
Mercenary Harem in Murim Novel

After putting a suggestion to add a mercenary in a bad Murim novel he read, Leo would finish a mission with his NPCs before sleeping. Or so he planned. For some reason, he was transported into the said novel as the extra mercenary added by the author. His loyal NPCs, a yandere secretary, a happy-go-lucky assassin, a sexy puppeteer, and two weapon maniac guys start to become sentient. He lead his mercenary band 'Hallowed Insects' toward an an unprecedented future in a Murim most turbulent era while enjoying his time. Fortunately, they still have their futuristic equipment with them. Tang Clan have a Poison Dagger, they have a Photon Sword. Shaolin Sect has a Qi Blast, they have a Railgun. And of course... "How much are you willing to pay to employ us? By the way, Demon Sect pay us 50,000 Golds to join their side in the upcoming war." ... he always sided with the highest bidder. === Warning: Story with R18 element

ShuviLily · ファンタジー
46 Chs

Chapter 23 – What is Your Name?

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Hehehe, don't think that I haven't heard about what you did with Jessica. She's boasting about it!" She exclaimed in an accusing tone while turning around to look at him before giving him a wink. 

"But that's fine. Remember that we all love you, Leader. From our heart. You have saved us in our lowest time and gave us a place to belong."

"That is my job as your leader. Nothing more."

He replied flatly as he thought to himself.

'Isn't Jessica supposed to be quiet about this? Her mouth is worse than Chiaki. No, she's probably too happy and wants them to be jealous.'

A smile unintentionally appeared on his lips at that thought before he removed it immediately by force. He knew he was loved, and he also loved his creations. Their backstories weren't... the best to be mentioned. So he preferred not to bring them up.

When Anya invited him earlier, he was also tempted. But their situation right now wasn't exactly the best to make love. Who knew if the assassin from Tang Clan would attack him to pay for the humiliation he did today?

So, he denied her offer.

"Let's talk about that more when you truly need it and we are in a safe place."

In other words, their own base.

Anya giggled quietly as she patted his back playfully. 

"You look so cute when you're thinking, Leader. Hehe, if you need my company, I am ready anytime. Chiaki might not show it, but she looks forward to being called by you too. She almost asked Coco to bite Jessica when she boasted about it in our girls' talk a few days ago."

"I understand. If I need it, I will call you or Chiaki first."

"Then..." She leaned closer until her chest pressed against Leo's arm. "I am just a call away." She pecked his cheek and giggled happily while rubbing her cheeks against him.

She kept holding his arm as they walked around. They found an inn to stay in after a few minutes of walking through the packed street.

Pushing the door open, a familiar sight greeted them. A large counter and tables that littered around the room with many martial artists drinking their alcohol while exchanging information and gambling with cards. It was a lively atmosphere here.

Because this was one of the better establishments, they had a second floor for patrons who wanted a quiet time to enjoy the music and service, like Leo and Anya right now.

"How much is one night?" Leo asked the receptionist after leaving the first floor and reaching the counter where there was no one around.

"This month's fee is 1 Gold per night for each room. It has a spacious room and large bed perfect for a couple! We also provide free dinner and breakfast."

'It's pricey. But it seems reasonable for a big establishment like this.' He thought as he retrieved a Gold coin from his pocket.

"I will take it. Give us the key."

The receptionist nodded cheerfully with a bright smile as she handed over a small jade plate. "Here you go sir, I will send our maid to clean it right now. Meanwhile, please enjoy your free dinner. If you show this to the waitress, she will bring the food for you."

"Thank you."

"Enjoy your night!"

They went to the table on the second floor, which was reserved for guests, and called the waitress. As usual, Anya asked for a meat dish while Leo decided to try a stir-fry vegetable.

Both of them enjoyed their food in silence for a moment before Anya suddenly looked around and narrowed her eyes.

"Leader, I feel a killing intent." She reported quietly while biting off a large chunk of meat and munching on it vigorously as if nothing was wrong with her. "And it's aimed at us. What should I do?"

"If they do need something from us, they will go to the second floor. Let's wait." Leo bit a small piece of food on his plate. "More importantly, you should eat these vegetables. They are fresh and good."

"No! Vegetables taste sad. I would rather have more meat. Even if you order me to, I won't eat them, Leader." She puffed her cheek and denied him stubbornly.

"Whatever you want then."

'She's childish yet mature at the same time. Well, I was the one who set her personality like that, though.'

"Waaaa, Leader! You're smiling!" She exclaimed happily as she leaned her body forward on the table and put her chin on her palms.

"Am I?" Leo asked with a raised brow and touched his lips. He did smile. "I didn't realize it."

"Hehehe, must be because you like me. Leader is such a tease!" She smiled like an innocent girl. "So? What should we do now? They are moving toward us."

Glancing to the left, Leo noticed a few people getting up from their seats and heading upstairs. To be exact, four with one in the front looking stronger than the other three. They looked calm and didn't show any intention to draw their weapons on them.

They were wearing Tang Clan's robe and badges. No one stopped them from walking up the stairs with a noble expression on their faces. They walked past many people, ignoring them completely as they reached Leo's table.

"Are you the one named Thunder God?" The middle-aged man at the front asked in a deep voice. His voice was rather deep and it echoed throughout the room when he spoke, making his words more clear than before. "I would like to talk for a little bit."

Everyone's attention was focused on them now. The normal people who sat on the tables moved to the corner while keeping a distance from the Tang Clan's members. Only a few could stay there and pretended to be drunk so that they wouldn't attract attention.

Leo looked at the middle-aged man and smiled softly. Just like before, the people who saw his smile flinched. He was confused why they reacted that way every time he smiled.

'This guy must be sent by Tang Jiuyang, right? Or not?' He thought as he tapped his fingers on the table. 'Either way, I guess the playtime has come to an end.'

"My name isn't Thunder God, though?" He said.

"Then what is your name?"

"That's what I'd like to ask. What is your name?"