That day me, Ash and Lucy simply slept in the inn since I dont really want to go home with a drunk Ash it would be quite troublesome.
"Guys this is our chance to take things easy and enjoy our time finaly, at least until we join the academy." I placed Amaya on the table who is carrying all of my items and things inside her.
The other two have their own inventory rings to store their items, it is true that they are extremely expensive but they are truly worth it.
"Ahhh~ Finally we will have time to rest and have fun, we deserved it." With a long sigh, Lucy laid on the bed spreading her arms.
"Ugh, no, NOO! Don't touch my draids, ummm... Where is my piercing they stole it..." The drunk Ash was muttering nonesense.
The next day I asked for the direction for the Helstea Manor and went there alongside my friends since I still didn't get the chance to walk in city street to learn the road.
Making it up through the stairs I knocked on the large double doors that after a few moments flung open with a loud thud. In the center of the entranceway, a little girl jumped on me hugging the air out of my lungs. Expressions of excitement and joy leaked through her obvious facade.
I quickly raised my arms to hug her back with the same passion, for a moment, we were both silent as I gently stroked Ellie's hair as her face remained buried in my chest.
"Welfom vack," She mumbled.
"Sorry?" I tried to pry my sister off me, but her arms squeezed harder around my stomach and back in refusal to let go.
Ellie looked up with red, tear filled eyes as she clung onto me like a baby koala. "I said welcome back, Big Brother."
"Thanks, Ellie. Good to be back, I missed you so much." I replied with a smile.
At that moment I realised something of very big importance, for me at least.
'Ellie is finaly not catching up to me in height!' One of the drawbacks of being Melidas is his short stature, but I feel like im growing normaly, I would even say that its at a slightly faster pace than Arthur. Maybe it's because I dont have the demon king curse. Either way it's convinient for me!
"I missed you too Big brother. Come on, let's go inside!" She said still sticking up to me.
I couldn't help but remember how much she'd grown from when I had first met her after coming back from the elven kingdom. Ellie should be about eight right now.
Her birthday was a few months before mine so there was always a period where she'd only be three years younger than me. For most people, that wouldn't matter, but for some odd reason, Ellie never failed to mention after her birthday that we were only three years apart.
As my train of thought shifted to her age and maturity, a sudden realization struck me like lightning. My sister, with her puppy-like eyes that shined brightly in a light sand color, and perky little nose that had become more defined as she lost more of her baby fat, was blossoming into a cute young lady.
This meant that, in a few years if not sooner, boys would start gaining interest in her. And when they started gaining interest in her, they'd begin making moves.
It'd start with little things like sharing lunches during snack-time at school. Then it'd escalate into holding hands, the anime cliché.
Then, after getting comfortable, the cheeky bastard might try to sneak a quick peck on my sister's cheek!
After the cheek, it'd...
'Oh no.' My eyes widened in horror as my mind zipped through the future years of Ellie's adolescence into full womanhood.
I couldn't help but imagine my poor baby sister getting flocked by testosterone filled boys that only knew how to think with their endocrine system. But no worries, me and Arthur are going to be the boys police for my sister, I will sacrifice my time and energy for her sake, yes. Il sire Arthur had the same thought.
I shook my head, trying to dislodge the cancerous thoughts, vowing to myself that I would gladly carry out whatever torturous deed is necessary to any boy with even a speck of filth in their degenerate minds who dares to make a move on my sister.
"Meliodas!" The sound of my mother's voice snapped me back to reality. Ellie seeing our parents coming left go of me, mother and my father came running forward, both with relieved and joyful expressions lined in their faces.
My father, whose body seemed to even be muscular despite his age, scooped me up with a bright grin.
"My boy!" He beamed. "You have grown a lot!" He teased me, the way he lifter me like a puppet and his recent words didnt line up at all, but its alright.
"I can say the same for you, your beard's longer, Father. Trying to hide the wrinkles on your face? Or are you trying to change your looks to seem more mature?" I smirked, wrapping my arm around my dad's neck, not after teasing him back.
"Hehehe you two are really the same." My mother chuckled.
My mother wrapped her arms around me in warm embrace. As she let me go, I could tell by her red eyes that she was trying her best to keep her tears back.
"Sorry for worrying you." I said looking down, feeling the pain in her eyes.
Sniffing a sob back, she looked up and quickly wiped away a stray tear before smiling at me. "You take just after your father, you know that? Always getting into trouble, always worrying me."
"I'm sorry for worrying you," I repeated as my heart felt weak seeing mother make that expression.
"Why didn't you come visit us for this long period, we got really worried, thankfully the status on the Dragon Sin Of Wrath Meliodas, was updated at Guild Hall, with that we knew that you were still safe." My father continued, tousling my hair with his free hand.
Well it is true that it has been a while since I didn't come home, something like 2 months I guess. Even Ellie was sad at this point.
"I seem to cause nothing but concerns for you guys." I said with a wry smile before looking at my sister. "I'm sorry, Ellie, for being away so much and making Mom and Dad cry."
"I forgive you. But you will compensate for that by playing with me and my dolls!" Ellie sniffled, jumping in front of me, her left hand on her waist while she was pointing her index on me.
"Of course Ellie! We will have tea parties together with your dolls like before okay?" I patted her head.
"Hum, hum." She nodded her head with her ryes closed while enjoying the headpats, crossing her arms under head chest. "You better!" She continued, making me chuckle.
"It's a parent's job to worry for her children." My mom soothed. "Although, you seem to be fulfilling your end of the bargain a little too well."
My mother, taking a glance at my little sister, turned to me and whispered just loudly enough for everyone to hear, "And don't worry about your sister. She was loving stories and rumors that were circulating about you, and was bragging to everyone that the Dragon Sin Of Wrath was actually her brother."
"Mom!" Ellie gasped. "That was supposed to be a secret!"
My little sister clung hard onto my mother, making her submit as we all laughed.
"Meliodas Leywin! The prodigious son returns!" Vincent pushed everyone of the way to clasped my back, locking his arms around me with a tight bearhug.
"We're glad you're back safe, Meliodas." Tabitha followed behind him, pulling me into a lavender-scented hug as well.
"Thank you, Vincent and Tabitha." I smiled. "There are some missing faces here" I continued, looking around.
"If you're looking for Lily, she's not here." Vincent had a wicked smile on his face while Tabitha rolled her eyes at him.
"Lily got accepted into Xyrus Academy. She started attending last fall after she turned twelve." Tabitha filled me in.
"Wow," I beamed. "So she's really learning to be a mage! I'm glad!"
Tabitha nodded at this. "Yes. She really wanted to be here when you came back to tell you herself but unfortunately, spring semester started, so she's stuck in the dorms until break."
"But it's all thanks to your brother Arthur! Never would've figured, after generations of nothing, that a mage would be born into the Helstea House!" Vincent chimmed in, very happy and proud.
"As for Arthur he is with his friend going around the city." Dad then continued.
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