I couldn't reach the one falling... I think about these things much before these things even happen and I prepare myself."

"So the secret is my training beforehand. Simples as that." Eidolon finishes

"I see. No big secret al all, huh? Just like everyone else, practice making it perfect." The host says his piece

"Yes, by the way, I will utilize the opportunity to say something. Something that was in my mind for a time, since the Invasion."

"Go on."

Eidolon looks at the câmera and says seriously "To all the people that have powers or will awaken them in the future. Listen to this: 'Calm down'."

Eidolon let his words sink in for a moment before continuing. Seeing some confused faces he finally opens his mouth again.

"I can understand the effect that people like me or Captain America can have on people with powers. Some of you guys must be wanting to help, be a hero and all, but... I repeat, Calm.Down." He says more paused

"First you have to know yourself and your powers, seeing the range of it, the function, the destructive capabilities. You also need to think also about the many secrete vile organizations that would, in the blink of an eye, kidnap and do whatever they want with you." He advises "Look, I'm the last person that can preach about vigilantism being dangerous and all, but it is. I can't stop you if want to do it, but if you do it... Do it carefully. For you and for others. You could hurt others if you're not careful."

He looks dead serious "And that would be on you. You could have the best of intentions, but if you enter this life unprepared... You can mess it up. Mess up badly." He emphasizes. "Start small, help people one at a time. Discreetly. Any help is welcome, my friend. But I repeat, if you mess up... You can't take it back. Sincerely, I encourage everyone to help people, even if just a little and to the limit of their capabilities. There's no need for powers to be a hero to someone, you know?" He finishes.

Eidolon is remembering the events of Civil Wars in the comics. The last fuse of the Whole problem is a bunch of youngsters filming some sort of program playing the hero. Ended up blowing many kids because of their negligence and inexperience.

"That's a good thing to say, Eidolon. I trust you. But it worries me if a bunch of teenagers with powers starts to run around irresponsibly." Steve says, not knowing that Eidolon is a teenager himself

"Yes, is one of my worries too. Is also my big criticism of my fellow heroes." Eidolon says shocking Steve a little.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. Well, hear me out. The Avengers are good all, great even but... Most of them are untrained and unprepared. Civilians, and scientists before gaining powers or building their suits. Well, I can say also that no one was ready for a big alien invasion, and they did their best. Putting themselves at risk even when is not their responsibility... But there's a little of unnecessary collateral damage." He says.

And many people nod their heads.

"Don't take me wrong, but I really hope that they are preparing themselves and thinking about ways of improving. Is about people's lives that we are talking about. I know that they're extraordinary individuals and because of this I believe that they can do much better."

Eidolon sugarcoats it, but he is basically saying... "Train and practice a little more, bitches. This is not a game."


Sometime later Steve asks Eidolon about the universe. If Eidolon has something to share about it.

"Well, talking about the universe is good. While many of the high-ups of the world think that is better for the population to be maintained in the dark about this topic, I think that there's no problem in knowing what is out there." Eidolon says and slowly turns his head to the side. To a woman of the production." Do you want to participate in this conversation?" he says gesticulating for the woman to get closer.

"..." The place goes silent for a while. The smarter ones start to catch up that something is wrong.

The woman in question looks like a deer caught by a car's headlight.

"You know that running is not gonna help you, right?" Eidolon says to her calmly

But apparently is useless because the woman turns and goes in a full sprint in the opposite direction, pushing people out of the way and distancing herself quickly. She looks very athletic and a master of parkour.

"..." Eidolon doesn't even react to her fleeing. He shakes his head a little and blurs.

"What the he-" Steve starts saying. Overwhelmed by the whole situation but before he can finish Eidolon comes back holding the Woman by the head.

Eidolon just appears and is casually holding the woman like she is a puppy, his big palm enveloping her whole scalp. He nonchalantly throws her into the ground. "I said that is useless." She tried to crawl away.

She looks so helpless that invokes pity in the hearts of the more gentler souls. Eidolon is having none of it. He steps on her right calf.

"Aaaargh! Why are you doing this?!!? Help me!! Someone help me!!! He gonna kill me!!!!" She screams hysterically, Eidolon expression doesn't change.

"Eidolon...?" Steve asks unsure

"Relax, she is making a show... Sorry to purposefully startle you, but I just want to check something." He sighs while looking around, no one knows what he is thinking.

"Okay, you can stop your show now. Is annoying." He says to the woman. But she doesn't stop.

Eidolon rolls his eyes and sigh.

He then goes to retrieve something from his utility belt, that is in truth only for show.

He pulls a golden rope, that normally shouldn't have fit in the small pocket.

"Okay, As you wish. We will do it the hard way." He says and pulls the woman to her feet telekinetically and ties her with the Lasso of Truth.

Strangely, the woman stops screaming that she is in pain and that Eidolon is crazy. But right now, she looks extremely uncomfortable.

"Now, let me explain..." He tightens the lasso on his hand making it glow. "Reveal your true face" He says, as more of a test.

In truth, the Lasso can do much more than simply make people incapable of telling lies. At some points in the DC comics, Diana showed the capacity of seeing glimpses of the truth in the mind of the tied victims, transport her mind on whoever is tied by the lasso and even invade people's souls.

So, Hector is only a little surprised when the tied woman starts transforming herself into her normal Skrull form.

'Hm, so this thing is the natural enemy of all falsehood, not only lies...' Eidolon deduces

"This, everyone, is a living Skrull. I talked about them earlier." He says to the shocked audience. "This is why I asked if you have noticed while you are using my eyes Steve."

"I need to explain another thing. This is one of my weapons... The Lasso of Truth, anyone tied by it will be compelled to only say the truth." He reveals, not caring about keeping the Lasso's main capability a secret.

The Lasso of Truth is one of these weapons that is better to be well-known. Is not like it is one of Eidolon's trump cards, the world knowing about it now can spare some time and prevent complications in the future.

"What is your name?" Eidolon asks while keeping her tied

"Frana...!" She says without thinking before realizing that something is wrong and starting to struggle.

"So... Planning an invasion, huh?" Eidolon talks like he is asking about the weather.

The Skrull holds back for some seconds before answering.

"...Y-yes." The audience and the whole world go beyond shocked at this point.

One thing is hearing, and another is seeing.

"How long have you been here?" Eidolon asks calmly

The female skrull continues to struggle but is useless. "40 years... more or less..."

"Are you guys behind some of the hate that mutants receive?"


"Huhu. How many of you are here on this planet?"

"... I don't know."

"Compartmentalization, huh? Fair." Eidolon shrugs his shoulders and asks other small things.

And the world is finally seeing the hero Eidolon very close. During the interview, Eidolon's friendly attitude made people forget a little about who this man is.

A guy who takes his duty very seriously.

There are no smiles or jokes. His posture and tone of voice make people unconsciously act respectfully at the moment, not even daring to breathe too loud.

After the utter defeat of the female Skrull willpower, she can't take it anymore and decide to attack Eidolon verbally.

"You think yourself too high and mighty? Hero of the Earth... You're nothing..." She spats while Looking at him

"..." There's no fluctuation in the hero's eyes, he just continues to look at her silently.

"Our great Empire can end this mudball at any moment if we want. I refuse to believe that you can protect them!" she says hatefully

"..." Eidolon chuckles a little, but there's no mirth in his voice "The fact that you're still tied by my Lasso shows that you truly believe in it. But you guys need to be very Unlucky to succeed in destroying this planet." He says with a mysterious look


"Steve..." Eidolon out of nowhere turns to the host "What would you do if someone killed your family?" He asks

"...I don't know." Is the only answer that Steve, that is still shocked by the situation can give

"Exactly. I also don't know what I would do." He says and then looks at the Skrull and goes even more serious "And isn't this scary?" he pushes her on the ground with his foot and presses her chest

"An empire that can govern an entire galaxy... I can't even imagine it. You guys have planet buster's weapons and maybe I really can't defend Earth if you guys go all out. But what I can't imagine is what I would do if your race is so UNLUCKY to really succeed" Eidolon's eyes start glowing red and the Skrull starts suffocating a little

"A man without nothing more to lose... Your race has no one at my level. I know this. So... Who would stop me if I start going around your galaxy to repay your race a billion-fold? Can you imagine it? Me... With nothing holding back against your race... Can you all stop me? Maybe I would even ally myself with the Kree."

"You- *Huff*..." The horror on her face is palpable

"Let me ask you one last question... Where is the woman that you stole the identity from?" He softens the foot that was pressing on her chest allowing her to breathe more freely now.

"*Huff* In-in the producer's bathroom cabin.." The Skrull answers

"Good... Now you can go." Eidolon dismissively unties the female Skrull and retrieves his Lasson and then takes his sit again.



Everyone is confused.

"What? Go now, while I'm feeling generous... The agents are already coming to take you in. Here, a portal to a Rrndom close Alley." Eidolon says opening a portal


"You didn't hurt anyone, so just go away and tell your queen to give up on Earth, is not worth it." He says nonchalantly

Frana, the female Skrull looks at him for a moment before passing through his portal. Eidolon just watches her silently and does nothing.

"Now that I showed a little example, let's talk about the universe..." Eidolon says without care.

"Is this really okay?" Steve asks about letting the skrull go

"What? You want me to kill her? I'm not afraid of conflict, but there's no need to directly seek it either... She is irrelevant in the great schemes of things and I refuse to give them the moral high ground to invade us attacking first. If they come, they come as invaders and will be treated as such. I will give them a last chance to leave us alone." What he doesn't say is that he has the means to track her now, so he is just realizing her to discover more.

"Do you think that They will do that?" Steve asks a little worried

"Maybe, maybe not... Don't worry. They are a big empire, They can't move so many resources to deal with us. Because of this, they use these tactics. I already checked that no world leader was secretly substituted for a skrull, and I already unveil their scheme... They will need to do it the hard way now."

"And isn't this bad? I mean..."

"Relax... Let me tell you a little about the universe first, the other galaxies and the people that inhabit them. First, our galaxy has no Overlord. Is a very lawless place, really... The closer galaxies are all ruled by someone, like the Kree, Skrull or Shi'ar empire. None of these races are very... amicable. You don't become the ruler race of a galaxy by being a pacifist. Heh." He says

Talks a little without revealing too much is good to increase Eidolon's credibility. In the future, his words will be proven true, so people will listen to what he has to say in important decisions.

"So is no surprise if these unified galaxies come here to do whatever they want. Steal resources, and kidnap people, here is also filled with criminals and space pirates. But why we are still not conquered yet?" He asks rhetorically

"Well, first the other races are disputing between themselves is also unnecessary to put much effort here, so they take it slow. But the main reason is..." he pauses to build suspense

"...We are filled with individually strong people. Heh. Our galaxy is full of planetary-level monsters. Odin is a good example. He is one of the strongest in the universe and has no interest and ruling more than the Nine Realms."

"There are strong people in the other galaxies? Yes, but is rare and they're too precious to risk losing here fighting against us just for a 'mudball' like Earth. But most of them are overall strong as a human, maybe Captain America level, after all, they have years ahead of us to study genetic enhancements and cybernetic augmentations."

"So they are afraid of us?" Steve asks surprised

"Yes. Can you imagine it? They deploy 50 million battleships to conquer Earth. A total overkill... And then, a Magneto or another someone crushes them easily. Thor blast them in smithereens. The loss would be too big."

He continues "You need to know. We are not that defenseless in the universe, but we should be in a better situation. People like me and the other metas are assets and are respected out there. Here? Pfft."

"We could cheat our way to the top, but..." He shrugs his shoulders and doesn't elaborate because there's no need. He already talked extensively about this question.

As a side note, for a long time, Hector was torn to decide how he would present the "Alien Problem".

The more easy way would be to make them an enemy. A foreign enemy always makes people unite easily. This would be a fasters solution to the treatment of the metas.

But would let problems a long term.

"By the way, I need to say. Not all aliens are bad. Don't generalize, generalization is stupid. There are all types of people out there, we just met the bad ones for now."

He says, he felt no guilt in painting the skrulls in a bad light, they bring a bunch of problems manipulating public opinion in the comics, making the heroes have a hard time.

Will this give birth to some sort of alien xenophobia? Maybe. But this also can be easily remedied with an alien hero helping Earth at some point.

"I see..." That is all that Steve says to Eidolon's explanation.

"Still worried, Steve?" Eidolon asks gently

"Yes, I'm a little yes..." he confesses

"Don't be. Earth is safe for a long time. That was obviously not the first invasion. We just see it now because the means of communication are not good and information was suppressed. In the past, many special and remarkable people protected Earth from the shadows. We are not pushovers."

"I will protect you. I will die before Earth is destroyed... And believe it, I'm very hard to kill." Eidolon tries to lighten the mood and he makes people smile a little but there's still some unease in the air.

"I would prefer that you not die too." Steve says

"Haha. Yes, me too. But this would be the preferable outcome if there's no other option." Eidolon looks a little more serious now "Can you imagine it? Your home planet is destroyed and you survive... In the universe, all alone." He says with a distant look


"Is because of this that I don't like the 'Avenger' name... 'If we can't save Earth, you can be sure that we will avenge it'. Is a good threat, I just did that. But to me, if Earth is bound to be destroyed and is really inevitável..." he takes a deep breath "I think I would want to be the first to die." He reveals.

"..." People stay in silence for a while before they start applauding him. Eidolon just raises his arm slightly in gratitude.


"As a planet, we are way, way behind in... everything." Eidolon starts explains the difference between Earth and other planets in the universe. "Well, is not like we are the last in line. Many planets must have our level our lower of technology and development."

"But when comparing ourselves to the average planets that can actively participate in the universe's politics, economy and other things. We are really severely lacking."

"We are literally divided into all, ALL important social and political questions. Almost 200 countries, different currencies and other things that generate inequality." Eidolon put his hand on his forehead, tired.

"We literally discriminate between ourselves for skin color... Ugh. Our skin doesn't even have a different color, is just tonality. Let me say, the krees distinguish for skin color, they're a horrible example to follow and even them separate themselves in blues, pinks... And is not like they discriminate because of color. There are much more other things involved, like money, status and bloodline purity."

"We still haven't even reached another planet... What I'm trying to say is... Me and the otehr heroes can buy time. But we are not the solution! We could help the planet rises up. I know that we have the potential. The day that I'm not necessary anymore... Will the happiest day of my life." Eidolon sighs with a smile

After some applause of the audience, Steve smiles and jokes "Like Mary Poppins?"

"Pfft. Yes, when you all be happy I'm flying away in my umbrella" Eidolon jokes

"Looks troublesome having to take care of all these kids of the planet, Eidolon... We are 6 Billion." Steve continues laughing

"You tell me... 24/7 and I'm not even paid." He says with fake outrage


After this, the interview go back to a question-answer dynamic.

Eidolon answers the doubts Steve and the audience have about the universe. How close are the habitable planets? And other sci-fi questions like if Hyperdrive is real and others.

He hid important information obviously but he still said a lot.

He discovered these things by studying the chitauri database and coupled with his own metaknowledge he knows a good amount.

He has no problems in sharing the basics because in his own words "I believe that a population well informed has benefits that outclass the disadvantages. Like now, you guys would be much harder to be tricked by the Skrulls..."

The direction of the interview starts to deviate again to other topics when he talked about the differences in culture.

"When dealing with other races is important to not use our human lenses and human sensibilities to judge them. We are not the center of the universe. Maybe a planet has the custom of eating its elders... To us is barbaric, but who is us to judge? Maybe even the elders approve that with a mindset like 'We would be doing our last good deed helping the next generations.' "

This makes people ask Eidolon about his take on other social questions of Earth, like the LGBT, the Palestine-Israel conflict and others.

"Do you want the truth? I don't care. I treat everyone equally, like people. Dividing people by religion, sexual orientation, gender, or nationality is so petty... You guy has no idea how pathetic is it. "

When a woman talked about something that Eidolon said about men and women and talked about male privilege Eidolon decided that was enough of their little games.

"Okay, okay... I see what you guys are trying to do here. Trying to make me look bad about what I said early about women. Tsk, tsk." 'You guys are too early in the cancel culture to try this on me ' He thinks

"You guys want to talk about gender?" he looks around "I can talk about gender, is not what I came here but let's go."

'Being so direct can make some people hate me. But is progress when people don't hate me more for being a mutant. And when haters rise diehards fans rise too...' Eidolon thinks 'Let's create some controversy

He straightens himself on his chair and starts. "Is funny how you guys really hold a grudge in what I said. And the only thing I said is for men to focus on themselves and forget about women, you guys act like I said to ambush you all at night and spank you. Tsk Tsk."

"I have some insight to give... Steve, do you know the best thing about being powerful?" He turns to the host

"Hm... Fear nothing?"

"Hm, almost. The answer is freedom, Steve. I'm free to do what I want, only my own morals say otherwise. So... I can say whatever I want, whatever I believe is true without fearing reprisal." He shrugs

"I'm not a celebrity, I don't depend on fans to exist. So you guys can trust me in everything that I said is what I think. I'm not trying to please anyone. I really want what is best for you all and because of this, I said... 'I'm Eidolon and I speak hard truths'. So, let's start."

"First of all, discriminating against someone for gender and the other things that I mentioned is... dumb." Eidolon says to laughs "Really, some people are really stupid."

"I have seen some newspapers and other media calling me misogynist because I beat Amora... Tsk. Are you stupid? I will explain my life philosophy about true gender equality. I hope this can enlighten you all." Eidolon says exaggeratedly.

"Start telling a secret... The world is unfair. Whoa, no one knows about that!" Eidolon says sarcastically "People can have easy and privileged lives if they have a good appearance, born in a first world country... Things that are impossible to control and the person has no merit in it!"

"People are treated better if they have these advantages. It is a natural thing of our race... And I refuse to be part of it"

"You, lady. Talked about male privilege, so can you say one privilege or right that a man has that you don't have?" Eidolon points to the woman that asked

"...Eh" The Woman pauses a little, even the producer lady holding the mic to her frowns while trying to think about it. "...Uh, right now I can't think of any of it..." She says a little embarrassed

"You can't think because there's none. Laws are for all, if you're mistreated for being a woman, that would be an individual case committed by an individual person. I can even go farther and say..." Eidolon looks to the side and asks "Steve, do you know who are the most privileged people on this planet?"

"I'm not sure now... This looks like a tricky question..."

"You're right about that. The most privileged people are... western women. White ones even more so. And the ones that are beautiful and below the age of 25 are basically demigods." He says to some gasps of outrage of the audience "I think you guys have even more power than me." He jokes

"I'm serious, you guys can do almost anything and will be protected somehow. I'm tired of seeing a situation where a woman is the one in the wrong against a guy and people appears to defend her. They assume that she is the victim always. Always!" He points out

"You know, Steve... I started a little side Project to study inmates and their cases to help the ones that are put in jail unjustly." He says to the host

"Whoa, that's nice. I'm sure that many people are in jail for being innocent. Our system can fail sometimes." The host says appreciatively

"Yes, I just started and I planned to release the information with the help of Anonymous so that the cases can be opened again. I also investigating corrupt cops, by the way... But continuing... Let me say that I found in this country, the USA, 192 guys unjustly condemned to prison for rape."


"And if we see other minor sexual offenses the number increases even more." Eidolon looks at the host seriously "These men are innocent, there's no proof beyond the women's words accusing them and they're put in jail! How ridiculous is to them to need to prove that they are innocent instead of the other part prove them guilty!"

"Damn, I don't know that..."

"And everyone knows how much a sexual offender suffers in prison, right? Can you imagine being innocent and being in this situation?" Eidolon says Looking Around

"Another double standard Steve, sexual assault against women is a serious thing. But against men... are jokes. How many movies or other things on media made light of men being 'made a little girl' in prison? Is that funny? I don't see it... To me is serious in all situations." He says frowning

"You girls believe that men have much better lives, and is because of this that you all are so offended when I talked defending men. 'How dare he try to make men have even better lives? They don't have enough privileges?' I can almost hear your thoughts."

He continues "The truth is, nowadays a woman can destroy a man with a few words. My advice to men to stay always from you girls is to them protect themselves from bad women like you all must have received some advice about staying away from bad men. Our boys never received something like that."

"Can you imagine it? You're living your life and then all of a sudden your ex-girlfriend or just a woman that you have a small fling with goes to the police and accuse you of violence. It's over. Your life is over. Your reputation is lost, your credibility. You lose scholarships, job, a bunch of hero wannabes will want to hurt or kill you. Is hell... And bad women do it without a shred of guilty"

"So I repeat, my boys. Don't chase women. Is much more worth being alone than with some people."

"People are people. There are bad men, there are bad women, there are bad black people and there are bad metas. Simply as that. The difference we are held accountable for our mistakes. When a man does something against a Woman he will suffer from their fellow men, in Society, in prison. If a meta abuses his power against innocents, I will be the first to drop from the sky in his head, but in most cases, the subtle violence against men goes with no punishment." Eidolon raises his shoulders.

"My life philosophy is simple, I will not treat you better because you have a good appearance, you're rich or you're a Woman. But I will not treat you badly if you're ugly, poor, or whatever. Only your actions can increase or diminish my respect for you."

At this moment a woman stands up and raises her hand

An assistant producer goes with the mic to her to talk

"Eidolon, and what about the pay-gap between men and women? This wouldn't be a male privilege?." She says very proud of herself and many Women agree with her.

"Well, the pay-gap is a myth." Eidolon cuts already everyone "Is stated by law that everyone should be paid equally to do the same job. If you're a woman and is not paid the same amount as your male counterpart you can go to justice and receive a hefty indemnity. No business owner or CEO would be an idiot. To risk it." Eidolon says simply

"You probably take this information of women being paid less in some graphs or research. The truth is these graphs do not take into account... overtime. Men normally work in average of 48 hours a week while women work 42 hours a week. So not mentioning this fact makes appear that men receive more."

"Really? Damn, this make sense..." Steve comments

"And before anyone says something about women in sports. They play the same amount and receive less... Capitalism. That is my simple answer. Men's sports are more interesting and bring more revenue. Can you imagine how much money I and other heroes would make if we go play... let's see, a simple game of dodgeball and sell tickets to watch?" He said "I bet many people would like to go see. In fact, this not even a bad idea to charity..." He appears to be thinking of doing this in the future.

"Anyway, to illustrate it more, I will make a question to you guys, in the audience." Eidolon says and rise from his chair

"Raises your arm to option And don't raise your arm to option B." The hero says

"Option A: Do you prefer, working as a CEO of a prestigious company without being paid? Option B: Or work in a low-end job like working on the sewers, picking the trash, for 150 thousand dollars a year. You have to work on these jobs for ten years, only after this you can quit..." Eidolon says

The audience raises their hand. And the people that choose the option A are all women. No man chooses the option A. While some Women choose option B and all men choose this option too.

"That's it. This difference in mindset can explain the pay-gap between men and women. And more... Do you all really think that someone wants to work in the sewers? Does that someone grow as a child dreaming of picking trash? No."

"Everyone wants a high-level job, but not anyone can get it. How many people do you think failed to achieve success of Steve?" He points to the host

"Thousands, probably..." The host answers

"Yeah, these jobs are rare for a motive. And the difference between men and women is, while women can always settle in being a housewife or a stay home mom. A man that fails to acquire these jobs will need to work in another something."

Eidolon looks around "Many of you women say that there are things that men will never understand about you all. But I can say that you also will never understand the constant social pressure that a man is under to provide for everyone close to him.

"90% of the dangerous and very ESSENTIAL jobs in our society are made by men. Plumbing, powerlines, things that keep the world spinning. We have no other option, we need to do those things..."

"That was what being a man is... Do things that you don't want for others. And the sad reality is that we are rarely appreciated for it." At this point the many men in the audience applaud Eidolon.

"In the past, we treated women like queens and ladies to be treated like kings and sirs. Nowadays if you treat someone like a queen, she treats you like a servant. Don't be a simp fellas." Eidolon reinforces his point again. "Chivalry is dying... Guess who is killing it?"

"Let's talk about feminism." He continues "First of all, Feminism is great. Gave women the power to vote, learn, work and be independent. This bring dignity, you know? Being capable of acquiring your own money gives peace of mind and is very liberating. Many women have freed themselves of abusive relationships thanks to that. But..." He pauses

"Already served its purpose. Women are equal to men. By the way, in truth, the whole feminism movement is just a tactic of the big companies to create a consumer market. Stay-at-home wives have no purchasing power after all. But you guy are not ready to talk about it..."

"Wait... What?"

"Anyway..." Eidolon continues ignoring the shocked expressions "After gaining what they want, I think feminism lost a little of they north. And because of this, there's so much hate against men."

"Look at me, the meta question... I don't ask for any law to protect us, or quotas or whatever. I just ask to metas be capable of going out on the streets without being beaten up, and have the chance of working. The bare minimum. And I think I will acquire those things by educating the people."

"And I think the same about feminism. Violence against women is a reality, but the individual bad men that does this are not gonna stop because you all screams hate against men. Sincerely, I think makes things worse. I think feminism should focus in teaching respect at na early age and gives the example of tolerance."

"This is an interesting take on this question..." Steve comments

"Recently I watched an interview on TV, and a woman is talking about how the man holding the door to a woman is misogynist. Something about we exercising our power of the patriarchy unconsciously controlling the coming and going of the Woman." Eidolon makes a face at Steve

The host holds back his laughter

"I mean, this is an example that nowadays the movement mostly attacks men for anything. Is just a door, people. Is just being polite. Don't think too hard. Sorry to the real feminists that really work hard to protect women, but... The bad part is taking over. Can you imagine me? If I come here and attack all of you talking how you all are ignorant, violent, murderers because of a small part of the humans that treat the metas like lesser beings?" He says

"Makes sense. No one likes being personally attacked or generalized."

At this point, another woman raised his hands to talk. "Eidolon, and about the double standard of the man that sleeps around is a playboy but a woman that does the same is a slut?" She asks and receives some nods from the audience

"In this I half agree with you," Eidolon says "I think slut shaming is the term used nowadays. Sincerely I agree that you could do whatever you want with your body, but I don't recommend it. I will explain later. But let me explain why women are shamed in this way." he adds

"An old man... Whatever, scratch that... My grandfather once told me: 'A key that opens many locks is a master key, but a lock that opens to any key is useless'." Eidolon says making Steve hold back his laughter again

"Is a very misogynistic way of saying it, but... I need to agree. This is one of the differences between men and women. Is easy to women to get sex, so why should we praise you for it?" He says reasonably

"Sincerely I don't approve of a hedonistic lifestyle for any of the genders..." Eidolon says "Maybe is only my perspective, but sex is... disgusting."

Steve laughs an Eidolon's declaration "Sincerely, I can understand what you're talking about."

"Yeah, you guys have no super senses so don't know what I'm talking about. I believe is an intimate moment that you shouldn't share with just anyone. But is expected that the men need to conquer many women and the Woman to keep herself chaste. Weird paradox. Don't be pressured, people.I have no shame in telling my body count, by the way... Try to guess it, Steve." Eidolon turns to the host

"Eh... A Thousand?"

"Pfft. Who do you think I am? Thor? Stark? Less..."

"Well, you look the serious type... 50"






"..." Even Steve is looking at Eidolon strangely now

"I'm not lying. I'm holding the Lasso." He raises the golden rope in his hand



"Is not possible... One?"

"Congratulations. Just one." He says calmly and puts away the Lasso

He looks around a little and chuckles "I can almost feel some of you thinking less of me and other thinking better of me. But that it is. Even if is shameful for a man having a low 'body count'. That's mine. I really think that sex was banalized nowadays."

"In this, I can agree with you. This internet..." Steve comments

"Do you know that the ancient people believed that when you have sexual intercourse with someone, you give a part of yourself to the other and take a part of them in exchange? Some soul, spiritual belief from the past. Because of this there's this belief that magic users kept themselves virgins and virgins are used in sacrifice. Their soul would be pure." Eidolon shares

"Like the nuns and fathers?"

"It can be. The truth is sex is great, helps your body, mind... But having casual sex with someone that you will never see again. Every week... Ugh. Disgusting."

"There's needed a minimum level of trust and affection to this, my underrated opinion... If the vision of our ancients is true, people's souls nowadays are looking like mosaics" He jokes


"There's another difference between men and women. To men, sex can be physical. No problem. Women tend to have a more emotional take on sex, this comfort the fact that they have a much more high E.Q(Emotional Quotient) than us men. This comes from our evolution. If we look at our natures we, men are made to efficiently increase the population. Our orgasms are quicker, we recover fast and many other things. Don't laugh, I talking scientifically here..."

"Heh, go on. I just thought that no Woman can blame a man now. Is our Evolution ladies. That is how we are made. Haha."

Eidolon shakes his head at his joke. "The thing is while a man can separate well old relationships, women tend to bring this Whole baggage emotionally. So is a man choice to prefer women with low body count. Sorry, but is a fact."

Another woman tries to talk again. "And what about harassment like catcalling and groping that women suffer every day, Eidolon."

He answers calmly "It's a fact that women are truly more prone to be at the receiving end of these types of crimes. And there are laws to punish the offenders. Even we, men, punish them like I talked early. The problem is the bad ones that misuse the power that you have."

"Sorry to say the obvious, but... Women can't be the villain in certain cases."

"And is catcalling really that bad?" he asks while frowning "A man needs to give his shot... Some are bad at it."

"Is disrespectful." The woman says with certain "Being treated like an object, makes us uncomfortable."

"Interesting..." Eidolon puts his chin in his fingers "Hm... I remember that when I take off my mantle to show my body transformations you all screamed, whistled and said some 'rude' things too. Including you, my dear... I remember very well. Isn't that catcalling?" He looks at them with a 'gotcha' look

"..." Steve is again covering his face to not show how much he think that this is fun

"You guys should practice what you all preach. Is it just because I'm a man that I can't feel uncomfortable? This is another double standard. I have seen some cases of guys that rejected women grabbing their butts or other advances and in response, they are called gay or even attacked by the said woman. 'How dare a man reject my advance, I'm a Woman.' And we can't even fight back because we our be the bad guys if we act just a little more aggressively. See... Like demigods. " He says


In the Xavier Mansion

"This guy is really a universe ahead of all of us." Kitty comments

"He is playing chess while we still learning checkers." Jubilee adds

"He is arguing with a bunch of women..." Spyke says

"...And winning." Kurt completes

"He is really the best of us. He is the Chosen One." Warren says

"He can beat us in our own game. He is too powerful to be left alive!" Kitty jokes

"Maybe this is why these women are so angry with him." Jean says


Back to the studio

"By the way, I'm not bashing women." Eidolon says "Do you think I understimate or looks down on women? I

"I just want you all to notice that: Yes, there are bad men out there. But there are bad women too. Women aren't always the victim. And violence against men, made by women, is much more subtle. Stay on guard, my boys."

"Like Always, is good advice Eidolon. Looking back, I can see many moments when I suffered this subtle violence. I haven't noticed till now." Steve says

"It's normal, we are used to this. Is normal for a woman to use physical violence against a man. 'Ah, she is a woman, her attacks don't ever hurt'. Now go man, slap a woman's hand away. Try it. Is simply not fair. And because of this I preach gender equality, heh."


"To end this gender debate, let me talk about relationships. Maybe the linchpin of our species." He pauses to wait for people to focus on him even more "Like Always, men and women are not the same when the subject is relationships. Let me explain and give some counsel to my boys."

"First, men's and women's views of relationships are different. They seek different things, have different times, and act differently. Is not weird that many marriage fails nowadays. By the way, 80% of divorces are started by women, just to keep it in mind."

"I talked early about my preoccupation with men's mental health. You know that I can watch the world more easily thanks to my super-senses, so the things that I saw give me some propriety to talk about this. Let me share it."

"A man is a simple creature. To the point that we are a little dumb." He say to laughs "We have different preferences, but all of us want a somewhat cute girl that treat us well. That's it. Secret revealed."

"I sign it." Steve raises his hand

"Now, women..." His pauses bring more laughs, and he already improved the mood again "I have an IQ bigger than the number of people in this building, empathic powers, and super senses enough to catch the minimal details of someone's expression.... And is still hard to me to figure out women." Even more laughs

"But now, even I, with my now revealed small experience with women can tell some things. Women, in general, are attracted by the 'Trinity Six'."

"Trinity Six?"

"Six feet tall, six-pack and six figures." Eidolon says to the realization of everyone "Obviously I'm generalizing and personal preferences can vary. If you're funny, handsome and other things are good too."

"So where do I want to go with this? A normal and average man in his twenties doesn't have these things. So they are invisible to women. You can imagine what this does to the mind of an average youngster."

"While women are in their best phase, this moment is when most of the men are at their lowest. They question themselves, their worth... Remember what I talked about men being appreciated by how much they provide? So... How can a 22 guy bursting his ass in college and working half-time provide to someone. They almost can't survive for themselves."

"And this is where my early advice enters. I said to you guys to stop chasing women and focus on yourselves. This is a difficult time for you. I know."

"Miyamoto Musashi, a famous samurai, has an interesting life philosophy. He believed that pain is an important part of life and we should accept it like we accept happiness and blessings. Many humans tend to run away from it, turn to the other side, and try to mask the pain. But trying to avoid pain is detrimental to us."

"There's no easy life, my fellas. Musashi believed that we should build ourselves to the point that we can tolerate pain and welcome it. Use pain to grow. Most of us do this at some point in our lives. After a heartbreak, a death of a loved one... These things are a wake-up call to us right?"

"Remember my advice. We, men, have to continue forward even in pain. No one is coming to save you, my friend. Do you have problems? No one care. The earlier you accept this reality and start working yourself to be capable of standing on your feet alone, the better." His speech brings applause and cheers from the audience.

He lets them for a while before continuing. "And because of this, I tell you, guys, to not simp."

"Life advice of Eidolon: We have three currencies in our life, my friends. Money, time and energy." He raises three fingers "And you all waste your important currencies on random girls that don't even care about you?"

"Time is limited to everyone. If you're rich enough you can buy other people time to spare your own. Money, if you're not born with it... Tsk, tsk. The only way is to work for it. But to do this, you will need energy. And because of this, I preached about you taking care of your body"

"By the way, is much easier for a woman to become rich in the marriage. Women never date low. So to my boys, the only way is working. Well, you can try to be a criminal, but then I will catch you." He jokes


"Work hard fellas, your time will come. Want to know when? In your thirties." Eidolon says

"So specific." Steve comments

"Haha. Yeah. Do you want to know why? Another difference between men and women. Women after their thirties start decaying the things that a man search: Good appearance. And men? Men age like fine wine. Steve, how long have you been on TV?" Eidolon asks light hearted

"18 years."

"And you haven't aged a day. Seriously? Did this man changed in anything?" Eidolon asks the audience

Many people laugh and say "No!".

"We, men, are at our peak a tour thirties. So relax if you are having a hard time in your twenties. Work hard and believe in yourself. Your time will come." He advises "I know that maybe you're terrified of being a loser. Maybe the world is telling you that. But is bullshit. Everyone has great potential. You can do it.

"I will issue a challenge to the boys. Women can participate also..." Eidolon raises his hand. "180 days. Six months. During this time dedicate one hour of your day in doing something productive. Go to the gym, read a book, practice a sport, find a hobby."

"At the end of this time, you will have changed. Six months is the time needed to you to become a much better version of yourself. And this is just the start. This is only the beginning of you putting yourself on the right path."

"My name is Eidolon, which means 'an idealized person or thing' I choose this name to inspire people in being better because is what I'm trying too. Hard work will not betray you."

After many more applauses, Steve comments

"Sincerely this is a good surprise Eidolon, you advising the young. Now I'm really seeing the problem... When you talked early about the advice to young men when they are in trouble is 'Man up', really make me think. Not all boys out there have father figures or someone to look up. They will need to learn to try and make mistakes. And some of these mistakes can cost a lot. I'm glad that you can be an example. Thank you." At this moment, Steve stands up to give Eidolon a stand-up ovation and everyone follows him.


"The man sat to talk a little and ended the questions about racism, religion, abortion and now is solving misogyny." Bobby Drake comments

"Well, more than listen, people need top ut in practice his words." Jean completes.


"Another interesting topic to approach is marriage, Steve." Eidolon says to the host "Men need to be careful in their marriage."


"And is funny the inversion of the power dynamic in the marriage." Eidolon laughs with himself "I said early that women can have sex when they want, and the men have sex only when the women want. Marriage is the opposite. The man only marry when he wants and the woman when can."

"Haha. I never thought about that." Steve laughs

"This moment of deciding if will marry and when will marry is the only moment where a man has the power in a relationship nowadays."

"Haha. And after this, the power is with the woman again." Steve jokes

"Heh. Exactly. Sincerely, I Always thought that is weird how much power over the man the woman has in the marriage. Deciding things on the house, making the husband sleep in the couch, and using sex as a bargain chip. Weird... And is even weirder how these things were talked with laughs" he says more seriously now

"Marriage is unfair to the man. If the woman decides to leave the man, she takes Half of his money, the house, the kids... Guys, don't marry so easily. They will try to pressure you. 'We're together 4 years when we are gonna marry?', 'You need to put a ring on my finger for it', 'Do you want a wife paying the price of a girlfriend? Hmpf'. Mind games, my good men."

"Not all women are like that obviously. But you need to guard against the ones that are. If there are men out there that cheat, scam and lie to have sex. There are women out there that do the same for marriage. Sometimes they don't see you as a partner, a companion. They see you like a retirement plan."

"Choose well, Always sign the prenup, independent of anything, and do DNA tests on all your kids." Eidolon advices pointing to the camera.

"DNA test? Isn't this going too far?" Steve asks unsure

"I wish. 1/5 of the marriages have children that are not of the husband, that the wife scammed him." Eidolon says

"Damn, seriously???"

"Yeah. Men have this other fragility. They can be scammed to paternity. Sad but true."

"Whoa. I'm shocked."

"Do you want to me check on yours, Steve?" Eidolon asks

"What? No, I trust my wife." He says with certain

Eidolon looks at him for a moment before disappearing.

Some seconds later he comes back to the same position "Safe, all are yours. Sorry, but I have gone check. You can hate me, but now you have peace of mind and is all on me." Eidolon says simply

Steve looks at him. He doesn't comment, but deep down he is grateful. All men want to be sure but is a difficult subject to approach.

"You know what? I will do it with everyone here." Eidolon says before standing up.

He points his wrist to the audience and a blue light scan everyone. Around Eidolon many holo-screens appear showing the face of the people in the audience. They social media accounts and other things.

Then Eidolon disappears.

Some minutes later he come back.

The first thing he says is. "From the 211 in the audience. 63 are a couple with children and from these... In 11 marriage there are children that is not from the husband and he is being cheated on it." Eidolon declares

Gasps and other exclamations of surprise could be heard.

Eidolon raises his hand showing a bunch of cards. "I have written in these cards if you're being cheated on or not. If all the children are yours, on the card is written the word 'Safe'. If not... Is written 'You're not the father' and the name of the kid and other information." Eidolon makes the cards float and go to their owners

"If you don't want to know, just destroy it. You need to remove the cover to see the truth. You can open it at home too. The choice is yours." He said and gives the cards

Most of the men open the thing immediately and sigh in relief. Others hide well, but Eidolon can see their grief. Men are better at holding to themselves.

Other don't dare to open the card for now.

An interesting turn of events is when two of the women snatch the card away from their husband hands.

Confusion ensues

"Will you trust him more than me?!?" The woman screams

The guy is shaking and almost crying. In the end, he decides to get out, the Woman following him

"Are you happy now??" She screams at Eidolon while getting out.

"No." He answers evenly to the ones that can hear. "Hurts but is necessary."

Eidolon slowly sat, looking a little tired he sighs "Men's life is full of hardships. And because of this, I advised you to only seek a relationship when you're happy with yourself."

"This is... Wow. Full of emotions tonight." Steve comments

"The sad reality. And no one talks about this. No one screams to protect men or teaches them to protect themselves. We, men, aren't always the villains that we are portrayed to be. We are seem as potential rapists, but are also potential helpers, providers, defenders..." He looks at the audience

"Do you women understand that a man can die for you at any moment?" he asks seriously "And I'm not even saying of your father, brother or son. A stranger man can put himself at risk to help you."

"It's in our DNA, our evolutionary process, we would die for you all. And we accept it, we don't fight against it." He points to one of his haters in the audience "You, lady, that doesn't like me very much... I would die for you." He says with all seriousness of the world

"..." The woman can't speak anything

"Is the path that I choose. Maybe this whole hero thing deep down is some sort of masculine instinct to protect the others." Eidolon raises his shoulders. In an expression of 'Maybe'

"I have a talk with Spider-man one of these days and he said 'With great powers, come great responsibilities' Is his philosophy in his hero duty. We men are, generally, stronger than the women and we would protect you all."

"I live for my own motto too... 'A Strong man can defend himself, but a stronger man can defend others'. I'm very proud to say that... During the invasion have seen many of my fellow men helping people in need. Putting themselves at risk." He says

"Something like 95% of the people helping others, carrying injured, pulling someone from debris, going the opposite direction to rescue and risking their lives during the invasion are men. It's our instinct. The good side of masculinity is when people only treat it as something toxic."

Many people in the audience at home nod in approval. After Eidolon receives another ovation he continues.

"Now I will say my life philosophy..." Eidolon says

"By all means, go on..."

"Well, I joke about being an advocate of true gender equality when I hit a woman. Amora in the case, but is true that women have certain privileges. Amora has people defending her. That psycho and horrible Asgardian has people taking her side. Why? Because she is a Woman and she is beautiful. I found it disgusting." He shows his displeasure in his eyes

"Recently I met a criminal, the Black Cat. Most of you guys must know her. She steals things. Sincerely she never hurt anyone and I was busy with other things. So I just took back what she has stolen and let her run away. She has some circumstances that are not my place to tell. She is not that bad, really... But, I'm telling you this because..."

"She has Fanclub." Eidolon chuckles "Why she has a Fanclub?" He gave the people a judgemental eye "Must be her wonderful personality, sure..." he says sarcastically.


"Hey, is not my fault that you men are a bunch of simps..." Felicia Hardy comments while watching Eidolon.

She then looks at her costume and the big cleavage.

"I mean, I help... But it's all on you guys."


"Anyway, in the end, the good treatment that women receive from men and even the attacks that she receives come from one thing. Men see them as sex. That's it. I confess."

"When a man met a woman, the first thing he thinks is sex." Some people look around strangely

"But I'm different. I transcended that and see women as a person first and always, and this is awesome. Why? This allows you to know the person more, beyond the looks and makes you focus on other things. I met incredible women, and people recently. They're smart, funny, empathic, hard-working, good... Changes nothing that they are women."

"Do you think I will look down on women? Please... In my line of work if I underestimate or be seduced by a woman I will receive a 15 cm hot needle in my eye." He jokes to Steve.

"This looks surprisingly specific... Has it happened before?" Steve asks conspiratorily

"Heh. No, I will never be caught lacking." He jokes "And with powers in the mix, why think that women are less? Please, I'm not stupid. "

"I will always maintain a respectful distance from women. Not treating them like gods and not treating them bad till their actions make me do it."

"There are only advantages in having this mindset and encouraging all men to adopt this way of thinking. The attention-seeking women will not have their underserved attention from men"

"And is good for the women too. If more men have this mindset, sexual assault and harassment will diminish. Isn't this what you all want?"

"I recommend. Try it. I know it's hard... Men are naturally very horny" he jokes again making the people laugh "And I'm not even kidding. Men are horny 90% of the time."

"True, I also confess." Steve enters with his words

"And this is another strange double standard, Steve."


"Hormones. Why is socially accepted a woman to rage, cry, making drama when her hormones act up? Why should a man be all careful with them at this point?" He asks

"But male hormones are a motive of shame. Testosterone makes us prone to violence and horny. But is a motive to shame us and if we don't control it we're savages. "

"I never thought about that.

"Imagine an 11-year-old kid, found an adult magazine or an adult website. He looks at it, confused about why that images make his body act strange. His mother found him and berates him, shaming him. 'This is wrong, don't look at that.' Why? Why not explain?"

"Maybe we should do sex education to little boys differently. Teach them that is normal to feel like that. But is necessary to respect the boundaries of women and having good control over it can improve their life quality. Teach to channel this energy into others' activities."

"Maybe fewer sex offenders would exist too." Eidolon finishes


"Don't you want to give counsel to the women too? To them not feel left out..." Steve says diplomatically to help Eidolon

The hero chuckles and says.

"All right, I can do it... The same thing that I said to the men. Built yourself to be better. But with one twist... A more specific piece of advice" Eidolon raises his index finger

"Don't go into a hoe phase." He said to some laughs "Heh. I'm serious. Some women think that the world will be theirs forever... they're young and beautiful. 'So let's party!'. No, don't do it. Don't waste your better years like that."

"Two motives... First, unlike the man the world cares about his future, the world cares about your past, women. And you can't erase it. With the internet nowadays... Heh."

"Imagine you after your hoe phase, you go to a job interview, and the company sees a old video of you twerking..." he pauses and raises his eyebrow

"You find the perfect man. You want to marry him... He found an old video of you drinking alcohol directly from a bottle of a strange dude with sexual innuendo. Like with your tongue out or something like that..."

"Your chances will diminish. If you do a hoe phase, at least be discreet about it." He winks at them, making some laugh

"But this would be you lying to the world. Can you lie to yourself? The other motive is about this... While you're partying, wasting money and days drunk and with a hangover... Your competition is improving. And one day you will meet her/him in a dispute about for something. A job, a man..."

"Don't fall into this trap. Imagine your parents too. Ugh. Repect them, your future husband and yourself. Only good things will come from this." Eidolon advises.

"Excellent. Excellent advice Eidolon" Steve exclaims satisfied "You know, I have daughters and I always teach them in judging people, not in a bad way... But be capable of distinguishing the people that can be good or bad to them. Influence, you know..."

"Good parenting." Eidolon praises "This is another difference between men and women, Steve. The friendships. I'm sorry to say but... Women's friendships are more fake" Eidolon shrugs his shoulders

"Let me tell a story of a girl that I saw." The hero starts "There's this young woman... Teenager, she is beautiful. The more beautiful of her circle of friends. And she respects herself. She doesn't involve herself too far with the guys that approach her, drinks very little, she takes care of herself."

"But she is constantly nagged by her friends to 'let it go' a little. Go with that guy, drink more, and 'enjoy life'. 'You're so beautiful XXXX XXXX, you should enjoy your youth' they said..." Eidolon pauses dramatically

"Lies!" he said "They want her to stoop down to their hoe levels." Steve guffaw to this.

They're envious of her looks and her integrity. They already did everything in the book, Steve. And they feel less when they go close to a woman that is not only beautiful but sure of herself enough to not go down in this path just for approval and attention."

"I can imagine that. Sadly I can..." Steve comments

"The story I'm talking... Many girls are living it right now. Don't give in to pressure. Be yourself. I know that you don't want to be ostracized or bullied. But in some years, you will let this all behind you. And you will be in a good spot morally and mentally"

Steve himself applauds Eidolon this time before the rest follow him.

Being a father of girls must be hard.


"Well, Eidolon we are almost finished here... Damn, that's much time has passed already." Steve looks at his watch. In truth, the next program is canceled because the interview took too long and is a record of the audience

"Yeah, I'm surprised myself. We talked about many topics."

"I think is good. You're a smart and nice guy Eidolon, and like you said you're not afraid of saying some truths so I think is very good to the world to listen to you." Steve says appreciatively

"Thank you"

"Now! Still on women!" Steve exclaims animatedly making Eidolon frows. He was already tired of impersonating Jordan Peterson "What is your type of woman?" Steve asks with a smirk




"Absolutely. The people want to know. Right, people?" He asks the audience

"YEAAAAH!" They answer

"*Sigh* Okay, I will answer." Eidolon sighs.

Many people are more focused now.

"Will sound cheesy, but I don't have a type..." He answers and receives Boo's of the audience

He looks around jokingly offended "What do you want? I'm Eidolon, do you think I care about appearance? The girl could ahve pink skin, horns, four Arms, be two meters tall... To me doesn't matter. Personality will be the most important."

He continues "And I'm not even attracted to a specific personality. The person could be cheerful, more quiet, gentle, calm, strongminded, whatever. If she treats me well and respects me."

"Well, the answer that I imagined coming from you Eidolon."

"By the way, I have a requirement..." Eidolon raises his index finger "Only one."

"Say it."

There are even more people at home paying attention now

"Accept all of me." He says


"Looks easy but is not. Normal people can't cope with my lifestyle. I also demand a certain level of respect, but these things are normal. Sincerely, instead of things that I search for someone is more like there things that a woman can't do if I'm in a relationship with her."

"Hm, makes sense. You must have problems that I can't even imagine. But what are the things she can't do?" Steve asks

"Well, for starters there are some obvious bad things that I can't accept. But the interesting one is another thing that can be talked about when we discussed men's and women's relationships "Eidolon starts "As an example, I wouldn't like if my girlfriend is too intimate with male friends, dress too provocatively when I'm not with her, don't give me my space... Things like that."

Eidolon looks Around when hears some gasps from the women and roll his eyes "Damn, you guys are so conditioned to detest everything that is said remotely against women that you all can't even help in instinctively scrunching your face. Listen well..." He raises his hand

"This is the bare minimum. Nowadays I see many women calling men insecure if they say those things. It's not. It's just respect to your companion. I will say it for all the boys. Yes, We don't like when you have a male friend that you are so happy to see him that you let go o four hands to give him a big hug and squeal like a little girl, we don't like when you go out alone with your hoe friends, we don't like if you're showing too much skin to other people."

"'But Eidolon, you're insecure and controlling' Pfft. I'm a 6'4'' ft tall, with a good appearance, super powerful, trillionaire. I have standards. And I'm not controlling, I will never force anyone to do anything. If my partner can't do these things... I will just walk away. Bye. No problem"

"I have self-respect, Steve. I, myself, don't casually give liberties to women... If I do this single. You can imagine me in a relationship. So is wrong of me for wanting the same of my companion?" he points to himself

"Absolutely not. I agree with you. By the way, you said space too..."

"Is peace of mind, Steve. I also see a lot of men, that works 8 hours a days, sometimes 10 or even 12 go home and still be chewed by their wife. And they can't get out of this, because the law is on her side."

He continues "So, do you think I, after going out fighting for my like want to go home and don't have peace? I don't want this for me and anyone." Eidolon says

"I agree. By the way, something that you said attracted my attention..." Steve frowns


"You said... trillionaire?" He raises his eyebrows comically to Eidolon

"Haha. Yeah, you know that space has many resources, right? So is not difficult for me to go out and bring an asteroid with millions of tons in metals like gold and others. I mostly use it to build some things. I don't throw it at the market, I'm no dumb."



"And man! You're taking ten bucks at a time from me. You heartless bastard!!" He jokes making Eidolon laughs out Loud.

"Hahah. A bet is a bet. But here, use MY Money to give it to someone that needs it. But do it personally." Eidolon gives Steve back his Money

"I know that you donate Money to Charity, but you Always send someone to it. Go there personally, feel the good upon close. Helping people is great. I love it." Eidolon smiles at him

"...Okay. I will follow your advice. I'm feeling that I'm too holed up in a room lately."

"You will not regret it."

"Continuing, let's talk about a not-so-nice topic Eidolon." Steve says more seriously and points to the big screen behind him

On it appears the image of protesters against mutants and there are also many mannequins of Eidolon and otehr racist things.

"What do you think about it?" Steve starts

Eidolon shrugs his shoulders "Don't like it, but what I can do? Let them be. I hope that I can change their mind in the future." He says calmly

"Very mature, Eidolon. There's also much hate against you on the media. Especially in the Daily Bugle"

At this Eidolon chuckles. "Yeah, Jameson doesn't like me very much." He laughs "But is okay. Having someone with a contrary opinion is good. I just hope that he would be less... biased." He jokes

"So this doesn't bother you? Sincerely, If I was in your shoes, I don't think that I would go on. 'They don't like me? Okay. I will stop helping too' I think that would be my thoughts. Did you ever thought about stopping?" Steve asks

"No. Never" Eidolon looks serious "I don't give up." He says with a determined look " I put this duty on myself, Steve. I choose this path. I will see the end of it."

Steve smiles "Damn, man. Is there anything not cool that already comes out of your mouth?" he jokes making the people laugh and applaud Eidolon

"You're exaggerating." Eidolon says a little bashfully "Let me talk about this topic, now that you brought it."

"We are all ears," Steve says

"Haters... Is something that everyone that is famous has. I was prepared for that when I appeared in the Invasion. Being a meta I knew what is coming. So, such a small thing will not shake my resolve."

"I don't regret my choice and never will. What I did do wrong?" He asks "Many people think that I'm pretending, that I'm not this good guy that I preach to be, that one day I will reveal my true face, That I'm the anti-christ incarnated...." He looks around

"So let me get this out of the way already... I'm not the good guy that you all think. I admit. I'm human, full of flaws. I get angry, sad and annoyed too. I don't believe that I'm a naturally good person. Not like Captain America and Spider-man..." He confesses to the world


"But is this that bad? I'm trying to be my ideal version of myself. 'Eidolon', remember? Someone that will make me, my late parents, and even the world proud. I'm not a messiah, people. But what is better: To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? I'm trying to be good, doing good. And all my haters? What are you doing?"

"Damn, like I said. He never says something uncool." Steve says while people applaud.

"When I brought the Green Goblin to justice..." Eidolon continues making the people go silent "I asked him 'why?'. Norman Osborn, a rich guy. Why be a villain? And he answered: 'I chose my path, you chose the way of the hero. And they may find you amusing for a while, the people of the world. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying.' "


"I will never forget these words, you know why? Because is the truth..." Eidolon rests his elbow on the armchair while looks sad

"C'mon Eidolon, is not like that..." Steve starts but Eidolon raises his hand to stop him

"Is okay, Steve. I already made peace with it. Do you remember when I captured the Skrull? I in purpose say little while captured her. And you all doubt me. I have seen your eyes. It's okay. Is natural that one bad action erases all other good actions... I how the world works... sadly."

"..." The people look ashamed

"Some time ago I discovered a scheme" Eidolon says without dwelling on the awkward atmosphere "A certain criminal organization would bait me into some place with criminals. Make it obvious that I was there. And after I get out they would kill the criminals and make it appear that was me. Using lasers and other strange means to simulate my strength." He says


"This would destroy my credibility and reputation and I would have to prove that I'm innocent. The sad part is... everyone would believe in it. People would choose to believe that I'm a monster instead of that I'm just a guy trying to do good. People are cynical and are just waiting to see me fall. Like the Green Goblin said."

"..." What can be said? Everyone knows that is the truth.


"To end this interview, Eidolon. I have one last question." The host says


"What is the difference between a Hero and a Villain?" Steve asks

This an interesting question that makes Eidolon straighten himself on his chair.

"Good one." Eidolon says "I already talked about how I believe that truly evil people are equally rare as truly good people. There are good people that go down in a bad path for various reasons, bad influence, pain, and temptation. A sad truth that I discovered while being Eidolon is 'Goof people do bad things'. "

"And because of this I advice to people that gain the power to calm down and wait for the high of getting power to subside."

"Is normal to people think about all the advantages that they could gain with powers and go slowly fall to evil." Eidolon says

"But talking about real heroes and villains... Let me say this... Recently I found out that we, heroes... are losers." Eidolon says shocking the audience


"Yeah. People that lost things, Steve. Our life is not as worry-free as you all believe. The universe balance things. He gives and takes" Eidolon explain

"There's a price that we pay for power... Normally people pay with years of training and effort, sweat, blood and tears. Us? That gain powers too 'easily'... sometimes lose other things..." Eidolons continue

"We lose loved ones, normal lives, our sanity, or even our timeline. Maybe we survived traumatizing experiences." Eidolon list "Me, Spider-man, Captain America, Hulk and Stark... We are losers." Eidolon repeats

And the Eidolon asks "And the villains? Magneto? Doom? Magneto with certain lost loved ones... Doom is a scarred guy that no one knows what he been through...Losers... Just like us..."

"So what is the difference between heroes and villains, you asked me..." Eidolon gives a profound look at everyone "The mindset. I already talked that life is full of pain. But how we respond to pain is the answer to your question. The villain thinks: 'The world hurt me, I'm gonna hurt it back.'" He gesticulates

And then continues "The hero think: 'The world hurt me, I'm not gonna let this happen to anybody else.' "

"..." Obviously everyone cheers and applauds Eidolon words

Steve sighs "You're the man." He says smiling.

He gets up and offers a handshake that Eidolon accept and the two hug afterward.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please... You know what to do for our hero." Steve points to the audience and they go even crazier in the applause

"Thank you for coming Eidolon. Has been a pleasure." The host says

"The pleasure is all mine. I liked to talk about many things with your all."

"And I loved hearing it. Any departing words?"

"Well...Just that..." Eidolon put his mantle back "I'm Eidolon."

He claps his hands strongly and all the lights go off, a second later when the lights turn on again the hero is gone.

"He has style..." Steve comments.


A.N.: Hello there.

I think being a hero is more than simply saving people lives. Superman tries to save people souls, Hearts and hope.

And he is the greatest of all.

Eidolon being an inspiration to the young generation, mostly men, is a plot point that can bring some interesting situations in the future.

Can you imagine the confrontation "Eidolon Vs. Captain Marvel".

I already have some funny things in mind.

After this controversial chapter let's talk about more controversy.... Future relationships of the MC.

For you information, now relationships will start developing in the story. Finally...

I remember when asked me when the romance would develop, I responded "Hm, I don't see romance till much later in the story. I need to build it properly, so maybe in the 50's chapter." This was very early in the story.

And well, well... Look in what chapter we are close to now...

Mc's persona established? Check

Likable love interests? Check

Not too fast "he looked at her and she loves him and will accept anything from him" situation? Check

A somewhat reasonable starting harem that makes sense? Check

We are ready Boiiisss!

When Mc has his monologue after meeting Black Cat, many people commented on certain things. Some good, others bad... Let's talk about this.

The MC said that there's no need to actively chase women from Marvel because he can go to parallel universe if he wants just a fling.

Many people are angry with it.

"This is not mature."

"Well, is a fling. Is not like he will dip and ditch. Like with Lady Nagant, he let very clear that he would leave. But now he is thinking in going back early because of her.


Because sex is important to the MC.

"No strings attached" is a lie. There are always strings attached.

Is already established that the MC is a hard person to start like someone. But if he likes... He likes hard.

Do you think that he would fuck Black cat just to never do it again? Much better don't ever start this Whole flirting thing, right?

Important Thing to say too.


How many times with cool heads we say something and do the opposite in a heated moment?

We are men. If even the Batman can be caught lacking... Poor teenager body of the MC.

I'm the author. If the mood is good, if the MC already has a good friendship with the eoman, trust her, knows that she can keep it separated form other things...

Something else can happen. Imagine the situation, some months from now. Eidolon is alradya somewhat friend of Black Cat. They already played that dog and cat game some times. They're in the mood after a big thing that it happened...

Would you guys found it weird if they sleep together?

Another thins in this question

"I don't plan to date a normal woman." He saids

Look at this fool...

I'm the fucking author, bitch.

I have planned to have this idiot be entangled with a normal Woman from Marvel.

Try to guess who.

Would be an interesting dynamic. A relationship fated to end, but is good, the bittersweetness... Will this last? Can the normal Woman accept Eidolon and not only Hector?

You guys will like it. I know.

Now let's talk about a thing that I like to call... The "Tsunade question"

Heh. Your guys reactions are exactly as expected. So predictable.

I always wanted to bring a card of a hot woman that will make our hormones fight with our neurons to decide. But reason would win and the MC would assimilate her.

The reason? Establish the MC as not so horny guy in practice. He is a calm and collected persona after all.

Fun fact: There three top candidates to be the Woman Character...

Tsunade, Tatsumaki and Makima.

Like, Tatsumaki has the body of a kid, you perverts. Don't be fooled by the fanart, brothers!!!!

And she has a shitty personality. And even if is possible to just copy her power, assimilating her would bring experience and potential. But I choose to ler her be summoned at later date.

Makima... Eh... After the release of the anime. I decided to finishreadingg the manga. And yeah... She is not appearing so soon in this story. The ones who know, know...

Tsunade gives more advantages to be summoned. And she ahs issues, a lot of issues. And he would feel bad to give her the Uvogin treatment, she is not a bad person.

You all need to underestand that this is not the end. He can gain another tsunade or go to the world of Naruto.

Try to use his perspective, he can go to all universes at any time. If he wants he can live millions of monogamic lives with each female character in fiction.

Pussy is not a priority now.

That's is it.

Till next time.
