

THE SUCCESSFUL MIND; I noticed something

very strange.That you can actually have two people sitting side-by-side using exactly the same tools and strategies, and one person would take these tools and strategies and skyrocket to success.

You can actually have the greatest tools in the world, but if you have just a tiny leak in your toolbox, then you have a real problem.

We live in at least four different worlds at once: The mental, emotional, spiritual and physical worlds.

What actually happens to you in your life,

is nothing more than a hard-copy printout of the other three invisible quadrants.

It boils down to this: the only way to permanently change your outer world is

to first change your inner world.

your thoughts lead to feelings, your feelings lead to actions, your actions lead

to results… meaning it all begins with how you think.

If you want to create real success in the real world, it's imperative that you believe that you are at the steering wheel of your life.

When you are complaining, what are you focusing on? What's right with your life or what's wrong with it? That's right. You're focusing on what's wrong with your life. Since you get more of what you focus on, you're going to get more of what's wrong with your life.

The bottom line is this: in the network marketing business, no one is going

to do it for you. No matter what you think or what anyone says, promises or does, you are the one who is responsible for your success.

Do not confuse this with anyone doing it for you. Help you? Yes. Do it for you?No.

It's an oldie, but a goodie. "If it's to be,

it's up to me. Others can be a part of my team, but I am the captain of my ship and the buck stops with me."

There's a saying that says, "If you shoot

for the stars, there's at least a good chance you're going to hit the moon."

I'm going to challenge you right now to open up to bigger possibilities for yourself and your family. Why would you create a limitation for yourself? Why say, "I'm just in this to earn a few extra dollars"? If you shoot for the

stars, you're at least going to hit the moon.

The next habit of rich and successful people is that they admire and model other rich and successful people.

If you view rich people as bad in any way, shape or form, and you want to be a good person, then guess what? You can never be rich. How could you be something you didn't like?