
Memories Beyond Mortality

My eyes shot open. I had escaped death by dying; before me were so many choices, so many potential afterlives. And yet, somehow, they would all lead me to death. Countless deaths. Ah, but between deaths, I lived! I was a king, a killer, and everything in-between; I built empires, forged bonds, and fell in love. I was reborn on countless worlds, learned magic, and became powerful. More powerful than I ever should have been. Then, things changed. I died and found myself in the aether yet again ...and killed an angel. This is my story.

Adrian_Jeremy · ファンタジー
57 Chs

Lost in the Woods

It wasn't long before I encountered my first challenge. Low growls echoed through the trees and pairs of hungry glowing eyes emerged from the shadows. Before me stood a pack of thin wolves, their fur bristling and fangs bared in menacing snarls. My heart raced, but I steadied my practiced stance, my years of training kicking in.

In that charged moment, a strange sense of calm settled over me, as if the world had slowed down to match the rhythm of my beating heart. I locked eyes with the leader of the pack, a massive wolf with a dappled muzzle. Its eyes held a fierce intelligence, a testament to the challenges it had overcome in its own life.

With a swift motion, I unsheathed my sword. The wolves hesitated for a fraction of a second, almost as if they were gauging my determination. Then, as if in response to an unspoken signal, the pack lunged forward, their powerful muscles propelling them toward me.

My training took over, instincts and muscle memory guiding my movements. I moved with calculated precision, each swing of my blade a dance of strength and finesse. The first attack struck my sword with a solid clang as the leader's claws damaged my wooden sword, leaving scratches from the tip to the hilt. The clash of wood against tooth and claw resonated through the forest as we engaged in our deadly dance. I could smell the wolf's foul breath as it snapped at me, but I managed to push it off with a forceful kick.

Fueled by adrenaline and instinct, my body responded to the threat before me. I dodged its next attack, weaving to the left. Then, I pivoted quickly, lashing out with my sword, striking the wolf's neck with a sickening crunch.

Another wolf lunged at me from the side, its jaws snapping shut just inches from my arm. I managed to sidestep the attack, feeling a rush of wind as its teeth grazed my sleeve. Without missing a beat, I spun and thrust my sword forward, the blade sinking into the wolf's side.

With a sudden collapse, the wolf fell motionless at my feet, its once fierce eyes now dim and lifeless.

The battle raged on, the remaining wolves showing no signs of backing down. They circled me, their starving eyes gleaming with a mixture of aggression and caution. My heart pounded, my breath synchronized with the rhythm of my strikes.

One by one, the wolves fell, their eyes fading from a fierce glow to lifeless darkness. As the last wolf crumpled to the ground, a wave of both relief and accomplishment washed over me. The adrenaline that had fueled my actions began to ebb, leaving behind a sense of exhilaration and triumph.

I stood amidst the fallen wolves, the moonlight bathing the besmirched clearing in an eerie glow. The silence that followed felt almost surreal, a stark contrast to the chaos that had unfolded mere moments ago. The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if acknowledging my victory.

Lowering my sword, I took a deep breath, the cool night air filling my pounding lungs. My body hummed with a mix of exhaustion and adrenaline, a reminder of the physical and emotional intensity of the battle. I cast a glance at the slain wolves, a mixture of respect and sadness welling up within me. They were creatures of the wild, fierce and beautiful in their own right.

My breath came in ragged gasps as I wiped sweat from my brow. It was a hard-fought victory, a testament to my training and resolve.

There was one major benefit to this victory: now, I could finally eat. Dinner had appeared. There was no time to dwell on the battle that had just taken place – my immediate need was sustenance. I had not brought rations with me and I was starving. I had barely managed to survive off of berries and herbs.

I knelt beside the largest fallen wolf, my hands steady despite the lingering tremors of the fight. The forest around me had fallen into an eerie hush, as if nature itself was holding its breath in the aftermath of the struggle. Drawing the dagger from my belt, I began the process of cleaning the wolf's carcass. With precise movements honed from countless hours of practice, I worked swiftly to skin the animal, the blade gliding smoothly through fur and flesh. The moonlight provided just enough illumination for my task, casting elongated shadows that danced around me.

Once the skin had been removed, I carefully separated the meat from the bones, my fingers deftly navigating the sinews and joints. The air was thick with the metallic tang of blood, mingling with the earthy scent of the forest. Every sound seemed magnified in the stillness – the rustling of leaves, the distant hoot of an owl, the soft crackling of branches underfoot.

With the meat prepared, I gathered a few fallen branches and twigs, creating a makeshift fire pit. A spark from the flint ignited the dry tinder, and soon, a small fire flickered to life. The warmth it radiated was a welcome contrast to the cool night air, and the crackling flames cast a gentle glow that pushed back the surrounding shadows.

I skewered portions of meat on a thin branch, suspending it over the fire. The sizzle and hiss of cooking flesh filled the air, making my mouth water as the rich, fragrant aroma of freshly cooked meat wafted up. It was a scent that spoke of survival, of the raw connection between humanity and the natural world.

As I rotated the meat over the flames, my thoughts once more drifted to Lily and the village I had left behind. The memory of her hurt gaze lingered, a pang of guilt tightening within me. But I knew that this journey was one I had to undertake alone – a path of self-discovery and growth that couldn't be shared.

The crackling of the fire seemed to echo the turmoil in my mind, its unpredictable dance reflecting the uncertainty of my choices. But just as the flames held a mesmerizing power, they also symbolized the transformative potential of this journey. It was a chance to forge a new identity, to face challenges head-on, and to find the answers that had eluded me for so long. I slapped my cheeks, waking myself from my stupor.

As the meat slowly cooked, its aroma grew more pronounced, a tantalizing promise of nourishment and rejuvenation. I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunities this world had presented me, even if they came hand in hand with hardships and sacrifices.

With a final sizzle, the meat was ready. I removed it from the fire, the juices sizzling and popping as they dripped onto the embers. Sitting cross-legged by the fire, I savored the first bite, the flavors exploding on my taste buds. The meat was tender and flavorful, a perfect texture.

As I ate, I felt a mixture of emotions swirling within me – the excitement of the journey ahead, the ache of leaving loved ones behind, and the determination to embrace the challenges that lay in wait. I couldn't help but feel that I was on the cusp of something extraordinary – a journey of self-discovery and transformation that would shape my destiny in ways I couldn't yet fathom.

With these thoughts, I fell into sleep's gentle embrace.


There was no time to rest. I was lost. I needed to find the exit to these woods.... but I had a problem: I didn't even know how to approach finding the exit to the woods.

Gazing at the nearby trees, a dangerous idea fizzled into existence.

I remembered Kael's advice from our training sessions in Havenwood. He had often spoken of using the environment to my advantage, of adapting to the challenges that the wilderness presented. And right now, the trees seemed to hold the key to navigating this dense thicket.

Taking a deep breath, I approached the nearest tree and studied its rough bark and sturdy branches. With a surge of determination, I began to climb, my fingers screaming as they found purchase in the crevices and ridges. The ascent was slow and strenuous, the bark scraping against my skin and dirt smudging my clothes. But I didn't care about the discomfort; I needed to make sure I wouldn't fall - my life was at risk.

Branch by branch, I ascended, my body moving with a mix of caution and purpose. The canopy above swayed gently in the breeze, the leaves rustling softly. The forest seemed to come alive in a different way from this elevated perspective, the sounds of nature's symphony resonating more clearly.

Just as I was settling into my rhythm, a sudden sensation on the back of my neck made me freeze. My heart leaped into my throat as I slapped at my neck, my fingers connecting with something small and slightly squishy. I brought my hand forward and squinted at my palm, my eyes widening as I saw a tiny spider scrambling across it.

"Who invited you to this party?" I muttered to the arachnid intruder, a mix of surprise and mild horror crossing my features. I shook my free hand vigorously, sending the spider tumbling to the forest floor far below.

With an amused shake of my head, I refocused my attention on the task at hand. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I reached a sturdy branch high above the forest floor. I paused to catch my breath, my heart racing from both exertion and excitement. As I looked around, a breathtaking panorama spread out before me.

To the far-off distance, I could see the outline of rugged mountains, their peaks shrouded in mist. Their majestic presence seemed to transcend time itself, a reminder of the ancient forces that had shaped this land. The sight was both humbling and awe-inspiring, a testament to the power and grandeur of nature.

Turning my gaze to the right, I saw the expanse of plains that Kael had described – a vast open space that stretched beyond my line of sight. The grasses swayed in gentle undulations, creating patterns that seemed to ripple across the land like waves on the ocean. It was a sight of untamed beauty, a realm that held both promise and uncertainty.

But amidst the awe-inspiring views, a sense of reality settled in. I was still lost, perched high in a tree I was going to need to climb down, with no clear path forward. And now, I would need to start climbing down as well. The forest remained a labyrinth of green, concealing the way out. My elevated position provided a broader perspective, but it was a reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.

With a determined exhale, I made a decision. Carefully descending the tree (it was easier than expected!), I returned to the forest floor, my hands and clothes caked in dirt from the climb. But I was undeterred. The climb had given me a taste of the world beyond the canopy, a glimpse of the terrain that awaited me.

I looked around, assessing my surroundings with renewed focus. The trees seemed less daunting now, their branches offering potential pathways. With Kael's teachings in mind, I began to weave my way through the underbrush, using the trees as landmarks to guide my journey. Each step was deliberate, each decision informed by the landscape around me.

Hours seemed to blend into one another as I moved steadily forward. The dense vegetation remained a constant companion, a reminder of the world I had left behind. But with each step, I felt a growing connection to the land, a sense of belonging that came from adapting to its challenges.

And then, finally, a change in the air signaled a shift in the landscape. The trees began to thin, and a soft breeze carried with it the scent of open space. Emerging from the confines of the forest, I found myself standing on the edge of a massive grassy clearing.