
Merciless Underworld

There's a man named Alex, right? Dumped into a fantasy underworld as a slave for The Umbra Syndicate. But Alex isn't the slave type. They're hustling, scheming, and climbing the underworld ladder faster than a caffeinated spider. As Alex outsmarts rivals and navigates magical chaos, it's like a twisted game show with spells and betrayal. But this isn't a walk in the park - curses, shady stuff, and magical drama are on the menu. "Merciless Underworld" is a wild ride through a world where shadows gossip and crime rules. Will Alex own the underworld, or get lost in the chaos? Brace yourself for magic, madness, and a ton of questionable life decisions!

Luigi_Collesi · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Where am I?

Waking up in this pitch-black cell was like being slapped in the face with a sack of magical potatoes. One moment, I'm binge-watching Netflix, and the next, I'm stuck in a teenager's body, surrounded by stone walls that couldn't care less about my existential crisis.

"Hello? Anyone alive in here?" I yelled into the abyss. Crickets. Well, not actual crickets, but you get what I mean. Ignored like a leaf in the wind.

As I sat there, massaging my temples, I tried to piece together this crazy puzzle. "Alright, Alex, deep breaths. Last thing I remember, I was deciding between pizza or Chinese takeout, not dodging prison food."

Cue Mr. Macho, a giant with a scowl that could curdle milk, waking me up with all the finesse of a grumpy bull. "Time to work, slacker!" he barked, shoving me into a forced labor camp straight out of a medieval horror movie. Who knew breaking rocks was a legit job?

As I swung a pickaxe, I pondered my past life, where the only deadlines I faced were from my boss, not from a cranky sorcerer. "How the heck did I end up here? Piss off a wizard on my way to the office?"

The other workers, a mix of grumpy ogres and disgruntled elves, weren't exactly the chatty type. No welcome speech, no employee handbook – just manual labor and a side of misery.

"Note to self: next time a mysterious portal opens, just say no." I muttered, chipping away at rocks like a disgruntled miner. The grind was real, and so was my determination to figure out how to escape this medieval-themed nightmare. Welcome to the Merciless Underworld, where the Wi-Fi is nonexistent, and the boss is probably a dragon.

Picture this: The workplace is a rock-strewn nightmare, and my fellow "colleagues" are about as friendly as a cactus. Grumpy ogres swinging pickaxes, elves with perpetual frowns, and a general vibe that makes a dentist's waiting room seem like a tropical vacation.

The boss, Mr. Macho, isn't exactly Employee of the Month material. He's more like the guy who ate the last slice of pizza at the office party. Shouting orders like a drill sergeant on steroids, he oversees our misery with the enthusiasm of a snail on a lazy Sunday.

As we toil away in this medieval sweatshop, there's no team spirit, no motivational speeches – just the monotonous clinking of pickaxes against stubborn rocks and the occasional grunt of displeasure. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I accidentally landed a gig in the grumpiest version of Middle Earth.

Finally, after what feels like a gazillion hours of backbreaking labor, they shove me back into the dark cell. "Congrats on surviving another day, Alex!" a sarcastic voice in my head cheers. They toss in a sad excuse for food – some crusty bread and water that probably came from the same murky river where Shrek bathes.

As I nibble on the rock-hard bread, I can't help but wonder if medieval Yelp has a section for underworld diners. Spoiler alert: probably not. The cell is cramped, the bread is tasteless, and the water tastes like liquid disappointment.

So there I am, slouched against the cold stone, gnawing on what's supposed to be bread, but I've had more flavorful cardboard. The water? Liquid disappointment, as expected.

As I ponder my life choices, I can't shake the feeling that tomorrow is just another day to regret more of them. Little did I know, this miserable routine was just the beginning of... who knows what? The Merciless Underworld Employee Handbook must've gotten lost in the mail.

With no clue about my own future in this bizarre world, I drift into an uneasy sleep, wondering if there's a better gig waiting for me somewhere between the shadows and pickaxes. Here's to hoping, right? Or maybe I'll wake up back in front of my TV, deciding between pizza or Chinese takeout. A person can dream.

The next day, I woke up to the familiar clang of the cell door. Surprise, surprise – breakfast was served. A generous portion of that tasteless bread and another serving of water that seemed to mock my existence.

Back to the grind, the routine echoed like a bad dream. Mr. Macho, with his usual charm, herded us to the work site like a bunch of magical cattle. As we swung pickaxes, my mind wandered to thoughts of Netflix and a soft couch – anything but these relentless rocks.

And then, chaos. One brave soul, or maybe just desperate, decided to make a run for it. The air buzzed with tension as he sprinted towards freedom. That's when Mr. Macho's eyes glowed with an eerie intensity.

In a blink, he channeled mana, a force I couldn't see but could feel crackling in the air. It was like watching a live wire sparking, but way more sinister. The air distorted as he harnessed magic, weaving it into something dark and deadly.

A fiery explosion erupted around the escaping slave. I could feel the heat from where I stood, like opening an oven on a hot summer day. The poor guy screamed as flames consumed him, the smell of burning flesh hanging thick in the air.

The process of channeling mana was like watching a puppeteer pull invisible strings, manipulating the very fabric of reality. It was equal parts fascinating and horrifying, like witnessing a magic show where the stakes were life and death.

The onlookers, including me, were frozen in shock. The air crackled with a mix of amazement and horror. That one act of defiance ended in a fiery spectacle, leaving a charred reminder of the consequences of crossing Mr. Macho.

As the flames flickered out, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was knee-deep in a world where magic wasn't just a bedtime story. It was real, it was brutal, and it had just claimed a life right before my eyes. The Merciless Underworld just got a lot more real, and a lot more merciless.