
Mermaid As Alpha's Destiny

“Luck, give me a book on how to make a woman fall in love.” “All the books are just theory, Written based on someone’s experience. In fact, everyone has a different love journey. The way love comes to someone is never the same,” said Max when came from the door. Max understood very well how Billy felt. “Go! Go back to Catalina’s house. Only with her will you know how to conquer her heart. Leave all those books here. One day, you will come back and write your own story.” ------------------------------------------------------------- Enmity made werewolves world endangered. As the future Alpha king, Billy had to find Luna as his destiny. It was Catalina. The reincarnation of Princess Althea, the crown princess of the undersea king. Billy and Catalina met in the real and modern world. A mysterious castle in the Alaskan jungle would be a place for Billy and Catalina to build their love. They would fight for all the trouble. This wasn’t only about werewolves or mermaids, this was about them. It's about their life, soul, and their clan. Billy gained power by making love to Catalina. Meanwhile, Catalina must find water and turn into a mermaid after giving her energy to Billy after making love, otherwise, Catalina would ... lose her life. Could they unite their love without sacrificing the other? Mermaid As Alpha’s Destiny! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, all. This is my first English book. I am really happy if you leave a review and comment. Any mistakes let me know. You can come to my social media. FB : Ans Afriana IG : Afriana_setiawanku Hppy reading and thank to support me. --------------- The cover is mine, design commission art by Vareeant Art

Ans · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Handsome Face

Catalina caressed the handsome face lying on her bed. The man’s eyes were closed. Meanwhile, the wound on the man’s left chest was still bleeding. That was fresh blood, but the color was black.

Today was the third day he was in Catalina’s room. Her maid found the man. He was lying on the beach around Catalina’s house. They didn’t know how he got there.

The man’s condition was pathetic. His face was as pale as cotton. He lost a lot of blood. The man was unconscious for three days.

A maid of Catalina came in with a basin. Inside the basin was a towel and warm water.

“We’d better take him to the nearest hospital.”

“This is difficult, Martha. We have to explain to the police later.” Catalina refused her maid’s suggestion.

“He won’t last much longer. It’ll take a miracle to wake him up.”

“Hopefully, the miracle will come soon. Look, it’s been three days, and he’s still alive. He’s fighting to stay alive.” Catalina said with a face full of wishes.

“But he’s in pain, honey.”

After finishing her sentence, Martha shifted. She stood behind Catalina. Martha’s words made Catalina sad. For the past three days, the man had become her best friend. Catalina always came to take care of him. She also invited him to talk. Although the man couldn’t respond at all.

Catalina felt scared because of Martha’s words. Probably this man would die. Her tears fall down Catalina’s cheeks. She held the man’s hand. She kissed lovely that hand. There was fear within Catalina as a reason that made Catalina cry.

She didn’t want the man to die. Catalina’s tears flowed harder. Catalina brought her face closer to the men. Without realizing it, a single tear fell on the wound on the man’s chest.

Catalina kissed the lips of the man who was lying helplessly. And moved to another side of the bed. She got ready to treat the man’s wounds. She would do her best. Until the man’s last moment. Even end the end he would die.

Suddenly, the wound on the man’s chest glowed. A dazzling green light appeared there. Martha even had to cover her face. The light was too bright, and it hurt his eyes.

“Stay away Catlin! Close your eyes! The light can blind you!” Martha shouted, warning Catalina.

But Catalina didn’t feel any. She saw the light as normal. Her eyes could accept the light well. No pain or glare. Catalina continued to pay attention to the wound on the man’s chest.

After a while, the light slowly dimmed. Miraculously, the man’s wound was completely closed! It was as if there had never been a wound. There were only traces of black blood that had dried up. Catalina blinked so fast. She couldn’t believe it! So hard to believe!

The man moves slowly. He opened his eyes slowly. The first thing he saw was Catalina’s face. He looked at Catalina for a long time. Catalina’s two dark brown eyes met the man’s pair of blue eyes.

“Finally you came,” the man mumbled.

“This is my house, you are visiting.”

The man smiled because of Catalina’s words.

Martha approached. She whispered to Catalina.

“Let him rest. People who just wake up after days of fainting usually feel confused.”

Catalina nodded in agreement. At least before leaving, she wanted to know what the man’s name was.

“What’s your name?”


“Okay, Billy, you better get some rest. My maid will send some food to you. You can wash in the bathroom with warm water. We’ll talk later.”

Catalina gets ready to stand up. But suddenly Billy’s hand grabbed Catalina’s wrist.

“Don’t leave me. I’ve been waiting for you for over five hundred years.”

Catalina’s face looked confused. She exchanged glances with Martha. The man’s pair of blue eyes flashed with sadness and longing. Catalina sat back down on the edge of the bed.

“Listen, you’ve been unconscious for three days. You’d better get some rest. Maybe during your long sleep, some dreams came. Don’t think about all that.”

“What’s your name?” asked Billy.


“Catalina, you’ve finally come. You didn’t know how much I suffered. I’ve been looking at you for over five hundred years.”

Billy’s words really made Catalina anxious. This man seemed in imagination. But Catalina was happy to see him awake.

“Billy, we’ll talk later. Get cleaned up first. I don’t have any men’s clothes. But there are some of my grandfathers in the closet. You can wear them for now.”

Catalina released Billy’s grip from his wrist slowly. When Billy’s hand slipped, Catalina felt lost. She wanted to get back in touch with Billy. But She immediately brushed that feeling.

“I’m waiting for you at the dining table. After you’re done showering, you can go downstairs. But if you’re still feeling weak, my maid will send some food for you.”

After finishing her sentence, Catalina and Martha came out of Billy’s room. Catalina’s face conveyed anxiety. Billy’s pair of eyes make her feel something. She felt like she had seen those eyes a long time ago.

Something impossible. Catalina had only met Billy three days ago. And as long as she never saw Billy’s eyes at all. The man was unconscious and his eyes closed.

“Think of something?” asked Martha.

“Who is she, Martha? I feel a bond with Billy.”

“Never mind, honey, it’s only because you’ve always taken care of him since he’s been here.”

“Martha, why does Billy’s wound suddenly cure?”

“That’s what I’m worried about. Maybe he is the man that all the forest dwellers are talking about?”

“The man who lives in the castle?”

Martha nodded while putting her finger to her lips. Gave the code to Catalina not to talk about it.

“Impossible. Forest dwellers think that man is very scary. As for Billy, quite handsome. Isn’t that right, Martha?”

“Don’t tell me you’re in love with him, okay?”

Martha smiled broadly and rushed ahead of Catalina downstairs. Meanwhile, Catalina walked slowly. Then she glanced at the door to the room Billy was in.

Fell in love? Ah, could she still have feelings like that? Her divorce from Derk had numbed Catalina. Her broken heart still hadn’t healed. One of the reasons that made her in this house.

Martha was right; surely this was just a feeling of closeness. Because for several days taking care of him. Catalina threw away thoughts of love. She headed downstairs. Soon it was time for lunch.

A bird suddenly broke into Catalina’s house. The morning bird that always sang for her every morning.

“That man is missing! Chaos is brewing in the southern forest. A monster is coming. He catches and eats anything that gets close to it.” The bird chirped. Only Catalina could understand what the bird was talking about.