
Chapter 1 - Looking For Something

One day, Angeline had a dream that she is living with 4 angels and her best friend and their house was attacked and she woke up wondering why she had that dream and what did it mean. She looked at the time, it is 12:30pm and realised it is almost time for her to get ready to go to work. Her work starts at 2:30pm, and she needs to take the bus at 2pm. She started cooking breakfast then. 7 hours later, on her way home from work, she saw a strange and gorgeous man looking around as if he is lost and some women came to ask him if he is lost but he asked them a question instead.

Raphael: What kind of buildings are these? They look different to where I came from.

The women wondered what is he talking about and started to think he is crazy and got disappointed because he looks gorgoeous but they answered his question.

Woman 1: These are buildings made of stone.

Woman 2: It seems like you came from a poor country but you don't look poor.

Woman 3: Yeah, you look more like a prince.

Woman 1: What does your buildings look like from your country?

Raphael: Ah, they are made of gold. They also look wider and bigger than these, so you can roam around freely without bumping to each other.

The women thinks that he is definitely crazy and he will just keep making up stories like a child. They tried to end the conversation without hurting his feelings.

Woman 2: Ah okay.

Woman 1: We have to go. Bye.

Woman 3: Nice meeting you.

Angeline wondered if her dream is somehow connected to the man that talks about buildings made from gold, and when the man came closer, the bus came and she gets in and sits down on a chair near the window. She was not able to see the man's face facing front as she only saw him looking sideways when he was talking to the 3 women. When she turned to look at him again from the window, and Raphael turned to look at the bus and the people going inside, he followed them. Angeline realised that it is one of the angels from her dream. She kept looking at him and thinking about her dream. Raphael saw her looking at him and because He has the Mother Pearl, he can read thoughts just like those 3 women but he did not care about them thinking he is crazy because he promised his dad that he will never attack or fight a human, unless they did something really bad like killing or stealing. Raphael knew that Angeline had a dream about him and he decided to follow her. When Angeline got off the bus, Raphael got off but stayed for a bit longer at the bus stop as he looked around the place seeing much taller buildings, and quiet neighbourhood. Angeline is walking on her way home when Raphael suddenly got robbed and yelled.

Raphael: Help! My bag! That man took my bag!!

Angeline saw the robber coming her way and as soon as the robber got close to pass her by, she was able to grab the bag and the robber got scared when he saw Raphael getting close, so he ran away instead to escape, although the police are after him already. Angeline gave back the bag to Raphael.

Angeline: Here is your bag. This area is filled with robbers and they always target new people, if you are looking around looking lost, those people will definitely come to target you because they know you are not from here.

Angeline went to look around to look for something that dropped from the bag when she grabbed it from the robber and found a pearl. As soon as she touched the pearl, it reacted to her body unknowingly and the pearl started glowing until she gave it back to Raphael.

Raphael: You're not scared?

Angeline: I was but when I realised, I can manage and they never really targetted me and I don't really bring any bags with me, so they cannot rob anything. It is better to put them inside pockets like I did, I got 4 pockets on my jacket, 2 big pockets inside and 2 pockets outside. The important ones inside, and the not so important outside. Oh, here is your pearl, I saw it fell from the bag.

Raphael: Thanks!! You're really a smart woman. This pearl is the most important, better hide it in my pocket then.

Angeline: Thanks. (saw the scratch on Raphael's arm). Come. Let's take care of your wound.

Raphael: It's okay. I can..

Angeline: It's not okay if it got infected. My place is near. I have a first aid kit.

Raphael: Okay.

Raphael realised that he needs to hide his powers because he is in a different world now.

Raphael: *I guess it is better to hide my powers and follow her to heal my wound.*

When they finally got to Angeline's studio flat, Raphael started looking around again thinking how small is her place that she felt pity on her being so nice, and she does not deserve to live in that crampy place.

Angeline: Just sit down on the sofa, I will get the first aid kit.

Raphael sat down and started wondering how can she smile and feel comfortable in her place like this.

Angeline: Okay, I found it. Let's check your wound.

Raphael: Thank you so much. You are so nice. You don't deserve to live in a small place like this, you deserve a big place, you deserve to..

Angeline: It is okay, as long as I can sleep, and live peacefully without being bothered by other people. I am fine. Thank you for your concern. I appreciate it.

Raphael realised that Angeline is starting to have feelings for him as he shows concern or sincerity towards her. Although, he also realised he started to feel the same. Suddenly, the door open and Angeline's best friend came who lives with her.