
Chapter 44: Not Dead?

White Bear's ferocious words sent a shiver through the crowd.

This was absolutely the action of a desperado.

Take Angel hostage?

Are they insane?!

"I oppose."

Song Heping had no choice but to pry apart Angel's hands before standing up to oppose White Bear's crazy suggestion.

"If we do this, we're all going to die."

"Shit! She's got an Aunt who's a party whip, we take her hostage and then head west, cross the border into Siria, we have connections there to get to Tartus Port, and I have comrades there still in service, even the US Special Forces can't touch us there!"

Tartus is a military port in Siria leased by Russia.

White Bear's intention was clear.

It was to use Angel as a hostage and then escape with their lives.

Upon hearing White Bear's plan, Song Heping almost laughed out loud.

"Great idea!"

He couldn't help but give White Bear a thumbs up.

White Bear thought Song Heping was praising him and grinned with a smug smile.