
Your Talent

I woke up to the sun shining on my face, being a new day, I was hoping I could find a source of income. I wandered and saw a great many things. The open market was large and bustling with people. I saw many large shops and taverns until I stumbled upon one that peaked my interest.

It was the one of the few buildings that had colored glass windows and it was one of the largest buildings I'd seen. It was a library, one of massive scale and importance. I just had to get inside.

I approached the building with caution as to not seem suspicious, there were many people around and heading inside, so I just followed the crowd.

I saw a massive haul of books with ladders and floors so you could reach every book on every shelf.

Hours upon hours passed, as I found myself reading about the country's history, and magic. I read a book titled "The history of Modern magic" and I learned a brief introduction on how to use it.

If I concentrated hard enough I could get a flame to appear above my hand by pulling a type of energy out of me. It was just like a video game, so I figured that I'd call that energy mana.

I was getting weird stares and I heard people whispering whenever I created the fire though, so I decided to calm down a bit and keep out of sight.

In another book called "The Summoning of the Water Spirits" I learned how to pull water from the air or for my skin moisture (although doing that didn't feel great). I was met with more weird stares however, and I saw someone point at me.

I wasn't about to let myself get caught by guards just yet. I started running (booking it, ba dum tsshh) and I turned my head to see I was being chased through the library, several oddly dressed guards decided to chase after me in a full sprint.

I jumped over the railing on the third floor, and I grabbed the railing on the second only to be met with more guards blocking the stairs.

"Hey, wait, don't run! Someone wants to speak to you!" A guard yelled convincingly.

I wasn't going to be tricked though,I kept on running knocking over books, people, and whatever else was in my way.

I was on the bottom floor now, I saw the light resonating from the door. Finally, I reached them and flung the doors open.

"I've escaped!" I thought, happily, but little did I know there were a massive amount of guards waiting outside for me. There was nothing I could do at this point. I was surrounded.

The guards started dragging me toward the tallest building in in the entire walled city, when I saw the glowing lights resonating from the colored glass of the temple, fear welled up in my heart.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as I struggled pointlessly.

"We're taking you to Merlin, he said that you may be of interest to him."

Of interest to Merlin? What kind of interest? Even in my world we had legends of a mage called Merlin, could this mage be the same one? Am I going to meet my end so soon?

They started dragging up the steps to the temple and I struggled, for all I know, Merlin could want to do experiments on me. I had no faith that I'd get anywhere, was my wish a waste?

I asked myself that very question as they finally opened the doors, I saw what looked like a massive throne and and an old man sitting atop it. It must have been Merlin.

"I am no threat to you, boy. I'll prove it to you" His voice thundered through the temple. He kept his word, gesturing the guards to leave and they did so without question.

I heard the heavy doors shut behind me, I got up off the ground with hesitance.

"What could you possibly want from me?" I asked in fear and frustration

"Your talent" He said quickly with a chuckle...