
Freddie Cant Stop Now CHAPTER 4

"She Wanted Me I Couldnt help it Please Im Sorry Freddie You Gotta BELIEVE family" "Come in" says Freddie in a unceuncertain way "pack up ill start the car" "why" ask john "DONT TEST ME DEAR" john snaps out of shyness to say "IM STILL SAD IM NOT PERFECT BUT IM SORRY NOW YOU LISTEN FRED SHE TRIED TO TOUCH ME BUT WHEN I RESISTED SHE STILL SUCCEEDED AN-" "john,shes drunk,dear smell her BREATH" wait who got her drunk she doesn't drink shes pure so...JOHN,ELTON!!ELTON GOT HER DRUNK, sadly they had a gig the next day so time was wasted so they dont know when they could vist elton but it would be pursued by freddie and john cause he and fred are still helping each other get better while brian and rodger keep mary safe and do the gigs but john is having doubts about the fact his wife is out of sight, "Fred,do you think shes loyal"asks john "id be...IF I WAS HER I MEAN!" john looks out the window of the car awkwardly as freddie approaches eltons home "ah hey theres mates!" says elton,Freddie lifts elton on a wall as john hides in fear "You GOt MaRY DrUNk!!" "I Was Trying to party like you for her" "stealing my thunder huh!" says freddie "Fred..." "Shut up deaky" "ok" elton pleads with him and john makes fred stop "she wanted to get back at you for what you did!" "she knew that wasn't in my control" "thats why she found you to apologize but she was to intoxicated to do so" "hmm ok"

"but stay aware im deadly elton"

"dont BELIEVE me ask rodger" fred concludes as he walks away.