
Memento vivere

cynthiaiswriting · LGBT+
1 Chs

Introduction. Vita.

Vita was walking down the street. Autumn breeze wasn't kind to her wavy auburn hair and Vita's modern ankle boots were starting to get muddy. She stopped to polish her boots with an old napkin she had found at the bottom of her bag. First impressions had always been important to her and on this day they mattered more than ever.

Vita entered school. It must have been what? 5 years? since she was last here, young woman thought. She still cherishes so many great memories. Every hall and corner could remind her of laughs or tears, friends and teachers, first love and dreams as well as first heartbreak and unfulfilled ambitions. When Vita finished school, she was shy but extremely dedicated to become an artist. She used every opportunity to sell her paintings and take part in exhibitions. Vita was ready to risk everything for an evening in a circle of painters or other creative minds, someone who could help her to reach the top. Yet there she was, all these years later, entering her old school as a mature woman with nothing else but her bachelor's degree in arts. So much has changed since then.

"Ah, here you are ms. Wagner!" mr. Wilson waved at her. Nothing about his look could have hinted that he's a headmaster. Mr. Wilson was wearing a shirt and a tie yet chosen to wear Adidas skateboarding shoes instead of something more formal. He's amber eyes and warm smile seemed so strange at this hasty school environment.

"Can i accompany you to class, ms. Wagner?" mr. Wilson asked politely.

"Yes, sir, umm... j-just Vita, please," she was feeling really nervous but something about mr. Wilson's presence encouraged her.

"Name's Ernest," he smiled with ease and shook her hand. "Shall we go then?"

Everything about this school was just as she remembered, it hadn't changed a bit. 

"Is the teachers's room still right next to the arts classroom?" Vita suddenly asked.

"Yes, i hope here you will feel at home. I used to study here too, you know? This made my first week as a headmaster a lot easier haha."

Vita smiled at him. Ernest told Vita that he was nervous at the beginning too but now this school feels like home to him. Headmaster admitted that whilst he was a student he dreamt about becoming an athlete but couldn't do so because of a knee injury. He talked about his job, personal life and hobbies. Ernest was so likeable Vita felt bad about her wandering thoughts and inability to pay attention to everything he had said to her. 

They had been chatting for nearly 30 minutes. Ernest felt pleased with the new arts teacher and their conversation but soon glanced at his watch, apologized and ran back to office.

After he was gone Vita looked around her classroom. She couldn't wait to decorate pale walls with paintings, talk with her students, and set up a still life composition. Everything was perfect minus the missing whiteboard markers. She sat down and turned on computer. Her first ever lesson as a teacher was about to start in 20 minutes and suddenly she became very stressed. Should she introduce herself? Well, yes, definitely. But how? Where should she stand so everyone could hear and see her? And what should she do, if there was a child who would act out and test her? God, how she wanted to smoke! Oh, and those bloody markers!

Vita rushed out of her class and went directly into teachers' room. It was empty but for one woman who was printing out some papers. Vita couldn't stop staring at stranger's blue eyes. Her rectangular glasses and serious face made this woman look slightly stern. She looked older than Vita but she couldn't have worked here while Vita was still just a student, or could she?

"Hello, i'm Vita, new art teacher," she accompanied the greeting with an awkward smile.

"Astrid, nice to meet you!"

She had a deep voice and a foreign accent but it didn't sound familiar to Vita. German, perhaps?

"Do you mind telling me where could i find some whiteboard markers?"

"Top-left," Astrid nodded at drawer. "Good luck!" She took her freshly-printed tests and left the room.

How rude, Vita thought. She would've liked to chat with her colleague. She didn't even ask what's the subject Astrid is teaching. But right now she didn't have time to think about that. She took 4 markers, one from every available colour, and hurried back to her class.

First bell rang just as students were entering the class. Vita was ready.