
Meta Essence CYOA 93

Essence of Trouble's Essences

○You may remake yourself however you. Optionally, you may become physically perfect and naturally flawless in every way you want, having a flawless figure and striking features with your ideal physique and body specs, basically being as attractive as you can become without some sort of reality bending power.

○Optionally, you gain an effect which makes it so that the more powerful you get, the more attractive you will become. Your body becomes more defined, your face changing in shape to match the ideal of your sex. Of course, this is subjected to diminishing returns, so there will be a point where even huge increases in power leads only to barely noticeable changes. You will never change in a way that you will find unappealing.

○Optionally, you may pick something that you want to embody, and you will become the living physical definition. Handsome, Smoldering, Dangerous, Beautiful, Sex-on-legs, Sharp, Seductive, Powerful, or anything else. This works in a way you would want it to work.

○Optionally, you may receive a pair of beautiful black angel wings, tipped with silver, on your back that you can hide and spread out at will, granting you fast and fluid flight. These wings ignore clothes, allowing you to release them without your clothes being in the way. You can also make your eyes turn Black similar to Sebastian Morgenstern, but at will instead of constantly.

○You can make your eyes glow blue at will, similar to how several characters from Vikings have their eyes become unnaturally blue.

○Optionally, you may have an ability taken straight from a romance novel. You are able to focus on someone as if the rest of the world doesn't even exist. When you look at someone like that, you can make them feel like they are the most important person in the universe. Every word they said matters to you. Every gesture the make is vital. The effect is devastating. They'll want to keep talking and doing things to keep you focused on them just like that.

○Optionally, you may choose to receive the Ultimate Dick. This is the greatest dick in existence, being way bigger/larger and longer when hard than it should be, yet still not only being able to fit into the tightest hole, but also granting unparalleled pleasure to the recipient. This is the ultimate, perfect dick in existence, with porn physics added on top of that, making you the best lay in the world, making anyone who takes it in them ruined for any other dick. Even the most powerful and experienced succubus and the greatest Goddess of love and sex wouldn't stand a chance against it, succumbing to the greatest and most pleasant pleasure they have ever experienced. This dick works in the way you want it to, so if you want to mind-break someone, it allows you to do that, while if you want something else, it allows you to do that, responding and changing it's effect to fulfill your desire. This also grants you nigh-infinite sexual stamina alongside no refractory period, allowing you to cum as many times as you want and still be ready to keep going. That is not to say that you can't be satisfied tho.

■You also have the ability to summon an additional dick at will, though unlike Caine, you can make it go away at will as well.

○Optionally, you may become a Metamorphmagus, allowing you to change your physical appearance through sheer will alone, allowing you to take a wide variety of forms, changing gender and age, potentially looking like anyone at all, or even just changing a part of your appearance, such as the colour of your hair or shape of your nose. When you change, you have to actively change back, as you don't have to hold your transformation. You are always able to return to your base form.

○Optionally, you may receive the ultimate harem power, allowing you to attract others you would desire by simply being yourself. You can be the biggest asshole, and you will still find that attractive women (or men) fall for you wherever you. The more powerful you become, the greater this ability becomes, but you can toggle it at will. You will also find that you gain unparalleled sexual prowess, able to ruin whomever you sleep with for any other partner beside yourself. This works even if you are dominant or submissive, and will find that your partners can become able to match your preferences should you want them to, even understand what you desire. Make the submissive dominant or the dominant submissive, make the sadist a masochist and etc. You also don't have to worry that anyone will take advantage of this in any way, nor will any negative consequences come from your preferences and desires. And unlike Caine, your lovers will be willing to share you and allow you to have your harem.

○Optionally, you become able to seduce anyone you are interested in either romantically, sexually or someway else, merely by being yourself. This will work in the way you want, depending on how you want them. Someone you just want a one night stand with won't develop feelings for you unless you want that, while someone you do want to fall for you will grow into true love. This works subconsciously, though you can alter it consciously if you want. You will even find your partners willing to share you, should it be necessary. Slaves, heroes, royalty, gods, and more fall for you, should you so desire. You may toggle any part of this at will.

○You may opt to become highly skilled in the arts of the bedroom, capable of bringing any partner you have into earth-shattering orgasm and even ruining them for any other partner. You talent and skill is an intuitive part of you, allowing you to always know what to do to bring the most pleasure for both yourself and your partners. This also grants you an instinctive sense of what the other wants, like fetishes and what have you, while also sensing what they wouldn't like or be embarrassed about or something. This also makes you intuitively know how to use any power/ability you have in R-rated ways. You may toggle any of this at will. You may also change this however you want.

○You cannot be turned into a werewolf, vampire or anything similar unless you want to. As a side effect, you are also immune to STDs and other diseases, even supernatural ones like Demon Pox.

○You are able to make the negatives of a medieval world, such as Hygiene, smell, sanitation and etc. not exist for you and everyone around you. You can also make it more romanticized, where food becomes better, inns are improved and the world itself becomes how we imagine the medieval world was or should have been. This is an effect you can toggle at will. This will work in a way you prefer, even retroactively. People will have white, clean teeth, it won't smell like a shithole unless the place is known for it, people will be clean and not smell like they haven't bathed in a month, etc. Or you can make the effect only around you and those close to you, making people around you slowly become cleaner with better hygiene while near you, while bad smell and dirt is still there, but lessened in your surroundings. Or maybe some other way.

○You can at any time turn the world you are in or about to enter into a world of Reversed Sexual Morals. This change will work however you want it to work, from being retroactively changed or something different. You may also choose exactly how the change is, in case you just want the change to be that women are the sexual aggressors, or something completely different. If you don't know exactly how you want it, then you can make it change the world exactly how you would want it if you knew what you wanted.

○You are able to use both magic and technology no matter what world you are in, and no matter what period in the Shifts it is. You are also able to combine technology and magic.

○You have complete control over your body and any powers you have. This means you don't have to worry about accidentally tearing the door handle off or punching a hole straight through someone. This works subconsciously, so you won't have to actively try to control yourself. You can even control your sense of pain and discomfort. You may also choose to limit your power at any time, in case you feel you have become too strong. The power is still there, but locked away until you need it again.

○Suddenly developing super strength can have some consequences on doorhandles and phones when one doesn't have complete control over how much strength one uses. Same with super senses, which can cause immense headaches as the brain tries to get used to it. Never again will you suffer any drawbacks from any power or ability you develop, while also having complete control from the beginning. You may not be able to use your newfound strength the best way without any training, but you never have to fear tearing a door off its hinges because you don't know your strength. This does not make you immune to the weaknesses of your power, just prevents any innate disabilities. If you are a werewolf, you are still hurt by silver, but you don't experience sensorial overload.

○Optionally, You are capable of instinctive reaction, which not only makes you able to move before thinking but you can also act, attack, defend and counter while being unconscious.

○You will find yourself a natural at combat, but find yourself especially skilled with one weapon of your choice, being so naturally talented that you will eventually eclipse the Gods.

○Optionally, You are able to empower any bladed weapon you own to cast powerful blades and energy waves, like a crescent-shaped energy beam that can easily cut through giant steel structures. You can also use this energy in a lot of other ways, like increasing the sharpness of your weapons or something else.

○Optionally, you may be a reincarnation of someone from ancient times, and have thus been granted a boon from it. This will make you learn knowledge and master skills much faster, as if you are remembering how to do them and shaking of the rust that has come from nothing using it for a long period of time. This works on everything you try to learn and master, allowing you to do in a year what others spend decades mastering.

○You can control how much physical pain you feel, from a 100% to 0%, at will. You can have your arm torn of and not feel any pain, only the physical sensation that something is wrong, or walking through fire without feeling the need to scream from the heat. Does not come with any downsides of having no sense of pain.

○Optionally, you may sometime in your past have been injected with Hellbourne blood, which is blood from a demon possessed human. The blood bonded to your body and gave you this; a custom-crafted combat persona. It takes all your experience and abilities, and uses it to fight. Constantly improving, it allows you to go from one who has only been in a barfight to being able to match centuries old vampires in combat, if given the ability to fight against one for a few hours. It works on auto-pilot, allowing it to take control over you body and fight for you, while you become a passenger in your own body, watching what it does and influencing it in case you want to spare someone. It will never do something you don't want it to, as it is a part of you, only without hesitation and more ruthless, constantly aware of your surroundings in a way you aren't, allowing it to react to things you don't even know is happening. The more training, experience and abilities you gain, the more effective it becomes, and it can in a combat situation even develop new unknown techniques from your abilities in the middle of combat, granting you an explosive growth curve when it comes to combat, fighting and killing. Any ability showed by Chris's Grim Reaper, this one also has, including a memory storage in case your head gets blown off and you survive without any memories.

■It also grants you the ability to use the Hellbourne's Cloak ability, a powerful ability to cloak themselves, forcing people to forget them on sight. The demon cloaking ability is like a bubble of forgetfulness that you can use not only to cloak yourself, but also other people near you.

○Optionally, you may receive the Ultra Instinct State:

■In this state, you have effect of Ultra Instinct without the exponential power increase. It still severs the consciousness from the body in order to allow the body to subconsciously move and fight independent of your thoughts and emotions, but doesn't increase your power at all. This state takes no energy at all to use and can be toggled at will.

○Optionally, you have mastered "the Flame and the Void". This refers to a concentration technique used in combat arts throughout the cultures and Ages of the Wheel of Time universe. It is based on the visualization of a single flame of a candle into which the person could throw all their emotions, fears and obstacles which block them from performing. All concerns, thoughts, even the concerns of life and death - can be learned to be fed into the flame. You enter a state of nothingness, your mind completely cleared from fears and emotions leaving you in a hyperaware state of consciousness to be able to focus exclusively on your desired task. This allows the user to perceive reality cleared from everything distracting. Being in the state of nothingness allows one to ignore the physical senses of the body of the performer. Cold or heat of the surrounding environment, pain of the injury, tiredness of the body, soreness of muscles are only observed from a distance as the subject would be someone else's body. All while it focuses your senses, increases the speed of your reflexes, and enhances the accuracy and skill of your fighting skills. Another technique is to imagine one becomes one with their weapon and one with their targets or opponents, removing obstacles of rational thoughts and emotions such as the opponent is stronger or more advanced in combat, and such, allowing you to act without thoughts, fear and anything else that would hinder you in combat. You don't have to fear going too far into the void, as you have mastered it completely. You are able to teach others how to use the Flame and the Void.

○Optionally, you may become a Ta'veren of equal level as Rand Al Thor, the strongest ta'veren in known history. But unlike ordinary Ta'veren, who are spun by the Pattern in a way that suits it, you will find the Pattern spins in such a way to suit you, making reality alter itself for you. Wealth and fame will drop into your pockets as if from the sky; men who wanted to kill you might decide to follow instead, and women with ice in their eyes might decide to melt. Arrows fired from afar will miss, and in a time of peaceful contemplation, you will be alerted and escape any threat. Your probability-altering effect extends throughout entire cities when you make an appearance even without your conscious effort, and with it you will find its effect increase greatly. Your force of will combined with your ta'veren nature also provides an extremely powerful influencing effect on others, bending them in ways that suit you. In effect you manipulate both people and events on a subconscious level, where people find themselves acting out of character in order to benefit you, and events seem to spin just the way you want, seemingly out of good luck. This also gives you the ability to bring out the best in others, allowing them to for example learn to fight much faster than normal training should allow. You will find your Ta'Veren has no negative effects, being only positive in a way that suits you. No one will be able to find you by tracing the effects of your ta'veren on the Pattern. Should you truly desire someone dead, then reality will shift as so to make them die in some way of possible. This can be that their hearts suddenly stop beating, or they fall down a step of stairs and break their neck, though this won't work on immortals however. All of this can be controlled and toggled at will, and will never work in any way you wouldn't want to, even becoming as weak or strong as you want. You can have it create your ideal life without you having to do almost anything, or you can have have it guide you to the actions that will lead you to the future you desire. And if something happens that you would like to prevent, intervene or be a part of, or something similar, then you will feel a slight tugging sensation drawing your towards it, guiding you.

○Optionally, you have gained the enchantment the Einherjar's get from becoming a part of Valhalla, which gives you the ability to never stop getting stronger, faster and more skilled. This enhancement is an innate part of you, and not connected to Odin or Valhalla, having no downside or negative effect and only ever enhancing you in ways you would want. You may also grant this enhancement to others.

○Optionally, you may receive the Comeback quirk:

■o Every time you strain yourself, your quirk works to repair, fix and improve you so as to avoid that strain in the future. A punch will get stronger, faster and more efficient. Running? Run faster and more efficient for longer without tiring. Loss of sleep? Need to sleep less often. Not breathing? More efficient use of oxygen. Starvation? More efficient use of nutrients and calories to require less food. There is no limit to how much you can improve, and you will never improve in a way that you will find unappealing or unwanted, always being tailored to your wants and desires. You are also immune to permanent damage, allowing you to avoid the tightrope between making no progress and making negative progress that one can't recover from, and therefore ignore the fine line the original owner of this quirk had to walk, though you still have to worry about dying from too much damage or from any strain too strong enough for you to handle.

■Aging is considered a strain, making you to passively improve over time as you age, while also granting you an eternal, youthful lifespan.

○Optionally, you may receive the skill know as Sleep Learning, which is the ability to practice and improve skills or spells while sleeping. At will, you can make yourself you fall asleep within seconds. You then have 2 modes of Sleep Learning to choose from.

■One where you enter a white space and can try to create new spells, rituals, wards, enchantments and etc, all without any danger to yourself. Nothing you do damages your actual body, though if a mistake rips your body apart you will still feel a brief amount of pain. This white space can take on whatever appearance you want it to, and you are not limited to learning Magic. Time here moves very slowly compared to in the waking world, allowing you to do several weeks of experimenting in a single night.

■Then you have the other mode, in which you select a skill/spell to train up and your unconscious mind levels/trains/studies for you, allowing you to wake up having almost mastered whatever it is you chose. You can however not master or learn anything new in this mode, only mastering whatever you have already started learning. This allows you to do several weeks of training in a single night.

■In both modes you have infinite mana/stamina, meaning that nothing tires you.

■Even without a system, this one also grants muscle memory and physical skill.

■You will wake up fully rested, but continuous use over several nights will leave you mentally exhausted and can lead to a feeling of being burned out, though a night without using Sleep Learning will quickly fix that.

○You may choose if your actions affects the future, if you now how the future would have gone. Say you save Ezio's family, you may choose to have Ezio still take the path he would have taken had you not interfered, or you may let your action change the future in ways you have no idea what would happen.

○Optionally, You now possess a passive ability called "Language", which allows normal people listening to you to hear your words in the language they're most familiar with and vice versa.

○Optionally, you may receive the ability to have Dragon Dreams, which is a premonition-like dream ability that shows you the future in the form of a dream. Unlike others who suffer from Dragon Dreams, you are able to use it at will, allowing you to view and manipulate the future through your actions. Whenever you go to sleep, you can choose to have a Dragon Dream, causing you to instantly fall asleep and see the future that is going to happen if you don't alter it. When you wake up, you then know what you would have done and what would have happened, and can choose to change it. The next night, if you choose to have a Dragon Dream, you will see where your actions will lead and how it has changed the future. If you are at a crossroad, or have a choice you have to make, you may see each of the path that your choices would lead you to and the future it would bring, allowing you to choose your path and your desires future. Do be aware that the future you see is set in stone unless you consciously and deliberately choose to change it.

○Your dreams are protected and cannot be invaded or manipulated without your consent. You are also protected against any negative influence from Tel'Aran'Rhiod or any other Dream world.

○Optionally, you may become a Treesinger, making you an incredible singer, with an inhuman talent for the Songs of Growing, better than the greatest of the Ogiers, even as a human. Your Voice can have the same effect as up to 100 people and Ogier's singing songs of growing, should you so desire.

○Optionally, you have learned and mastered the ability to sing magic like elves. This also grants you an incredible singing voice and the skill and experience of the best elven singer.

○Optionally, you may choose to become an incredible bard, with an amazing singing voice and a masterful skill with any instruments you come across, including your voice. You already know how to sing and play any song you have ever heard, able to use any instrument you use and a little bit of magic to create the same sounds and effects as the music you are recreating, even the sounds not made by your instrument. Your voice has the ability to cover the entire vocal range with ease, even that of the opposite gender, from the highest soprano to the deepest bass, and you now hear what your voice actually sounds like, allowing you to alter it as you want while singing. Optionally, you may also receive one instrument of your choice, that needs no maintenance and is completely indestructible. It will also allow you to infuse magic into your songs for any kind of effect you want.

○Optionally, you may receive the Blessing of Achilles, an Improved version of the Curse of Achilles. When one bathes in the River Styx, they are granted the power to remain uninjured by any means. However, they will always have one weak spot and if this weak spot is injured even in the slightest, the person will die. Except for you, where there is no mortal spot, making you completely invulnerable. You also get highly increased strength, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance, and fighting skills, while also making your other abilities less tiresome to use all while amplifying it. Optionally, you may also don't feel any physical pain or discomfort anymore, but without the drawbacks that could come from it, though you can toggle it at will. You can also toggle the Invulnerability at will, and cannot lose it at all, even if you are exposed to the water of the Little Tiber.

○Optionally, you may receive the power of animal-Shapeshifting, a power that Frank Zheng has showcased. This gives you the limited ability to change into any animal you wish, mythical or real although the animal can't be completely out of the ordinary such as an elephant mixed with a lion. However, this ability is easier to use during times of danger and battle or if you knows the animal well. The animal itself is also much stronger than a normal version of it, and even stronger if you know it well. Your shape- shifting is fluid and near instant, while being effortless and not tiring at all. You are also skilled enough with it that you could begin an attack in human form and finish as an animal. You can also partially transform.

○Optionally, you may have a larger than normal capacity for magic, granting you the ability to cast stronger magic, and use magic for a longer time. You are also able to learn and use any form of magic, and will find it all uses the same source of magic that you now have, which you can use through imagination, allowing you to create spells, cast magic and wield your power through your imagination. You will find that wielding your magic through the power of imagination and the power to create is incredibly easy, being highly intuitive and granting you instinctive control over it. You will find this intuitiveness in all forms of magic you have, making it a lot easier to learn and master, your immense talent when it comes to magic allowing you to go far beyond almost anyone. You also don't need a foci or anything similar to wield any of your magic, and know how to store and draw magic in/from gems.

○Optional, you may receive your very own Sorceries. A 'sorcery' is an instinctive command of any one thing that you can conceptualize as an element, which allows you to manipulate, conjure, vanish, and sense your element, limited only by your creativity and your raw magical power, though the more you understand about your element the easier it is to wield. Any sorcery you get will be at maximum power, being greater then Mara's fire element and Daniel Black's Earth sorcery. You may take as many sorceries you want, but no matter what you pick, you will get two no matter what.

■Mana Sorcery is the ability to manipulate the energy of magic itself. This allows you to not only turn matter into mana like Daniel Black, granting you near endless amounts of magic, but also absorb the Magic from spells and control magic in your surroundings. You get all of Daniel's abilities when it comes to mana sorcery, and a whole lot more.

■Flesh Sorcery. It lets you manipulate the biology of anything, whether for healing, reshaping flesh, alter biology and more. You already know all the flesh sorcery stuff Daniel Black knows, like how to make Catgirls. But your capabilities are far greater than Daniel's.

■You can also grant others their very own Sorceries. What sorcery depends on what you want to gift them, or what they have an affinity for, and you may choose what kind of strength they have in it. This also grants them access to magical energy.

○Optionally, you may become an inorganic telekinetic, allowing you to telekinetically manipulate anything "not alive" with the skill and power of a Prime equal to Mad Rogan.

■You may also be tactile with a weak empath/telepath ability, allowing you to use your telekinetic abilities to touch someone, causing immense, almost unbearable pleasure wherever you touch them telekinetically. It's as if you touch someone with a heated mink glove, the touch both soft and firm, and like molten honey, soft and hot. The velvet heat can set every single nerve it touches on an almost unbearable yet incredibly pleasant fire before melting into pure pleasure. And what the one you touch feels both physically and mentally loops back to you, making you partially empathic. Your control over this tactile ability is also equal to Mad Rogan's.

○Optionally, you may receive an increase in power, putting you are the level of Mad Rogan. This not only grants you a vast increase in magical power, but also gives you unparalleled control over your powers. This gives you the same level of skill and experience as Rogan in whatever magic you have. You also get access to a power that was once unique to Connor Rogan, which allows you to create and enter a stage of Power: You can instantly create a pseudo magical circle which creates a barrier of Null-space around you, allowing you to affect the world around you with your power, but allows nothing to enter the barrier from the outside, making you literally untouchable. The magical circle also increases your power exponentially, while also giving you access to nigh- infinite magic, giving you godlike powers. Unlike Rogan, you have full control in this state, and can end it at will.

■Optionally, you may receive the magical education, skill, experience and knowledge expected from a Prime with your power.

■Optionally, you may receive your very own Family Key, a pseudo ritual only those of your bloodline can use properly and instinctively. This allows you not only to regenerate any spent magic, but also grant you a temporary increase in both magical energy and control.

■Optionally, you may receive your very own Family Spell, a spell only those of your bloodline can use properly and instinctively.

■Your mind becomes a bulwark, an impenetrable fortress. Your mental shields are strong enough to keep out both Victoria Tremaine and Catalina Baylor at their strongest, even when enhanced by house spells and magical circles. Your willpower so strong, it cannot be broken.

○Optionally, you may choose to become a natural and immensely talented healer like Hugh D'Ambray, with the skill and knowledge needed to use it, but without the downsides like the compulsion to heal. This allows you to heal anything except death, as long as you have enough magic, your magic itself guiding you in how to heal anything. It also gives you an inherent regeneration factor of incredible ability, as your magic will begin to heal you by itself. It also has a side effect of granting you even more inherent magical power, which you can use to increase the power and effect of any spells or magic you wield by spending more magic than necessary.

○Optionally, you may have mastered a Mental aspect of magic, akin to Alagaesian magic. The uses of mental powers includes touching minds with other beings or animals, taking control over these minds and protecting yourself from the same. You are also able to open your mind to everything in the immediate area, allowing you to sense an incoming attack, and by keeping a connection between you and your opponents, you can predict their next attacks. As you have mastered it, you are able to create illusions so real they can cause physical effects on the target and affect surroundings as if they were reality.

■Optionally, you are a master occlumens, capable of protecting your mind from mind reading and outside influence while granting you improved memory and complete control over your emotions and your emotional state. You may toggle any part of this so you don't have to actively do it, and your mind protection is completely impenetrable unless you allow someone in.

○Optionally, you may receive the formerly unique Magical Power known as Infinity. It allows you to keep your spells active until you yourself chooses to dispel them. That said, any magical effect you incites will live on, even after if you should die, should you fail to undo it at that point. No matter how powerful the spell, you only need to cast it once for your power to take effect. Through an enchant you now know, you can also apply Infinity into a spell, to continously channel an unlimited amount of magical power to it, making it exponentially more powerful, the only limit to how powerful being how long you spend enhancing it.

○Optionally, you may become a parselmouth, which allows you to talk and control snakes, and to bring anyone to a mind-shattering orgasm due to the vibrating tongue and snake like movements.

○You can create a Coven Bond with other people. The Bond links your minds, souls and magic together, allowing you to freely share willpower, magical energy, and any mental or soul protections between any or all other members. You can also put several requirements for members in the Coven should you want to, like preventing members from being with anyone other than yourself and the coven, or prevent members from lying to each other. Any requirement you want can be put in. Usually, a Coven Bond is closed once it is first created, but you can add as many members as you want even long after your Coven Bond has been created, without it creating any weakness in the bond. Usually, joining the Bond will erase/break/nullify any and all effects that might be influencing or controlling the new member, but you can control this so that it won't break any effects you have created that you don't want to be broken or nullified.

○Optionally, you may become an incredibly talented enchanter, with an instinctive mastery over the art. This allows you to effortlessly create the enchantments you want in a way that works for you, whether that is similar to programming, weaving, writing, drawing or whatever makes it intuitive. None of these methods is superior to the other, as all of them have the same capabilities and works just as easy, but you get the one which is both the best and easiest method for you to use.

○You are a master enchanter, akin to a broken HP fanfiction main character enchanter. Space enlargements, Fidelius charms and protection wards are your bread and butter. This also makes you an incredible warder. You already know every enchantment and wards from Harry Potter.

○Optionally, You have received a full education from Hogwarts, and have mastered one of the branches of magic of your choice to a level equal to Dumbledore's transfiguration and Voldemort's Dark Magic.

○Optionally, you have learned and mastered the ability to sing magic like elves. This also grants you an incredible singing voice and the skill and experience of the best elven singer.

○Optionally, you may become a highly trained magician. This makes you know how to cast any spell from the Seven Deadly Sins universe, including spells like Absolute Cancel and Perfect Cube, and also gives you the knowledge of how to turn any spells you know into Incantation Orbs, which are magical items that activate a spell upon destruction. You even know how to create Dolls like Gowther from magic alone, creating their bodies and granting them sentience.

○Optionally, you may gain the ability to create Spell Tattoos, becoming an incredible tattoo artist. You already know how to make any spell tattoo Caine has had, and you know how to turn any spell you now into a Spell Tattoo, allowing the one who has the tattoo to activate the spell using whatever energy they have, from life force to mana, chakra or anything else. Any Tattoo you make won't cause immense pain when activated, unlike those Caine has. You may have any Spell Tattoo you make have any design you want, and can use your blood as a universal ink instead of needing the blood of whatever being the spell comes from. You also get a tattoo pen that's incredibly comfortable in your hand. It has endless amounts of Universal Blood that can serve as ink for any spell you know, it never runs out of power, never needs any maintenance nor will it ever break, and you can summon it to your hand at will, or vanish it whenever you want.

○Optionally, you may have been taught the Space Warping spell, which allows the person who casts it to create an invisible pocket of space to store objects in.

○Optionally, you have been taught the spell known as the Energy Shaft. When casting this spell, you raise your hand and summon your magic. A crackling shaft of destructive energy will then shoot from your palm. The attack is so strong, it can pierce most wards and wipe out entire groups of spellcasters maintaining those wards, and when it hits its target, they die instantly. This does however take a lot of magical energy to cast.

○Optionally, you have been taught and have mastered a spell which allows you to locally alter your perception of time, allowing you to move as if time is stopped. This is the ability to manipulate apparent time by slowing down or speeding up the vibrations of matter. Which normally requires an ungodly amount of skill, energy, and understanding, though you can do it at will instead. The spell takes a lot of energy to use, and even the most powerful of elves could only keep it going for a maximum of twenty seconds before stopping it, unless they had some additional store of magic.

○You may choose to make any magic you wield, cast, enchant, use, etc. impossible to copy unless you allow it, and even then, you can take away this knowledge and skill at will.

○Optionally, you become able to create a System for others, similar to a Gamer system/The System from Solo Leveling, allowing them to use it to reach their potential as they level up. As the Administrator of this System you can at any point seal or take the powers that the system have accessed. You can permanently separate them from The System once they have matured enough with their powers without them losing their powers, though you can also take their powers instead, should you want to.

○Optionally, you may become just as talented, skilled and experienced as Joichiro Saiba at his best, having literally infinite potential for making food. You will never find yourself burning out or reaching a plateau when it comes to food. You are already a master of the Yukihira Style that Joichiro created and taught to Soma. You are able to make your food induce images, memories, emotions, pleasure and anything else, similar to how food does in Food Wars. The effect becomes greater depending on how good your food is. You may also take any dish you have experienced and improve it, similar to Subaru Mimasaka, though without the Perfect Trace. This means you actually have to taste it to improve the dish. You are able to conjure anything you need or want for making your food. Anything from Fresh Holy Basil to A5 Beef can be conjured in any amount you need whenever you want, as long as it is for cooking or eating.

○Optionally, you may choose to receive your very own Cheat. This can be an AI chip bonded to your soul, or perhaps a mental library containing all the knowledge of cultivation in existence, or it might be an ability not connected to cultivation but from any form of media, like a Zanpakuto or a Kekkei Genkai.

○Optionally, you may receive your own beautiful Demon Sword, which has been soul-bonded to you, allowing you to call for it to your hand from anywhere, manifesting in your hand, while also making the blade able to feed you the power it absorbs. A Demon Sword is able to feast on the blood, power, magic and soul of anything it comes across, increasing in power and allowing it to increase your power by feeding it to you, even keeping you eternally young by feeding you the life force it absorbs. This one also has the unique ability to channel and focus any of your abilities and powers, allowing you to for example merge and focus two opposites into a truly devastating arc you release while swinging your sword, destroying anything in its path. It can also serve as a magical focus. Uniquely, it is unbreakable, and is the exact weight, length and has the right balance to fit you perfectly, feeling like a part of your body and fitting perfectly in your hands. It is also enchanted to make it grow more powerful with you, always growing just as powerful as you are. You may choose whether it is sentient or not, but it will never work against you or try to cut you, only ever working for you, helping you in any way it can, and you can even make it not feed should you so desire. It is irrevocably loyal and is the greatest Demon Sword in existence. Optionally, It has been enchanted to have a dormant form of your choice, which can be anything from a pen to a flashlight, and allows you to carry the weapon with you anywhere with ease. When activated, it transforms into its weapon form. It is enchanted to appear in your pocket, or on your belt, or somewhere similar if it is somehow lost, in its dormant form.

○Optionally, you may have your very own Crucible Blade, the hilt being of your own design with your own chosen symbol, while the blade takes a shape of your choice. It is bonded to you, meaning only you can use it and that it can never hurt you in any way. The blade is even able to kill true immortals. And should you break of the blade and allow it to be absorbed by the remains of the on you killed, then they will become unable to come back from the dead. No form of resurrection or revival will ever work on the being you killed and let the blade be absorbed by. And unlike with a normal Crucible blade, yours will simply create a new blade the next time you turn it on. This one doesn't run out of energy and can be used all the time, even allowing you to send arcs of destructive argent energy at will. You also know how to create and bond new Crucible blades to others, though you will be immune to the immortality and no-resurrection part of the blades you create.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Tinkledeath, also known as Albitr, a formerly unique weapon owned by Angela the Herbalist. It is a sword made out of "neither metal nor stone" and is sharp enough to easily slice through anything that is not literally indestructible. It has a scabbard made out of the same material, which prevents it from cutting through the scabbard.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Dauthdaertya, a weapon forged using forgotten incantations as well as with materials that the elves no longer remembered how to manipulate. Merely holding the Dauthdaertya makes you completely immune to Magic and Dragon Fire, all without halting your own use of Magic or fire. Your Dauthdaertya is of your own design, being whatever bladed weapon you want it to be (sword, knife, spear, halberd, etc) with whatever appearance you want it to have. It is incredibly sharp, capable of easily piercing even the hardest of dragon scales, yet completely unbreakable. It has the exact length, weight and balance to feel like an extension of yourself, as if it was made specifically for you. The Magic negating effect allows it to ignore any magical defense. You don't have to hold it to get the anti magic effect, it only has to touch you in some way. Doesn't have to be skin contact.

○Optionally, you may receive a Sacred Gear of your choice, even one of the Longinus. You can instead design your own sacred gear. You may choose to have completely mastered your Sacred Gear.

○Optionally, you may have your very own Aegis armor, which is the magical Nordar armor. When inactive, it is stored in a large teardrop shaped orb of metal, but when activated, which you can do with a thought, the the orb will "melt" and your armor will flow over your body near instantly (faster than a gunshot) into a full body armor. And when you are done needing the armor, you can make it flow back into it's teardrop shape. The armor usually takes the appearance based on what clan you are from, but you may design how it looks yourself. The armor has nine stages which it evolves through over time as you experience battle, but yours is in it's final level, already being nigh indestructible and with thrusters on your back granting incredibly maneuverable flight (wings optional). It comes with all the benefits and abilities of the Aegis Armor.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Cloak of Levitation, a magical relic wielded by Doctor Strange that is able to move and fly on its own power, and also enabling its user to fly, levitate and hover in the air. you may change it's appearance and personality however you want. It will fit you perfectly, and unlike Strange's, yours is indestructible.

○Optionally, you may receive a sling ring which allows you to create portals like Doctor Strange, even if you aren't a Sorcerer. You already knows how to do this, having mastered it fully. Anyone you give the ring to, will also receive this knowledge. You are also able to create copies of the ring should you want to. The copies will have the same benefit, but you can make them stop working whenever you want.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Teleportation ring, a beautiful ring that will always fit, and with a mere twist of the ring while on your finger, you and anyone you touch will be teleported to wherever you desire. You know how and are able to create more.

○Optionally, you may receive an Invisibility apparel of your choice. It will grant you perfect invisibility, fit perfectly and be incredibly comfortable. It won't suffer any wear and tear from usage, and will return to you if lost or stolen.

○Optionally, you may receive a pair of Winged shoes. You may choose what kind of shoes they are, and they will fit perfectly and be incredibly comfortable. They won't suffer any wear and tear from usage, and will grant you effortless and fluid flight that you find intuitive and easy.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Magical Toolbelt. Anything that can be found in the average workshop can be pulled out of the toolbelt. The belt is seemingly endless, however, larger items, especially things that don't have to do with mechanics require the belt to recharge, like big items, such as chain-saws, or magical weapons. You can also retrieve food from your toolbelt as well. You can put items in the belt that did not come from and retrieve them at a later time. Also any item you put in it will become weightless until you take it out. It won't suffer any wear and tear from usage, and will return to you if lost or stolen.

○Optionally, you may receive a God's Tear. You gain a necklace with a beautiful pendant on it, carrying a jewel so black that any light that hits it sinks in with no effect. This Jewel is actually a Tear that God shed when Lucifer fell. "Yahweh's tears are filled with the despair, grief, disillusionment, anger, and fear that he felt when his best and most loved angel attempted to wrest Heaven from him. The tears fell with Lucifer Morningstar as he crashed down in Hell". When worn, it grants you the ability to tap into the emotions of God, allowing it to strengthen your resolve and prevent you from losing yourself in anger, grief, despair or any negative emotion you carry, bringing you back before you lose control. This will effectively give you infinite willpower and resolve, while being able to bring down rage even Kratos himself could not reach. If you ever become lost in rage or bloodlust, a weight that feels like the entire world will weigh you down, bringing you back in control with your emotions now at more manageable levels. It cannot be destroyed, and can be used to as a battery for aura or even magic, should one have the skill and knowledge to do it.

○You have a bag of infinite Senzu Pills, which are made from concentrated Senzu Beans that has been further improved. For one, they don't taste like fish, nor do they have the texture that's a cross between an uncooked (or under-ripe) bean and a celery stalk. When eaten, a person's physical condition is instantly restored to its natural peak. Fatigue disappears, stamina and ki reserves are fully restored, and they become fully nourished. The nourishing properties are also so potent that one Senzu Pill can keep a person full for 100 days, without the fear of feeling overstuffed or too full. The Senzu Pill can heal anything, even things that the Senzu Bean cannot, like injuries that have already healed over, like scars, and any sickness and disease can be healed with a Senzu Pill. The Senzu Pill have no negative side effects. The bag will never run out of Senzu Pills, and will always return to you when you want it. It cannot be destroyed or stolen.

○You now own a bag of infinite Paradise Pills, which are made of concentrated Paradise Herbs, which have been improved further. Each pill extends ones lifespan by 1000 years, but also makes the one who takes them more youthful physically, seemingly de-aging them. It has a weird effect on the ones you are or would be attracted to, in that whomever takes it will de-age their appearance and physical body to where they are the most attractive to you. The Paradise Pills have no negative side effects. The bag will never run out of Paradise Pills, and will always return to you when you want it. It cannot be destroyed or stolen.

○Optionally, you may receive an Endless Flask of Holy Water of Life. It will heal any and every illness. It is a divine potion filled with a powerful magic to cure every sickness, and will refill whenever it is used.

○Optionally, you may receive a Bag of limitless Hyper Recovery Spell Incantation Orbs. The bag will never run out of Orbs, and will always return to you when you want it. It cannot be destroyed or stolen.

○You have a bag filled with limitless amounts of Lembas Bread. It will never run empty, will never break and will return if stolen.

○Optionally, you may receive a flask of never-ending Faelnirv. Faelnirv is an elven drink tasting similar to mulled cider mixed with mead. It is made from distilled elderberries and spun moonbeams. A strong man can travel for three days on naught else then Faelnirv.

○Optionally, you may receive a Cornucopia. It is able to create food, using the thoughts or feelings from the person holding it, or simply whatever the one who holds it says they want. It can create endless amounts of whatever food, drink and anything else that is edible but not supernatural you want. This happens in a way you want, so that you won't have Coca-Cola appear without the bottle or a glass it is in, and it will come in such a way as for you to get it without spilling, like being put perfectly down on the table in front of you. It is completely indestructible, and will return to you if stolen or lost.

○Optionally, you may receive a large Seed that when planted grows into a large, beautiful elven treehouse made for a Dragon Rider, being the size of a mansion, with space for your dragon, plumbing, being fully furnished and enchanted with magical versions of modern commodities. When you wish, you can make the house turn into a seed again so that you can bring it with you.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Inter-dimensional apartment, akin to Valentine Morgenstern's. This apartment is laced with magic, able to move in and out of worlds— specifically, between dimensions. Because of this, the apartment is also able to appear and disappear from one location to another. When used to travel, it travels through dimensions, and when it passes through points where dimensions intersect, dimensional pockets are created. The apartment can then remain in these pockets, preventing it from being tracked and found while giving you a safe place to put the apartment. It also comes with a fiat backed pocket dimension that always exists. Can be used as a retreat and as an undetectable mode of travel. The apartment is a large penthouse-esc suite of your own design, fully stocked and with every single thing a penthouse from the 21st century should have, including incredible WiFi and a large Smart TV with all the Streaming Apps and several consoles filled with games, all already active without any cost associated, in the living room. The food, ingredients and drinks are restocked every day, and is whatever you want it to be. You don't have to worry about the power, as it will always have enough. Nor do you have to worry about water or sewage, every necessity being handled completely by its inter-dimensional nature. The windows show the scenery you desire, whether that be an Italian village, the sunset on a beach, the city of New York or the Milky Way. No one can find you while here, and no one else can enter the apartment unless they come alongside you. Comes with a teleportation ring that can only teleport to and from the apartment, and when you teleport from the apartment, you will return to the place you teleported from. You can with this ring only carry yourself and one other living person. If the ring is gifted to someone, then they become able to teleport to and from the apartment, and you are able to make more rings.

○Optionally, you may receive a pocket dimension you can enter and exit at will, containing a mine with endless amounts of mithril, gold, silver, Brightsteel ore, beautiful jewels and stones perfect for magic. You can bring others with you, and the dimension have a house and tools for miners you can leave in the dimension, in which case they won't need any nourishment to survive, being able to perfectly live there without problem.

○Optionally, you may receive a case containing five vials of a perfected version of the Osiris Serum. Each vial allows the one who ingest it to attain magic abilities of a certain rank, depending on the vial taken. The ranks are Minor, Average, Notable, Significant and Prime. Unlike normal Osiris Serum, these have no change of killing or Warping the one who takes it, instead being guaranteed to awaken magical abilities in the recipient. The magical power will by your choice either be one that fits the recipient, completely random, or a power of your choice, in which you can give them two power, making them Dual Talented. Taking more than one dose won't increase the power of whomever takes it, unless they receive a vial of a higher rank than their original one, in which they will simply be pushed to a higher rank. Prime is the top however, and there are no increases once you take the Prime vial. Each vial refills after use, and the magic becomes hereditary.

○Optionally, you may receive a case containing one vial of a perfected version of the Super Soldier Serum, one vial containing concentrated Heart Shaped Herb and one vial containing a serum that gives the one who takes it the power of Spider-Man. By having someone ingest the contents of any vial will give them the enhancements of whatever is inside, without the possible negatives. So the Super Soldier Serum will never amplify anything that you wouldn't want to amplify. Good becomes Great, but Bad won't become Worse. It will only enhance and perfect the recipient physiology, not emphasize key personality traits. It will also only enhance someone's appearance, not changing them for what you would consider worse, making them more attractive to you instead of granting them a body and appearance you would find unattractive due to physical changes or due to it not fitting the person in your mind. One only needs to consume the liquid inside the vial, then the serum/herb will take effect within the next hour, without needing any vitae rays or cover, and without any pain or discomfort. Each vial refills after use, and the enhancements will stack and work together, having the greatest effect if the Super Soldier Serum is taking last. There will never be any negative consequences from taking any of these serums.

○Optionally, you may receive Two Silver Goblets of Youth, which have the powers of the Fountain of Youth and the Profane Ritual. One Goblet has a Teardrop symbol on it, which symbolizes that whomever drinks from that goblet gives them all the years that the one who drinks from the other goblet have lived, and could have lived, even de-aging the one who drinks from the Teardrop goblet back to their Youthful Prime. Doing this ritual can also heal any wound, sickness, disabilities or poisons the one who Drinks from the Teardrop Goblet has.

○Optionally, you may have a potion vial containing an Improved version of The Physician's Cure. It can resurrect anyone who has died, no matter how long ago they died, and will heal them back to a fully healed and repaired state. The vial refills whenever it is used, is absolutely indestructible and cannot be stolen, and will return to you when you want it. It also comes with a jet injector you can put the vial in, so you can put the cure into anyone.

○You receive a Bag of Dragon Teeth, containing infinite amounts of them. When you plant a dragon tooth, a Spartoi will form in full armor and with weapon. The Spartoi created by these teeth are both smarter and stronger than ordinary Spartoi, while being irrevocably loyal to you, which grants you access to an incredible army as Spartoi can always reform, even if one removes the limbs from their body, and can only be killed by each other or a child of Hades. Due to them being smarter than ordinary Spartoi, they won't be tricked into fighting each other. You can make any Spartoi you create vanish, and unlike original Spartoi, yours don't have transparent skin, instead looking like muscular and trained humans with grey skin and yellow eyes, an almost inhuman appearance. The bag will return to you if lost or stolen, and is completely indestructible.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Daedalus's laptop. The laptop can change its size, show schematics, create scans, and produce an emergency credit card. It is faster than any other computers, can access satellites or Hephaestus-TV broadcasts from Mount Olympus, and has custom-made programs that can do just about anything except tie shoelaces. It has unlimited storage and borderline unlimited processing power, omni-compatible I/O jacks. It is absolutely indestructible, is immune to malware, and with crystal-clear wi-fi wherever you go, it also has the most intuitive, perfect UI imaginable and an operating system that's magically compatible with pretty much anything you could install. If it's lost or left behind, you can summon it to you with a thought. In future worlds the internet connection remains, though won't be updated to anything beyond what the former world had when you left it (unless the world also has internet). It is enchanted to return to you if stolen or lost, while also repairing itself if it is destroyed or receives any damage. It also contains all of Daedalus's work, from notes on projects to his favorite designs, everything he ever worked on or dabbled with.

■Optionally, the computer may also contain a Technology Archive which will contain every piece of technology and science from the entire Star Wars universe, from both Legends and Disney canon, past and future.

■Optionally, the computer may also contain an archive of all the Technology from the Red Rising universe.

■Optionally, the computer may also contain an archive containing blueprints and all the information for all the technology and science from the MCU, from that of Shield to that of Asgard.

■Optionally, the computer may also contain an archive containing all the technology and science from the Doom Universe, including that of the Maykrs, the UAC, the ARC and even Hell. This includes anything from how to build the BFG 10.000 to how to create Synthetic Argent, which still has all the capabilities of Argent without the need for souls, suffering and hell essence.

■Optionally, the computer may also contain an archive containing all the magical knowledge from the world of Hidden Legacy, even that which is hidden or kept secret in families and houses around the world.

■Optionally, the computer may also contain an archive containing the entire magical knowledge of the HP wizarding world, including lost knowledge. This includes all types of spells, potions, runes, history, forbidden magic you name it. This is not just the Magic from canon, but also any Magic from any fanfiction or any other HP world. It automatically adds all the magical knowledge from any world you enter.

■All of the archives are highly intuitive, with a search engine to help you find what you search for.

○Optionally, you may receive The Book of Darkest Sorrows. This is A semi- sentient five-hundred-year-old grimoire created by Roswitha Maier. The grimoire is small, about the size of a paperback and maybe just a bit bigger. It is bound in pale skin, the inside pages also a lightly tanned animal skin. The outside is blank, but the first inside page is labeled in beautiful cursive "Das Buch der dunkelsten Trauer," which means The Book of Darkest Sorrow. It's the most valuable grimoire ever, created to assist the dark witch, has modified its mission to assist the Jumper. Sorrow has been aware longer than the United States has existed. It was Crafted with consummate skill and exquisite precision and is considered the original artificial intelligence. The book contains an unknown number of powerful spells, rituals, potions and lore, much of which is far more powerful than most modern spell-craft. Spells that allow one to drain magic from others and add it to your own permanently, the ability to bring forth ghosts and trapping them in a puppet, as well as simply communicating with it, even entering its memories. Almost everything magic exist in this book, including the incredibly dangerous but simple spell Ignis Solis, Sunfire. The Grimoire has the ability to communicate telepathically with its user or simply project the words and information into user's mind, but if you don't want to carry a book, you can at this time choose to allow it to join your mind. This gives you an irrevocably loyal magical AI that can help you cast magic, help you in a combat situation, grant you the perfect spell at the right time, index your knowledge and grant you instant access to the knowledge held within, while also helping you develop new ways to express your magic. Sorrow is able to do this with any kind of magic you have access to, and will contain all the magical knowledge like spells and rituals in existence for any form of magic you own.

○Optionally, you may receive your own Cortana grade A.I. of your own design, having the voice, appearance, name and personality you want it to have. You can also choose what sort of relationship you two have, from the A.I. being a servant to a caretaker to someone who loves you. But no matter what, the A.I. is irrevocably loyal to you, with the same extreme devotion to you that Cortana has to John-117. The AI is also immune to Rampancy and can take on a physical form at will.

○Optionally, you may receive your own Combat Butler. He is the perfect butler, serving you obediently, loyally and perfectly. Yet he is also an incredibly experienced warrior with his own Demon Sword, allowing him to also protect you and anything that is yours. Osamu has nothing on your own Combat Butler. You may design him however you want, and may opt for a Combat Maid instead of you want.

○Optionally, you may receive ten irrevocably loyal house elves that are bonded to your. You can opt to have their appearance change from the traditional house elf look to a different one, like making them look like proper Lewd elves or pixie fairies. Their gender, personality and appearance is up to you, alongside everything else, and you may design all of them however you want. You may choose what kind of relationship there is between you and each of them, and optionally they may be irrevocably loyal to you. You can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are.

○Optionally, you may receive Two Pink Roses as your companions. Pinks are bred and trained for the physical arts of pleasure and sex in the Gardens. Pinks, especially Roses, are also trained in the arts of human interaction. They are taught to read human body language and to entice their masters mentally as well as physically. Your Roses are incredibly attractive and highly trained in body empathy as well as the art of shadow dancing- a proportional mimicking of body language to make the subject feel at ease, which facilitates emotional bonding. Their gender, personality and appearance is up to you, alongside everything else. You may choose what kind of relationship there is between the two of you, and optionally they may be irrevocably loyal to you. You can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. If you choose for them to be completely virginal, they will still have the same incredible skill as any other Rose. Pinks, while beautiful, are extremely delicate, their bones easily fractured and they have a very low pain tolerance. They are also chemically sterilized. You may opt for your Roses to not have these disabilities, giving them the same physical durability and pain tolerance as an ordinary human, and allowing them to have children. Your Roses are also able to train others into Roses, should you wish for them to, but the ones who are to be trained have to start from early childhood.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own enslaved goddess. This may be any known goddess like Aphrodite, or it may simply be someone you create yourself, in which case you can choose their appearance, personality and divinity yourself. Her power is suppressed via an indestructible, yet quite comfortable and attractive choker, meaning she cannot wield her divine powers. All she can do is stay eternally young and beautiful, and she has to obey any order of the one wearing her control ring cares to give. You have the control ring, and it won't work for anyone else unless you allow it to work for them. The choker also has an enchantment which makes anyone (except for you) who touches her temporarily impotent while their sexual desire disappears. This effect will last for an hour after they stop touching her, and will affect anyone unless they have been allowed by you to touch her. You may choose whether she is truly enslaved, "enslaved" due to a kink, is simply using it as a ruse to protect herself from being kidnapped or worse, or any other reason you can conceive. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and while they may not be irrevocably loyal to you, they won't try to to stir up trouble or do anything malicious towards you, unless you treat her horribly, in which case I would advise you never to release her. Unless she wants to be treated horribly of course. You can also choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Fairy Homunculi as your familiar, similar to Rainer's Luna. You may design her to your own desires, from appearance to personality to your relationship and anything else. She can at will change from her pixie size to her full size, and is irrevocably loyal to you. She has the power of true Faerie Fire, which holds within it the power of the Fae. No Magic can stand before its consuming Flame, nor can any light compare to its healing touch. Yet thanks to you, this Flame reaches beyond; it is empowered with the might of the Arcane gifted by you, and with it imbues the Holder.

○Optionally, you may receive three irrevocably loyal Gholam of whatever gender you want. You may design them to your exact desires, from personality to appearance to your relationship.

○Optionally, you may have your very own Chimæra as your irrevocably loyal pet. Chimærae are animals native to Lorien, able to morph into any animal, at any time, and are capable of breeding with any animal they can transform into, creating either a new Chimæra or a new member of the transformed form. You may design them however you want. They are immortal and never needs to be taken care of in any way, never needing to eat or excrete any waste.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own, perfect pet: An incredibly loyal and loving werebearwolf. It can change shape from a large wolf to a giant bear, or it can turn into a half form combining both wolf and bear. As smart as a human, with fur as soft as the softest of blankets and incredibly protective of you and yours, makes it the ideal pet and a man's best friend. It can be any other kind of wereanimal-animal hybrid you want. They are immortal and never needs to be taken care of in any way, never needing to eat or excrete any waste.

○Optionally, you may receive a Djinn, capable of granting even the most far-fetched wishes. Yours is not limited by three wishes, and can never escape it's bottle prison, giving you access to infinite wishes. A mage can also draw on its energy, using it to cast spells without having to call on Power from traditional sources, being a lot safer option.