

Xavier's gaze lingered on Alana's figure as she strode towards her car and smoothly drove away. As soon as she left, he wasted no time in dialing Lou's number, all the while staying put in the parking lot.

The task at hand is to uncover the identity of the individual who parked their Bentley Bentayga at Club Envy last night.

"Okay, boss ! Can I come over to.your house later? I needed to see Doro.., i mean, Alana" emitting a joyous, girlish laugh indicative of a heart smitten with love.

Xavier promptly terminated the call, unwilling to endure any more conversations from Lou.

A gloomy cloud fell over his expression as he learned of her unpleasant brush with assault, narrowly prevented only by her lucky thoughts when she pulled the card. For nearly a year, he had been in search of her, yet the reason failed him. He continues to persist in his search.

At the sight of her, time seemed to stand still for him. His mind fixated on the notion of tracing her through her card activity, yet to his dismay, she had never once utilized it.

With a turn of the key, the engine roared to life and he set off towards the company, his mind already focused on the important meetings that awaited him. With Dawn's upcoming leave, he finds himself facing a towering stack of work that demands his attention.

With Lou's assistance, he was able to effectively delegate tasks related to the company and its various organizations. The relief he felt was apparent knowing he had a trusted ally to rely on.

Inheriting the company was his sole desire. The sudden loss of his father dealt a devastating blow, leaving him with no other option but to assume control of the organizations. His hands were stained with a myriad of blood, blurring the lines between what was once clear and distinct. He seemed to be suspended in the ambiguous realm of existence, neither fully immersed in the light nor consumed by the darkness.

The sleek vehicle zoomed down the interstate towards Killian Corporations, its speed matching the driver's urgency. As he pulled into his designated parking spot, his eyes were drawn to a figure he knew all too well, standing just a few feet away. He brought the car to a halt directly in front of the woman. She folded her arms and pouted, conveying her displeasure towards him.

As he scrolled through his window, his jaw clenched with the realization of his mistake. He couldn't believe he had overlooked such a crucial detail, especially when it went against his own set of rules.

"Amanda," he said sternly, "please move. If you don't, I'll have to move you myself". With a forceful maneuver of his vehicle, he compelled Amanda Reign to step aside. She stood there, her eyes fixed on the car door, anticipating his arrival.

"Xavier!" she exclaimed in a loud voice, causing a few passersby who were en route to the elevator to turn their heads.

"It has been a year" With a finality in his tone, he declared that it was finished. She was left in his wake, feeling the chill of his passing.

"Over a text?" the incredulous tone conveyed disbelief and perhaps even annoyance at the idea of ending a relationship through such an impersonal means of communication. She strode purposefully towards him, positioning herself by his side with a determined gait, leaving him no opportunity to evade her presence.

"You are undoubtedly fully aware of the fact that i dont date" .He strode purposefully towards the elevator, his attention fixed ahead, seemingly oblivious to her presence. She seethed with frustration, feeling the sting of his dismissive demeanor.

She stood rigid, jaw clenched, watching as he sauntered into the elevator without so much as a glance in her direction. She was extremely aware that taking action was necessary if she hoped to be with him.

He embodies all the qualities she desires in a partner - physical attractiveness, financial prosperity - and no other someone else can rival him. Indifferent to his demeanor, whether cold or domineering, she is confident in the allure of her figure, certain that any man would be driven to beg for her attention. Xavier, being a man, will never refuses her advances.

As she made her way back to her car, her mind fixated on the idea of formally introducing herself to Xavier's family. With a flourishing career as a model, her visage adorns the pages of countless magazines, advertisements, and commercials, leaving no room for any potential mother-in-law to argue with her success.

With a wicked grin, she was certain that she would trap him by any means necessary.

Xavier winced as he pinched the bridge of his nose, the throbbing in his head showing no signs of subsiding. As the elevator doors slid open, a long hallway stretched out before him, flanked on either side by a series of offices.The space is comprised of Lou's personal workspace, as well as Dawn's designated area, in addition to several other conference areas. He strode purposefully past each section, his destination fixed on the office situated at the far end of the hallway. As Lou caught sight of Xavier passing by his office, he sprang to his feet and trailed him, slipping into his office unnoticed.

As he observed Lou's silent presence behind him, he realized that his companion had successfully tracked down the owner of the Bentley. In perfect synchrony, they strode forward, their steps in lockstep. Upon reaching the office, Xavier gracefully lowered himself onto his seat, deftly swiveling it to orient himself towards Lou.

"Who?" With his hand propped up on his chin, he patiently awaited Lou's words.

The car in question is under the ownership of Carlitos, however, it is his designated driver who operates the vehicle. Lou pondered the reason behind Xavier's unwavering determination to locate an owner.

"Carlitos man"

He paused, deep in thought.

"Let Carlitos knows.that an error has been committed by his associate, and I insist that the individual be surrendered to me."

Xavier is acutely aware that he cannot simply release this from his mind. As the proprietor of Club Envy, Carlitos is a steadfast adherent of Xavier's regulations and a devoted ally. However, should anyone dare to defy him on this matter, they risk alienating yet another valuable supporter.

"Boss..." Lou was well aware of the repercussions.

"I am well versed of my actions, Lou," he stated, inhaling deeply to contain his frustration while recollecting Alana's account of the gentleman.

I shall inform him of your presence at the club this evening. Upon witnessing Xavier's seething rage, Lou humbly bowed.

He politely excused himself to arrange the meeting, understanding that his boss was resolute in his decision and that he placed complete faith in Xavier's abilities.