
Chapter 28: Helstia auction house

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A month went by which during I just lived a normal life like any other kid, except its a luxurious and healthy life. I never skipped my body trainings and mana assimilation, I actually added more series and training time to my schedule.

And the day I would go to receive my weapon arrived, and again with Vincent I went to the blacksmith shop. Going in I found Lucy lifting heavy bags of metal to the old man inside with sweat and coal covering her face and white hair.

Seing us come her eyes lit up and a smile could help but be drawn on her face. "Melidoas! You are here." She came running towards me and placed her hands behind her back.

"Lucy, how have you been doing since last time I saw you?" I asked.

"I-I was good... But you came here for your weapon right?" It was obvious that she lied to me, after all the abuse marks on her body didn't disappear, and new ones appeared on other spots on her body.

She is taller than me, so patting her head by lifting my hand up I spoke. "I came here for you Lucy."

She smiled again after hearing my words, she wanted to become free after all and escape this hell she is in.

"Let's go in Meliodas, the weapon should be ready by now." Vincent hurried me up.

"Yeah." As we wanted to walk inside the room, Tian came out of it, sweat running down his forehead from the heat in the room and the heavy work he's doing.

"Oh, your already here huh. Good, there is your weapon there. Take it and get your asses out of here." He pointed to my new weapon hung on the wall. Looking at it I really love the shape of it, exactly what I wanted.

Walking to the weapon I took it from the wall and started spinning it around my body. It's light but heavy on the edges to strike harder. It's a wepon I saw on an anime back in my old life. The person who wielded it marked me when I saw him on the manga coming back from the death. Toji Fushiguro, and the weapon is Playful Cloud.

(Picture of the weapon here.)

"Perfect." I said

'I am satisfed with the weapon, im actualy very happy I came here. I got a wonderful weapon and found someone very interesting here.' I thought looking at Lucy.

"Oi old man, this girl is your slave?" I asked him pointing with my finger towards Lucy.

"Heh? Why do you ask brat?" He faced me putting his hand on a desk behind him, leaning back on it.

"Im going to buy her, give me a price old man." I gazed at him with a serious expression.

"Listen brat..." He strated walking towards me. "You asked for a weapon right..." He reached me and bent down to face me. "There you have it, now fuck off!" He screamed next to my face then started walking to the room to probably continue working.

I cleched my fists, he's probably not willing to sell her so im going to give a price he can't refuse. Normal slaves are usally sold for 70 golden coins, im going to propose...

"500 golden coins..." The old man stopped right next to the room's door. " I'll give you 500 golden coins for her. What do you say."

I proposed everything I have with me for her, 500 golden coins that I gathered during all these years from the bandits carriage I fought and from the money Virion used to give me, it can even buy you a small house. Yet for her sake im ready to give up all of that.

My word is all I have, if I dont keep my promise then what kind of man am I? I know this money isn't only mine, but I know that Arthur will understand.

"M-meliodas! What are you doing?" Vincent left his pussy personality take over again.

Still facing his back towards us, he only tilted his head to look at me and said with a deep and firm voice. "Listen to me brat, this girl here is very important for my business, she produce metal and stone for me, there is no way im selling her. Now before things get ugly, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" He screamed not bothering to look back, going inside the room and slamming the door as hard as he could.


"You want to play hard huh? I like your type of people." I cracked my fingers and neck to go and beat him up, but Vincent pleaded and almost started crying on his knees.

"Please Meliodas, I dont want any problems especially since the event I've been preparing is getting close, so PLEASE!"

*TSK* I ignored him and turned towards Lucy who seemed to lose her previous smile. "Don't worry Lucy, I promised to save and I will do it okay?" She softly nodded her head interlocking her fingers.

"Perfect, we will stick to the plan okay? In two months I will come to take you from here." I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"T-thank you Meliodas for everything and caring for me." She barely was able to hold the tears.

"Shishishi, dont worry Lucy, you will finaly be free in no time, until then stay strong."




Two months passed by, I am now wandering inside the huge Helstia auction house Vincent owns, he is celebrating its 10nth anniversary.

An event that nobles and adventurers have been excited for. On top of a celebration, its a chance to see and buy priceless artifacts. Walking around with my new suit I ordered speceficaly for this day.

(Picture of my suit)

I saw the workers pulling carts with magic reinforced glass, protecting many things I saw for the first time such as beautiful rare beast cores or very old historic statues.

"You really grew up Amaya didn't you?" Amaya was now 100 cm tall, of course this isn't he full size, but since she can control the size she wants to be in, I told her to stay like that since my body is pretty small itself.

She is now wrapped around my body just like the purple worm that Toji Fushiguro has. Since it control space, I use her a a dimentionnal pocket where I store my things.

Contrary to Toji who makes his cursed beast swallow his weapon, Amaya dont swallow them, its just seems she does but her mouth in the entrance of a dimentionnal pocket where all my valuables are.

"Yes papa! Amaya is a big girl now!"

"Hehe, yeah." I patted her head.

I walked back to where I left my family and found that the twin horns were already there and regrouped with them, Angela saw me walking with my hands in my pockets and just decided to suffocate me to death.

"Oohhh Meliodas! We were so scared, im so happy your are okay." She placed my head between her melons and hugged me tightly.

I tapped softly on her waist indicating that I give up. "Angela, stop stop your killing me."

"Ok sorry my bad, I got a little bit excited." She putted me back on my legs.

I regrouped with everyone from the twin horns who were here to help father with his work as a guard while the auction starts.

Everyone was at his peak wearing the best dresses to look good in the event. Vincent and fathers were giving orders to the guards. He has been a leader after all so he knows very well what he is doing.

I went with everyone except father and Vincent who were still doing their job towards the auctionneer hosting the event, the room wzs extremly big and beautiful that it became impressive.

"So? What do you think of the Helstia auction house boys?" Tabitha asked us.

"I think you are seriously downplaying the word house here." Arthur replied with a smile.

"It is truly impressive, I never saw something this big yet so beautiful and well made." I expressed.

"Fufufu, Im glad you like it." Tabitha said proudly.

"Just wait till you see the private viewing room at the top." Lilia said with a big smile crossing her hands under her chest.

"Excuse me, but as much as I would love to join you, I really want to visit and go around this magnificent place." I said.

"What are you talking abo..." Mom wanted to refute, but Tabitha stopped her.

"Of course Meliodas, make yourself at home." She said.

And like that I excused myself out.



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