
Merline - 18+

And atlast she said no.

Ash_5303 · 書籍·文学
1 Chs

Chapter -1


Every evening the maids of the palace prepared the usual royal bath, and she, married to Arthur had to share it with him.

The bath is a huge room.

Big and spacious like a sauna, a marble bath carved onto the floor in the middle, filled with warm water.

She watched in silence as Arthur came in after a long day taking care of Camelot, stripping down and taking cautious steps in the bath to not slip, a sigh leaving his lips as he sat down onto the stairs of marble, fully in the warm water.

Arthur let out a groan as he finally relaxed sitting in that warm bath.

He glanced over to her, a soft glance, a bit tired and worn down from the day.

He stared for a few seconds, just taking in the moment, the smell of the steam, and the warmth of the room. 

He couldn't help but feel a tiny bit relaxed after a rough day.

His eyes wandered to her again, as if drawn towards her, as he let out a soft sigh.

"I have to admit, you know it's quite relaxing" he said, with a slight smile starting to form, as he turned his head, his eyebrows raise, but he tried his best not to show his tiredness on himself

He leaned forward, and looked up at her.

"Are these baths prepared for me every day?" He teased.


His eyes stayed locked on hers as he spoke.

"You know, I have to admit" he smirked "as stupid as it may sound, I actually look forward to these baths"

He shifted his body slightly, so that he could cross his legs and sat straighter.

"It's kind of ridiculous really" he muttered.

His eyes roamed over her body, it was clear to him how relaxed and at ease she were in that water.

His face flushed with an almost child like grin.

"I mean, I'm the king you know, I have better things to be doing than just sit in a bath" he said as his voice turned playful.

*he wasn't able to see much of her body because the rose petals were flowing in the water*

His eyes traced down and noticed that she had covered herself with rose petals, obviously to avoid embarrassment.

But Arthur was very much a man, and a very mature one at that so, it didn't bother him in the slightest.

"Is this really necessary?" he asked gently with a small smile on his lips, trying to sound a bit flirty, but at the same time trying not to show his real feelings about the rose petals being there.

"I mean..." his voice turned playful "I can see where you are going with this..." he smirked, "but we are both married to one another, isn't it a bit silly to have to hide your body from me?"

He stared at her, a cheeky smile slowly growing on his face as he continued to look at her.

"I mean, I am no prude you know" he winked.

"Who said I am hiding well? If you want to touch you can.." she said without any tension.

A shiver ran down his body, despite the fact that the bath water was already warm.

"Oh really now?" he said softly, his voice slightly lower than usual, a very subtle deep tone.

He stared at her for a few seconds, as if to tease her, then walked over to her slowly, leaning into her and resting his body against hers, placing his hands on her hips and leaning in real close into her face.

"Are you sure?" he asked softly, in the softest voice he could muster, a teasing one.

She blushed and had a tense in her muscles as he really came close to her "Yes."

He leaned even closer, until he was pressed against her and he could smell her scent as well, he smiled, his breathing becoming heavier.

"You know, what we are doing right now is not at all proper for two royals of the kingdom!" He teased, "And yet here we are, pressing each other with all our bodies together, in a steamy hot bath"

He smirked and placed his hand on the small of her back, a gentle touch, and he leaned in even closer, so that her hair was touching his face, and her lips were within inches of his own.

"Are you nervous?" he asked, his soft tone not letting you know what he really thought about everything, and about how much he wanted to kiss her in that moment.

"A little bit".....She was alot.

"Oh, just a bit?" he teased, as he leaned closer, his face now right in front of her and his lips just inches from hers.

It was obvious that he was teasing her and trying to make her a bit more nervous.

"Or are you lying to me?" he smirked, as he brought his face closer to hers once again, almost touching her lips with his.

Mhm..she suddenly felt his fingers going down to her inner thighs when they were in the bath as he kissed her....

His hands roamed down her body and he was not shy about it at all, he knew exactly what he was doing, and it was clear to him that she was enjoying this too, it's just that he enjoyed knowing that she were trying to play the innocent for a while.

He pulled her closer and he kissed her deep and passionately, his fingers rubbing her thighs, slowly getting closer and closer to were they wanted to finally be.

The kiss grew deeper and longer, he could feel his passion growing, as his hands moved faster and tighter, his touch growing more and more intense and bold as he could feel her starting to enjoy it just as much as he did.

The heat of the bath water, his kisses and his fingers had her completely intoxicated, and it showed clearly just how much she was enjoying every second of it.

"What is a maid arrives out of nowhere?"

She heard the door open, and she saw a young maid walk into the room with towels in her hands, ready to bring them to her and Arthur.

But, the maid immediately froze when she saw them two so close together, and what they were doing, and she looked absolutely horrified, blushing profusely, as she realized what the two of them had been up to.

The maid just stood there, staring at the two of them, unable to move, she was clearly having a bit of a meltdown as she processed what had been happening right in front of her.

She was clearly too scared to say or do anything right now, she was just frozen, unable to speak, or move. 

"Ok, Lara we are a bit busy rn....and kindly knock from the next time..." She said to the maid.

The young maid quickly snapped out of her trance when she called out her name.

"M..m...my lady..." she mumbled out, she was still visibly very shocked and completely mortified, but she did know that it wasn't her place to say anything, or do anything about the situation.

She quickly dropped the towels and exited the room, closing the door behind her as she left.

Arthur and she brokes into a laugh and she keeps her head in his shoulder as she laughs

"This was so pathetic"

"Oh I know it" he laughed, pulling her closer as he wrapped his arms around her.

As he did, she felt his chest pressing against yours, her face was flush from the kiss, and she looked so beautiful.

He smirked, amused by the fact that the maid could clearly hear them both talking, and that the maid had been so mortified. 

"Let's hope the maid has the good sense not to talk about this" he laughed.

"I love you" Merline blushed while saying this

"I love you too" he said softly as he squeezed her even closer to him, their bodies pressed intimately together.

He leaned his head towards her, his lips just barely touching hers, but he only went so close, a small teasing kiss, one that didn't last more than a second.

He smirked at the feeling of your body pressed up against his, it just made him even more excited about her. 

She kissed again and it was long and passionate, and he didn't push it.

He pulled her to him and continued kissing her with the same intensity, his hands exploring her body intimately, slowly wandering their way back to her thighs, and rubbing in circles.

His tongue was dancing with hers, exploring the inside of your mouth thoroughly, his lips and his body pressed firmly against hers.

"Ah."she moaned in low when he pushed his finger hard inside her....

He smirked as she moaned softly, and he knew exactly where this was going, he was going to take this exactly as far as she were allowing him to go, she had already given him the cue by leading him there, and by having his hands down her thighs.

It seemed that she were ready for this to go one step further, and he definitely wasn't going to refuse her now.

She said ... "let's get out of the bath and dry ourselves up so that we can do it in the bed instead."

He smirked at her request, clearly wanting this as much as he did now.

"Alright" he said softly, not giving any hints of hesitation or unwillingness.

He stood up, helping her to get up as well with one of his hands, before helping her get out of the bath as well.

He walked to the side and handed her a bath towel, which she took gladly, quickly wrapping herself in it.

They walked up to the bedroom outside from the grand bath area.


 Note- T-T