
I chose You

His eyes snapped open, and the android spoke. "Done. Your I.D. will be sent to you soon. You can't accept missions until you have obtained your I.D."

Derek left the room and took a glance at the bar. "Hope they got good ones," he mumbled, as to spend his time selecting a drink that would finally give him the desired taste and sensation he wanted might be a good idea.

However, he saw the receptionist waving at him and walked toward her. "Someone wants to meet you, sir."

"Who?" Derek's brows arched and his mind raced, but he couldn't figure out who. "I'll take you there," the receptionist said, and he nodded.

After a while, the receptionist opened a black door, and he walked in. As soon as he walked in, the receptionist closed the door and walked away.

But Derek didn't hear any sound indicating the door was locked, so he relaxed. The room had an aura that belonged to a different sex.