
memories of once upon a time

Time passes but memories do not fade, this is the story of how every decision we make even those that are most insignificant to us are those that lead us to our destination, a destination that can be extraordinarily surprising, you never know what tomorrow will bring. , do not close yourself to it, or wait for it too eagerly, live today, which is the only thing you have, love, fortune and tragedy are sisters that can be waiting for you in any corner. Time passes but memories do not fade, this is the story of how every decision we make even those that are most insignificant to us are those that lead us to our destination, a destination that can be extraordinarily surprising, you never know what tomorrow will bring. , do not close yourself to it, or wait for it too eagerly, live today, which is the only thing you have, love, fortune and tragedy are sisters that can be waiting for you on any corner.Synopsis Time passes but memories do not fade, this is the story of how every decision we make even those that are most insignificant to us are those that lead us to our destination, a destination that can be extraordinarily surprising, you never know what tomorrow will bring. , do not close yourself to it, or wait for it too eagerly, live today, which is the only thing you have, love, fortune and tragedy are sisters that can be waiting for you in any corner. Time passes but memories do not fade, this is the story of how every decision we make even those that are most insignificant to us are those that lead us to our destination, a destination that can be extraordinarily surprising, you never know what tomorrow will bring. , do not close yourself to it, or wait for it too eagerly, live today, which is the only thing you have, love, fortune and tragedy are sisters that can be waiting for you on any corner.

Yolanda_Pereira · 都市
8 Chs

chapter 6

That without knowing it would be the beginning of a long friendship, good and ... of some other things but better I keep telling you about the busy end of the flight

Undoubtedly it is true that first impressions are not always correct but in Lucia's case, let's say that the first is always the most reliable, she speaks up to her elbows, even if they don't get me wrong, she likes me, she's a super open person, she shares my tastes in her music, the same meals and we will study the same race only that she is very communicative in the thirty minutes that I have been talking to her because that took thirty minutes without a break for recess, because although she was supposed to want my headphones to listen to music and entertain herself It turns out that speaking for Lucia is much more elementary than listening, for what in this short period of time I have been able to know apart from her tastes in relation to food, music and chosen career, sometimes a considerable amount of things such as: that her uncle is the rector of the university, and his parents the biggest donors, after all the surname if it sounded familiar to me what happens with the impression of the fast and intrusive presentation of I did not associate myself with him, after all his family is one of the richest families in the world because they have one of the largest oil companies on the planet, as well as numerous companies in the real estate and electronic innovations sector, family that Lucia says adores everyone even his unbearable older brother and eye, those are his verbatim words, not mine, I do not like to judge anyone before meeting him, which is not the only one because he is the oldest three younger siblings, two 10-year-old twins and a 2-year-old little girl, the rest of the family are two pairs of nice grandparents or well, that's what Lucia says, because according to her her paternal grandfather in a very distant time was a gift of the Italian mafia and of course his parents, cousins ​​uncles and the rest of the family of which Lu… ..

Yes, Lu no Lucia according to her all her friends called her Lu and as she had planned to become her new best friend forever she told me very clearly that she preferred to be called Lu instead of Lucia a long and boring name, again those were her words, not mine actually at that time it seemed something very funny like everything in her but hey ... yes I think I left the subject, by God sometimes I go too crazy but how was I going to say:

Lu has already told me the names of all of them but what is it I have not turned on or two and those are my thoughts until I hear a click that makes me return to reality and leave ALMALANDIA

-You haven't been listening to me right Alma-

-How do you think Lu? Sure I've been listening to you

-Little liar but since I like you so well I will let it pass over this one time better fasten your seat belt that the pilot has said that there will be turbulence

-turbulence, definitely the word that makes my brain reactivate and start working again, in a few seconds I am perfectly in my seat and with the seat belt fastened correctly just in time because when the second hand of my watch returns to move the plane begins to go through the not so small turbulence, and so with each step of the second hand what they do is get worse, to the point that I begin to worry to the point where at the moment I feel like the plane begins to lose height and it is there when the hands of my newly acquired friend Lu begin to squeeze mine in a superhuman way, the lights begin to dim and so the second hand keeps going as the plane moves even more violently until I feel the plane rise from again the lights return to their natural place and my friend stops strangling my hand

-uf that was a good scare

-yes, it has

And so for a few seconds I thought that the calm and tranquility had returned that I deluded my thought

Stewardess-every doctor present on the plane is asked to help a passenger and has just fainted in economy class, please ask them ...

And so the announcement begins again when I see another very busy flight attendant walk from the front row to the back in a swift manner only interrupted by a persistent hand that grabbed her wrist.

What seat?

-Sorry I do not understand

-what is the passenger seat


-the heat leaves my body and I feel like a cold shakes my spine

-Miss, what is the problem?

-that's my mother's seat

-Oh Miss how sorry I am, come join me as I understand the person sitting next to you is your husband, who has already supplied you ...

-First aid, I know my mother is a doctor, the whole family knows how to give first aid

And so in a few more steps we reach the place in the hall where they have my mother lying on top of a quilt and that is when I see my father trying to hold back the tears but I know him, my mother is his weak point


My father looks up and that's when his look connects with mine


-What happened, dad?

-He was fine, he only got scared a little when the plane lost height and for moments he squeezed his chest and began to lose his balance and if for the moment he was unconscious

- those are all the words I need to kneel next to him and start measuring his pulse and checking his airways

- make way here I bring a doctor

-what is the situation, are the first words I hear from the blonde and slender doctor who quickly approaches my mother, a blonde with familiar blue eyes

-Possible pre-infarction, the patient has no cardiac history, and at this time her signs are stable

-some family record


30 minutes later and many shocks of my poor heart later the doctor gets up from next to my mother and informs my father and me that my mother for the moment should be out of danger for the moment and that at any moment she should recover consciousness, but that as soon as we land he should go immediately to a hospital and have tests in a hospital center and that is when my father breathes a sigh of relief

-Thanks a lot

-You're welcome, it's my duty

-Even so, thank you very much, I don't know what would have happened to my mother without you

- You have a great mettle young lady, I hope you use it well and dedicate yourself to medicine, you would be a great doctor

-My family came with me to check the dormitories and to deliver the tuition payment, I am entering my first semester this year at Coliseo university

-that's wonderful my children also study at university

-Mom! is the scream of the strident and already known voice of Lu who hears behind me

-it was you who helped Alma's mother

-they know each other?

-Yes of course I had neglected to introduce them, mom this is my new best friend always Alma, Alma, this is my mom


If another you who says mom again, only that this one is much more lilting and serious than the first, as well as slightly known, so I raise my head and surprise… blue, blue eyes that I've even been dreaming of, yes gentlemen apparently they run in the family