
Take responsibility II

Chapter one hundred and thirty-three

Warning!!! This scene is a little steamy, and thus unsuitable for young readers.

Xander looked like the Devil himself and Anna's heart skipped for some moments as his words sank in her ears. Without warning, he pressed his lips on hers, kissing her fiercely like a hungry beast. His kiss was not gentle at all, it was the complete opposite of the one they shared earlier that day. He possessively held her jaw and delved his tongue inside her mouth, parting her lips and he kissed her hard with every desire burning in him. His kisses were so demanding that they left her breathless. Xander, however, didn't stop, he didn't give her space to breathe, he continued with his passionate kisses and Anna felt her core burn with need, she felt her nipples harden in response to his torturing kisses and she shivered in pleasure. She was so close to bleeding when Xander's lips left hers. They found their way to her exposed neck, nibbling and sucking on it. Anna's breath was heavy and ragged, she felt her body go limp under the water. 

Her slender hands held his firm shoulders, hugging him, as he trailed long kisses on the soft spot of her neck. His body was covering her naked body and Anna pressed further into him. Xander tried to create a distance between the upper part of their bodies to get a view of her body but Anna held him in that position. 

"N- No, please don't." Anna managed to say amidst the rising and falling of her chest. He paused for a moment before he continued kissing her neck, leaving love bites on them. Their position was becoming uncomfortable for Xander who stopped kissing Anna. As he slowly withdrew from her she immediately hugged her breasts, crossing her arms over each other. Anna looked away from him almost immediately and Xander noticed goosebumps form on her skin. 

"I'll be outside." That was the last thing he said before he left the bathroom and as he turned to leave Anna saw his bulge again, which looked even bigger and she was scared to the bones for herself. What was going to happen? He'll be outside? Outside where? Anna could not but notice the huskiness in his voice. He sounded like he had a lot of plans for her just this night. She immediately rose from the bathtub and retrieved the white robe which she hung at the side of the bathroom, wrapping her naked body with it. 

Each moment to Anna felt like a ticking bomb, she was a little terrified of what could happen the moment she stepped out of the bathroom. His words kept reverberating in her ears...

You're gonna have to take responsibility for what you've done...

The moment she stepped out, she saw Xander in the room, his back was turned towards her. As if sensing her presence, he turned slowly towards her and Anna watched as his eyes darkened at her. Without wasting time, he skittered toward her and pressed his body on hers, and Anna's eyes flew open the moment she felt Xander's hardness press on her belly. He held her firmly against his body to show her the evidence of his desire for her. A wicked grin appeared on his face, which did not go unnoticed by Anna.

"Miss Houston, it's time to take responsibility for your actions." He loosened his grip on her and Anna found herself moving backwards. He however immediately carried her in his arms and placed her on the soft bed in the room. Xander placed his knee on the bed and Anna shifted backwards. In fleeting seconds, he pushed her backwards and straddled her. This time, Anna felt both the thickness and length of his erection on her belly and she gasped. She knew there and then that she wasn't ready for this. This was the first time Anna would feel a man's member this close to her skin. He was the first man she'd ever feel. She had no idea how it felt to feel a man's hardness poking her. Mr Williams was her first and this was the second time she'd be feeling this part of him on her.

Xander trailed kisses around her earlobes and Anna could feel his bulge grow even bigger through his pants as they made contact with her slightly open thigh, and she gasped. What he did next rendered her motionless, she wasn't expecting it. Was this what he meant when he said that she'd have to be responsible for her actions?