

Rodger Sits Next To mary And Asks "Mary,what did you do...?" mary replied "I was Chilling with Elton Until he acted weird, I Thought Maybe he was on coke again but no he wasnt,He slipped me a drink and i told him that Freddie is a great person so ill apologize for what i did those years back. As I Drank the Drink I Got Tipsy And Boom! here i am!"

Rodger replys "oh why did he do that?!" mary exclaims "BECAUSE HE WAS DRUNK ASWELL!!"

Brian And Rodger Both Say "ohhh" as they Sit in realistic that elton tried to copy fred to impress her. In Freddie's Car John Starts Crying "Oh No Darling Whats Wrong" Fred says softly "I Miss Her I Cant STOP Thinking About Her,Will She Cheat,Will She Dump Me for Being So Far Away,WHAT WILL THE KIDS THINK" and then Deakys Eyes Went Lifeless and He Whispered "who would love a bass guy...?" Freddie Then Hugs John Saying "me" As Johns Eyes Light Up He Says "Thanks Fred" as they start the car again and ride away,then Back At The Studio Mary Is Calling A Taxi to go home and As Freddie Pulls Up He Jumps Out And Says "Wait!!" and she waits "im sorry about elton if he didnt screw up ypu could of had been good together" she responds "oh fred you always were so sweet to me but i gotta go, love ya!"

freddie turns to john "Darling she said she loves me" john smiles and congratulates him as they walk in john became less depressed because THEY SET A PARTY FOR HIM, BRIAN, RODGER, FREDDIE AND...His wife and kids They all hug and as a tear drops from rodgers face john smiles as he hugs his family saying "Thank You Honey".